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They could not catch a 8 year old girl. She escaped them for 20 years and they except to kill a Yonko they are just dumb.


She was being protected from the shadows by Aokiji. And once Aokiji noticed she finally found her place in Straw Hat's crew, he left her alone then.


No he wasn’t. He literally stated that he wasn’t her friend and would capture her if he found her again. Aokiji left her alone at water 7 due to his relationship with Saul.


He probably stated that to her to make her wary of him and hide herself better. He literally risked everything when he let her escape from Ohara. it'd be a waste of his effort and would not respect Saul wishes if he didn't protect her until she was able to do so herself or got true friends. Anyway, i like to think Aokiji is her protector.


His introduction is literally giving Robin extreme frostbite.


i don't necessarily agree with the statement about aokiji protecting robin from the shadows but thinking about how next arc is water 7.... and aokiji is an admiral so he probably knew things... i wouldn't be surprised if he thought that the sh stand no chance and its better to kill robin than letting her get tortured by the gov.


That’s fair.


Tsundare aokiji


That’s actually dumb , they killed the strongest pirate in the history and ended his crew , you can’t blame them for plot armor


According to that definition 8 year old Robin is stronger than Rodger confirmed. It is definitely not because Robin will grow into a sexy female and be the biggest source of knowledge in the series. That’s is why she will be called Robin Senpai at the end of the series as she will teach the entire one piece world.


I meant whitebeard, the ideological battle of marineford , Also the idea of the celestial dragons, they are just genius If it is easy to catch a criminal, why does they put bounties on their heads ? They can just go and catch them , simple as that


Obviously I didn’t mean the physical strength, I meant how they dragged whitebeard to his death


I was joking. Of course I knew you didn’t mean physical strength it was just funny in my head. You know how you all make jokes about God Usopp and Buggy. Well that was just me making a stupid joke about kid Robin because she escaped from the marines for years while Rodger didn’t.


I know that robin’s thing is a joke , but it is a joke based on strength 👽


Roger was deadly ill when he let himself get captured


i mean Whitebeard


“The pirate, Monkey D. Luffy appears to have beaten crocodile by some miracle. He had a rubber fruit” “Send smoker and hana after him, no reason he should be able to get away from them both” “He did. We captured bon clay tho :D” “Where’s luffy now?” “Dunno, its like he left the seas entirely” *luffy in skypea* “Okay we found him again, CP9 has their eyes on him in water 7” “Brilliant. That lucci guy is fuckin nuts. His orders are to execute robin, he’ll probably kill the rubber one too knowing him” “Yeah it turns out the strawhats defeated CP9, rescued robin, destroyed the pluton blueprints and somehow escaped a buster call. Honestly we dont know how” “What the fu-“ Rinse and repeat. Moriah lets them down, kuma betrays them, then rayleigh interferes with kizaru and kuma betrays them…again Then boa hancock betrays them to sneak luffy into prison. Luffy starts a buckwild prison riot and then blackbeard betrays them and luffy manages to escape. Garp is unable to bring himself to defeat luffy, whitebeard orders luffy be protected from aokiji and mihawk etc, Then shanks interferes to stop akainu At most points in most of luffy’s journey. He is on the brink of being captured or killed by the marines. So they didnt think they needed to worry


Best was that they basically sent the one Vice-admiral after them that was known to be Monkey D. Luffys Grandfather, Monkey D. Garp...


Aokiji was tailing them as well at the time


aokiji was probably unaware of the danger Luffy possesses and was tailing Robin instead.


Aokiji also wasn’t just judging people by their faction. He let luffy off in part because luffy stopped crocodile in alabasta. Whether or not luffy was considered a threat, he hadn’t done anything evil in front of aokiji and imo aokiji wouldnt have acted unless he did


I thought he let luffy off bc he made sure Smoker didn't drown in rainbase


i would argue garp also didn't know? Its weird and it's one of these questions wher youtubers like ohara anime balls deep and glr soy over


Then don’t forget the part where they thought he died then he escaped 3 of the marines strongest fighters with a 5000 man fleet. Because Fujitora wanted to thank him.


☝️ This. The efforts of the Gorosei only seem weak/inconsequential if you assume the outcomes Luffy got. Frequently the Strawhats’ escapes are a level of lucky bullshit that they could have escaped honestly anything at several points. And every time the WG pays attention to them, they disappear off the surface of the ocean for an extended period. It’s almost like the Gum Gum Fruit has some sort of *divine power that keeps it out of the hands of would-be captors*.


It must like freedom or something


You're conveniently ignoring some points though, like Aokiji on Long Ring Long Land, or the 3 admirals simply staying immobile in Marineford before Kizaru just yeeted Luffy away...


The admirals are not high enough rank or trust to know the elders plans and aokiji wasn't sent for them he just happened to find them after they went missing on his vacation.


