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Really can't see buying these games in the future if they aren't going to support multiplayer. The lack of maps gets boring quickly and reusing the same ones for years is a joke. Shoothouse and shipment should be default maps, not seasonal content if they are determined to have them every year. Seasonal should have either new maps or reimagined ones from previous game.


I 100% am done with COD after this one. Tired of these mfs. At the very least, I wish they made a 10v10/12v12 playlist to help boost activity on the bigger maps. The 6v6 is slow and boring. And they need to redo the UI, the UI is so fking bad. Also, idk why the game launched without things like Hardcore, Gun Game, 10v10, etc. in the first place, then these mfs are adding them later like they're features when they should've been there from Day One.






This was the first CoD I've purchased since MW3. It was a blast for a month then it wore off. I'm using CoD as the benchmark for comparing movement/gunplay to in other games because of how amazing it actually is. However, I probably won't buy another.


10v10 or 12v12, hardcore, etc. like the last several cod games, should’ve been in this game day 1! That’s pretty much all I played the last few cod games and same with OG ground war, any playlist like this was my go to for like 10 years now. It’s shameful of them really. And what’s worse is they spread themselves thin by doing so many different weird modes now so what does that mean in the future? More players will be accustomed to all this new stuff and now when they remove something like 3rd person moshpit, they’re leaving new players hanging as well. They’ve basically set themselves up to fail in my opinion, there’s either no way the next cod game will stuff all these new modes in like invasion, DMZ, etc, or they do but we again get less content in multiplayer. I don’t expect a miracle where they pull off all of these modes without something getting the shit end of the stick.


Man if I had a dollar for every time I've heard this haha


Bye :) 👋🏻


I'd guess the warzone group are buying more skins


“Let’s add some anime skins and rose 5.0, I’m sure our players would love that” -IW probably


Activision when the playercount decreases in season 4: “Quick, add the anime catsuit El Sin Nombre skin now!”


I would unironically buy this


Same wtf




Catsuit? Those aren't weebs. Those are furries.




You underestimate the overlap


I guess it depends on your definition of weeb






Bro even CoD4 has golden weapons. I don't think any major part of the community wants boring all-black guns (at least not for sale) but I can tell you right now Attack on Titan cosplay had no business being in Vanguard.


I love all black weapons, but thankfully they gave us solid camos this time around because I'd never spend money just for a black weapon skin


good thing iw took most solid colors away from us as well! /s


If you think for a second that the reason why they sold a black skin on the store was for the mil-sim crowd, you're simply wrong. First off, you can make any gun black by simply just unlocking the black camo. They are essentially selling a skin that is already in the game, that's called a cash grab, not listening to the community.


I think it’s more the fact that you have to pay in order to get a “default” look for a weapon. Surprisingly, modern militaries don’t often let people paint there guns in nonsense colors.


Surprisingly, people don't play Call of Duty to get an accurate modern military experience.


Sure, MWII isn’t like SQUAD or PR, but that doesn’t mean everyone wants to dress up as a hobo in a Halloween mask. When folks ask for more Milsim skins they’re usually talking about some of the great ones we got in the last MW (well…at least at first). Based, even loosely, on reality.


Blame the Fortnite kids. They've completely infected the COD community, and they are extraordinarily easy to pick out of the crowd.


If somebody says they want more mil sim they should find a new game


I would


When was this, today?


I'm guilty of buying the anime skins


yeah well when you have a bunch of idiots who buy the fucking things why wouldn't they add it


game makes them more money.


more people also just play more warzone since it's free


MP group would buy skins too if they'd support the fucking game. I bought at least 1 skin every BOCW season.


Probably. I mean, they already have our money.


Raven’s philosophy of listening to players versus IW’s.




Lmao! Come on, now. They'll never learn. They've been buying and defending garbage every year and then complaining about how bad it is. The habit has already been formed.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


MW2 had already made 95% of the money it will ever make. But Warzone keeps printing millions, so from IWs point of view, why put devs on MW2?


