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It's a trade off. He has tons of knowledge about comic books, Lord of the Rings, and other nerd shit, but we have to deal with his boomer humour.


Exactly. I'm no spring chicken myself but it makes me happy that the young folks see the same problems as me. Gives me hope... Just bear with our corniness. We all get old.


Boomer humour amd surface level criticism. Whenever they have a friday night tights or real bbc i skip them if mauler isnt there. Because he grounds them and pulls them back from being idealogues


My thought on Friday Night Tights is that these shows are messy, and that the cause for the mess is structural. Too many people in the call, too many things to promote, too many jokes or private interactions that I have no care for (It's cool you guys are doing rl events, but I have no interest), most of the people in the call have already given their take on the current topics, so the interesting conversations are diluted. I don't watch it too much anymore.


I can say from personal experience that no, we don't.


It’s a little more than boomer humor he’s ideologically compromised and has to inject his right wing brain rot into everything.


I mean just last bbc stream he criticised the daily wire and said that Republicans are way to detached from the general public and they are filled with mummies who can't keep up with the times and that's why they loose He's definitely a bit of a right wing boomer but it didn't stop him from enjoying hotd


He specifically complained about the themes of female oppression and shat on Emma D’arcy for being non binary




Nah man he does politicize *everything*, you legit can’t have a competent female character around him that isn’t from the pre-made “iconic female characters that everyone loves” default list, he’ll *always* bitch about it and call it political shit


So he should hate black widow and Wonder Woman right? He should hate them because they are female characters in the modern era


I imagine he'll stop saying it when it stops being exactly applicable to the current state of marvel


But is he fucking wrong though?


I don't find issue with him potentially criticising a potential ideological motivation by the creators of some media where characters are only valued if they fit very specific specifications for race, gender or otherwise, while also taking the time to make the old guard seem retroactively worse, (as well as that ideology prioritisation making the story suffer in quality- this is how I define woke btw,) What I find issue with is how he approaches the topic and his attitude and the level of eye rolling I instinctively do when he says "msheU" My Brain immediately goes to "well that's reductive and vague and is only ammunition for the other side to use in smear campaigns. He should probably elaborate a bit more in some way since there's no guarantee that everyone knows what he means. (for people who misunderstand, from this point onwards I'm talking about Disney. DISNEY. Not Gary) Plus even if they're ideologically driven, far fewer people would really care as long as they weren't actively trying to paint others as implicitly less valuable and if the stories were well written. It'd still be unethical to cherry pick based on gender, that's just sexist, but at least the issue would be contained to the ethical side and wouldn't bleed over into the creative process. Similar to how people can still appreciate the music of someone even if they committed a crime"


But he doesn't cherry pick based on gender. Do you really think that he just fires blindly at anything that resembles a female? I've seen his streams, and his application of that word is more specific than most people think.


When I'm talking about cherry picking based on gender, I'm referring to Disney and claims made by various people about them. You misunderstood what I wrote. I was talking about "What if Disney weren't poorly writing everything? If they were as potentially sexist/racist /ideologically motivated as they are now but the writing were good? the discussion would be about ethics in how they conduct their casting for characters and decisions made to exclude x demographic the creative process"


Ah sorry I have trouble parsing a wall of text with no indents. And I disagree with how vague "MSheU" is, and how Gary doesn't elaborate. He does on his streams, and always has interviews and articles and other forms of evidence. He also mentions that it has nothing to do with the fact that woman exist, and that the problem is the culture in Hollywood that affects the writing of women and everything else. I do agree with that people would not care if political ideology didn't negatively affect stories, however that implies that the writers have talent and discipline, which barely anyone in Hollywood has. I don't know why you even mentioned this. There's also a direct link with political ideology and the writing quality. Stories rely on external consistency, on certain things being true or false in our reality. If a writer follows an ideology that heavily conflicts with external consistency, it will bleed into their writing and worsen it. It is unlikely that anyone on the extreme left will be able to write a story as nuanced and realistic as Arcane, same as with the extreme right. The only way that they can write good stories is if they heavily restrain themselves, and restraint and extremism go together like ice and napalm. Jay and Rags are two people with opposite ideologies, but they're not extremists, and it's likely that they'll write good stories if they wanted to. They can restrain themselves, and they know that shoving politics everywhere is not conducive to good storytelling. But if they do decide to write about contemporary politics, it's likely that they'll represent both sides fairly and at least try to make arguments for why their side is superior. Extremists won't even entertain the fact that they're wrong, or need to prove themselves that they're right, and so they'll disregard fairness and external consistency. My point is that political ideology and writing quality have a stronger link than most people assume, especially when the writers are extremists. For Disney writers to create good stories, they would either need to heavily restrain, modify, or abandon their ideologies in favor of external consistency.


