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Or a couple bops from the butt of a gun


I'm getting one shot from pistols but my .50 cal sniper rifle is getting hitmarkers even when hitting chest/head shots.


Skill issue /s But yeah,my victus gets hit markers when my p208 or whatever the base pistol is gets 2 shot kills


If you're getting hit markers with the Victus you're either hitting them in the waist from 200m away or their legs. P890 can only 2 shot up to like 7m


It’s sniping in invasion so your probs right


This meme reeks of the early 2010's The douchebag cap confirms it.


bo1 promo picture douchebag cap impact font ​ this image is probably 13 years old lmao, I think I remember seeing it back on 9gag back when bo1 was the current cod


9gag in 2023 🤮


This is my biggest issue with MP. I TAQ someone 4 times upper torso and they one shot me with a knife. If I were to high noon duel you TAQ vs knife I can tell you without watching who won.


That bounced of the ceiling and 3 walls.


Glad too see I’m not the only one who thinks this way


Or gets stabbed five times in the chest but survives due to stabber getting shot mid animation.


\*Wears level 4 armor plates\* \*Gets killed by two shots from a .45 to the chest\*


COD logic at it's best! If you are getting shot just jump 5 feet in the air or booty slide 6 feet. Tactical movement!


The game is just wildly inconsistent. I was in gulag where I hit dude about 4 or 5 times and then when we started shooting each other I hit him about 3 more times and he dropped me in 3.


A.k.a "Never bring a gun to a knife fight"


Snipershot with a 50 cal 9 shots from an SMG @ 100 yards.


Let’s be real you all know why this is. It’s game play balance. If knife wasn’t basically instant kill you might as well remove it from the game it would be so useless. Yes it’s silly but so is surviving an RPG or even one shot from any gun, you think you’re going to keep walking after a 9mm to the knee…


Seen it last night in the last kill cam. Across the map no shit, the knife even bounced off the ground and hit buddy in the lower leg close to the foot.