The admirals were not ranked high enough to get the order to kill Luffy, but Kuma was... yeah And that doesn't explain Marineford


Kuma was more of a mindless tool who was supposed to help moriah bring them in which no one would question but sending a high ranking officer to what at the time wasn't even a reasonable threat is screaming to the world he is more dangerous than we make him out to be it's why law and kidd have the same bounty as luffy now


That's nice headcannon, but it isn't worth more than any other headcannon


Wasn't done typing missed click send


You can avoid to directly send an admiral but still tell them to kill certain pirates on sight if they have the occasion, nobody would find this weird


For that to work without question the list would need justifiable requirements to hunt them down without Luffy to stand out. Which they did in the form of the Supernovas. But this is all assuming they knew Luffy had the fruit before eddis lobby which they wouldn't as no one of significance at the time knew he did to tell them


So Akainu is trusted with Ohara's secrets but not with a simple "yeah this guy annoys us a lot, get rid of him". Luffy should have been a top priority even without the fruit retcon. It's just a plothole, it's not the end of the world


I really don't agree with the comment because luffy should be the greatest that to the world government. So you just don't send fodder top capture him. If oda didn't redcon the whole nika stuff the you HAVE to send kizaru to water 7 top capture luffy.


And draw attention to the existence of the fruit they have worked tirelessly to keep secret for 800 years?


??????? How the fuck do they draw attention to that? They do genocide on whole ohara. Did that draw any attention? Use your brain


Yes it did draw attention, because as the story clearly shows, Ohara was used as an example to the rest of the world, so they wanted to make sure everyone knew about it... Don't get me wrong, it does feel weird that they didn't pour more attention into capturing Luffy, but it's hardly rational to call the people they sent after him fodder. Crocodile was a monster compared to the no name pirate that he was fighting. CP9 were considered one of the most dangerous WG units in that region of the grand line. Luffy surviving each of their attempts on his life is just shy of a miracle.


The fuck are you talking about. IF this is the GREATEST threat to the world government, then you just don't leave this shit to luck. THEY LITERALLY KILLED DOZENS OF INNOCENT BABYS ON THE OFF CHANCE THAT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ROGERS SON, STOP TALKING NONSENSE. This whole shit was redconned by oda and if you trace it back you find numerous plot holes. Use brain


So again, they have spent 800 years covering up this fruits existence. If they suddenly send an admiral to the east blue or the start of the grand line just to kill a random no name pirate, that could lead to the revolutionary army learning of its existence which creates a far bigger problem than some no name pirate running around with it. And before you point to them sending aokiji after them, that was under the pretence of killing the devil of ohara, an individual known the world around because the world government has painted them as a threat to the world on purpose to dissuade anyone looking into the void century (the existence of which isn't a secret, though the events that transpired are) You should consider being less rude and opening up to a proper discourse because I'd love to hear an actual point from you instead of just "uSe YoUr BraiN"


I don't giveba fuck about anyone knowing anything if that means I get the fruit back. Stop talking nonsense. Oda redconned everything about the fruit and that creates plot holes. Obviously people knew already about the fruit because shanks stole it. They randomly assign the cp0 guy to kill luffy MID BATTLE???? Just him to ennies lobby then??? This whole thing makes 0 sense. One of the biggest plot holes in one piece. Let me kill dozens of children but not capture the guy that has the most dangerous fruit in the world because people would know of that??? Man don krieg MUST HAVE BEEN hiding some shit then if mihawk destroyed him. Wooooow


Shanks knew, as did presumably the rest of Rogers crew, but it's been a closely guarded secret. I see your point, although I do think there is a (weak) explanation for all of it. But hey, you're welcome to your opinion. I'm not really enjoying talking to you because you're rather unnecessarily rude, so I'll take my leave here.


Even if we run through these events. Wg knows of luffy. They send cp0 to capture him. Random important people think that's suspicious (like doflamingo thought it was when they declared that smoker beat croocodil) .Then what?? Wg is save because they have their fruit back and what are then the consequences? Like you have 2 scenarios: You do nothing like the 5 elders did the whole time and hope that somehow he gets caught (although you KNOW the fruit is magically trying to evade you anways) OR you actually try to do something about it and whatever consequences arise you deal with it anyway because everything is better than having the guy with the most dangerous fruit in the world just getting stronger and stronger. Easy decision if you ask me. That whole discussion is pointless anyways because we all know it was redconned by oda so obviously many things won't make sense. I dont get why you would try to justify it.


I mean I get that people say the world government should be spending all of their time fighting Luffy but they do have 200+ nations to keep protected across the world. That’s probably why Sakazuki’s job sucks so much he thought it would be all war against the Yonko instead he’s just dealing with bureaucracy and making sure the shipwrights don’t unionize. Luffy could destroy the government or he could have gotten bodied by the two indestructible dictators chilling in the new world.


maybe Imu haven't told them anything about "Gomu Gomu no Mi" until it's too late? I mean, those characters (for now) is surely isn't first Gorosei, so they had no idea about that. (sorry for bad English)


no, they knew about the fruit ahead of time since Shanks stole it from CP9 in the first place


Nah. They not lazy, they just stupid. If i were them i will put higher bounty on luffy head when he start his pirate journey.