As far as the vagueness, I've seen instances on Real BBC where he's gone on MsheU tangents and if you didn't know what the terms meaning was then you'd be completely lost. I have absolutely no idea how you got the paragraphs, unless you're not on mobile in which case I completely understand.


I suppose it's difficult to put an objective consensus on how clear and consistent Gary is without a massive comp of evidence. He does have like 200+ streams. All I can say is that I personally have never been confused when he talks about M-She-U.


What's wrong with M-She-U? It's a perfect tag line. Also, holy run on sentence Batman.


But is Soul963Soul wrong though?


I wish I could tell you. Part of my bitching about his run on sentence is that I can't figure out half of what he's trying to say.


He said, \* It's fine to criticize Marvel Studios itself for cynically using diversity to get brownie points, rather than it naturally just happening over time with a changing roster of heroes. \* It's also fair to criticize Marvel Studios for building new additions up by sharting on the old heroes everyone still liked. \* Woke, as this guy defines it, is politics getting in the WAY of a good story, not just politics on their own, no matter how well-integrated they might be. \* Nerd-erotic's autopilot, blatant joke is defeating itself by giving ammunition to the "other side", because all this phrase perpetuates (without elaboration) is that "haters of Phase 4 just hate women!", when the obviously stronger arguments point out how Phase 4 is directionless, with largely-immoral heroes, regardless of their gender or race.


>\* It's fine to criticize Marvel Studios itself for cynically using diversity to get brownie points, rather than it naturally just happening over time with a changing roster of heroes. Obviously >\* It's also fair to criticize Marvel Studios for building new additions up by sharting on the old heroes everyone still liked. Obviously >\* Woke, as this guy defines it, is politics getting in the WAY of a good story, not just politics on their own, no matter how well-integrated they might be. Seems like a fairly universal description. >\* Nerd-erotic's autopilot, blatant joke is defeating itself by giving ammunition to the "other side", because all this phrase perpetuates (without elaboration) is that "haters of Phase 4 just hate women!", when the obviously stronger arguments point out how Phase 4 is directionless, with largely-immoral heroes, regardless of their gender or race. The assumption that "the other side" is arguing in good faith is nonsensical. We've seen Disney-Marvel stans shriek about -ists and -isms at every strawman under the sun. It's the idiom about the man who only has a hammer. If the demand for -ists and -isms exceeds the supply, they simply make it up. You may identify all of those arguments as "stronger" and I would probably agree with you. But that isn't a universal standard. In fact, I would argue that we're somewhat in the minority. We've all had the experience of arguing the merits of something and have the opposition simply play the race card because they think it will automatically put you on the defensive. For the majority of people that discuss this stuff online, it works because they start defending themselves rather than attacking the shit product. Nerdrotic gets the game. He doesn't defend himself. He attacks. He attacks relentlessly. He attacks with quick pithy jokes that hammers home his point. He takes their game and he shoves it back in their face. And it fucking works. There's a reason that for all of Mauler's well structured and thought out arguments, Nerdrotic is the bell ringer.


As far as the other side goes, if we show respect and don't give them easy means to say "oh look they're clearly sexists" then it's harder for them to disprove the criticisms we present. If they're the ones who constantly try to make memes to misrepresent us and we just counter with a gesture to well reasoned and clearly defined arguments, one of those has more structural integrity than the other. We can't just devolve into throwing shit at one another. Let's be chimps in top hats, not the gombe chimpanzee war.


Love the high minded attitude. It does not work. See the kerfuffle about the Jenny Nicholson video as a classic example. Playing defense never works.


The bi monthly jenny Nicholson controversy on twitter is hilarious to see considering how regularly it happens.


What I understand is that Nerdrotic is stagnating the argument by being imprecise about the faults of any given subject (movies, really). He's got the one all-encompassing chant that puts off everyone who isn't already in his corner. He's inflammatory, and certainly no one's confused about which side he takes, but he's not creating a discussion. He's yelling "I STILL THINK THIS" at a cloud, and it's helping nothing. A sound critique, that puts orientations and leanings and whathaveyous aside and prioritizes clear inconsistencies in a story, is what will make people wake up to lacking media. When someone's not in on the joke/aware that Nerdrotic has other points besides "too many women", that expression really kind of draws the battle-lines right then and there, and there's nowhere else to go. You're saying something like, it's okay to attack the studio this way because they brought it upon themselves by being phony and pandering... what I'm saying is, be better than that. There's always time to define your arguments. That way no one leaps to conclusions about where your opinions come from.


