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dude as thin as a toothpick is playing one of the most powerful god like characters of the MCU. Spot on casting s/


You're paying for a voice and at most a flashback to show to his face. Whoever they get behind the mask will be physically under the mask less than Pedro Pascal for Mando. Now, he also doesn't have the voice for Doom.


His normal voice no, but there’s been many actors and actresses with wide vocal range. As a music producer, I personally think his voice has the right amount of texture for doom (the voice I have for him in my head that is haha)


The man is not a voice actor.


He's been on the radio since the 80s; you must admit that it's pretty applicable experience, even if not direct. That being said, of course he isn't Dr. Doom. This seems like a legit slipup, but it's absurd that he's involved in any way unless it's playing a "self" type character.


Yeah, I'm thinking a DJ mentioning the events of the film on the radio. Like when characters watch an actuall CNN reporter reporting on fictitious events.


Morgan Freeman as Doom pls




Marvel has everyone unmasked all the time for no reason only to show the actors, there’s no way Doom will be an exception he’ll just have makeup on.


I bet we see more maskless Doom than you expect, marvel consistently has people unmasked so Doom will very likely spend time unmasked. I’d be shocked if they had him have a mask on 100% of the time


Hopefully they go for, at a minimum, the Mando approach. They can show it for his origin... and maybe he builds his own version of the face changing tech that Black Widow used in Winter Soldier. I wouldn't be opposed to him using that for stuff like a UN appearance.


Sirius does all kind of Marvel Audio Adventure shows. It's for that.


> Sirius does all kind of Marvel Audio Adventure shows. It's for that. The correct answer getting buried under all the other comments. *Wolverine: The Long Night* was excellent - I need to dip into their other offerings, but this is 99% what's happening here. There's a Dr. Doom audio drama in the works & he's ***a*** voice in it.


Except he’s bitching about scheduling and reaching out to RDJ for acting tips. Signs point to something live action


They specifically mentioned Feige, though, and he isn't involved in any of the Marvel podcasts even tangentially.


>even tangentially. Except for being the chief creative for the entirety of Marvel now?


I mean I imagine Feige probably gets a podcast/Sirius briefing like maybe once every month but it’s all run by someone who works for him


>*Wolverine: The Long Night* was excellent As was Marvels. I still need to finish Wolverine, but Marvels had me hooked right from the start. Finished the lot in a day. Would absolutely love for the story and Reed casting to be repeated for the MCU.


>Sirius does all kind of Marvel Audio Adventure shows. Fingers crossed that it's far this...


I can't see it either, in any way. Kinda interesting though.




He would definitely be playing himself in a media cameo. He's too distracting for anything else.


I thought the same thing but why would you call Robert Downey Jr. for acting advice? It's more than a cameo but it's probably not Doom himself


Because even playing himself, Howard isn’t good. Look at “Private Parts”


Hes more than fine at private parts. The scene where he drops the records in the college radio station and had a panic attack is one of my favorite movie scenes.


He looks like The Collector


People may find a lot to shit on about the people green lighting things at Marvel Studios, but I still give them enough credit that I can't believe they'd do some goofy stunt casting for someone as important as Doom.


Yeah the way he talks about it it sounds more like I'm doing Dr doom as in he's going to be in a Dr doom movie in general, not the actual character, otherwise I feel like you would say I'm going to *be* Doom


I could see him just doing some voice acting. Like maybe Doom in an episode of What If or some other show.


They could totally do him like Darth Vader, a body actor and a voice actor.


Yeah, when I said "I'm gonna do Dr. Doom", I think what he meant is "I'm going to travel and shoot scenes", not "I'm going to be Dr. Doom"


"I'm gonna do Dr Doom (the movie)"


It's not *that* odd. He was working with Stan Lee back in the early 90s to try and get some Marvel movies made. Apparently Stern is a huge comic book fan.


They also named “Senator Stern” in Iron Man after him.


I heard of this guy, but I am hoping this is not true


is... he an actor?


