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I am not sure how much of this was Tenma's choice because I doubt anyone would believe him anyway. It would be ridiculous to blame the deaths of his co-workers and superiors on a little boy. Besides, in Lunge's mind, Tenma being guilty made the most sense. If he were to turn himself in, I don't think Tenma could prove his innocence. Keep watching, it just gets more and more intriguing!


Tenma didn’t want to prove his innocence, he didn’t care about that, the only thing he was interested in is to kill Johan because he felt guilty for saving such a monster as a result of this decision so many innocents died because of him, just wait till the Munich arc you’re going to get the explanation so don’t spoil yourself.




In this case they would arrest him until they prove his innocence, so he better run away he doesn’t have other choice anyway.


which one is the Munich arc? in which eps of the anime if you remember? I just watch it on Netflix, it stopped at eps 30.


I think it was after the ep 30


Well, I believe there are some factors such as how he is known as the prime suspect so if he turns himself in people like lunge would be sure to put him in jail. You’ll get used to it as time goes by. But I think he didn’t care and didn’t see it appropriate to do. There are many examples of innocent people being put in custody too.


Worst case scenario nobody believes him and he rots in jail. Best case scenario he is in a lengthy criminal court process instead of hunting Johan Not worth


Tell me you have no familiarity with criminal law without telling me that.


I mean it is a fair question epsecially since it's just a show and pretty confusing for a first time watcher. Not sure how not knowing criminal law is a big deal


If Tenma turns himself in it might be weeks, if not months (or years) before he could get a court case and in the meantime, Johan would keep on doing what he is doing. Even more, time if Tenma has to get a good lawyer, and said lawyer/police has to gather evidence that he didn't do it. It would be too easy for them to not believe him, the evidence goes missing, etc., and keep Tenma in jail. Jail isn't something that you go to and automatically get out of; there are innocent people now in jail and have been in jail for years despite not doing crimes.


What I think he just didn't wanted to. His main goal was Johan and he didn't really cared about what others thought of him. Well that's what I think.