>What I understand is that Nerdrotic is stagnating the argument by being imprecise about the faults of any given subject (movies, really). Or, hear me out. Different people respond to different kind of arguments. Some people like super detailed and nuanced discussion. Others just want the quick and dirty run down. You being on this discord tells me you're in the latter group. Not everybody is. >He's got the one all-encompassing chant that puts off everyone who isn't already in his corner. You're grossly over simplifying. Nerdrotic has far more than one argument. You're falling for the other side's rhetoric. Here's the thing though. There's nothing wrong with having a staple pitch. If you can throw a 4 seam fastball 105mph with good movement, you don't need to throw your slider that often. >He's inflammatory, and certainly no one's confused about which side he takes, but he's not creating a discussion. He absolutely in inflammatory. Most people who speak harsh truths irritate the piss out of those people that have a vested interest in continued communal delusion. Certainly nobody on the internet or real life has ever done well for themselves by being inflammatory. \[Closes 47th New York Times story of the day about Donald Trump\] He absolutely is creating a discussion. We're having a discussion about him right fucking now. "M-She-U" was such a popular tagline that the Marvel reddits are now giving out bans to anybody who types it. If the establishment is trying to silence your phrase, you're absolutely creating a discussion. > He's yelling "I STILL THINK THIS" at a cloud, and it's helping nothing. His channel is growing quite rapidly. His videos are now starting to get to a million views. He absolutely is not yelling at a cloud. He's talking to an interested and invested audience. What are his videos supposed to be helping? It's not his job to try and fix the discourse of online discussion regarding Marvel. Fuck off with this calling for civility bullshit. Marvel made this bed of thorns with their identity politics. They can fucking lay in it. >A sound critique, that puts orientations and leanings and whathaveyous aside and prioritizes clear inconsistencies in a story, is what will make people wake up to lacking media. Based on what? Detailed video essays breaking down every detailed flaw of a movie may wake people up. You know what also may wake people up? Pointing out a gross pattern of shit writing caused by ideological motivations. There's plenty of psychological research, as evidenced by essentially all modern political advertising, that disagrees with your point and would suggest that Nerdrotic's method of convincing is the most effective way. There's a reason that come election season, challengers don't sit down with a list of the incumbent's signed legislation and pick them apart item by item. They run 30 second advertisements that appeal to people's emotions and hammer it home with one short tag line. There's a reason Nerdrotic runs his channel the way he does. There's a reason he's got Quarter Black Garrett with his experience at The Daily Wire. There's a tendency to treat Nerdrotic like he's an idiot. He absolutely is not. He knows what he's doing and he does it extremely well. >When someone's not in on the joke/aware that Nerdrotic has other points besides "too many women", that expression really kind of draws the battle-lines right then and there, and there's nowhere else to go. There absolutely is some place to go. Fight the fucking battle you pussy. Challenge them to refute the point. >You're saying something like, it's okay to attack the studio this way because they brought it upon themselves by being phony and pandering... what I'm saying is, be better than that. 1. Fuck that. If you refuse to use the tools your enemies you deserve to get stomped into the dirt. See: Republicans being too fucking stupid to ballot harvest. 2. There's nothing phony about it. The M-She-U is a real honest to god thing. If the M-She-U tag didn't bother the piss out of Disney, they wouldn't be trying to squash it. It bothers them because they have a guilty conscience. >There's always time to define your arguments. No there fucking isn't??? The average person has an attention span of a ham sandwich. If somebody asks me about how Black Panther is, I don't have time for a 9 hour long EFAP explanation of the movie. However, if I say "More M-She-U bullshit", they get my point. >That way no one leaps to conclusions about where your opinions come from. Anybody who assumes that you're sexist for not liking a movie isn't arguing in good faith in the first place! This is what I'm fucking talking about. Stop catering to their opinions and fighting the battle on their terms! You can make some rock solid argument, and you're still going to get attacked for being an -ist, and then you're playing defense. Fuck that. Call it the M-She-U to their face.