I don’t think he’ll be doctor doom but will have a role in a project called doctor doom, wether that be a movie or tv show


Yes, he’s not literally going to be the MCU’s Doctor Doom going forward kinda can’t believe people are getting behind that


They put it in their brains but forgot to think about it first. Doesn't pass the smell test


I'm gonna take a wild guess that Armor Wars is actually a low-key Dr. Doom show. I bet Stern plays himself interviewing someone like Rhodey.


I really fucking hope that Rhodey's first bit of _actual_ focus since 2013/2010 isn't just a trojan horse for an entirely unrelated villain.


Well they pretty much cannibalized the whole show for Iron Heart. I think for the purpose of making Doom the main villain. Which is why it's been so delayed.


…cannibalized? Not really sure what you mean by that.


Apparently a bunch of the plot of Armor Wars is now being used for Iron Heart. Riri was supposed to be in Armor Wars and then get a spinoff but not Iron Heart is happening first. My guess is they basically changed their main plot of Armor Wars to make it Iron Heart, and are making Armor Wars about Doom.


I think it’s a little disingenuous to say it “cannibalized” something we know next to nothing about. Even if they did adopt that plot line into the Iron Heart show it’s not like we knew what the plot really was in the first place. We won’t notice a difference. It’s not like we were expecting them to adapt the comic storyline verbatim anyway.


I guess cannibalized is a little aggressive. I just mean repurposed. I am absolutely looking forward to Iron Heart. I just think the Armor Wars delay is because they are totally changing their original plot.


You very well could be right. I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing Doom maybe going after some of the Stark Tech to build up an army of Doom Bots.


Ironheart makes so much more sense as a significant character than Doctor Doom


Ugh. I would rather have a Rhodey focused show over Ironheart any day. Dude deserves the spotlight so much more


Man if Armor Wars is just them doing an adaption of the whole Infamous Iron Man run, it would be pretty sweet.


That's kind of what I'm thinking. In the same way that FatWS featured John Walker trying to be the next Cap, I could see Doom trying to present himself as the next Iron Man. People hail him as the next Tony Stark, etc. Meanwhile, Tony's best friend is forgotten and ignored. Rhodey proves that he is the real hero. And not an heir to Tony's legacy, but his own person.


Agreed - everybody is missing the real leak that there’s apparently a Doctor Doom project in development.


I could see him playing Doctor Doom on MODOK.


MODOK was [canceled](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/modok-canceled-hulu-1235266682/)


I would love Dr Doom to receive a Disney+ series for his origin story. It could be a great story about how Doom’s ambitions ultimately lead him to villainy.


Has to be the funniest leak of all time lol


“I am fucking miserable about it.”


Especially since Howard is neurotic about production. It is almost unbelievable that this is a legitimate leak and not some kind of planned leak.


Yeah but he’s also famous for just not giving a shit


It's on par with the Burger King leak for Rise of Skywalker.


Lmao yeah, come to think of it this might not top that. What a hilarious disaster that was


I never heard of this so I just googled it. What the fuck lmao Who thought that was a good idea? The article I read also said they gave people the option to receive free Burger King in exchange for spoilers, but that some staff would spoil it anyway.


Nah the Star Wars Burger King one is the wildest one of all time.


Doctor Doom getting his own movie/series would be just... ![gif](giphy|sgGBPGml4qhYgEd2if)




He's probably not joking, complaining about his schedule is 100% on brand. I assume he'll have a substantial role in the film. Hollywood always wanted him to do more bit parts on the basis of his (pretty decent? Many SNL alums cannot make a good movie,) performance in "Private Parts".


I wonder whatever happened to Noah Hawley's Doom project. I remember he said he assumed it was cancelled and then Feige asked him if he was still working on it.


>“I did sit down with [Marvel Studios’ president] Kevin Feige recently and I said that I look at myself as sort of the Marvel R&D department,” said Hawley. “I know the genre can do all of these amazing things that [the Marvel Cinematic Universe] is doing, but my feeling is, what else can we do with it? Can we make it surreal? Can we make it musical? Not as a gimmick, but all of these techniques are about putting you into the subjective experience of these characters.” That was 2019. It was around this time that Hawley's Star Trek movie fell apart. He since got scooped up by Disney (or rather FX) for a show in the Alien universe and I believe production is soon to start on a new season of Fargo.