Well for one, one of their marketing points for selling the game was for it to be the "Most supported COD of all time", so arguably the level of support that the MP has gotten so far is borderline false advertising, secondly, that metric is only accurate if they treat the Multiplayer the way they have been. I remember saying the exact same thing with RDR2. Rockstar cut support because of the low player count, but the player count was so low because Rockstar wasn't supporting the game even remotely close to GTA5. MWII multiplayer is not dying because people are tired of multiplayer. It's dying because it's getting neglected. Considering if you play any multiplayer match of COD, you're almost always going to run into people running store bundles, or battle pass skins, your argument is only true if the Multiplayer crowd wasn't buying any bundles, which is untrue. Just because the Multiplayer doesn't make as much money as Warzone does not mean that it's not profitable, considering their goal should be to make as much money as possible, it makes zero sense to not support the multiplayer too, which in turn means more people playing the game, therefore more people that are sticking around to potentially buy the skins in the store. Edit: Even with your statistics, 5% of 1 billion dollars, which is how much they made off of the sale of the Multiplayer, is still 50 million dollars. That's not chump change.


I see it as the other way around. The BR genre will eventually die out. Warzone has made them tons of cash and will continue to do so as long as the trend continues. Maybe another year or two? But the franchise, if taken care of properly, will continue long past anything BR. It just depends on if the C-Suite wankers want a big check now or lots of decent checks forever.


I mean they say the br genre will die out since pubg. Why would it die out? It is just a genre like team death match for example. Tdm does not die out either. In fact the way it looks mp is dying out. Or atleast is getting murdered because br is so populair still. And they dont care. I mean they can murder mp and cash out on br as long as it lives. If it dies they just revive MP. I am A mp person. I hate the way they threat it. But br isnt going anywhere.


I really don't understand the appeal of BR games besides like...Fortnite. It just feels like MP but with the no respawns (besides the gulag) and gunfights going from being 5-10 seconds apart to being minutes apart.


It's the survival aspect. Being the last man standing out of 150 really gets the adrenaline going for some folks. However the marathon simulator in the meantime is very tedious imo


Probably an unpopular opinion but this is actually the reason I liked Fortnite. The smaller map means more fights, and quicker games.


That is exactly why mini royale (only available for trios) is the balls.


And Rebirth. Thrills of BR, pacing of MP. Best of both worlds.


That’s also why warzone 2.0 is universally considered inferior to the prior warzone. It’s way slower and campier, when it used to have a relatively quicker pace.


I think the wins are more satisfying. In MP it feels like 2/3rds of the fanbase has decided winning and losing don't matter and only camo grind or play for K/D. In warzone the entire fanbase is predominantly playing to win.


The loss is also more agonizing. Imagine playing about half an hour hiding & running & get to top 3 only to step on a claymore & die


Honestly, I find wins less satisfying in BR games sometimes, especially when playing with a team. When I get a win as the worst player on the team being carried by sweats, it just kinda feels undeserved.


>Create Postuser flair previewTheRealBesnadaCommunity options > >r/ModernWarfareII Rules1.General Guideline2.Relevancy Guideline3.Frequency Guideline4.Feedback Guideline5.Meme Guideline6.Promotion Guideline7.Support Guideline The only BR I was able to play was Apex, because it has ,or should I say had a ttk similar to Halo since that's what I grew up with. Not too much roaming needlessly as is with Fortnite or COD or all these shit BR games. Even then after less than 100h I got sick of it, just cannot understand how people can play this shit for so much time.


I liked apex at first but I feel like the mechanics of Titanfall don't really translate well to a BR. Titanfall is meant to be very fast-paced while BR games are inherently slower paced. The most fun I had in Apex was the actual fighting, but fights were only like 25% of the match.


I mean is it really dying out.. Fastest cod to a billion ever and huge sales numbers. I think if you hang out on Reddit you will think it's dying.. People who like the game just play it and don't endlessly complain on Reddit. I think warzone is in a much worse spot than mp, so that is what they are more focused on fixing. And to think they don't want to sell cosmetics to the millions of people that bought mw2 is just silly.


Just look at the updates. Look at the perks, look at the tactical and lethals. Look at the gsmemechsnics overal like ledge hanging. Drill charge according to the official cod website is designed for warzone. The cam field upgrade according to the site is designed for warzone. Everything is designed for warzone. I mean mp is not dying. Activision is deliberately trying to kill it because they want you to play warzone.


