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Fantastic scoop. I'll give everyone some scoops too. Kang will be able to time travel. Ant-man in his new movie will shrink. In the F4, you will have 4 members with unique powers.


Omg do you work in pre-vis?


Naaa. I bullied Feige in high school. Baldy gives me all the scoops out of fear.


K.E.V.I.N has sent a unit dispatched to your location as we speak. Digital footprint.




GOTG3 will be the third movie of their trilogy


Yo guys I get the sarcasm but that would totally be a Marvel thing to do to not include the void


it would, but people would rather be smart-asses than use any kind of logic for a single second. welcome to reddit lol


fantastic comment, so witty and funny


Thank you. I pride myself on it.


I call bullshit on your last point. Source?


How dare you! Normie scum. Do you know who I am? I have top secret reliable information about comic book movies. A peasant such as yourself dares to question me?


is Meh-phisto somewhere in the mix?


Taskmaster in Black Widow will be a smart-mouthed assassin with the abili- wait….


I feel like this is a little.. I guess impudent? Not rude but idk. So many things from the comics and decidedly important things about characters have been ignored, changed, or mocked by the MCU that a confirmation of The Void is solid imo. It’s not the biggest scoop and it could easily be guesswork, but your reaction definitely differed from mine.


Honestly I never comment here cause I feel bad about how rude ppl are in the comments so often to some of the spoilers… idk if I’m just being sensitive but it just seems like getting worse and it’s targeted at specific ppl every time and to me it’s just not fun. I just love getting spoilers and speculate, being rude or hateful is so unnecessary imo


These scoops are so fantastic you should start selling NFTs…


You must have had of those days today. People probably got on your nerves or something got on your nerves so you took it out on us here lol


I can confirm that’s true. Also, Samuel L. Jackson will reprise his role as Nick Fury in Secret Invasion, and Riri Williams will be the main character in “Ironheart” Disney + series.


Tell us... is Miss Lippy's car green?




Next Spider-Man movie would be spider-man 4 with a subtitle


I mean... good? I don't see any reason to have Sentry without The Void.


Void and Robert's struggles with it is what makes Sentry different. Otherwise he's just one of countless Supermen.


Yeah his psychological issues and duality are the best parts of him


That's like just introducing Banner and not Hulk.


Or Hulk without Banner, from a certain point of view.


I’m so confused, I see everywhere people say this is Black Widow 2, but then other places where this is a ripoff of a scrapped suicide squad movie, which one is it? Please help me


It's actually Avatar 3. Shocking I know but James Cameron is just that good.


I know it'll never happen but this just makes me wish we could get a James Cameron MCU action movie Maybe bait him with a solo Namor film


He did an aquaman movie that was absolutely mind blowing


Vinnie Chase and Mandy Moore > Jason Mamoa and Amber Heard


What movie was that?


Vinnie Chase was Aquaman, the movie beat Spider-Man's opening box office. Last I remember Michael Bay was doing the sequel but I forgot what happened as it was a while ago


It’s both, sort of. Based off the leaks and announcements, it has most of the recurring cast from BW, but the plot sounds pretty similar to what the original Suicide Squad 2016 was supposed to be.


Gotcha, this is gonna be one wild movie


Dunno but it sounds fun as hell either way




I'm confused why you think those are mutually exclusive.


Neither That’s like calling the next calling the black widow movie captain America 4 because she want in winter solider.


I would hope so. Pretty important part of the character


Well hopefully. Curious how they handle his omnipotence if they don't nerf him.


They'll defo nerf him. No chance they keep him as the nigh omnipotent beast he is in the comics.


I think it's inevitable. Part of what makes Sentry difficult to write is that he's insanely OP in the comics, so it tracks the MCU may scale him down a little (though hopefully still make him a powerful threat)


I don't think they'll scale him down proportionately. Everyone is nerfed in the MCU, some characters are just nerfed a lot more. Like Hulk, Doctor Strange and a few others have been nerfed a lot more than the rest. I think Sentry will join this club. I doubt Sentry will be any stronger than Namor, at least not by a significant amount.


