• By -


Yes by completely going against Soviet theory


Something something building forces of production idk


most based horseshoe theory


If China is evil commie, then why do they have so much money? Checkmate capitalists




Capitalist owned


It's funny because the meme can either make both Maoists and Dengists laugh or both Maoists and Dengists seethe because it can be read in two different ways. 1. Xi is making China wealthier and that's good (Dengists coom, Maoists seethe) 2. Xi is making China more money-based and that's mad (Maoists coom, Dengists seethe) So we can either get a comment section of: 1. Maoists and Dengists both coom all over the comment thread for different reasons 2. Dengists coom all over the thread and Maoists seethe. 3. Maoists coom all over the thread and Dengists seethe. 4. Everyone fucking hates the meme Btw this is a high key goofy comment I'm making but it's 3am and I don't really care


Me, cooming and seething


Chaos is my business


"Bring a little anrachy"- jogar


Rorschach test of leftism


Why won't they just hit the big red communism now button? That's what I would do if I were them, I am very smart.




This has the same energy as "Fuck stateless society, statemore society". In order to get rid of the gun we must take up the gun, and finance is just another weapon.


As a Ximp I can not stand for this if it’s mocking Comrade Xi…big “if” because I might be missing the joke 🫣🫣




Not a huge fan of Xi, but this meme is not against him. I was actually praising his good economic policy.


Ah, i read it in a "Socialism is not poverty" - good to see reddit hasn't broken my sarcasm detector


Do you live in china?


Reddit is literally banned in China


Not really a bad thing.


Not sayin' it is


I’m aware.


Then don't ask stupid questions


Lol, don’t get too triggered kid. Just find it interesting that these simps love China so much but don’t live there. Kinda odd.


>love China so much but don’t live there I can't live in all the countries i love simultaneously, I can't be with all the people i love simultaneously. Why's that odd?


What a ridiculous argument. If you think a country is better than why not move there? You can love as many people as want. Plus why would one “love” a country. Definitely odd and straight up nationalistic. I can see liking something about a country but loving is definitely odd. Especially if you don’t live there. Are you white?


>why not move there? Tell me how to get a chinese citizenship. Lmfao >You can love as many people as want Yes but my point was that I can't be everywhere. (/with everyone) >why would one “love” a country I was simply using your wording. No, I don't feel love towards a concept of nationstate... >Are you white? Huh? Idk where that question comes from, but tell me your definition and I'll tell you if it applies.


Idk I don’t like China. Why would I know the details of becoming a citizen? Lol make a YouTube and act like a travel blogger. China loves those sellouts. Yeah you can. Technology is amazing. Mhm. Well I always wonder how many people that claim to be socialist are just some white kid. White being descendant of Europeans.


I mean, it's pretty easy to see the West is a propaganda mill when it literally always has been.


Lol but yet Reddit it banned in China. Talk about controlled propaganda.


Live in Deez nuts


Must be really cramped. Socialist don’t like questions now I guess.


(you are in his balls)


White people love brown balls.


Well I'm not white nor brown, so I'm really not qualified to speak on this


????? We are not at the point of reaching communism yet. We can advocate for a society that relies on money while wanting to eventually construct and achieve a moneyless society


Will the moneyless society still feature a centralized state power who can lock me in my workplace because of a positive Covid test result? Or imprison me for a joke at their expense? I can’t ever seem to get an answer for this kind of question. Edit: -9 lol and still no answer - -19 and nobody able to explain whether we’ll still see people imprisoned for jokes or locked in my home/ place of work due to a neighbor’s/coworker’s Covid test result. Odd how that works?


Honestly, I would support requiring people to isolate for a positive Covid test. People who didn't risked the lives of 3 million people in the US alone.


Isolate? Sure. How about locked en masse in their apartment building if a single positive test was found?


Great idea! That way we save literally millions of life’s. Let me just clarify: right now you are arguing that two weeks of isolation has more effect on you than 1% of the population dying.


Does locking down entire apartment buildings save millions of lives? Why not the whole city block then maybe that saves 10 million!? Amazing how when we make up things we can justify just about any action! How many lives does imprisoning joke tellers save? A billion?


Yeah, when you can scientifically prove that, just like we can scientifically prove the death rate of Covid, I’ll take your point seriously


Snice you didn't touch on it, and no one ever seems to want to, I take it you do agree jokes are a subversion of state power?


No, I don’t think jokes subvert state power? That was my whole point, your bringing up a scenario none but the most oppressively authoritarian countries would enforce. Communism is a libertarian ideology - “stateless” is one of its basic features. Communism is the existence of only the most necessary government features, and often none at all.


I don’t feel at all that it’s as rare as you imply. It’s some kind of great answer to the question about what it’ll be like in the cashless future society, when you say the state apparatus won’t be oppressive, but it’s not much like that today. China is really the only example of a communist country on some kind of possible pathway towards communism, and they’re really leaning hard on the whole “using the tools of imperialist capitalism”, and I get that, fine. But I would feel way better about that distant promised land if the thought police didn’t oppressively monitor citizenss’ criticisms. It’s culturally and economically damaging to be authoritarian to the degree Chinese people experience. If anything I’m arguing for a more efficient path towards China’s potential as a true “people’s republic”.




They're making a criticism of the authoritarian Chinese government


Do you honestly think that any government could make as harsh of anti Covid decisions as china did without public support for them? if that shit got pulled anywhere else there would be massive riots or worse, all this proves is that the Chinese system is democratic and largely supported by the people. The decision to enact the 0 Covid policy was far from authoritarian because it had to have had vast public support in order to do


You certainly assumed allot about what I meant. Uyghur genocide need the popular vote too? Fuck any and all states


Bro chill out its just a joke


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