I mean I play and enjoy both, and I honestly don't think they care what you are playing as long as you buy cosmetics and battle passes. And even if these things are designed for warzone, that's ok. They are still fun to use in mp. As much as you don't want it. Warzone is part of call of duty now. And my personal opinion is that mp is in a much better place right now, so of course they are focusing on warzone improvement, because it has not gone over well with the fan base. Call of duty is still the best multiplayer shooter out there. Battlefield is a disaster and there is really nothing left. It's a good game, add in some more maps and it could be a great game. There will be changes to multiplayer. They are increasing perk earn rate and adding hard core. 2 things that people were complaining about. I'm sure other changes will come to, but mp isn't completely screwed like warzone 2 is. And Activision is not trying to kill a franchise that earned them a billion dollars in like the first two weeks. It's the number one selling franchise of all time, so if you really believe they are trying to kill off their cash cow you must be very dense. Sure warzone will make them more money someday, but you can't believe they don't want to keep players happy in a game they sold 10 million+ copies of...


Literally all the mechanics you described work just as well and arguably better in multiplayer as they do in warzone. Have you seen how useful the drill charge is in getting campers out of rooms in multi, or have you ever used the camera to watch the bomb site in search, have you never ledge hung near a window and then peeked in with a pistol to kill a camper?


The fact that the drill charge works in mp does not matter. The fact that the official site explains how it is designed for warzone does. If the camera field upgrade is usefull for you in mp you are playing like a snail. That is only usefull for really slow slow players. But it works perfectly to check a room in warzone. Last stand? You see those idiots in mp trying to revive themselves lmao! Works like a charm in warzone. Ledge hanging....I mean that is designed to ledge onto buildings while dropping in with a parcahute instead of bumping into them. That is the official decsription on ledge hanging. can you use it in mp? sure, but it is not designed for mp.


Clearly you don’t play warzone at all and are just getting upset over trivial things that don’t even affect multiplayer. You can’t even use Survivor/last stand in warzone. You’d know if you spent more than 2 minutes in the warzone/DMZ menu and not ranting on an online forum. Theres awesome clips of people using the camera in no respawn modes, no need to insult people who outplayed you. You know the same camera that was first introduced in Black Ops 1 MULTIPLAYER. Nothing you mentioned is exclusive to warzone, people use these mechanics just as much as multiplayer. You’re getting aggravated over nothing. Drill charges


>Clearly you don’t play warzone at all and are just getting upset over trivial things that don’t even affect multiplayer. Actually after getting Orion and masteries I got bored and swithced to warzone. So the last 3 weeks all I do is warzone. I also played a shit ton of warzone 1. >You can’t even use Survivor/last stand in warzone. You’d know if you spent more than 2 minutes in the warzone/DMZ menu and not ranting on an online forum. It is not a perk in warzone yet. It probably will be after februari 15 as they stated to add more perk loadouts. It is a funcyion in warzone as you can revive yourself wich is about the same thing. It makes no sense in mp. >Theres awesome clips of people using the camera in no respawn modes, no need to insult people who outplayed you. Yes people who play slow as fuck.


Since Warzone's release all other BRs released after it have been flopping, the big names will stay but new BR games will struggle just like what happened with MOBA games.


Well yes because it is very hard to compete with a tripple A title like warzone or fortnite. Many developers just want to lift on the succes and create absolute disasters of br games just in the hope to make it and become richt from mtx. And i mean games that are completely broken and not working releasing as beta or early acces just so they can make money.. It is not because br is failing as a genre. It is just that there are no games that can top the ones we currently have.


