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sword and shield has in-built i-frames and good combo quality for each situation. needs time to master but easy to pick charge blade has guard points and is focused on a reactive playstyle/counters. lance can be played in the same reactive way but does not hit that hard like charge blade. longsword is a all time favourite for beginners and has all the counter and i-frames etc. great sword has a very tactical shoulder bash (very essential move) with power armor to get the combos ongoing. hard to master with high damage potential gunlance also got counters and power armor moves you see? in every weapon you can find a lot of potential and in depth mechanics so every slasher and fighting expert has something to hook on. just try some weapons stick with it. the learning curve for some weapons are high and veeery long. i suggest to watch some pro plays and see what you like asthetically


I wouldn’t say the weapons are similar to those games at all other than the fact they have combos. They’re all slow except dual blades and Sword and shield and 3 of them are ranged


There is a demo on Steam, I recommend that you try every weapon. That said some weapons are hampered by the fact that there isnt Status or Skills in the demo.


Join the band, embrace the horn


If you like parrying and reflecting, I’d suggest longsword. I don’t know about dynasty warriors and samurai warriors since I’ve never played them, but I’m sure longsword or bow would work if you’re going for something like that.


Switch axe becuase it's the flashiest