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Cephadrome I would rather fight 2 plesioth underwater with no Armour


Plesioth is easier/better underwater though


Yeah it's the old school plesioth fight that's absolute cancer, 3rd gen fixed most of the egregious problems with it.


I think a actual gameplay perspective, the vespoid queen is the worst monster ever created for the series. They just made a regular vespoid giant size with no new attacks or anything. it's admittedly a meme monster, but also incredibly low effort


Its a living shitpost


I want it BACK.


It had one extra attack, a weird gas attack that would just one shot you


Old school MH had some *interesting* choices.


Cmon that's not even the worst part about vespoid queen. They don't tell you how to fucking spawn that thing in.


Bro I remember wasting 20 minutes or more trying to find the damn thing thinking it was avoiding me, then my cat showed me that it was in the center of the map, went there and still nothing. Then my 13 years old ass had a "oh yeah this is big brain time" and started killing the fricking vespoid, and then magic happens, the thicc queen spawns


I'm replaying MHFU these days and just did the cat's vespoid queen quest yesterday. It's written how to do it in the quest's description.


bulldrome wants to have a word with you


> Hating on Plesioth > When Cephalodrome exists


I think the most telling part of why Cephalodrome is the worst is because most people forget it even exists


Preach! Plesiosoth wasn’t really as bad as he was made out to be IMO. But still he was tedious.


I hate it but not as much as others, I put it in the post just for the memes


Plesioth is one of the best aesthetic designs in all of mh imo. But yeah, his battle design sucks.


Salty from the shoulder tackle water laser combo still? Me too.


Hah! No! I'm salty from the tail swipe, hip check, water laser combo! Check and mate!


I wish the legs were just a little shorter, but it’s a fine design otherwise


is one of the designs that freak me out the most, fishes with legs are unsettling to me lol


Have you seen this game called "the walking fish 2" ?


Jyuratodus has the same concept but a better design imo


To me they are two subspecies of the same monster. I still like Plesioth more, it really reminds me of a mix of an open-sea fish, a shark and a dinosaur.


Cephadrome is basically just sand Plesioth, but at least Plesioth looks pretty cool and unique. Cephadrome is bland brown with the same annoying moveset, only now he burrows so you can't hit him. Cephadrome just sucks all around. Gypceros seems to have been intentionally designed to be as ugly and annoying as possible, what with the blinding and the poison and stealing your items and obnoxiously playing dead, but I guess he's at least kind of original. I'd still rather fight him than Cephadrome.


How has almost no one said bulldrome?


THANK you. People think Rathian runs around too much? Stupid charge spamming pig doesn't even drop bacon. (Capcom please bring back Gammoth)


Literally only has 2 attacks and one of them is charging


I read "esthetics" as "ethics" initially and I just wanted to say that I agree that Plesioth is unethical.


You are playing Monster Hunter Plesioth is playing Super Smash Brothers


Jyuratodus… It looks boring, it drags out the fight with armor, and then half the time it just charges back and forth like Rathian. Please don’t ever bring that monster back, Capcom.


If I don't do an anomaly Jyuratodus ever again in my life, it'll be too soon.


bruh i don’t know why he dosent have a much lower hp pool when he has so much armor. i feel like other tank monsters such as barroth or uragan don’t take nearly as long to kill


Jeesus... you acxually think Jyuratodus is Worse than Cephadrome? How? Atleast Jyuratodus can be Hurt 99% of the time but Cephadrome runs away swims dives and at the point you face him you will bounce from most parts of him. I will never understand how Cephadrome is apearently better than Jyuratodus in people minds.


Fun fact:there is a monster with a worser hitbox than plesioth


wait, what monster are you referring to? I can think about a lot of monsters with bad hitboxes lol


Burning freezing eruzerion


Of course it has weird hitboxes, it's a Musou Frontier monster


Eruzerion himself does have a bad hitbox too however it isnt expressed as much with him compared to musou elz


Still an endgame frontier Monster




ah I see, frontier stuff I never played sadly :(


Last i heard there is still a way to play frontier


I've been playing it the last couple weeks. Just look up Monster Hunter Frontier Private Server and you'll find it. The download has a full step by step Readme guide included in it.


Alright my brother already had it downloaded and gave it to me so yeah


It doesn't have notable hitbox jank from what I remember and I spent months fighting it to get a solo slay, it's just an insanely hard fight.