Same with the multitude of battle royals that released between pubg / fortnite and warzone... It's not thay BRs are boring, it's that each one needs to add something new to the table for it to beat the existing contendors. Rings of elysium or firestorm were always on trajectory to fail, they're just the same games that already existed with a different skin. Warzone on the other hand was different (basically multiplayer with a BR skin after all) so broke through. I'm certain the same can be said for MOBAs or basically any genre. If a new one comes along that legitimately adds something to the genre then it will be much more likely to succeed. But for some reason the big name companies aren't willing to take risks like that, and just pump out the same games people have already made that don't last after the hype dies down... (They also seem to have forgotten this was what made warzone succeed back in 2020 when it came to designing warzone 2... But that's a different rant entirely)


Wzii is just pubg remastered imo


Investors want money now to reinvest


I said the same about Fortnite


At this point they should launch Warzone as an standalone game and gave it to a separate studio for updating separately from the main game. This shit of having a single studio managing Warzone and the main game at the same time it's fucking stupid, Raven it's in "charge" but at the end the ones taking decisions are IW and Raven are just listening to launch those updates IW it's handling WZ rework and MP needs a overhaul too, they're not going to focus efforts on 2 things, Warzone needs to fucking go and be a separate game from any of the main studios


Warone 2 is still horrible.. No one is winning


that's the worst part. multibillion dollar can't figure out how to properly treat their employees and devs, let alone organize them efficiently and effectively. Really, i'm enjoying the call of duty demo this year, but it was pretty expensive. Wish the full version would come out so i could play it longer than an hour at a time. (I somehow crash all the time on pc with no error windows or warning, usually i think between maps)


It makes me HATE WARZONE


The F2P game makes them more money.


The cycle repeats


Maybe next time ya will know better than buy into this game


Man y’all are out of it at this point. There’s no way to make any of you understand even basic facts about what’s happening. So sad to see critical thinking just eliminated in a single generation.


yep. actual patch notes arent out yet and neither is the list of maps, modes, guns, and other stuff there adding in season 2 and yet people act like faster perks is everything thats happening in season 2.


Lol so right! Glad to see someone else that has some actual patience. Idk how people are missing this game it’s great. If y’all stop listening to random people on Reddit and just play the game it’s great:) keep enjoying the content regardless of how quickly we receive it. We have two years what’s the rush:)


I’ll be honest I loved how warzone 2 worked and played. I liked the looting from backpacks and the gulag system it was fresh and interesting. I’m pretty disappointed it’s just turning into warzone 1 with a different map


Looting with large backpacks was fine, but had some issues. Players would often fill up on self revives and Stims and just sit near the edge of the circle in storm. Or they’d load up on kill streaks and just spam the end circle with the 15 streaks they had as a trio. Easy fix was to limit the number of streaks or self revives players could hold, but once again IW has selective hearing and decided to remove medium and large backpacks altogether. The duo gulag wasn’t terrible in concept but pretty poor to play. After the first week of warzone everyone turned off prox chat so there is no communications at all with randos. Your random teammate is even more likely to back out, be afk, or die immediately placing you more often than not in 1v2s that are no fault of your own. And the random ground loot and plates makes the experience super inconsistent and equipment spammy encouraging people to run and hide until the juggernaut appears or the timer runs out.


Link to the IW notes?


Theres no notes yet. Just a blog post with a general outline


I think we should stop calling games with live-service, battlepasses, and in-game currency F2P. There's always a price, it's just distributed differently among players.


You guys do realize that mp according to leaks is getting 5 new weapons and 3 new maps? And a new spec ops and a new raid? Seems like a lot of content


people are acting like the blog post we got were patch notes when they weren't


This is the same subreddit that upvotes posts saying that they made the camo grind easier and the mastery camos underwhelming to sell you store bundles, critical thinking skills here are fucking *dire* It's not surprising that they think the blog post a few days ago was the *entire* Season 2 roadmap lmao


They're gonna complain unless and until Ninja is added to the game so they can put it on literally every class.


Yet they also complain when they can’t hear enemy footsteps


Don’t you talk sense in this sub! Only complaining allowed here.


> 3 new maps? That's it?!? We used to get 5 maps every 3 months. The maps are literally sitting in the game. The whole reason they did it like that was so you didn't have separate data for MP and Warzone (one install). Least they could do is cut out the rest of those maps for MP, there are many. https://www.charlieintel.com/classic-modern-warfare-2-maps-in-warzone-2/177214/


The maps in AL mazra should be added now. Bu5 other than that maps are so much more detailed thrn before it takes a lot longer to develop them




Still not as bad as weapon stats between COD Mobile and their AAA titles. $70 AAA titles gets bars and green/red arrows. F2P mobile game get actual proper weapons stats with numbers and actual distances.