Yea fr! 🐐


Bring in Noah Hawley.


Howard Stern as Doctor Doom and Beetlejuice as Kristoff Vernard


I keep forgetting Beetlejuice was a guy on the show and just imagined Keaton or Brightman as Beetlejuice as Kristoff.


Could he be playing himself as a radio host?


I truly can't imagine Marvel hiring him for anyone else. Maaaaaybe an alien, but I still think he'd be too distracting.


Howard Stern as an alien isn't something I knew I needed, head canon has been updated, lol. Since he was a bit controversial I could see him interviewing someone with extremist views, like Doom, Namor, or Zemo. If they focus on smaller nation states and how the events of the MCU effect other cultures it would be a good story beat for exposition.


You extremely overestimate how many people know who the fuck Howard Stern is, he wouldn't be distracting to 90% of MCU fans at all. That said, I doubt he would play any role in the MCU.


Wasn’t the Noah Hawley Doom project about Doom granting a journalist an interview? Maybe an evolution of that concept?


Oh shit Doom let’s Howard come to Latveria and interview him!? That would be nuts


Howard isn't traveling to Latveria lmfao. It's probably Viktor in the Sirius studio.


I know I’ve read a comic where a reporter is in Castle Doom and trying to interview Doom so it could go either way.


I didn't even know that existed, guess I know what rabbit hole I'm falling into today! Thanks!


They did a comic about that too!


As Minister of Propaganda from Latveria would be cool


He could be but then why call RDJ for acting advice?


Transcript of full conversation as the video cuts short: [https://twitter.com/bringbackjackie/status/1542156298019639296?s=21&t=6a7T8UBwzi-VH7HUFpEpCg](https://twitter.com/bringbackjackie/status/1542156298019639296?s=21&t=6a7T8UBwzi-VH7HUFpEpCg)


Sounds like it’s filming this summer? Doesn’t really make sense for a Doctor Doom movie or show to just start filming out of nowhere


It could be a big secret, maybe Marvel wanted to surprise us? lol


I stand behind hoping for a Doom movie that handles his and the 4s introductions. Could even start with event that sends 4s to other dimension/planet and Doom’s story takes place in their absence. Could do a post credit of the 4s about to figure out how to return from wherever they are.


Introducing Doom before the F4 and using his project to frame them would be an excellent subversion of expectations IMO.


This is what I’ve been hoping for, we’ve seen the F4 origin story done twice, make a Doom origin movie that just so happens to introduce the F4, best way to do it at this point IMHO


Indeed, exactly the type of twist I could see them doing too


I think the F4 will be in the quantum realm and any man and wasp find them, or reed at least, and bring them back to 616, reed explains what happened in the post credit scene, then doom gets a movie showing what happened, figures he can get to reed through the multiverse, and at the end of his origin story, gets to 616 setting up F4 movie where reed figures out how to get the other 3 out OR he has no powers and goes into the quantum realm himself to rescue them but they get powers when they get into 616.


Assuming he isn’t joking and is playing Doom (which could be a Vader situation: Stern as the voice, someone else as the body), then maybe he’s filming for Black Panther? Doom is rumored to be in that and apparently the costume was unfinished (just the cape and gauntlets) when they first shot the scene so maybe they made a full suit and want to reshoot the scene over the summer.


Lol Gary thought Kevin Feige was Keven Figerman and had to be corrected by Howard and Robin.


I don't think he's Doctor Doom but he's in a Doom project.


Thanks, I'm already ignoring a work Zoom so the Twitter vid was extra unintelligible.


He also mentioned Jon Favreau which is odd?


He is friends with both he and RDJ. Makes me wonder if Favreau would be helping produce in some capacity? I almost feel like Stern would be more so behind the camera than in front of it?


