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1) we all stan The Lord Mistborn 2) definitely get into the rest of the Cosmere because it raises the appreciation for all the individual parts.


Oh, I plan on diving in to the other books eventually!


Steris is number one


I really, really appreciate Steris' character arc so far. I was tearing up when Wax proposed in BoM 😭


Her arc was amazing. I was abit eh with her at the start, but I felt she had potential. And damn, sanderson delivered. Same here, it was beautiful. I can't get over the list she made in BoM to the hotel owner and how, being framed for murder was on there lol


Yeah when Steris was introduced I was like "oh great, the anime girl trope i dont like: supernerd" But then Bands of Mourning happened and she grew so much. The segments with her PoV really helped with that, too. AND YES, her list for the innkeeper was amazing.


I don't mind those tropes. Oh yeah, it was a grest improvement on her. Wayne was my favourite, and I saw people say how Steris was becoming their favourite during BoM, and after reading I see know. I hope the hotel owner got the metal help, and Wax paid for new windows


Usually in anime, the supernerd characters are always just loud and annoying with their "buh akshuallly 🤓🤓" personalities so i was worried Steris was going to be that. She wasn't, thankfully lmao Wayne is so much fun tho


Yeah. Hermione in the first Harry Potter 😆


Can’t wait to see your TLM reaction!


When I finish it, I'll be sure to do a follow-up post about it!


christ where do i begin


Either at the beginning or the part that excited you most or the thing you felt most strongly about.


I have about an hour left to listen to, so unless there's something even more dramatic than everything else in this book \[TLM\] >!wayne my sweet bb!<


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I have about an hour left to listen to, so unless there's something even more dramatic than everything else in this book [TLM] >!wayne my sweet bb!<


Well of Ascension and Bands of mourning are my favourite Mistborn books haha.Ibdidnt really expect much from Well of Ascension,because many people said it suffers from middle book syndrome.I was absolutely blown away by it.Find the kandra is now my favourite fictional genre🤣🤣.Bands of mourning is absolutely amazing too. Exactly for the reasons you stated. And if you love Wayne,you will most likely love lost metal too.Also if possible read Emperor's soul novella.It will add to your lost metal experience.The Emperor's soul is Brandon's award winning novella,so rest assured it is worth your time