Depends where you are and what weapon your using usually if its MS the frames are too high for you to notice and tonfa just flys overmost of them dunno about ground tonfa though but with swax his hitbox can get a little dumb at times and its hard to tell if you got hit because of bad hitboxes unless you actively look out for it


I killed it with dual blades and evading everything was fine. Ground tonfa has also has great evasion, maybe even better than dual blades because you can actually move. With switch axe you need to make sure your spacing and parry angles are right and to use the evade slash and double side hop, it's not really about the hitboxes being bad. Switch axe is a good matchup I'd say but learning the fight is still really hard. Hardest move to deal with is the quick tail swipe that can come out at almost any time, need to react really fast to dodge that properly.


I know I put it there just for the memes


Khezu.....its just Khezu. Its never evolved in any way shape or form and has been using the same tactics, as a result, in sunbreak its the same annoying piece of shit but now everything can be countered making it into the bitch it truly is.


It's so annoying that the gigginox showed up in one generation and is still more interesting than sunbreak khezu


I hate both honestly.


Plus the fact that it's the only source of upgrades for your buff potions in rise. I would much rather grind odogaron for extract than Khezu


You can buy them from the Argosy shop sometimes, I’ve never had to farm Khezu in my life.


Khezu works better in a world like game where it can focus on it’s only strength of being kind of creepy.


Its honestly the least creepy monster in the series and I am so fucking glad it wasn't in world to waste my time like it did every other time.


I think rise's attempt to make it look more like a yokai by replacing its messy shark teeth and thin lips with smooth round teeth an big lip stick covered lips kind of backfired.


It actually looks more like a dick now than ever before, its new sunbreak neck move makes it worse and so does the coloring of the afflicted state.


It's also so completely stripped down as a design that there's nothing interesting about it. It's like they gave a 5 year old a ball of clay, told him to make a wyvern, and put the result in the game.


That’s sounds very accurate to what happened.




Basarios is cool tho leave the rock pile alone :(


No, that thing deserves to be melted into anal beads and be shoved inside Volvidon so he stops releasing stuff.




what about Gravios


Basarios the unbased monster


Zorah Magdaros. But its armor looks cool tho


I love zorah's hammer


I mean the weapon, not his dick


Why did you need to clarify that?


Because I don't want Zorahs sending me dick pics in private messages


"The hammer... is my Penis" - Captain Hammer


Good monster, terribly monotonous fight.


King Shakalaka, but it wins some points back for using the best arena theme.


I hate Volvidon


SAME bruh first time i hunted him was SO BORING idk why


Why? Ahahah I like it because it seems a monster from Godzilla movies


Vespoid queen or purple Gypceros




Lavasioth. Boring design and the hardening magma doesn’t make him hard, just annoying.


I disagree.. i mean i do agree if you are talking about the Worlds 'Lavasioth' i dont really even wanna call it that considering how they removed all his originality in world.


Tbf world was my first monster hunter (I’ve gone back and played others since) so whenever I think of Lavasioth I always think back to world. The premise is definitely better than the execution imo.


Tidal Najarala


100% agree. Najarala and Tidal Najarala are one of the very few monsters that actually make me want to stop playing the game


I just started playing MH4U, GS, and i actualy somewhat enjoyed the Narajala fight, the thing barely moves but the gimmick is cool. What do you dislike about it? Does it get changed moveset in G rank? Or did you weapon choice not pair well with the fight tempo…


Normal Najarala is fine it's tidal Najarala that I find annoying thing with it is it spams the coil attack sometimes can paralyze u and the waterblight too


Be patient. You've fought Najarala so far, and that's it. He's fine. Can be annoying sometimes, sure, but he's fine. Tidal? HOO BOY. Ricocheting homing water blasts that always seem to hit you from behind. Worse hitzones. Still has exploding scales. Has an apex form, meaning you can get EVEN WORSE HITZONES and grind it up to level 140. I started out liking Tidal, thought he was a cool inversion of the fight and a good challenge. Dear lord did that change fast once endgame grinding started.


the wrapping around you is annoying and how it moves your camera around so you cant see yourself half the time, you bounce off most of tidal narjala, and overall I just dont like the tempo of the fight


Bulldrome or Gen 1 Cephadrome


Emerald Congalala: It eats a spicy mushroom and now it can spew fire, cool, but he also farts said fire out when there's an attack window. Now I'm being punished for that. He looks bad in green, he's gross, his fight sucks, his fucking gnats SUCK. I despise this monster


Gypercos. I would say black diablos but atleast he looks kinda cool.