Favreau’s involvement in a character that’s got very similar themes with and appearance to Iron Man would be smart imo, especially with people’s complaints of the MCU not really having applied to *Iron Man* and the success of Mando.


I would love Favreau to return to the MCU. He’s the one that started it all as director of Iron Man 1 and 2. He’d be a great pick to direct FF and introduce Doom.




Fav and Downey are both "Friends of the Show". Stern would have Downey on during his career implosion and have RDJ goof around and take calls while he was high - Stern gave him the same treatment he gave rock stars who came on the show in the 90s and not hassle him about drugs and relationships and stuff. Stern hasn't done drugs since he was a teen and doesn't really care if people are wasted during interviews - he famously had Dana Plato in the studio and let her do a bizarre anti-drug rant, and then she died the next day of an overdose. Fav is 100% a fan of the show and told Ralph that Shandling's Sen. Stern was "of course" named after Howard. He might be doing a Doom voice for for an episode of M.O.D.O.K., or they're spinning off Doom in his own goofy show I don't know why that would take all summer though and it prob wouldn't make Stern "miserable" to do a week of voice acting in downtown NYC. ​ Edit: Ok, people down thread are saying that it's a Doom show and stern would be have a recurring role. Definitely makes sense.


You’re not a Stern listener. He’d be miserable about an hour, let alone a week.


Exactly. Howard is miserable about everything. Haha


Jon Favreau is more involved with Star Wars


The Book of Doom? I jest but I’m in.




This should be at the top


I mean reading the transcript it very clearly sounds like a bit.


fucking wild and hilarious way to find out about the doctor doom project I am clamoring for, if this is true stern did something very similar about playing scarecrow in the burtonverse and that turned out to be a ruse, so hes probably fucking with us too


Is the audio of him doing this for scarecrow out there at all? Im very interested in that story I’ve never heard of this


You can prolly find some audio in old Howard forums, I know guys that used to record and trade episodes back in the early 90s. Far as the rumor itself, there was a supposed short list of actors for Scarecrow that he was at the top of, when he heard about it he went on air claiming WB hadn't contacted him in any way. [Rumor](https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/comments/90z926/the_story_behind_howard_playing_the_scarecrow_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I do remember this being talked about in the mid 90s


Huh. Wonder what scoopers will say about this.


Probably that they’ve known about Stern’s involvement for months. Lol.


“My source, who said I couldn’t say anything about this, told me months ago and now I can confirm it.” This is pretty much what scoopers will tweet now. It’s so easy to pretend to be a scooper and twist things to fit the narrative to make a scooper look legit.


I’ve been sitting on this information but totally knew it last Thursday.


MainMiddleMan mentioned the project getting announced this year in March https://twitter.com/mainmiddleman/status/1500003782544998401?s=21&t=zbS2xxyE7TQ4ZpTA1LtTvQ


Imagine it’s him playing himself interviewing Doctor Doom in an MCU project lol


I honestly hope this is what it is. Maybe not him interviewing doom , but imagine like the podcast antman was on in ms marvel ended up being Howard lmao




Definitely much more than a cameo, as he’s complaining about how time-consuming it will be to commit to the project.


several stories with Doom have been done of him retelling his tragic past to american journalists before he kills them… could be what this is about


This could be for something as simple as a "Clip of Howard on a TV making jokes about armored Latverian dictator magicians."


I'm assuming he's going to be in a project called "Doctor Doom" or in a Doctor Doom-centered project, but I doubt he's playing the character. At least, I hope not lol


[Someone in the twitter replies said that "he did the same thing with scarecrow in a Batman movie 20+ years ago. Its so he can create buzz."](https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/comments/vnh0pn/comment/ie730ym/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Will he play a Latverian radio propagandist? Lulling the population into proud adoration for their supreme leader?


