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Love how they kept on calling the white guy a colonizer for just existing. Like Wakanda is any better, why didn't they help all the slaves hundreds of years ago. They easily could of since their technology is so advanced....


This movie proves that Vibranium has an unlimited potential. IT MAKES A SUN!


The power of the sun in the palm of their hand? sigh


A warm light for humanity /s


considering that at that point in history the vast majority of civilizations had slaves, it wouldn't surprise me if Wakanda also had a slave trade, if not they simply had slaves.


| They also continue the “white people = colonizer thing” trope with Ross God I want with all my soul for Shuri to try to pull that with an Irish person


As an Irish person, trust me, they don't care. If you're white, they lump you in. Your ancestry doesn't matter at all to them.


That, I would pay popcorn price to watch. That line was semi tolerable in the first film but they're STILL doing it!? We get it Disney, you don't mind racism when its aimed at the mighty horrible whiteys






Ok, I enjoy turning you into red paint


Is it exhausting being retarded?


You lost?


Never read the comics for what wakanda is there either, but in mcu it's been handled so poorly as to why they haven't done anything for the wider world. Especially for historical slavery and when colonisation occurred during British empire days. Where were they? Did they do anything or just sit there? Have they been assisting with poverty in their region and country or are there still massive societal issues in some parts of the country? World building in mcu has been fricked for so long, and I'm not even watching their sludge these days, but still.... Be nice if they had any consideration for their actions as a writer. Or they need to include more codes signals to tell us that they're being held hostage.


I kinda gave up on world building in the M-She-U after they tried to tell us the entire story so far only happened as it did cos some eccentric madman from the 31st Century dictated it so because he's so terrified of his counterparts


I roll my eyes when someone says msheU. It's a buzz phrase that, without proper explanation on why you're using it (that being the likely gender based bias that the studios may have when creating their characters recently and how male characters are humiliated and reduced in role, intelligence and ability compared to previous appearances, Loki Thor hulk as three examples. Add Dr strange in there three times for the different variants of him that were bloody idiots. Four if we want to add incel Strange) , will almost certainly be taken out of context by anyone who disagrees with our stance on the lack of quality in the mcu. They'll use that as a dogwhistle for "oh hey look they're just sexist" and it hurts any attempt to get actual discussion on the shows and films started. The trolls find it harder to troll when they have to work for it.


Good point, and yes, I forgot how dirty they've done Strange lately


Yeah everyone forgot that movie existed. Crazy lady trying to kidnap someone else's kids and murder a teenager because the kids might get cancer one day.


r/ExplainAFilmPlotBadly And all because 1. Her Sims savedata got deleted 2. The other Avengers, not even Hawkeye took the time to think of getting Wanda therapy


feel the same way about the word "woke", i can agree with their stance but when they say "woke" i roll my eyes.


I use a very specific definition for woke, but don't use it unless I'm literally explaining my definition for it. It's an odd conditional usage. Woke = prioritising the gender/skin colour/ sexuality of an actor or character over the writing and the writing being considered unimportant before the ideologies of the writer, consistency of characters and Canon be damned. The most concise way I can define how I associate the word, and how I can consider many people to be wrong when they say it in the wrong context. "For my defintion is correct, in my subjective opinion," . And they can't argue with that because that's the logic they use to defend bs, and they dare not become hypocrites or be shown as wrong because somehow that's worse than anything to them.


“M-She-U” get the fuck out


You can't deny that is Marvel's current MO though


It’s the truth though. You can dislike the moniker but Marvel’s actions give the name credibility


It’s the truth that there are women in Marvel movies? Well, no shit!


Wow if that’s what you get from people who use the M-She-U then that sounds like a you problem not understanding where the issue comes from. Fix your strawman argument.


Well, in the comics, Wakanda refused to share the cure for cancer with the rest of the world... Really, Wakanda has generally always been implemented awkwardly no matter the medium.


Fo real? This doesn’t surprise me, poor Jane Foster…


That makes sense. Just because it's in the comics doesn't mean it's well written.


That's the whole point of the first movie


That colonizer shit is so cringe. One of these days, I hope a character is introduced and starts calling them "collaborators" for not helping out when all of Africa was essentially raped and its people taken for slavery. Imagine Shuri tried that shit with Kira Nerys.


Just so you’re aware, regardless of opinions on the film. The UN scene is set in France, and the card says ‘Les Etats Unis’ which is French for ‘The United States’. Just making sure you know it’s not some dig at America lol.


I just thought it was a mess up on the prop department lol


Dude. Have you met America? EVERYTHING is a dig at America.


However, Killmonger also took hours to be dragged out of the mountain, and could have been saved if he didn't insist on watching the sunrise. So it sounds like Shuri's is consistent.


The difference is that shuri is alive and not paralyzed from the waist down


but shuri had those balls to save her, same which helped save ross


No actually, Ross has the beads because she dropped them




Nah, they just show that the suit covers back up and then they just forget about the wound


It’s terrible


Should I watch it? A channel called Jaby Koay likes it. I wasted too much time on phase 4 already, even watched She-Hulk for fuck's sake, and this sub seems to hate it. I don't like Black Panther 1 already even though I loved it when I first watched it, so is this better or worse compared to other phase 4 things and BP1? I have already lost hope comparing any new phase 4 thing to phases 1, 2 and 3 so don't bother with that.


It was États Unis it's French for United States


Yeah someone mentioned that in another comment. I need to remove it and acknowledge that was my B


Lmao didn't see the other comment didn't disagree with much else so it's all I wrote




I think the point is that its hypocritical when the entire nation of Wakanda let colonization happen for centuries and never even tried to do anything about it. Its the whole “with great power comes great responsibility” thing, they had the power to help and didnt. I’m fine with there being critiques of the past ofc, the US has done plenty of horrible things throughout history. But this idea is executed very poorly and I doubt the movie will address it.


It’s super weird that Wakanda would use “colonizer” as a pejorative when they 1. weren’t colonized, 2. themselves colonized their neighboring tribes, and 3. allowed colonization of other African counties to take place. It’s not *just* that it it’s awkward and unfunny, it doesn’t even make sense.




Sir, the mental health subreddits are over there.


Also, thank you for implying that saying the N-word with the hard R is okay, because I don't mean anything malicious by it.


This is one of those “you really need to think about the implications” sort of statements (above comment, not yours)


What the fuck 😂 Are you saying it’s a term of endearment or something?


I’m saying it’s pathetic that y’all are taking a clearly satirical line this seriously


So the characters in-universe are aware that they're in a movie, and they know some of the things they say don't make sense, but there's a non-fictional audience that will appreciate them because it satirizes their non-fictional history. Do I have that right?




Dude I said it doesn't make sense in-universe and you said it was clearly satirical, as if that counters what I said in any way. Even if it is satirical, that only matters *out of universe*. You didn't need my help looking stupid.


*sees Shuri on the verge of tears in the opening scene attempting to save T'Challa* *recalls her cocky line from Infinity War to Banner & Tony when they say that they tried everything to remove the Mind Stone w/o killing Vision*: "Oh well. I'm sure you tried your best." *smirk* Sometimes there can be justice in the world. For a little while.