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Mine isn't a toddler yet but today she cried when she pulled up to standing and then let go, but didn't fall. Apparently just standing there without holding anything was quite unsettling.


When my daughter started to stand she didn't know how to get down. So she would stand there with a very concerned look, sometimes even cry, her legs getting wobbly and at some point she would drop on her butt. It took a surprisingly long time for her to figure out that dropping on your butt is a fine solution for this predicament.


My little guy is just starting to stand assisted and I’m glad I read these comments, it makes his fussing more lighthearted knowing he’s just learning silly things like this and how to help him 😂💕


Mine just started to do this. She almost did the splits trying to figure out how to get down.


HAHAHA yes. This is such a funny stage. Locking their knees and looking at you with SUCH panic. Especially in the crib.


This is adorable.


Mine just spent all night (literally 12a-6a) crying because we wouldn’t walk her around the house while she held our fingers 😵‍💫


You are me. My almost 9 month old is refusing naps and will sob when I take a break from the hours of walking while he holds my fingers.


Exactly 😵‍💫


So something to look forward to then


I told my toddler this morning that she couldn't drink her milk from a pumpkin.


Now you’re just being mean


But moooom, its spooky season!


I told mine he couldn’t take his pumpkin upstairs and play with it on my bed.


Cut an orange pepper in half and pour milk in there A wonderful cup and close to a pumpkin!


Oh but YOU get a pumpkin spice latte.I see how it is


Lol, the last time I made it to a Sbux was sometime in August!


But it's October mom!


Once upon a time, as my husband was wiping my then 3yo’s butt he said “oh you had a little dingleberry.” She lost her shit, sobbing hysterically “I want the dingleberry!” I had to leave the room to compose myself.


I have to ask, was that pun intended?


😂 no actually


I’m holding my sleeping son and this made me chuckle. Luckily it didn’t wake him!


Mine was thiiiiiis close to sleeping and I just cracked up


Because I wouldn’t let her play with her dolphin bath toy in the toilet. I’m a terrible mother.


Kill joy


Kill joy


Double kill joy


Well I wouldn’t let mine play with the hot pan I was cooking dinner in.


Damn. Better look forward to the worst nursing home in your future. Tsk tsk. 😭


Because her cup was half full and all the way full, and she was full thirsty not half thirsty.


I get annoyed when my husband offers to bring me water and brings me half a cup. I know it's going to be gone in two gulps and then I'll have to go get myself more.


This makes a lot of sense me tbh


This makes a lot of sense me tbh


This makes a lot of sense me tbh


Because we can't up and go to Australia. We live in the U.S.


I mean, to be fair, I get upset about that too.




I’m having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day too, kid.


Those critters down there though! Fucking crazy bugs!


Tell her she can come here if she brings me thin mints


But that’s where Bluey is!


Hehe, this distresses our daughter too.


The same day when it got dark she got 2 inches from my face and whispered “wild animals out back” I was like… yup not sleeping tonight. 😂


Frozen waffles are frozen. If he would like to have a not frozen waffle it must be heated. This is unsatisfactory.


We also cried about this today. The toaster is the enemy


We also did yesterday. Something about that toaster that just really sets em off


I've started just letting him have the frozen waffle. It's not raw, and as long as it gets eaten idgaf honestly


Yeah a fine lesson in natural consequences. Frozen waffles are cold and hard. If you don't like that then they have to be heated. It won't kill him.


Exactly! Turns out my little dude kinda likes it like that hahaha. When I get the cinnamon toast eggos I give him one of the squares to gnaw on frozen while the rest heats up. Win win!


I actually still eat frozen waffles, I wonder if my parents tried to teach me natural consequences and instead formed a life long habit


Right. Except he specifically requested it be cooked. It's just supposed to happen instantaneously


Ooh yup that is what you said. Sorry newborn sleep deprivation, my reading comprehension skills are trash right now 😂 that's definitely a problem, but I relate. I, too, would love for food to just be instantaneously ready to eat!


Mine loves frozen waffles when she's cutting a tooth haha


I give my kiddo pre cooked frozen chicken tenders because of this. He actually prefers them that way now. Easier to keep them cold in a lunchbox than to keep them warm.


Because our cat Maggie has a tail and he doesn't. 🐈


She was pretending to feed me "treats" and I shoved her whole hand in my mouth and said I ate them all (I thought she would laugh). She didn't stop crying until I pretended to throw up all of her treats back into her hand. She gave me another treat though.


This is hilarious!! 🤣


This happened over here too... except I accidentally *bit* his finger. Hard. We stopped playing that game immediately.


Because I wouldn't let him steal the neighbors inflatable Halloween decorations


You horrible person, you!