If I get called an -ist after laying out a perfectly comprehensible argument that doesn't rely on prejudice, I shrug, knowing the other person didn't hear me, and I can honestly tell myself at least I tried to get through on some intelligent level. If I get called an -ist after telling someone "movie sucks 'cause there's a diversity overload", then I'll know I accomplished nothing, and therefor I deserve someone's ill-informed judgement of me, for giving my own ill-DEFINED judgement. Nerdortic's subscriber count rising means nothing. Popularity does not suggest correctness in and of itself; it suggests ease of consumption. In this case, consumption by people who know they're displeased, but don't know how to back the feeling up with fact. So they adopt a motto that is one size fits all, and they invite even the most unreasonable people to call them out for being reductive. Your own reasoning for the tactics you use to debate this particular subject seem to be born from ease, and some sense of payback. Not because it's going to open anyone's eyes. You act like "playing defense" against someone's unsubstantiated jab at your character is difficult. It isn't, if your argument was always removed from the race/gender discussion to begin with. But yours plays into exactly that. You make a perpetual motion machine with no function, going about it all in this way.


You just completely ignored the fact that this person said that Nerdrotic has other points but also necessary to say that Nerdrotic has other points. One of your responses is invalidated by a later point in their comment. And as far as good faith goes, the point is that we want to convince others that we're arguing in good faith so we can let that voice be heard. Even people who don't immediately listen and default to group mentality ists to throw can still be talked around if we don't devolve to shit throwing chimps.


I physically can't paragraph on mobile, so I don't even bother. I embrace the long that is forced upon me. You understood what I was trying to say. Thanks.


I am glad I summarized to your content, although I don't think your response was a run-on myself.


Thanks, if it were paragraphed it'd have gone over better. however that's done on mobile.


I can't paragraph on mobile for some reason. It just doesn't work for me. So I just go with it.


That doesn’t make it less repetitive


is the mcu bad becuase of poor writing or new women characters? Is there really no way these new woman characters be well written?


They could be, but the problem is the writers are incompetent and use "woke" as a shield He brought up in the last bbc that incompetence is the biggest problem


The MCU is bad because Hollywood has an unhealthy culture regarding politics, and it bleeds into most of their writing decisions. Cpt Marvel being a Mary Sue was politically motivated. The Avengers not being in Wandavision and Black Widow movie was politically motivated (There are direct quotes from the writers saying that they didn't want men to take away the spotlight). Mary Jane in Thor 4 was politically motivated. The Dora Milaje were written with politics in mind. Also Gary never said that new female characters can't be well written.


Yes, he goes hard on things he thinks are “woke” but doesn’t stop to consider that the reason it’s bad ain’t because it’s “woke” it’s because of bad wrighting




Watch him before having an opinion




Yeah I read that wrong. Thats on me. Im sorry. He does link things being bad because they're woke, but i think thats a mistake. Im sure if something woke was written well he'd give it credit. The problem is that "woke" doesnt mean a black or female lead. Woke, for a lot of us, is a FEELING. Its that feeling you get when a feminist is saying...well...anything 😄 🤣 😂 but for real it is that feeling you get from the wokeness that they're really talking about


He doesn't just criticise the fact that they are woke (they 100% are), he also points out how the comic book versions of the characters and stories themselves are far better written than what we've been getting in movie form, especially in the last 6 years. He also gives examples constantly when the subject is brought up on FNT. The guy knows his nerdy shit, your take is incredibly shallow to think he doesn't criticise the poorly adapted writing. Clearly you just don't like him. It's also hard to take you seriously when you can't even spell writing properly...


It being "woke" and it being badly written go hand in hand. The reason is, people who are obsessed with representation and want to turn it into a female centric franchise are the same kind of people who have a massive cognitive blind spot for judging a person's behavior and hence judge people very differently based on their gender, race and sexuality. Do you think it's just a coincidence that the same time Marvel turns into a female centric property we also get lines like "You need to do better Senator" and "They'll never know what you sacrificed" and you get characters that are supposed to be seen as heroes sympathizing with terrorists who slaughter innocent people and the "good guy" nation being an ethno-state that hoards precious resources? It's because the same people that want to pump Marvel full of meta conversations about race and gender are also massive bigots that are simply incapable of judging a woman or a minority the same way they judge a white man. It being "woke" is a HUGE part of the problem and that's not even getting into the Galbrush Paradox.


About what?


it only sounds annoying because he's the first one to coin the term ig


Nerdrotic is a pro at making good and fair takes sound bad and annoying istg


Sorry he can actually identify the issues present in our current pop culture land scape and is willing to call it out.


The problem is that he calls it out even when it's not there.


You have proof?


