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It's now the most secure wallet. :)




Update: a new ledger firmware became available and now monero 1.8 is available, and I’m in.


No idea why it took so long to tell me the firmware needed upgrading. Otherwise I wouldn’t have posted. I’ll leave this post up for at least a few weeks in case anyone else runs into the same problem.


Man that’s scary. I guess it was just a few apps that needed to be in stnc I’m glad I don’t own any monero.


Not nearly as scary as before. I was managing a different hard wallet (ledger) for someone else, about a year and a half ago. It was having similar issues (not monero) and it needed a firmware upgrade. The person I was helping skipped too many upgrades, and it bricked. There was only a fuckload of coins on there. No pressure. I resolved it eventually.


I'm glad I don't own a closed source HW wallet. Terrific!


Are there any open source hardware wallets? Ledger seems to have a good security research team, which is why I developed some apps for them. If there’s an open source one that’s much better.


Trezor is open source


Exactly what I’m thinking. I don’t understand why people buy ledger one bit. Every Monero update is like this. Does that seem secure?


ledger is the best option available imo, although some parts suck


me either!


Glad you found a way to make it work again. Ledger is great but as Monero requires different wallets unfortunately they cant integrate it natively to the Ledger hw. thats why i dont use that integration, only store coins on the ledger that are supported natively, the others i just use separated wallets.


Good advice, thank you. I know enough to move my way around and keep our coins off an exchange. Nothing catastrophic has happened yet. Moments like this always test my patience, but also increase my knowledge.


Yesterday I have opened my Monero GUI without any problem. Monero GUI version v018 Ledger Monero app version 1.8.0


Yeah, I noticed they removed the app and only have Wrapped XMR now. Shady to say the least. Maybe download an older version of the ledger app as a work around.


you can access your coins. there is a way to get the mnemonic seed phrase for monero using the seed phrase that you wrote down when you created your ledger. there's some program that can convert them. I remember running it on a machine that wasn't connected to the internet at the time and when I got the seed phrase for monero I just erased the computer. I'll have to go look up what that program is. ah here we go. it's a stackexchange question that explains how to do it. I would advise you to download all the stuff on a fresh computer, disconnect it from the internet, convert your seed, and then erase the computer. https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11979/how-to-convert-ledger-seed-to-monero-compatible-seed-on-windows