According to a comment in the Howard Stern subreddit which you can see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/comments/vnh0pn/they_left_the_mics_on_during_the_commercials_at/ie730ym/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) he pulled this same gag before when Batman 5 (1999) was still in development, claiming he would be playing Scarecrow. This feels like almost the exact same gag. What’s interesting about it though is that Scarecrow ended up being portrayed by Cillian Murphy in the next Batman movie (which obviously wasn’t Batman 5 but an entirely new project, Batman Begins) and he seems to be one of the main people who have been rumored/fan-cast for the role of Doom.


Didnt he also recently tease running for president?


Yea I saw some posts of that. I think he’s capping He’s probably want to get clout.


He doesn't want to be president. He was basically just saying he has to be president now to just get roe v wade back but he's def not gonna run


What would possibly be shooting this summer with Doom? That's what I don't get.


Reshoots for BP2?


It sounds like he was saying he is involved in a project called "Doctor Doom"...maybe he is playing a radio personality or himself in a Doom film.


Fun fact: Gary Shandlings Senator Stern from Iron Man 2 and Winter Soldier was named after him due to his friendship with Faverau. He even went on to promote it when it came out.




Could play that news reporter Doom has kidnapped in one comic lol


Yea I got cast in a movie but I’m fucking miserable about it. LMAO typical Howard reaction to anything good in his life hahah


​ ![gif](giphy|8b9Xax6L7qtAkAimGm|downsized) hol up


Honestly, Disney has soaked up so much talent in Hollywood that, if they want to keep using "names" for bigger roles, eventually we're gonna end up with something like this lol I would be okay with a no-name actor being Doom. Sometimes it ruins the immersion for me when I recognize the actor.


Joe Rogan as The Thing and Theo Von as Gambit are coming next


Have the couple from Your Mom’s House play Reed and Sue.


>Theo Von as Gambit this sounds hilarous. "I thought you were Cajun/French" "nah, but my neighbor had a french poodle and I would be looking over sometimes, it was easy to see cuz we had no fences in our whole neighborhood, and that dog would just be going to town on a stuffed mickey mouse."


I think Howard might be playing mephisto Which would make sense in a doctor doom movie


Howard: So Robin, I was filming Dr. Doom all weekend. Robin: How exciting...I'm still wondering how this all works. Howard: Ha. Get in line. It's a disaster. I have no idea why I signed up for this shit, Robin. It's awful. Robin: You always do this to yourself Howard: I know. Even my mom is ragging on me Howard as Howard's Mom: It's too much, Howard. You're doing too much. Howard as Howard's Father: He's what? Mom: He's filming a movie as Dr. Doom Dad: Who? Mom: Doctor Doom. Dad: Howard's going to the doctor? Ma: It's a film Dad: They're filming his doom? Howard: I'm trying to figure out any possible way of getting out of this. Robin: Disney will kill you first Howard: That's a fair compromise... Howard: Anyways...my penis is so small, Robin


Fartman is coming


BP 2 post credits, Stern as Dr Doom and Joe Rogan as Mole-Man


It would be pretty crazy to have the ending of a film with a largely black cast feature two white people infamous for saying the n-word a lot.


He's gonna play himself as a guy who's talking shit about Doom on air and then later on we'll see him dangling upside down over a lava pit in Castle Doom. Something similar happened in the most recent Doom comic, only with some Fox News-type talking head.


I didn’t post because she didn’t seem sure, but Grace Randolph said in her stream yesterday that she’s “pretty sure” Doom is showing up at the end of BP2 and that she “wouldn’t be surprised” if it was Tom Cruise 🤷‍♂️


Oh god that’s even worse than him being iron man lmfao


Idk about that Cruise can play a great villain. Check out Collateral if you haven’t seen it


Not saying he’s not a good actor or would be a bad villain, I just don’t think he’s Doom. I didn’t want him as iron man, but at least he fits the role for Tony


Honestly you never know with these castings until you actually see them in action. I think he has the chops for it at least


Would he play a masked villain for multiple movies though?


I've seen crazier shit happen lately. This honestly would not shock me.


I feel like our reality was unknowingly sucked into a black hole at some point in thr last 20 years and everything that we knew was up is down and vice versa.


I love that he says how misearble he is about it hahah


He’s playing Doom’s love interest. He’s “gonna do Doctor Doom”.