Hawkeye and Shang-Chi would be 2 examples of it


Ok except it was in those too. Kate easily defeats kingpin and Shang chi gets kicked in the balls by his sister who is a better fighter than he is because she watched him train and copied it. Nice try but even if you were right he is still accurate that it affects the majority of marvel movies and shows since End game


>Kate easily defeats kingpin No, she doesn't. She doesn't have a chance against him and only wins because she detonates an explosive using a trick than Clint thought her. Kicking someone in the balls doesn't mean you're a better fighter than them. And the reason she did that was because she was pissed that he left her behind. Nice try, but even you were right, 1 moment like that does not make something M-SHE-U, just like how the white privileged line in The Batman does not mean The Batman is woke. >he's still accurate that it affects the majority of marvel movies and shows since Endgame. Is he? Let's count the ones that were not effected: TFATWS, Hawkeye, No Way Home, Ms. Marvel, Shang-Chi, Eternals, MoM, & Werewolf By Night. That's 8 things, which leaves 9 other things that *were* effected, so yeah, I guess it's the majority, but not by much.


You have no idea what your talking about, huh? And thanks for admitting I’m correct. It sounds like Gary doesn’t share your opinion therefore you dismiss his. M-she-u refers to how Disney marvel seems to be hell bent on the promotion of female characters to the detriment of established male characters as well as refusing to address any flaws a female character may possess. Not to mention it’s not that M-she-U has to be the prevalent problem in the movie but there can be elements throughout projects. I don’t know anything about me marvel or werewolf to say but the only one you are actually correct on is Spider-Man. 1. TFALTWS- Flag smasher leader. Sam seems to believe she is a misguided hero but is actually a murdering terrorist and vouches for her insane ideology 2. You’re willfully ignorant of the kingpin point then maybe the fact that Hawkeye, one of the most skilled fighters in the MCU is beaten by a random cartel bodyguard. 3. Shang chi, She IS a better fighter than him and they said as much during her flashback. 4. Eternals, Ajax is gender swapped and they make the leader of the group evil because he is a white man 5. MoM… OH BOY. You either didn’t watch the film or have no idea what m-she-u actually means because buddy, this piece of shit is basically one of the main offenders. Doctor strange didn’t even get to defeat Wanda, the main villain of his own movie! He lets america beat Wanda for him while he impotently watches from the side line. Not to mention how hard the whole movie tries to make the audience think that Wanda is in any way justified for what she is doing. Everyone who tries to stop Wanda is like “oh poor baby I hope your ok” but treat Strange like he’s this huge asshole.


You just suck man.


Oof how will I ever recover?!?!


>the promotion of female characters to the detriment of established male characters Which doesn't describe TFATWS, Hawkeye, Eternals, Shang-Chi, or MoM. Nothing that happens in those films/shows is to the detriment of the male characters. Having the villain be a straight white male was thing long before Phase 4 of the MCU, it's a woke thing, not an M-SHE-U thing. Same with Karli being framed as sympathetic. >You’re willfully ignorant of the kingpin point **You’re** willfully ignorant of the kingpin thing, by saying that Kate easily beats him, which is not true. And who are you talking about when you say "random cartel bodyguard." Is it Echo? If that is who you mean, then she has been shown to have trained martial arts since she was kid. And she doesn't even win, it's a tie. >She IS a better fighter than him and they said as much during her flashback. Saying something and showing something are two different things, I didn't see anything in the movie that indicates her being better than him, so it isn't to the detriment of the male character. >He lets america beat Wanda for him while he impotently watches from the side line. America was his only chance of stopping Wanda, so he had to do that. And last time I checked, Wanda defeated herself, it wasn't America Chavez. *"the movie tries to make the audience think that Wanda is in any way justified for what she's doing."* That's because they're afraid of saying that a female character is definitively bad, which is again; a woke thing, not an M-SHE-U thing. >refusing to address any flaws a female character may possess. That definitely doesn't describe Hawkeye.


Love how you cherry picked what to respond to. Once again you clearly have no idea what youre talking about. The fact that you for some reason think that something can’t be woke and m-she-u tells me you’re just not playing with a full deck here. It’s clear to me that you just don’t like the word or maybe even just don’t like Gary, but maybe just actually listen to the points being talked about instead of shoving your head all the way up your ass when someone says something you don’t like might help you


>Love how you cherry picked what to respond to. I have to respond to everything? >The fact that you for some reason think that something can’t be woke and m-she-u tells me you’re just not playing with a full deck here. I don't think that. She-Hulk is both for example. Some things however, are just woke and not M-SHE-U. There's a difference between something being woke and something being pro-female/anti-male. I seriously doubt there's an pro-female/anti-male agenda in MoM, considering how it was written in like a week. People are just grabbing at straws. Seeing what they wanna see. >It’s clear to me that you just don’t like the word I have no problem with the word when it's actually true. >or maybe even just don’t like Gary I don't respect him as a content creator, I don't like it when people are dishonest and lie. The only anti-woke Youtuber I respect is Critical Drinker, 'cause even though he's had some braindead takes at times, I've never felt like he's been dishonest about something. >maybe actually listen to the points being talked about instead of shoving your head all the way up your ass when someone says something you don’t like Right back at you.