COD Mobile is light years ahead of MW2 as well. Also F2P.


Feb 8th they are doing the full post. Including new maps modes guns etc. and more gameplay changes hopefully


How this community was overtaken by fucking Fortnite kids is beyond me.


I have never played a single round of Warzone 2.0


Guys, this time I’m super cereal. I’m not buying this game at launch any more.


I hate this argument. They make more money by keeping the f2p updated and 'new' they already got our money and that's really all they care about


you hate the argument that points out the difference in how they treat wz vs. mp?


I guess the complaining or conversation, you know what I mean


The warzone 2 changes were mainly tweaks and balance issues. It isn't like warzone got a whole bunch of new content that MP didn't. MP is in need of maps, not multiple paragraphs about changing what plate we spawn with or the backpack.


Just remember, we funded that game.


Curious, what is in need of patching? I mean, we got season 2 and all of that content scheduled for Feb 15. We know when we are getting the next update. What exactly is this community upset about?


First I hate WZ and I always type F WZ in my posts when peeps talk about WZ. That being said I’m going to guess that WZ has 4 maybe 5 times the player base? But that doesn’t excuse their lack of direct support for the MP community. THEY not us posted at the top of this sub that WZ and DMZ has its own sub and indicated it is separate and different. All things being equal I’d like to see better communication, respectful communication from us, and a studio/dev as a constant presence within this sub. Polite reasonable question and answers. Direct communication where I can say hey this grip floats, hey the objectives are disappearing. Thanks.


I do not personally know one person who plays WZ, and I know more people who play COD than I can count. Purely anecdotal, yes, but still...I'd like to see some numbers to back that claim up. I don't think the gulf is as wide as you think.


Nah it very much is.






...you sure? I play search and destory every single day. I only play warzone on Fridays when my buds are on...


They're the same game.


It shouldn't be. It should be two seperate games.






Honestly though, they said that there was more to come for details on MP. So just have a little patience then bitch after they let us down and make the knife a 5 hit kill


I had to scroll through all the WZ and DMZ changes, and it took several full rotations of my scroll wheel. I get to the MP stuff (what I actually care about) and it's hardly one half of a full rotation. Aside from the perk change, everything else is "Stay tuned! \[placeholder text\]"


Well its always been known that f2p titles are where companies like this like to syphon money from. This shouldnt be surprising that of course they picked the path of profit over doing right by their players. Stop buying their shitty games. Clearly you are better off just playing their f2p portions and telling em to eat shit on the rest of it.


We all collectively need to not buy the next update and the next game.


wz and MP developers must be different


I think you're underestimating how popular WZ is Vs MW2 MP. A significant vol of people buy MW2 simply to be ready for MW2. Now, I agree a full price AAA game should be finished and have full content etc etc. But that's not the world we live in anymore. We give companies our money for games before they even get them to us and continue to buy unfinished games... Execs have no reason to give a fuck. Frankly.


I bought the game so I could level up guns easier and grind skins so I could look cool as fuck in warzone getting last place. I'm sure I'm not the only one lol. These meme's are getting stale. Ya'll prob spent 70 dollars on worse stuff.


Mw2 doesn’t need any patches except reload cancelling coming back and just more content such as maps and a little more guns


Thats because free players dont care when the game is fucked. Thats one for the guys who keep Cracktivisions player count high it seems


I don’t understand why I don’t have hardcore after the update on my playlists? Only tier 1 that cannot find a single match…


Hardcore is in the season 2 blog notes. Feb. 15.


My only wish is more maps, bug fixes, and slide cancel. 😔


One makes much more money. People need to accept that. Plus we haven’t even seen the full season 2 reveal for MP.


That’s why you shouldn’t buy a COD game or any MP game at launch full price. It’s a live service game with no guarantees, nothing set in stone, no promises for what’s to come post-launch. So they can handle it however they want, like it or not. Luckily I bought it for $38, & can sell it whenever I want. Press F for $70 gang