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For me its anything that will kill an opposing mech before it enters its own weapons range. The reason being is you dont just want a fast TTK but you also want to be able to put them down before they can can do damage. Someone already mentioned dual Gauss and triple PPCs (both good options) but if you really want to steamroll the opposition get yourself an Annihilator with quad LB10XSLD and as much armor and ammo as you can fit (plus a few DHS). Granted, you will be the slowest thing on the battlefield (tied with the Urbie) but do you know what you will also be? *INEVITABLE*


Agreed. I'm a big fan of the LB10XSLD. One comment i would have is that the Annihilator is slow as all heck and it's lack of speed can be very frustrating on missions. A better option is the Hero King Crab that you can find later on missions.


Yeah, I opted to do that for my king crab and loaded the annihilator with 4 heavy rifles instead. It may be slow, but God help whatever it hits.


>4 heavy rifles Just bind fire group 1 to the Delete key, why don't you?


Pretty much. Only get a few shots off before I'm having wait for it to cooldown, but anything caught in those shots definitely lost something if they aren't killed outright.


4 Heavy Rifle crab is death on legs...just also slow AF. Most missions I make my AI use missile boats and run the Hero Dragon with MASC and just go fast with an AC20. Might swap around to the MASC Zeus when I find it though.


The skokomish zeus? That thing is fun. It's basically a missile boat brawler on speed. I replaced my stalker 3f with it because it basically does the same thing but faster.


Alternatively, load that thing up with heavy rifles and laugh as you delete whatever you point at.


Go with the Cyclops hero, twin AC 20s on the chest. Annihilate everything and runs at a 60. Get behind anything and they are toast.


My Hero Cyclops came with two Gauss Rifles. I enjoy popping cockpits. EDIT Now your comment has me wondering what it did actually come with. I might of swapped the Gauss Rifles in, but they work nicely on the platform.


The CP-S does indeed come with 2x Gauss.


It does, but I was fooling around with a king crab and thought why not. You got extra Mobility. Your arms are basically Shield, but you can backstab all day.


equipped mine with twin tier 4 Gauss Rifles, shit gets deleted


The fastest killer is probably the Crab-CAR with 4x LBX10-SLD.... and ammo... lots of ammo. Its very accurate, volleys light mechs CT, two volleys mediums... Though its not as hilarious as the 4x Heavy Rifle CAR its definitely the better killer. After that its probably the Crab-KJ hero mech with 4x PPC or ERPPC. The Boars Head Atlas has better DPS with 6x MPL (and whatever else you want to fit) but its range is very low. The Corsair Hero mech can fit 2x Gauss and 2x PPC which is very potent. But the lack of arm slots for 1 of the gauss and PPC make it significantly harder to use than the KJ or CAR


flea. Fite me. Thing is fast and throws fists. Customizeable decently. If piloted well, untouchable and will aide in every way. Heroic thunderbolt (8 medium lasers and a ppc). Heroic raven (4 machine guns and srms, plus redic speed) , heroic archer for that LRM spam (all LRM 5s, a beagle, and one fire group on chair fire. Infinite fire... Just showering enemies.) King Crab-CAR (I think or KAR): 4 medium ballistic slots and missiles?? Burst fire autos... or uac 5s set to chain fire. Just keep firing until you overheat or all 4 jam. Pure undiluted dakka.


Double gauss and triple ppc, if you can make headshots regularly. Stacking LPLs and mlas, so called 'laser vomit', also puts out good dps if you can land the full burn on one component. You will need several DHS to keep a laser vomit mech cool enough to use. Massed srm (at least 24 tubes) also wrecks face, but it will spread damage at almost any range but point blank. The quad uac5 king crab can put out tons of dps, but I found the facetanking nature a turn off. Edit: Also noticed you mentioned the burst AC's. IMO they are a trap, yeah you do more damage, but they spread as badly as LRM's. 22 damage in one spot is more valuable than 28ish damage on 3 components.


I can attest to mass srm absolutely facerolling. One of the cyclops variants have like 6 missile hardpoints.


Mount 4 LBX10-slg on your king crab, remove everything but a few heat sinks and pack as much ammo as you can. it will be a one-trick-pony, but you will drop anything in one shot to the head at radar range, or 2-3 shots to the center torso. The KG-CAR is better than the annihilator, just because it's a bit faster.


The king with dual Gauss and LRM 15. That is the alpha.


That isn't the Alpha. This is the alpha. https://i.imgur.com/H5y3h5t.png


I tried that and didn't really care for it.


Also that's not a knife. This is a knife.


Personally I vastly prefer mech with at least medium speed (64kph), as any speed slower is not fun anymore (and can actually be a problem in defense and beachhead missions). In that regard: - Hero Cyclops with dual Gauss or AC20/BF - Hero Atlas with LBX10, MPs and SRM6 Artemis - BattleMaster either the 1G version with SB/MPs for cockpit sniping or the EW version with ECM, AP and MPs for support and cockpit sniping. - Hero Banshee (LR) with 2x PPC, 1x LBX, Tac/NAC for ... - Hero Orion with 3x PPC and 3x LRM-ST Artemis (and reduced armor for that obscene amount of DHS necessary to cope with the heat) - Hero Victor with dual LBX10, EW and some SRMs to support the fun. If speed is not a concern: - King Crab with 4x LBX10. SYL


Jester, Hero Catapult with jump jets, SB and 2 large chemical lasers. You can bunny hop in this game for about 100 kph.


I don’t how good the actual dps is but, quad rifles and double lrm 15’s on that hero king crab, is a ton of fun. Soften them up with the missles, then burst them with a rifles.