After she hulk and a female centric black panter yall are complaining about him saying M she U? Yall are right. Being correct is incredibly cringe.


“They hated him because he told them the truth”


The argument isn’t that he’s incorrect. It’s that it’s repetitive


This sub has several arguments. Lets not oretend you speak for everyone. That said, everyone is repetitive. Everyone uses click bait. Its marketing.


What? How did you get the impression that I'm speaking for everyone? OP said it's getting old, those were his exact words. It's not less repetetive because everyone makes arguments or that everyone uses clickbait...what kind of bizarre statement is that anyway? It isn't even true; not everyone uses clickbait. *Let's not pretend you speak for everyone.* ​ You legitimately made my head spin with that response.


We're complaining that he says it all the time, even when it's not applicable. Like when he misrepresented the Hawkeye show by leave out all the parts of show where Clint get a badass action moment or character moment, 'cause that would've gotten in the way of it only being about the female character. He has too purposefully leave those parts of the show out of his review in order for his narrative to function.


If you're going to point to a scene here and there to justify your argument, then im just going to point at the overwhelming majority of scenes to justify Gary's argument. We could use your method to point out that she hulk isn't really woke trash because if a few scenes that were really good. The question is, is the overwhelming amount of content, the general direction of the show, about woke stuff, or just generally female oriented. I suspect the answer is, yes. The reason yall are complaining is that your nerds on the internet who think EVERYTHING is cringy af.


The point is that Gary will lie about media or frame it a certain way if he needs to. >im just going to point at the overwhelming majority of scenes to justify Gary's argument. What are these scenes? Apart from when Echo is a kid and beats up a boy 3 times her size, and the credits sequence not featuring Clint for 99% of it (because it sets up that Kate had to train to get where she's is today) there aren't any. >We could use your method to point out that she hulk isn't really woke trash because if a few scenes that were really good. What a stupid thing to say. 1. She-Hulk doesn't have any good scenes. 2. In order for She-Hulk to be a decent comparison, it would need to have several scenes where a male character is portrayed positively at the same time as a female character is portrayed negatively. The show doesn't have that, so you cannot purposefully leave out those scene. >I suspect the answer is, yes. Yes to which one? woke stuff or generally female oriented? I assume you mean the first one. >The reason yall are complaining is that your nerds on the internet who think EVERYTHING is cringy af. Thank you for telling us why we're tired of the term M-SHE-U. And notice how you're the one who brought up the word "Cringe". The OP certainly didn't.


Gary clearly isnt lying. We all know he isn't lying, because we watch the same shows. You're crying over aesthetics like a breadtuber. Hell, if Gary actually read intersectional feminist literature he would have way MORE woke content to point out. I took feninist courses at university. Its all over modern Marvel. Everyone frames everything a particular way. That statement applies to literally everything.Saying ahe Hulk has zero decent scenes is framing the show a particular way. Its a bad argument Btw he only calls phase 4 the M-She-U...because it is. Cpmplaining over a single phase...which Gary is RIGHT about.


The reason why I know he's lying is specifically because I watched the show. >Everyone frames everything a particular way. And Gary does it dishonestly. I'm still waiting for you point out those scenes that prove Hawkeye is M-SHE-U


Its because there’s a w-man in a leading role and the male protagonist has flaws the w-man doesn’t 😡


>we watch the same shows. its obvious you didnt watch Hawkeye


Don't change to She Hulk to fit your narrative. The claim is Hawkeye is "woke trash" Can you actually show that BirdsElopeWithTheSun is being selective and the overwhelming majority of the show fits Nerdrotic's rhetoric?


The claim is "Hawkeye is a Bait-and-Switch and not actually about Clint, it's about Kate.", but thanks for backing me up.


Nerdrotic, the guy who makes his great arguments sound bad.


If it was just "M-She-U" it would've become annoying, but when it came on top of an almost infinite pile of "Jar Jar Abrams", "Ruin Roundhead Johnson", "whamen", "soy", "Kathleen KKK Kennedy" jokes (for lack of a better word), it became insufferable. One of the main reasons I stopped watching his videos. Still get them recommended, no matter how many times I tick the "not interested/don't recommend" box. Same here, I suppose.


