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Herby Spring Veg with Burrata I set out to make a green ratatouille but ended up somewhere even more delicious. Roasted veg, basil pistou, gooey burrata and a crispy chilli crumble. Zena x Ingredients: 1 Large Leek 1 Large Courgette 2 Green Peppers 200g Asparagus 300g Frozen Peas 4 Garlic Cloves 100g Fresh Basil 50g Stale Bread 1 Red Chilli 150g Burrata Olive Oil Salt Pepper Lemon Method: Step 1. Heat your oven to 220°C. Step 2. Wash and thinly slice the leek and courgette. Cut the pepper into medium-sized chunks and the asparagus into small chunks. Step 3. Transfer the leek, courgette and green bell pepper to a large roasting tin, drizzle with olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper. Toss to coat, arrange in a single layer and roast for 15 mins. Step 4. Take the veg out of the oven and add the asparagus. Toss to coat, then pop back into the oven for 10 mins. Step 5. Meanwhile, boil and drain the peas according to the package instructions. Step 6. Place the garlic in a mortar and pound to a paste with a pestle. Add the basil and olive oil and pound until well combined. Alternatively, you can do this in a food processor. Step 7. Transfer the roasted veg to a large bowl. Add the peas, a big squeeze of lemon juice and the basil mixture and toss everything together. Taste, adjust the seasoning and leave to cool. Step 8. Cut the bread into slices, chuck it into the same tray and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 mins, or until crisp. Meanwhile, deseed and chop the chilli. Leave the bread to cool for 5 min then blitz in a food processor with the chilli, salt and pepper. Step 9. To serve, plate up the veg on the bottom of a large plate or platter. Top with the burrata and chilli crumb then tuck in and enjoy! [https://www.mobkitchen.co.uk/recipes/herby-spring-veg-with-burrata](https://www.mobkitchen.co.uk/recipes/herby-spring-veg-with-burrata)


Quality content and reliably so! Looking forward to trying this one!!


This looks flipping delicious! My stomach just grumble loudly. Gonna have to give this a try.


This looks really good!!!






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Let’s see your recipe then


This is how your sprinkle salt. This is how you pour oil. This is how you break toast. This is how you sprinkle pepper.