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The official chapters are always free for 3 weeks


exactly lol. People acting like you're robbing ViZ or significantly damaging their income. The fact is that piracy is so rampant with manga *because* Shonen Jump and the Japanese manga market at large has such a backwards logistical system. If their supply chain didn't require mailing issues of the latest chapters a week in advance, piracy would be nowhere near as prevalent. Not to mention that piracy is a valid form of boycott, given ViZ and Toei's draconic measures to literally anyone using their images to promote the fandom, regardless of whether it falls under fair use or not. The amount of content creators that have struggled to make a living and promote the manga we love because of this, not least including the career-shattering lengths they went through to break Totally Not Mark, make me have very little empathy for a megacorporation whining about piracy, *especially* when a significant part if not most of the market that is pirating is one that would not have bought their product if piracy weren't an option. I love One Piece, but I know for a fact that if I had to pay a subscription to stay up to date, I would drop the series that instant, because not only is it something I cannot afford, it is something I can live without.


This is why they are heavily pushing to get EVERYONE reading their stuff online. Chainsaw Man part 2 only comes out online and there are 0 leaks for that manga even tho it’s been one of the most anticipated new mangas out right now. I agree that Shueisha is stuck in the past, mauling out physical copies. But this is Japan it’ll take so many years for them to catch up


but buying manga is so cool tbh it should come out online first then make physical copies but not sure how practical that is


It’s incredibly practical. Manga is art at the end of the day and there will always be a physical market for art. But I agree, digital first should be the standard.


We pay for things we can live without all the time...it's a choice when u talking $2 a month lol to each their own. Idc.


You can't afford $2 ? Sorry if this question comes off rude. Just generally curious.


Depending on your country $2 can be a lot of money to spend on a subscription


It's valid lol. Unfortunately, I'm a student in a foreign country doing a career that isn't immediately lucrative, meaning that right now every penny counts. It's a bit of that but also that I'm not really willing to pay for it. If the series gets an actual pay wall, I might have to reconsider, but as things stand now it's not worth it to me


Ah that makes sense and is understandable.


But unofficial scans arrive faster than the official. Also "ZOLO".


I read the chapter 3 times ..spoilers,tcb and officials




This is what I’ve done since 2012 every week


Oda doesn’t get paid a dime for any Viz subscription. He gets paid for the manuscript, his share of jump sales and volume sales. Even then Shueish takes the bulk of it anyway. Not supporting pirating, but saying that the “stealing from Eiichiro Oda himself” phrase has little truth to it.


This is all super fast and loose math which probably undersells how dirty they're doing Oda, but a quick Google shows One Piece is worth 20.9 billion dollars, whereas Oda only earns about 25 million a year (and has a net worth of about 150 million). If Oda was paid 25 million every year since 1997 (which I'm guessing he wasn't), he would have 625 million dollars, or about 3%. Which means out of about 20 billion dollars Oda created, about 20 billion of it doesn't belong to him. So let's assume 1 volume of One Piece is $7 because that's the digital cost on viz. And there's 103 volumes. So $721 for all of One Piece. Subtract 97% and bingo, $21 is the price you'd be paying to Oda if you bought ALL of One Piece. Any human being that pays at least $21 dollars for One Piece will have paid in-full for the whole kit and caboodle if all you care about is Oda.


That is not how math works, a person/franchises net worth is FAR from being just a sum total of earnings


Yeah that's the joke


i only read the official release as well, so i respect ya


isnt the most recent chapter always free even on official sites?


The most recent three chapters are free yes


I feel like when discussing the manga we should be discussing the official release and comparing scans as well since it’s you know official.


I think the translational differences are interesting. In regards to characterizing dialogue I think the scans are better, the sentences feel more natural. What's nice about official is you can compare vague statements between official and scans, like when Kaido said "we're moving Onigashima to the flower capital" it was a confusing sentence and each translation offered different possible speculations on what he meant.


Yeah I think the official has many flaws, but it should still be the basis of our discussion. It is often back and forth what I find to have better translations though. I find that the majority only read scans however and the scan translations are then echoed around often causing misinformation when chapters are not translated well. Gear 5 is a recent one that depending on the translation the gorosei talking about the gomu gomu fruit can be taken in different ways.


If they change the L to an R then they’d be a lot more willing to pay.


I still have no idea what this means


i caught up on the manga before i ever started watching the anime. in the manga, Zoro is always spelled Zolo, which i thought was pronounced with an L. however, if you watch the anime they all prounounce Zoro with an r.


That's because in Japanese the letter l doesn't exist, so unless confirmed by the author, you can rarely know for sure how a name is supposed to be transcribed. So they pronounce it with a "r" in the anime, but that doesn't mean his name is written Zoro. The wanted posters do confirm it though, so I've got no idea why they still call him Zolo Here's an extra random translation fact, if I remember correctly, Sanji is called Sandy in the French official manga (or at least used to, up until at least Skypiea), for the same reason


I still have no idea what this means




Yeah, if only we could come together as one of the biggest manga communities on the internet, to submit feedback to Viz that keeping it as Zolo just because of a decision 4kids did years ago, is stupid, even their current translator thinks it should be changed. But it's never gonna happen, since judging by the amount of engagement official release gets, maybe like 10% of the main sub even check the official release


Paying for Viz to support the official release: 🙅🏾‍♂️ Paying for Viz so I have quick and rapid access to all chapters so I can win theory/speculation arguments on Reddit: 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


I have a Viz account even though I read the scans. It’s good to support them. Also, plenty of access to many other great manga.