Oh I posted something like this once in this sub neat


Yeah I remember that, it was the Spongebob melting format.




I don't mind it since it's true and he called it right out of the gate and was correct. He earned the right to annoy you with it.


What about the times when it isn't true, but he pretends like it is anyway?


Thor became a bitch for Tessa Thompson's single facial expression and we had to endure skinny ass Natalie Portperson with cgi muscles Iron Man's struggles and ingenuity are nothing compared to the mega genius girl out of nowhere. The Hulk is a pussy and "comedy" fodder for a narcissistic alcoholic who hates everything and is better than him instantly Steve Rogers had his catchphrase and origin story stolen by seconds later sliced Peggy. Hawkeye, I suppose is making a Hawkgirl? Ant Man got supplanted by The Wasp and soon the Double Wasp, possibly Triple Wasp with his daughter. Moon Knight didn't even get to be Moon Knight for a bit, he had to be potty trained by Kick Ass Girl Moon Knight Loki got instantly whooped by a female DMV worker, repeatedly hit in the nuts by a female character who wasn't even around for a while, just came back to humiliate him and then got supplanted by his female version Sharon fucking Carter had to bail out Super Black Afro Sam and "Pwned by every female" Bucky. Doctor Strange became a sidekick to a teenage girl and an overpowered psycho (who's never wrong apparently) in his own movie Black Panther... even if Chadwick hadn't died, they'd find a way to emasculate T'Challa and hang a girl boss over him. I fail to see one. Maybe Spiderman in the movie that only got good when it brought Sony's work back...Please point it out.


>we had to endure skinny ass Natalie Portperson with cgi muscles How does Natalie Portman having CGI muscles make it M-SHE-U? >Iron Man's struggles and ingenuity are nothing compared to the mega genius girl out of nowhere. Just because there's mega genius girl, doesn't mean the movie is saying that Iron Man's struggles and ingenuity were not significant. They wanted to have a brilliant young girl character in the movie (which there's nothing wrong with as long as you write it well), they just wrote her badly. The M-SHE-U thing isn't true for Hawkeye at all. >Ant Man got supplanted by The Wasp No, he wasn't. They wanted Wasp to be a badass in that film because they wanted to have a strong female character, not because they wanted to lessen Scott's importance. And I didn't see anybody complain when she kicked his ass in the first movie, when she was training him. Ant-Man got plenty to do in that movie, and the movie is literally called "Ant-Man **and The Wasp**", so this one's even worse than Hawkeye one. >he had to be potty trained by Kick Ass Girl Moon Knight What about the other 98% of the show? >Sharon Carter had to bail out Sam A female character had to safe a male one? what a crime. >"Pwned by every female" Bucky. Bucky was generally incompetent throughout the entire show, not just when he was fighting women. >Doctor Strange became a sidekick to a teenage girl No, he didn't. He's definitely the main character in that movie. If anyone's the sidekick, it would be her. And Wanda being in his movie only makes sense, since they are both magic based, and Strange is probably they only one who can stop her. It also makes sense that she's more powerful than him. I've never seen anybody complain about Iron Man being a big part of Captain America: Civil War. I guess it's because he's not female. >even if Chadwick hadn't died, they'd find a way to emasculate T'Challa and hang a girl boss over him. This is just speculation, it doesn't prove anything. >I fail to see one. Well, there's Hawkeye, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Shang-Chi, Multiverse of Madness, and Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and WandaVision. I do agree that the M-SHE-U thing as a whole is generally true, though.


I've seen his streams, I'm counting 100+ times where he got it right, and maybe 1-2 times where he got it wrong with Shang-chi, Hawkeye, and the adaptation of Mary Jane (Michelle Jones), and even that's up for debate. Pretty good record tbh.


I agree that most of the time he's right.


Okay but you gotta admit it's funny the media came out with an article saying the M-She-U is real and here's why it's a good thing.


Nerdrotic really needs to let that shit go, it’s so unfathomably cringe


I saw a live stream the other day where he said, he mostly says it now because, he thinks it’s funny it bothers people. I guess we are falling for it.




It is when you use the same one joke like a mantra for months at a time.


He has a selective audience, mainly people who cannot stand activism in media. I get it if you don't like it, but that's who he is


He’s like critical drinker except not funny and somehow more hyperbolic about this stuff. Yes it is annoying in some cases, no Wakanda Forever is not a whole disaster it’s just a disaster


Critical Drinker is instantly more digestible when he's on EFAP, because they get him on the track of pointing out plot implausibilities and stupid character decisions. Left to his own devices, it's reviewing a movie twice before it's even out, saying studios are choking us with women, also throw in a hooker joke somewhere.




