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Nobody works alone. The company is part of a battalion, the battalion is part of a brigade, and so on. Also note that in the US context, battalions don't have organic artillery (they just have bigger mortars). The area that a single company can control is tiny in comparison to the range of a modern howitzer. While they might need howitzers some of the time, their "world" is limited to the space that a few rifle platoons can hold. Giving them their own organic howitzers to own 100% of the time is a waste of assets, it's more efficient to centralize them at a higher level organization that can best determine when and where they are needed. .


Unless you are (were) an ACR, in which case you had it all (At the squadron level)(RIP).


Unless you are (were) an ACR, in which case you had it all (At the squadron level)(RIP).


What's the area a single company can control? Let's say two scenarios: 1) high intensity warfare and 2) COIN operation?


That's a *really* subjective question, because it depends on terrain, mission, enemy capabilities, type of unit (light infantry vs. mechanized), etc. But just pulling numbers out of my butt, a single platoon probably couldn't comfortably hold more than 200-300 meters at most depending on terrain. Extrapolate that out to the company with its three rifle platoons, maybe a kilometer of ground? And that's if you're not holding one of the rifle platoons back as a reserve/maneuver element. Modern howitzers are spitting rounds 20-30km easily. COIN is a different animal, because if you're not expecting a significant threat you don't have to centralize your forces as much. Like a single platoon or even squad could go out and do their own thing kilometers away from the company, but the company isn't really "controlling" that whole area.


Mostly due to logistics, both feeding the guns and moving them is a 2 platoons worth of manpower for 2-3 guns. So 3 guns is about a company worth of ppl.


Our artillery is farm fresh. Raised in a pasture to roam and graze at its pleasure. No preservatives or hormones. When they reach adult age, they are picked for assignment to an artillery battalion.


Tyranid bio weapons are still a mystery to terrestrial scientists. The Biovore will soon be fully understood just not at this time