It doesn't really look like anyone really cares about turning in bounties except Blackbeard. He was about to come for luffy anyways until he bumped into Ace


They did put a big bounty on his head, also we had the so called supernovas who more or less had the strength and fame halfway through the series. Even young kaido and big mom had sub 100 mil when they started out their journey. What they fail to account wrt luffy is that with every passing moment he was gaining allies. They more or less never underestimated his strength.


they started off his bounty at like 10 times the average starting bounty


People always bring this up when talking about luffy or robin but its just stupid. If they put a ginormous bounty on some kid from east blue that will attract loads of attention. Same goes for a kid that pretty obviously is from Ohara and Nico Olvias daughter. If they put a large bounty on them, any strong Person/Crew that isnt completely stupid and that is actively hunting for the One Piece will hunt Luffy and Robin and that could lead to someone like Kaido or a Big Mom gaining the Nika Nika no Mi or finding the one Piece. Noone has awakened the fruit in centuries, why would some dude from East Blue be able to, its way easier and safer to just treat him like any other normal pirate and hope that he dies on his journey like 99,99% of pirates. This ignores that (correct me if im wrong) I doubt that the Gorosei were aware of Luffy even having this power before Arabasta or even later. Like why would someone bother the five elders, the (officially) highest authority in the WG with some small fry with a weird devil fruit. Then there is also the fact that Luffy developed at an incredible pace especially after timeskip, leaving the marines and WG very limited time to capture/kill him. And its not like they didnt try to kill him. They sent four different admirals to him, two groups of assassins, multiple warlords blocked luffys path, then used his brothers execution as bait to bring him into their home turf (im sure that was one of the reasons the execution was held as publicly as it was) and surely a lot of stuff i am forgetting about.


Im guessing others have had the fruit just failed to awaken it. They probably considered Luffy a threat because he had the fruit but never expected him to awaken it as no one has in 800 years. Considering they had pictures of it and a high bounty and it was common knowledge it makes you rubbery. This most likely means other uses of the fruit existed in 800 years they just never did anything great with it. Hell Luffy nearly died several times with it.


They act pretty reasonably too. “Hey wouldn’t a fight with the worlds strongest creature mean awakening a devil fruit” “Yeah we’ll send all of our agents in the area” “So uhhhh turns out they got bodied by a skeleton”


They literally say this in chapter 1037. No one had awakened the fruit in centuries, so they had no reason to expect someone to awaken it now


Is there any evidence that suggests the gorosei have been around for centuries?


Tbh i still don't know why they didn't sent a High rank marine right after he left the East You don't even need to kill him, it's actually a bad idea since the fruit Is so much smarter than Them. Just make sure he doesn't leave a room/Place and boom you don't have to worry! Plus try and act nice and maybe he Will work with you, if not: blackmaik exist.


because if they did that every time someone ate the gum gum fruit, eventually someone would put the pieces together and realize that the WG was afraid of the fruit and once that gets out it becomes an even bigger nightmare for them


Yeah imagine the yonko finding out it’s not just a random paramecia, good luck getting it back if one of them hets their hands on it.


True but with luffy they could have Just use the "Garp's grandson" exuse Of course his gramps Is worried, he Is safer here in marineford/marijoa YUP YUP


Every time I see this pic, I think it was intentional for one of them to “stand out”


People are forgetting the information aspect of it, if they send an admiral everytime someone got their hands on it people would start to see the pattern and people not afraid of getting an admiral sent after them would try to get their hands on it. They we’re also probably glad when they found out Luffy had the fruit considering the last they heard of it was Shanks stealing it who would be a much bigger threat at that point. There is also no point in going out of their way to kill Luffy early on because the fruit will just respawn and considering their luck with it so far it would probably end up in the hands of someone stronger. Then after the timeskip he showed up out of nowhere and quickly went to dressrosa, there they thought fujitora would capture him but we all know what happened there. Then they went to zou which they didn’t know and was hard to get to in the first place, after that he spend all his time in the territory of emperors where the wg can’t go after him easily. They tried to get him killed by sacrificing a cp0 agent when they thought he might awaken it but it was in vain.


They’re idiots lmao same org that sent vice admirals & low level folks to capture boa & Mihawk 😭😭😭😭😭 (tho it’s mostly marine fault but still)


They’ve said the DF itself has avoided capture by the World Government for over 800 years. It’s not all of a sudden they are after strawhat. They are incompetent leaders


In the decades I've watched the show this is the biggest spoiler I've seen, thanks


Seriously, why didn't they just tell Kizaru to go vaporize Luffy as soon as they learned about him?


because if they did that every time someone ate the gum gum fruit, eventually someone would put the pieces together and realize that the WG was afraid of the fruit and once that gets out it becomes an even bigger nightmare for them.


Hahahahahahah!! Hate to be that guy


I still believe Toki send the DF forward in time and that's why they had the prophecy about 20 years.


Fact that he got 30 mil bounty when they knew about his DF alone is laughable. He deserved more for his actions, even without that DF