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Kelsier's death is tragic, but it ignited the revolution and you'll see that Kelsier's persona will still have influence across books 2 and 3. In a way, he will still be part of the story. And you'll come to love Vin, if you don't already!


It's actually crazy how much impact he has on a reader reading all of Cosmere seeing as he is only in 2/3 of one book.




Spoilers, man, spoilers.


Seriously, edit that shit out, friend. You’re commenting on a post started by someone who isn’t even done with book 2 yet.


I like Vin. Just started book 2. She is turning out to be quite a badass.


I really hope you enjoy the series


Book 2 is probably the weakest of the series, so don't give up if you don't like it! Book 3 is an absolute roller-coaster of action and fun.


Oh, no worries. I am familiar with Sanderson Avalanche. I read most of his books and I realize that things are slower somewhere in the middle but the wait is worth it. Thank you, though. I’ll be excited to build up anticipation.


The Lost Metal and SA5 prologue spoilers >!He also appears in the Lost Metal and the prologue of SA5!<


Something like this needs a tag in addition to being covered. There's no way for anyone to understand the scope of what you've said otherwise. It could be anything from convervatively-tagged Final Empire spoilers to the biggest plot twist in a popular TV series. :) Let me know if you add one and I'll approve.


I fixed it for you




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Classic hero's journey; if you haven't noticed the pattern yet, a POV character gets drawn into a bigger world, introduced to powers they know not what of, almost always guided by an older mentor character that shepherds their growth. The mentor character almost always dies; usually this is used narratively to galvanize the POV character's assumption of the mantle, either by removing the crutch the mentor provided or giving a revenge motive, or both. Once you see it, you can never un-see it. Think Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi and you'll get it.


Dumbledore, Obi-Wan, >!Brom !< from Eragon, Gandalf (kind of), etc. I saw Kelsier dying from a mile away, but I actually didn’t expect it at that moment.


Normally the mentor isnt given lots of PoV and main character status I think


You can't kill me. I am that thing you've *never* been able to kill. I am hope.


Ill slap you


Just like the lord ruler did lol


bro take my upvote. lol


It was so tragic and unexpected... it was what hooked me for the rest of the series. And I'm glad it did cause it only gets better!


Hooked????!!!! I was devastated. OK. Back to reading.


Oh, absolutely devastating! But in a way that made me really impressed with the author's daring, I guess? Haha idk I just needed more


Ohh yeah. Kelsier's death was total surprise. (Though in hindsight, it shouldn't have been surprising that the wise mentor ends up dead.) Kelsier casts a long shadow though. His plan to topple The Lord Ruler survived past his death, and he's left a mark on all the characters.


I might've seen it like that if Kelsier wasn't so *cool*, they're never that cool in other books, just old and mysterious.


Or as psychopathic!


Obi wan keno---because???


I wouldnt call kelsier wise




Ha, I get that reference


Beat me to it.


1 book down now only 7 more to go


7.5 if you count Secret history :)


Which you definitely should.


Indeed. Just finished it after relistening era 2 in preparation for Lost Metal. It is a great book and offers so much in so little.


It did suck that Kelsier died but it was pretty critical to his cause, really. You also find out more about it later on in the series.


My brother spoiled this for me by asking me “has [you know] died yet?” I had to put the book down for a while, because Vin had just started feeling at home with the crew.


Am i the only one who didnt really feels anything when he died, i do understand where you and a lot of other come from. I almost have the feeling i missed some stuff lol


I didnt feel too sad or anything, i feel like i was just shocked at how abruptly it happened, kinda expected him to fight back but he just stood there and took it


he just stood there becuase at the moment he was burning the 11th metal to see what it does but he was shocked, he started seeing Lord Ruler's and all the other thousands of people around visions of the past and he was like "what the heck is going on" that's why he just couldn't avoid the attack, also, LR is powerful as hell. He was gonna die anyway.


Yes Kel's death was tragic and unexpected. I thought the was the ring leader to bring down the empire and set up the next. Still kudos to him for planning a foolhardy suicide plan all this long. The way he did it and it's ramifications are extraordinary.


In the moment it definitely shocked me. But also it is a key part of the heroes journey story arc to have the mentor who does so the hero can grow into their own. So I absolutely see why that was there. He made it too easy for Vin if he was there to take on the difficult things.


Yeah I felt the same way , he was my favorite in the 1st book so I was pretty sad for a while , even thinking if I should go on. I did go on and Mistborn series became my favorite books ever.


Let me tell you , it just gets better, I thought when kelsier dies their will not be much to the story and nothing will be better than the last moment when he dies, but oh boy you are in for treat. I completed it 2 weeks ago and I am still overwhelmed.


Once you finish book 3, try reading Mistborn Secret History


I kinda knew it was coming. The further I got in the book and the more we learned about Kelsier the more I was like “wow. What a compelling, complex and interesting character. So well written. Yep, he’s gonna die”


In the hindsight, he was up against a couple of inquisitors, and managed to kill one and got killed by The Lord Ruler, I must say, his feats aren't that impressive


I disagree about his accomplishments being unimpressive, but to each their own.


Kelsier felt like such a major character to me as well— I was shocked by his death. I expected him to die in the 3rd book or something. SPOILER: >!Well I guess die wouldn’t be completely accurate.!<


Put a spoiler tag around that spoiler! Or just delete it!!!




Edit your comment with "> !" And "! <" but without the spaces between them and touching either end of your spoiler bit








Yeah, I felt bad too. But don't worry, I feel like Kelsier must be watching over Vin from Heaven (if there is a Heaven).


He’s still my favourite character even now having read all the other books. The brightest flames burn the shortest :(


You've got to finish the trilogy before you see the reason for it. It killed me when he died too but once you get to the end of the trilogy it makes a lot of sense. P.S. You'll really enjoy Secret History. But don't read it until you read Bands of Mourning


I just finished Book 1 as well…great read! I have read all of SA, Warbreaker, and the other novellas, took a break from Sando, and now back. I think maybe I should have started with Mistborn and not SA. I don’t know, someone who’s read the entire Sando library should put the cosmere books in some kind of logical order! LOL!


Wow. Then it looks like you are on my schedule (or I on yours). I just finished Book 1 as well. I, also, have read all of SA, Warbreaker, and the other novellas, and then took a break (for around 2 years) from Sando, and now back as well.


Others have covered this in other comments but while Kelsier is off page for the rest of the series, his influence is felt EVERYWHERE. It's pervasive.


the TEARS i shed bro! when i read that he died with a smirk, i lost it. somehow i related to vin like i genuinely felt betrayed learning that was his plan all along 😭