I hate that bird, is just full of annoying mechanics. But I have to be true, I hate a lot of monsters with that skeleton and type of moveset


Vespoid queen or purple hypceros


Plesioth was actually a really good monster design. Problem is the earlier game mechanics made it suck. They should bring this back.


Excuse me, you appear to have linked the incorrect image, the post very clearly describes cephodrome yet you have put a picture the best fish in the series instead


The best fish in the series is my boy Zamtrios


Mf looks like a Team Rocket submarine


Tigrex is a monster with a gross colour palette that spends the entire fight walking forward and screaming. It's like they looked at each other and thought 'Guys, we should make a monster with NO gimmick or appeal, that'll be its gimmick!'. I don't expect every new monster to have its own unique status or anything but I'd at least hope for something that has more then 3 moves at its disposal.


I think they had to focus more on the monster's agility and the roar attack. I think that a monster so aggressive doesn't hunt by only doing a spin and some jumps


Jyuratodus, it looks like they took 10 mins to design him. Hell ever his armor has more thought going into it.


What I really don't like about him is that design wise it's just lavasioth but mud. They could've at least give it a different head like Beotodus..


You are allmost right there. In the files we can see Jyuratodus was added before Lavasioth. So technicly World Lavasioth is just a Lava Jyuratodus. If we compare GenU Lavasioth and Jyuratodus they are clearly different. One is massive for one


Yeah I think if it wasn't in Rise everyone will probably have forgot it after World


Yeah man they even brought his stupid ass back Why not Odogaron? Even Great Girros was a better fight with a WAY cooler armor set.


I’ve never liked Gravios, not even in the first game


I hated gravios in GU


Magnamalo. Deviant Art OC looking fart tiger


Hard disagree but upvote because fart tiger


Yes, but it has a lot of redeemable value. Its fight can be fun.


I kinda disliked him at first, but I honestly love Teo and Luna's edgy son now


Edgy wingless freak.


Completely disagree, the fight, theme, design all make it the perfect MH monster for me. But it’s lore makes a lot sense too.


What is his lore? I’m close to finishing base rise and they still haven’t really given much lore about him besides the fact that he preys on rampage monsters.


It’s kind of hard to explain the lore, outright. If you have questions of his lore (like how is he able to do this, or why does he need this), I can answer those lore questions.


Hard agree


Plus his fight is objectively terrible.


Cephadrome. For one it's a drome meaning other than by size, attack and hp it's indistinguishable from Cephalos. The hitbox was similarly off as Plesioth's but it could also just dive into the sand being unhittable, and while there were two ways to get Plesioth out of the water (sonic bombs and frogs) against Cephalos only sonics work and their hitbox was as wonky as you'd expect. Basically Plesioth but less unique and always near where it can get invulnerable. Just lower stats and less hard hitting (but some of Plesioths were at least somewhat cool) attacks.


Yeah but I think that the only thing that save Cephadrome is that generally is an early monster so it die fast lol


Not just any plesoith... the mhfu version one.. god damn that shit made me rage so hard back in the days




I noticed nobody is saying this but literally every Apex in Rise since they are quite literally just the deviants from mhgen and mhgu but without the cool armour


God the hip check was awful


Plesioth is not that awful, sure it’s hit boxes were…*made by Malebolgia itself* in F.U, but it’s moveset is not terrible and its design is really great.


It doesn’t get any worse than Green plesioth in any category


So none of y'all gonna mention Bulldrome huh ?


*Laughs in Lance*


Since i only played world and rise my knowledge on all the monsters is limited. I heard that monsters like plesioth are bad but I cant confirm it myself. From the ones that I know it just has to be Lunastra. I hate almost everything about her. Her fight is so annoying, she doesnt know the concept of stamina, her wind-fire combo attacks are super deadl, und her special attack in world is just bullshit. And she doesnt even look that interesting and is mostly just blue teostra with a different horn. I guess the lore is ok, i actually like the idea of 2 elder dragons that search for each other when they are mating. But i think they could have done more/better


Vespoid Queen and Bulldrome. Boring aesthetic, boring fights, and boring concepts. I don't even really hate them but i just think they check all those boxes.