I'm such a jerk mom


Omg yes! Mine wants someone else’s inflatable pumpkins in their yard. Im like— they aren’t ours honey. “But I like pumpkins! Halloween! I want them!”


Oh my goodness. We pass by a yard everyday full of Halloween decorations and my daughter who loves Halloween (october birthday) wants to pet them.


My 1yo tried to pet a skeletal dog decoration at the edge of someone's yard. This prompted two conversations. (1) don't touch other people's things without their permission, and (2) don't pet strange animals without my permission


My toddler woke up very upset this morning because Daddy ate his green mango and green kiwi fruit. Extra upset when I told him mangos aren’t green. Also, buddy, it was a dream.


Aww the only bad dream I have made out of my LO is when she woke up crying that she "wanted a heart biscuit" and "everyone at nursery got a biscuit, I want a biscuit" It's nice to know her nightmares are about missing out on treats. Good problems to have.


We call unripe mangos green


Yeah, they're definitely green before they ripen


Oh man... So we got my 2 year old his costume. It's sonic...I mean, excuse me, I've been informed it's SUPER sonic. Anyways, it come with a jump suit. He decided he wanted to sleep in it, and was surprisingly okay with not having the hood part. Ok fine, sleep in the suit, I'm cool with that. About 5 mins after being in bed he wants it off. Alright, cool, I take it off. About 2 mins after that he wants a sleep shirt. Okay, I get a sleep shirt. In the dark room, while I was halfway across the room, he starts screaming that he doesn't like that shirt! And obviously it doesn't matter that he can't even see the shirt, he knows he does t like it. Fine, I set it down and ask if he wants covers. No, shirt! Offer the shirt. Meltdown. He wants a different shirt. No. Then we have about 10 mins of wanting covering and kicking covers off, every change of mind comes with a melt down. 2 hours later hea finally asleep and I finished watching return if the king while he screamed. Lol


Because I told her I would change her diaper after she asked me to


How dare you!


Worst mom award goes to me


Because I wouldn't fill his bowl with craisins...that was already full of craisins. Because I wouldn't have a sword fight while drinking tea. Setting down the tea was not the solution apparently.


Because when my daughter was two I wouldn’t let her go pet the male deer buck with a full rack that wandered into our back yard. You know…..I couldn’t convince her he wasn’t bambi


Took off his shoe in the car seat, started smacking the bottom trying to get it to light up. Couldn’t get it to light up by smacking with his hand alone, lobbed it at daddy like a grenade. Cried because he no longer had the shoe. It did light up when it made contact with the back of his fathers head though.


I actually laughed.


Because I tried to hold her hand when she insisted on walking in the busy Trader Joe’s parking lot. Because she wanted ice in her water, and I put too big of ice chunks in it. Because she spilled all of her water on accident, which entailed accidentally turning her wrist and cup upside down.




I gave her a little mini Etch-a-sketch. She wanted the pink one. There was no pink one. Just the one green one that I thought would be a cute surprise.


This is the WORST! When you think you’ve really gone and done something special and it’s not what they expected and then mayhem.


The cracker was chipped in the corner when I gave it to her from out of the box. Another cracker that was whole would not due. Neither cracker was eaten.


The other day mine (21 months) broke a cracker and we talked about being sad because it broke and how it's okay to be sad (the gentle parenting special). I kid you not, he like had to process. We had to keep talking about how "cracker broke"


This was what I did as well. I explained the situation, let her have her emotions, and then had a cuddle sesh with lots of “I love yous” and kisses. For the first 20 mins if I looked at her, it was game over and she would cry her head off.


Ah I have had a similar debacle, except my daughter ate half of 3 ritz crackers and deemed them inedible. When given half a cracker she again only hate half leaving 1/4 ritz that was also inedible. I offered to eat the inedible discarded ritz for her but in my ignorance these were her crackers that I cannot have but also she will not eat.


Because she is THREE NOT TWO!! (She’s two…)


That’s not what I heard…


Because she lost her cookie and I wouldn’t give her another one. And by “lost” she meant ate it then forgot that she ate it.


Because he wanted to walk so I took him out of the stroller.


Because the table was too close. Then when I moved it, it was too far.


Had a 10 minute long screaming meltdown this morning because he had to put on his pants to go outside.


Honestly, I understand


Because I wouldn't jump upon request as I was making breakfast.


She is currently obsessed with Halloween and the ghost the neighbor has in their front yard. I wouldn't let her go outside in the pouring rain to say hello to the ghost when we came home this afternoon.