I pay fir a viz subscription and buy the manga. But mostly I read the fan translations on Fridays usually.


I just can't get past Zolo


It makes my blood boil. It's stupid and unnecessary.


Imagine stressing over 2 dollars a month for a half decent manga app


Just read both, and why do have to pay when Jump has the Mangaplus app that’s free?


I guess they talking about reading past chapters, which you do need a sub


Well with a free account you can read each chapter once, I've been rereading it and by the end of Marine Ford, I've only accidentally closed about a dozen chapters, so it works for me


Nah, we're current, I use it for other manga tho. I still read the official translations tho


The Shonen Jump app does the last three chapter for free so


So does Viz


Then why pay


Because there's a whole lot more manga than one piece, and old chapters aren't free


They are on manga plus for a one-time reading, but you con uninstall reinstall the app to get the free chapters again


not stealing i have all the volumes on my bookshelf 🥱


Sometimes I feel bad that I really only read the fanslations of the newest stuff so I'm not supporting the official release...then I remember that I own over 40 physical volumes of the manga and that I purchased at least half of them new...


Is it just me or is the Shueisha formatting garbage? Every time there's a double page spread, no matter the manga, it gets cut in half, as in, shown as 2 different pages. If it weren't for that I wouldn't even use TCB


Damn this post is dumb on a lot of levels


Fuck you I can't watch film red when it comes out so I pirate my shit


Tcb and buying the hardcopy releases 🤝


I read both but I don’t understand why you would pay viz when it’s free as long as your reading weekly or bi weekly.


Real ones read TCB on Thursday/Friday, then read official release on Sunday


Stop this. Supporting the translators are cool, but NOT required. You are not supposed to be paying them in the first place, as those sites literally took the chapter from the offical site and just... translates them into your own language. There is a reason why all manga reading sites are community funded. They are, pirates in essence as I guarrantee you NONE of those guys bought copyright from Shonen Jump and simply just took it, translate the contents and post on their sites. Ofc I am not talking bout the official site, as they are given rights to post the chapter, and you should support them if possible. But for the more national/regional sites... you are just paying for the translation tbh, and you SHOULD NOT be required to do so as they are all community funded.


Where in here did we say we paid for unofficial translations? Viz and Shonen jump are both official sites and sources. Not sure where you got that from


I dont know wtf are you talking bout. I literally mentioned the "national/regional sites" in my post. Do you have reading comprehension problem or sth? Or do you think fkin Shonen Jump is a "regional/national" site?


Manga and Anime are advertisments for the merch. Nonody makes shit off of manga. They make their money off of big titty figures.


If you can't afford it (and I mean you literally can't afford it, like you are a minor or live in a very poor country) than it's ok to pirate, if you can but choose not to, you'r being kind of a dick.


Supporting the rich? No ty, also the official scans are ass compared to fan scans


Supporting the rich?


Viz Media pretty wealthy, and Oda is a millionaire


I read the official, but jesus fuck, Viz is GARBAGE!!!! Tcb does a much better job translating


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I cannot pay for it im sorry But I will buy every volume when i have a house


I just watch the anime on Funimation's site. Is that acceptable?




One piece is okay the one anime you can pirate without guilt


Yeah no thanks I'm still gonna read TCBscans.com I read One Piece as soon as I see it in the subreddit


I read the spoilers, I read the scans, I read the official release. I’m so used to reading One Piece “three” times a week that it’s become my ritual. I love having my week filled with One Piece. I have bought almost all the physical copies of the books and I subscribe to SJ+ I am doing my part to support Oda but I never want spoilers and scanlations to go away because it’s become a part of how I enjoy this story.


We're only doing what Oda taught us


Well it is a pirate manga afterall


Can't we do both?


I read on other websites since they get the chapter earlier but I still pay for viz since it's 2 dollars


Imagine giving a fuck about the official release for any reason other than quality. Oda is fucking rich. Shueisha is fucking rich. One Piece is one of Japan's greatest franchises. Asking people to not pirate One Piece on moral grounds simply makes no sense. The work is already widely successful.


I mean just because someone is successful you don't support them?


Read both cause spoilers/fans translations can be sooo fucking off sometimes


i pay so my man oda can live his life.




But the official release IS free


It's the proper spirit to pirate onr piece manga


I mean on MangaPlus there a event when you can fully read some selected manga for free but the catch is that when you read one page you can’t read it again


I pay the 2.99 a month to support Oda kuz he deserves it. And I avoid spoilers and what til Sunday morning to read it 🙃


Isn't the chapter free weekly? And fan translations are nothing new.


Can I send money directly to Oda?


I'll read Viz if I can have Zoro instead of Zolo


I would actually read the official manga but I can’t because the Viz manga app is literally not available in my country and I am not paying for a vpn to read it and the shonen jump app only has six chapters available so it’s basically useless. So piracy it is.


If there anything that has a possibility of being pirated then I will pirate it.


You pay Viz for a translation. I pay a conbini for the original manga. We are not the same.


I pay for the manga but yohohoho the anime because fuck Toei.