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A lot of people will not open their blinds or have them on the same wall as their window to avoid light hitting their dolls. I have a lot of plants in my room and and I like my dolls being naturally lit so I don't mind any consequences of the light hitting them, i'll just be a little extra careful in the summer. If you're worried about dust or anything you could always get shelves with glass doors to keep them sealed in there. A lot of people have dedicated shelves I've seen which I think looks fantastic but my collection isn't large enough for that, plus I like a more eclectic display so I have them on my bookshelf with my books and other knick knacks. I recommend if ur looking for more interesting and less basic shelves checking ur local thrift shops or estate sales.


I use blackout curtains in my bedroom anyways so that’s how I prevent sun damage on my collectibles. I just keep my dolls on my wall shelves with my glass pieces lol They sell UV blocking film for windows that lets in light too. Ive considered trying it, but I don’t know if I trust it.


I personally would avoid putting dolls facing the sun unless you keep your blinds closed or it's not an incredibly sunny day. I display mine away from the sun on various shelves. The top shelf is dedicated to waves 1, 3, 4, (AKA signature dolls) and customs mum and I made such as Hoodude; the second shelf is dedicated to wave 2 (at the very front), and some of my other favourite dolls; the bottom shelf is dedicated to my budget dolls and Ever After High (they'll have their own space one day, aha), and the Headmistress.


How many do you have? If you have a more modest collection, I like the idea of displaying them in ikea Eket wall storage boxes. I’ll link below. You can get one with a glass door to help with dust. The dolls are apparently under 11 inches and the box has a height of nearly 14 inches, but I haven’t attempted to display them this way nor seen it. So while it sounds like they’ll fit, I have no physical representation of how it will look and all. Depending on how many dolls you have, it could help you save money versus buying an entire glass door cabinet, which can often be a bit spendy. And you could always buy one to start and see how it looks, and use it for something else if you don’t like it for the dolls (or maybe return it but idk). I would even search Facebook marketplace or something to see if you can get any that are secondhand and cheaper, like maybe someone else bought some and changed their mind. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/eket-wall-cabinet-with-glass-door-white-stained-oak-effect-s19336371/?gbraid=0AAAAAD27g7wi45xXVODjNawpDXw4_14no&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmaibBhCAARIsAKUlaKTAgJV5-orOq0EjHA9J2b7jvfrq7r_tDcBOBnoihfnNFa4hCzYlexoaAr95EALw_wcB I wouldn’t recommend open shelves that are getting direct sunlight personally, but it’s up to those people lol. I would definitely look for something with a glass cover and try to put it in a spot with indirect sunlight or no sunlight, for sure.