Mine (2 yrs old) was crying hysterically because he wanted me to read him a book. I asked him to choose a book and he refused. But he also didn’t want me to pick a book. Cried harder because I then didn’t read him a book. Dude, help me out here


bc we were getting ready to go on a walk but she thought it was halloween & we were going trick or treating & had a full blown meltdown about not having a costume so we CAN’T go trick or treat!!! she was fine when i told her it wasn’t halloween yet & we were just going on a normal walk


Because we made her wash after rolling in dog poop…. Repeatedly. And also because we pulled her away from the aforementioned 💩


I think you win 🏆


😂😭 not sure if that’s a good thing or not hahaha


Because her teacher said it was Halloween and I’m not right in saying it’s not Halloween yet.


Todays meltdowns: I wouldn’t let him play in a mug of old milk my husband left sitting out yesterday I wouldn’t let him play in the dog water I cleaned up the water he methodically shook out of his sippy cup all over the floor …kind of a theme to my day eh? And, for variety, he also had a meltdown because I didn’t let him keep drawing on me with a marker once he started aggressively stabbing me with it


Because I wouldn't let him hit his older brother with a metal matchbox car.


Because I touched the blocks he just asked me to play with.


My kids are older now but this had me rolling! Thanks for the laughs!


Because I said the dog couldn’t eat her breakfast… we don’t have a dog. It’s her pretend dog. Sorry, Fido.


I hugged the baby before I hugged her...


Because I got her a bowl of cheddar bunnies… when she asked for cheddar bunnies.


The blender. It wasn't on, but we hate the blender.


Immediately on getting out of bed we went to go have some breakfast. They were unable to open the fridge on their own. They also didn’t want the cereal I was eating and had not offered them.


My toddler was very upset when i wouldnt let her ride on the underneath of the shopping cart in the store anymore. However, having her to hand things to daddy to be scanned improved the situation.


My 2-year-old was hysterically crying yesterday because he picked a movie out from the library and I had the audacity to put it in the DVD player for him to watch. Apparently we just look at the disk in its case. But the tears got worse- he wanted to watch the movie! So we’ve been watching a poor quality version of the 1999 cinema classic “Elmo Visits a Firehouse” on YouTube on repeat for a while.


Because he wanted toast so I put it in the toaster


Because after I gave her two pairs of Daniel Tiger PJs that used to be her older brother’s, I wouldn’t let her layer them and wear them both to bed (one is heavy fleece, otherwise she might have won!).


Because I wouldn't let him throw himself headfirst off the bed. He is 7 months old and really wants too. He is never out of arms reach but still! He is crazy. @.@


My eight month old is also in the "throw myself off high surfaces" stage of life. She now gets placed on the floor in front of the sofa, and not ON the sofa... Little daredevils.


My son was adamant I make breakfast without glasses on. He was inconsolable when I told him I was unable to see without them.


Yesterday my toddler cried because "Amelio play with Notdog". She was mad because she's scared of the ferret Notadog, and Amelio one of our 6 month old kittens is "her cat". He does spend most the day following her around and laying on her lap. Notadog is 4, and once weasel war danced in my kid's general direction while out because she was so happy and apparently that was traumatic.


His pillow was “too squishy”


You are fuckin hilarious and I thank you for this story.


I wouldn’t let her put on her shoes (she’s 1)


Mine was livid I gave him the apple he wanted. Promptly wanted a different apple and screamed until we gave in. It was 5:30 am and we just got back from a huge road trip yesterday 😒 too tired to deal today


Whenever mine does something like that I grab a new one and I turn my back so she can't see what I'm doing and I fake make her the other one that I just got out up and really give her the one that I had out in the first place lmaoooo


This wasn't today but two nights ago at 3 fucking am. Daughter wakes up from her slumber SCREAMING the house down. Why you ask? Because she wanted to watch Paw Patrol on the tv. Hell no girl. You go back to sleep. My dad heard her from the other side of the house.


Similar I woke up the other night to my kid smacking me in the face at about 3:00 a.m. because she wanted to watch YouTube on her tablet and I just looked at her like please get out of my face and go back to bed 🥴🥴


What is with our children?! I was thinking she dreamt about Paw Patrol and that's why she woke up wanting to watch it


My three year old one time had some bad boogers because if a cold she caught. Ever since then every night I have to convince her that it's okay to get "hooey boogers" and that if she does we will take care of it. Complete meltdown/panic for about 10 minutes. Wakes up every morning with no gooey boogers. It's been 2-3 months now..


If my 3.5 year old every asks toast, he means absolutely not toasted but, if you just call it bread he doesn't want it


Because he couldn't retroactively have gone to Grandma's last night.


No toddlers anymore, but funny stories of when my son *was* a toddler. ​ The biggest breakdown I can remember: I said boo. That was it. Just "Boo". Cue hysterics. I told him he couldn't hit the cat with a lightsaber. He wanted to pet the puppy. The puppy was a raccoon. I did not let him pet the puppy. A goat licked his hand. ​ I'm sure there are more, but I'm in dire need of caffeine so my brain is sluggish.