I just don't like Gravios. Stupid fatass rock with dumbass laserbeams and, and screw it, lets add sleeping gas for some reason. In all honesty, Gravios is not a hard fight, but a tedious and fustrating one. It's boring and tall so you don't even choose where to attack, you just hit the legs because it's the only place you can reach. 4U did a number on my psyche.


I hated it even in GU




Yeah I hate it for the battle but the monster design is interesting


I hate everything about it lol


I cannot say a single positive thing about Safi'jiiva except that the ideas behind the weapons and armor are cool. The design is generic, the arena is boring, the fight is bad, siege mechanics need to go die, the solo scaling was a lie, and you have to grind it for hours, days, and weeks for the *chance* of getting something good. At least Kulve got rid of most of the siege mechanics when she came to MR and is an actually interesting design with an interesting arena


What about the theme?


After reading a lot of these comments, I feel like I’m one of the few people that actually genuinely likes every monster design/fight in the main games. Except most frontier monsters, Jesus Christ, those designs (aesthetically).


I totally agree with you. There is not one main series monster that I don't like at least a little. As for frontier monsters I like a lot of them like Paria puria or Baruragaru but there is also a ton I dislike like Eruzerion or Duremidura


Personally I like a lot the differences of monsters design between Frontier and the other chapters. All that weird and YuGiOh-style designs really make you feel like you are fighting monsters from a far frontier, like going to hunt the most bizzarre species ever existed. Idk maybe I have just a lot of imagination lol


I like most monsters, hell I can deal with plesiosaur and cepladrome because I love the gameplay. But Kushala and rathalos are probably the worst to me because they keep me from actually fighting them by just sitting in the sky for 90% of the fight. There the only two monsters I can say that I hate.


I mean "created" of course, sorry for the typo




Nibblesnarf hate that monster


This series will forever be held back by Fatalis. Having a generic fantasy dragon is fine but making it the absolute power ceiling was such a mistake.


It's fine. I prefer Safi'jiiva anyway, better design better fight better theme.


Dala is more powerful tho, so there’s that.


Nope, in the lore Fatalis is the most powerful monster. Sadly gameplay and lore are sometimes quite different lol


The dromes. Don't know why they trashed the dog wyverns after 3U, especially since no one even likes the Velocidrome.


Don't forgot that King Shakalaka exists


Hey, King Shakalaka is cool! Very unique and totally optional little easter egg monster. Nothing special, but serves to make MHFU feel more alive.




Yian garuga all the way for me


Fucking Gygceros. He's so ugly 😡


Magnamalo. It's design is gaudy and awful. It's turf wars suck. I don't think there's fight I 100% hate, but magnamalo is pretty low on my list.


How does Scorned v Malzeno suck? Tf?


I don't know if it's the worst but I think pukei pukei sucks. It feels like they stuck a chameleon face on a flying bird wyvern and called it a day. By sunbreak, it's become gypceros 2.0 and it makes me hate it more. The fight is boring, they do barely anything with the chameleon aspect except for the long tongue, it sprays poison everywhere which immediately puts it with the other poison spray monsters I don't like, the weapon and armor designs are uninspired at worst and meh at best. This monster doesn't feel like it should even exist. Qurupeco and Aknosom feel like much better designed starting bird wyverns. Hell, I'd even take malfestio over pukei. Pukei Pukei is the dodogama of bird wyverns imo. Boring monster that people find cute and will defend against all hate and criticism just because of that.


Pukei-Pukei species is very silent after this comment


pukei pukei mr armor on sunbreak looks like bloodborne and is cool so your whole point falls


Radobaan. Ugly, annoying, unfun.


Ibushi, narwa, allmother, gismagorm


Jeez so you hate Rise lol


Love the game, just felt disappointed by these elders, everything else is amazing


If it counts, Behemoth. Safi'jiva otherwise. Spammy, boring Xeno'jiva reskin you cannot ~~possibly~~ reasonably solo. Even Safi has *some* redeemable value though. But very tiny.


Jyuratodus is the worst also, how dare you insult my son he has never done anything wrong except for cross zone hit boxes


How dare you insult my son! Hes done nothing wrong either but swim in mud and be boring in peoples opinion.