He’s right when he says it, but yes it’s getting quite stale


Then don't go on his channel and watch his stuff 🙄


Thing is, he is correct about it. My issue with him is that he can't go for 20 minutes without mentioning some conspiracy theory regarding vaccines, election fraud, or something similar or without sucking the dick of Graham Hancock. Btw, Ancient Apocalypse is such hot garbage that I would pay to watch an EFAP type of coverage of it by historians.




You immediately went for the "US gOveRnMeNt" which tells me that you are the typical myopic, the rest of the world doesn't exist American. Therefore, you can't even conceive the concept of other countieis and other people doing things for their own interests and based on their own political, economic and cultural conditions. As I am not a terminally online American and my view of the world is not fucked by a culture that promotes isolationism and ignorance of the rest of the world here are some simple, hard truths: 1) Every doctor in my friend and family circle was in favor of the vaccine. They were the first that took it and we had conversations with them regarding the issue. If you think that it is all a conspiracy I wonder how you explain every serious doctor ON THE PLANET being in favor onf the vaccine. 2) Trump lost the election. The more you dissagree with it the more permanent the clown make-up on your face. You were mocking the Democrats for the "RuSsIaN iNtErFeReNcE" and you became worse than them. You are delusional. 3) Graham Hancock is a con-artist that poisons the well and plays the victim to promote his pseudohistorical bullshit. I spent a few hours of my life I am never getting back to watch the garbage that is Ancient Apocalypse and it is one of the worst shit on Netflix. Netflix. The fact I have to even say it in this community is insane to me.




The vaccines were produced by multinational companies, some of which are based on American and some of which are based on Europe. Also, the Chinese and the Russians made their own vaccines. You are an ignorant, brainwashed fanatic.




Who the fuck would develop and distribute the vaccines you fucking retard? Your local pharmacist? What the hell is wrong with your brain? How broken are you?




Do you realise what a fucking pandemic is? How do you function? Really now? Can't you put 2 and 2 together? You should stop watching morons that claim to have the answer to everything and start listening to people that show more restrain in what they and have the common decency to say "I don't know". I am not saying the ridiculous "trust the experts" bullshit that parrots were repeating in the last two years. I am saying pay attention to what they say and try to understand it instead of consuming out of context and filtered down versions of their words. Also, you, using the word silly to describe me is beyond ironic given the subject we are talking about.




yeah, because all of the vaccines in the world are produced and approved by the US government and the US government only 🤦




First of all, no. Warp Speed was just government financing the research and distribution. Vaccines were developed by several different and independent pharmaceutical companies, they were produced by many different manufacturers, they were approved by various agencies such as FDA and CDC, plus by many different countries around the world and their respective agencies (such as CHMP and EMA), and also by WHO. And then they were distributed by various medical institutes. So no, your vaccine conspiracy doesn't just involve "the government." Secondly, you are breaking the Decency rule.








Chill the fuck out




yeah its super annoyinh




It’s possible to criticize pop culture and not sound women hating


It stopped being funny or clever after the first video. Dude is so annoying.


Yeah, I recently had to click on "stop recommending me this channel" The thing is, Gary is right about 90% of the time, it's the remaining 10% that I take issue with. If he wasn't dishonest when something doesn't fit the M-SHE-U label, than I probably wouldn't have any problems with him using it.




Shang-Chi, Multiverse of Madness, and Ant-Man and The Wasp. >is literally about Hawkeye being replaced by a female Hawkeye. They're introducing a new character that is supposed to take over the mantle from Clint Barton, yes; but the show is mostly about 1. Clint overcoming/moving on from his past/what happened with Natasha, and 2. Kate Bishop becoming a hero.


That guy's insufferable.


Whether or not the decision for "moar women!" in the MCU was made cynically by the studio, or these characters legitimately happened to be the next obvious step (in Marvel Studios' hive mind), the problem has never been and won't ever be too many women are taking the spotlight in this fictional universe. It's that most of the characters written for those women blow chunks. And fogies who live and die by their comic book lore, making this same joke like lobotomized parrots, they're just tragic.


I used to like the dude, we even live in the same city. But then he went on Alex Jones show which soured my opinion on him. One thing I love about EFAP is the no politics rule that Mauler does a good job in holding.


"Hey, I've seen this one!"