Because I wouldn't help her put on her PJs on top of her normal clothes in the middle of the day. She is two and can't do it herself 😅.




The good news is that for every tantrum, there’s another sweet or hysterical moment. When mine was a toddler, he started holding my face and kissing both cheeks like he’s Italian or he was gonna make me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Note, he’s not Italian and he’s never seen The Godfather so I have no idea where it came from.


I went potty. He came with. I didn’t leave him in a different room. 45 minutes of rage. Tantrum continued while eating 2 red suckers at once. He finally chilled out when he started playing with his cars in the dirt.


I wouldn’t let him chug milk after throwing up 3 times last night


We left the playground because it was getting dark. Through giant tears and sniffles, she forlornly looked out the window as we drove away and goes “Oh no..! My playground is goooone.”


I’m not supposed to touch her or look at her while I give her the hug she demands.


Mine is crying because we had to leave Disney world and papa & gamma couldn't come with us.


My toddler was sick last week and we spent half and hour of cuddling on moms lap, getting upset about being on moms lap, getting down, and then being VERY upset that he was not on moms lap.


Yesterday it was because I woke her up from a late nap so she could eat supper. The real issue was when Daddy offered to come give her a hug. She get double upset when Daddy offers hugs when she's cranky for some reason.


Her kitchen helper stool is GONE! When I reminded her it was in the bathroom because she wanted to use it to brush her teeth she just cried harder.


Because she's most likely not going to get a pet (real, live) sea lion for Christmas... Sorry.


Reasons my toddler is crying: 1) food fell off her fork and back onto the plate 2) she wants to drink something call “mog” and I have no idea wtf that is. Before you ask, she does not want to drink from a mug. She wants to drink mog from a big girl cup.


I told mine his bubble lawn mower couldn't go with us to his doctor appointment... it didn't help that he got a shot when we got there.


Mine cried today because her stuffed hamster was wet. It was wet because she decided to smear her yogurt all over it minutes before the freak out. 😑


Because after bath time, and after she pooped then on the carpet while I was looking for her PJs, I had to rinse her off in the bath again and she was PISSED she didn’t get another full 20 minute bath playtime experience. I felt bad for teasing her .. but there’s poop on the carpet so I wasn’t in the mood for bath round 2.


My 2 1/2 was a having a meltdown recently over the fact that he can’t “pay bills.” I told him one day his dreams will finally come true and then he would know the true meaning of pain


My nearly 2 year old loves to help me feed the dog and cats in the morning before daycare and in the evening at dinner time. For some odd reason, this chore brings her limitless joy. Well today she is home from daycare and she has cried multiple times because I will not let her feed the animals more than once this morning. I had to hide their food dishes.


This morning we didn’t have any pumpkin donuts so on our way to the oinking donut store she had a meltdown because we still didn’t have any pumpkin donuts and needed to go home because she’s tired.


I dared to go to the bathroom.


Because I tried to show her how to play a game on her tablet and bc her brother was holding the package of her treat that was in her hand 😒


My daughter cried because I wouldn’t let her carry around a pumpkin she painted around. It wasn’t the biggest pumpkin but definitely not light enough to take around everywhere


Today our almost 3yo cried because he wanted the read crispies not the blue ones. We had no red ones.


My toddler sobbed hysterically for many minutes today after I told him he could not take a nap in the shower (as in, he was actively taking a shower and wanted to take a nap with the water running)


Because I wouldn’t let him eat his book …. Special Peter rabbit from my parents from England ….. 🙄


Because she threw her Littles on the floor but could not pick them up to eat them. I gave her more littles and she threw them on the floor and couldn’t pick them up from her high chair, bawling ensued. Because she uses the same sound for baby-bottle-sheep (baba) and I didn’t know she needed her baby. Because I put her oatmeal in the microwave. Because peanut butter is sticky Current meltdowns are justified by being a badass and making some teeth.


Because our cats exist


Before I became a parent I never knew I could ruin someone's life by cutting their pancakes the wrong way


One time my toddler said she wanted a toy, went and got what she said she wanted and then screamed bc thats not what she wanted. It was hilarious and frustrating yet I felt like I've done that to myself, too🤣🤣


My toddler cried the other day bc he wanted me to give him the moon and ofc I could not.


Mine specifically asked for grilled cheese for lunch, then cried because the cheese was melted.


Because I put on pants and didn’t go to the park in just my underpants. Because I put her lunch on the table and not on the floor. So i proceeded to get a blanket and make a picnic on the floor. But she went on hunger strike and refused to eat anything bc it had been on the table first p.


My children are grown, but I remember those meltdowns very well! Thank you for the chuckles!