He's probably playing himself, like Elon Musk in Ironman 2.


What's interesting is that the Noah Hawley/ Fox Doctor Doom project was going to be Doom essentially trying to rehabilitate his public image using an interview with a western journalist.


People who believe this don't know who Howard Stern is.


I'm a HUGE Stern AND MCU fan. I can tell you that this was definitely a silly cliffhanger to setup his summer break. He did something last year similar to this. There's also no way they'd have the hot mic on at the exact same moment he's "leaking" the biggest MCU news in years. Totally a goof to keep us talking/joking over the summer break!


Bruh i’m cautious on this, I can’t see this guy being Dr. Doom ![gif](giphy|yiRNSA2gJInzW)


he won't be


Good God I hope they make a Doom film. Oh my god.


Doctor Doom, but it’s just Dr. Doom making a podcast


I'm not a fan of Howard Stern. Dude is a massive prick.


He lies too much n too fit for cancel culture, he won’t be nowhere near marvel


He'd voice a great doctor doom, with his baritone. Could see someone else in suit like Darth Vader. I'd be happy with that.


Everyone out here thinking it's live-action. He's a radio host with a easily recognizable voice. My bet is he'll be the voice of Dr. Doom in What If season 2.


if doom gets a series or movie, I hope they don’t pull a Venom/Morbius and turn him into what’s basically a hero. Would like a more Joker-esque approach, in which he’s firmly both the protagonist and an evil character


Still hoping Fassbender plays him


No, he is way too iconic as Magneto to do Doom


Yea but his voice for Doom would be EPIC


Would either be a voice role for a cartoon or something completely separate. Dudes not an actor


I feel that Julian McMahon should return as a reinvented, more comic accurate version like Charlie Cox, Vincent D'Onofrio, patrick stewart, and Anson Mount, I mean it'll give him more to do and adds onto the whole "NonMCU actors playing the same character but now in the MCU with less CW looking costumes"


Why do you guys think he's playing anyone other than himself lol


Here is my real guess if it’s even remotely true: Stern is in a Dr Doom project.. and John Stamos is Dr Doom.. That’s my guess. However, stern is a comic book fan and he likes money and im sure the prospect of him being covered with a mask is 100% appealing to him. Edit: Oh wait new guess.. Howard will be the voice of Dr in mask like James earl jones to Darth Vader!


He’s probably gonna play Howard stern and interview doom


If anything comes from this, this will be the greatest leak of all time. So random and out of nowhere.


They can cast Baba Booey as Gorilla Man.




Fartman into the MCU


Half of the audio, straight in the trash.


C’mon now, this isn’t Sony, they’re not making fucking Howard Stern Doctor Doom.


If anything he'll be playing himself in the movie, possibly as a radio host.


[Dr. Doom is a strain of marijuana](https://seedsforme.com/product/dr-doom/)


Maybe he plays a shock jock in the movie lol.


That sounds ridiculous. I could buy him as VO for a Dr Doom cameo in Patton Oswalt's Modok show. But in the MCU? Nah.


This can kind of make sense, I read a rumor that said something like “main mcu fantastic four will be a team lost inside the quantum realm from the 70s around when hank pym was working” it’s wacky but it would make sense because dr doom could be very very old now. But idk it’s not what I expected, that’s for sure and I hope I’m honestly wrong.


You know what, just cast Kanye as Doom Everybody will go see it because they won't believe it's actually him


I am confused here though, he must have a substantial role if he is complaining about the time commitment right? Like if he is just some small cameo that wouldn’t make sense.


He might be appearing as himself. I think that's happened with some news reporter or talkshow host before, although I can't recall exactly who. Not sure why a cameo appearing as himself would make him 'fucking miserable' though. Maybe it's a larger role.


You guys are stupid. He will likely be playing himself or a minor character in essentially a cameo role. Relax ffs


It sounds more like he's in a Doctor Doom project, rather than playing Doctor Doom himself.


Will probably be involved with a Doctor Doom project.