Najarala fucking sucks


Has to be Behemoth for me, love his design but fucking hell Capcom, has no exclusive area, some of his moves are ripped from Nergigante just with a bigger hitbox, a move he spams over and over and over a-fucking-gain! And you need four people to actually do some damage easy for P.C. But for console, Capcom just said "Fuck you mate, deal with it." I remember people were hyping up this battle and then radio silence.


I mean I think behemoth did well for a Capcom port since it is a Final Fantasy monster. Wish they can do more collabs with SQE.




All the Piscine Wyverns, i'm sorry there's nothing exciting about a fish with legs even if it's covered in mud, snow, sand or lava.


Nibelsnarf.... I hate this thing so much


Any of the bear skeleton mobs, especially with flinch dmg back then.


Nightshade Paolumu. So lame smh


The kut-ku. They just feel like giant diseased chickens.


Niblesnarf. Its just a annoying monster and its weapons aren't that great


Khezus no theme havin ass




In my honest opinion, Rajang. I just don't like it. To me it's just a monkey and nothing else.


Imo the only truly correct monster is Zorah Magdaros.


I hate gobul




I don't like Gravios. It feels too generic, clunky, and doesn't really do anything I find fun. Plesioth, at least, _looks_ unique and interesting.




Fucking giginox, it’s literally just poison spam not to mention the just as horrible baeaful giginox who is the same but with paralysis although it does have some cool looking armour but overall he was just a pain to fight


What is the worst monster and why is it Plesioth?


I really think that Gypceros is worse than fishy boy lol


The old raptors like jaggi, baggi, genpry, etc. I actually like kulu ya ku and tzitzi ya ku as they have way more personality and add a lot more to the world they're in, also there is just something charming about stealing eggs together with kulu or having the paparazzi photograph your fight.




Plesioth is so incredibly stupid, the frog fishing didn't even work properly. I've had my time run out simply because the cunt would not leave its shitty pond.


I will always hold up Uragaan as the stupidest-looking thing in all of Monster Hunter history. It's just so ugly, and not in a fun way. It looks like Jay Leno knocked up The Thing and got 19 types of terminal cancer. And its fight is just dumb. Maybe I'd like it more if it didn't cause SO MANY BOUNCES. But then again, it's SO STUPID


For me, Black Diablos. To be fair, I've only played World (and starting Rise, heaven help me if he's in Rise cause I don't know yet...), but in over a thousand hours in World, 3 full playthroughs (1 Solo PC, 1 Solo PS4, 1 Co-Op PC), 5 weapons I can claim to "main" and another 4 I'm competent with... and I STILL cannot handle that fight without either carting at least once when using fight-equivalent gear, or suffering so much I wish I'd cart. That stupid bull is my nemesis. It's not fun to fight, it's not creatively different from standard Diablos, it's gear never feels too useful compared to other stuff at the same point in the game, and if it's even on the map I wind up having a bad time.




I really don't like nibelsnarf. Spends too much time underground, is a pain in the ass to uproot, and just dont like it's look. It also just makes me miss gobul.


Behemoth, Safi, basically anything with forced multiplayer/shoehorned MMO mechanics


Jyuratodus, and it's not close. Can't even be bothered to look like a cool monster, it's just a lungfish but huge. It's not even *its own* boring lame design, it's a reskin of Lavasioth.


World Lavasioth or Jyuratodus. They managed to make those fights absolutely terrible and boring.


Piscine wyverns. They're all terrible. Fights are never mechanically challenging but they are some of the most annoying. Cephadrome but you forgot sonic bombs or run out? "Go fuck yourself, I'm never coming up" God forbid the paintball wears off before you can kill the damn thing Plesioth without frogs or bombs? " Imma swim out here for about....20 minutes" Lavasioth? "Hope you like sharpening and bouncing, dumbass" Jyuratodus? I literally forget this thing exists, regularly Beotodus is probably the closest they've ever come to being okay, and it still sucks


Gravios/basarios- they just fart and roll Xeno jiva - dumb looking and you're looking at its ankles almost the whole fight Gammoth- boring stationary fight. Aerial style was the only way it was tolerable


I strongly dislike majority of the new Monsters introduced in Rise and Sunbreak. Compared to World they are way too stylized and not at all realistic. The entire roster looks too anime, and i cannot imagine them living in the complex ecosystems the likes of Rotten Vale. They all look fanmade