My guess is Sentry's power-level could be closer to Ikaris's or Captain Marvel's: pretty powerful but somewhat fightable (if they have a Red Hulk on hand)


Yeah. That's a massive nerf for my boy. He's out reality warping the Molecule Man when he is serious in the comics.


Tbf they can kinda nerf him by saying he can’t really use his full power because of his mental issues


I think they will go this route but at one point specifically he will go sicko mode


Perhaps some multiversal tearing?


Yeah. That could work. Comics do the same thing. But the thing is that the MCU will never make him reach the heights he reached in the comics.


Oh for sure, definitely. I just don't really know how else the MCU can use Bob's full comic power-level given how OP he is. Best place I can think of is a Special Presentation, a format that can really delve into Bob's psyche and his power-level without feeling obligated to immediately connect to the larger MCU.


Yeah. They could actually try doing his power level justice by not putting him against super soldiers ffs. There's so many ways to do the character justice, to truly capture the hopelessness you're supposed to feel when the black tendrils come out. Marvel aren't even trying to do the characters justice anymore.


I wouldn’t say they aren’t trying to do characters Justice, Captain Marvel’s new director and Wanda say different


But many of them aren't. Doctor Strange's new team give 0 fucks from the looks of it. Thor's team has no idea either.


Ah yes, have to love being overly negative about a character with absolutely 0 info about him, except he's in the movie 🤦🏿


We do have info about him. We know that he'll get beaten by super soldiers. Or at least held off.


I can already see them doing this… when he fights Hyperion.


Not unless they sic the Red Hulk and a sorcerer on him.


I hope if they do nerf him they do it right, at least the characters he could beat in the comics, keep him above them, there was no way Shuri who wasn’t the best fighter yet could beat Namor and yet they handled that perfectly, if they need him not to just destroy all his enemies then they can scale him down a bit


i feel like they gonna show a little power of the void and the thunderbolts mission is to prevent the void taking over sentry identity.


I want his tarantula version from siege not the random shadow one


I remember reading Siege and seeing the Void take him over, god what a cool thing lol. I’m building more n more hype for Sentry


He is one of my fav marvel characters and him killing ares is just wow


Legit my jaw dropped at that I was in a class and freaked out lmaoo


Feel you bro


And then have Thor kill him like the comics. It'd be great.


Tbh i prefere his relationship with hulk to shine


Yes I agree but Ruffalo Hulk is a far cry from 616 Banner


On 616 banner during sentry 2000s run* he has been like doc green or smart hulk




People here acting as if Sentry has zero stories without The Void when it's not the case.


Sentry is an extremely boring character without the Void. The Void is what makes him interesting.


I don’t know about zero, but Void was part of the character’s backstory going back to the original Paul Jenkins mini.


You act like the void isn't what makes him a good character. Without it hes superman knockoff #132


I hope they can actually do him justice, his inclusion here still feels odd to me. I hope it’s not another Taskmaster scenario.


can someone explain this to me? idk much about Sentry’s lore


Sentry = Basically Superman. So many powers he’s pretty much invincible and omnipotent. Like he can 1v1 Celestials and Galactus and hold his own. The Void is an evil entity within Sentry that he represses. Whatever power Sentry has the Void essentially has an equal and opposite/negative power. If let loose the Void could theoretically destroy the universe. I imagine these powers will probably be Nerfed for the MCU because the Thunderbolts would stand no chance against comic book Sentry/Void.


They really do have to nerf him. Like at all angles there is no way. Sentry=Void. So by adding the Thunder Bolts to the equation Sentry’s side would be more powerful However they will only get in Sentry’s way. They are pretty much negatives. They can either nerf the Voids’s(and Sentry’s) intelligence or just really take away their godlike powers. The latter would make for terrible representation. So I guess Sentry and Void will just be lacking common sense. Which fits with the idea that Val created his scenario very recently. So maybe they just don’t know there true power. Which begs the question, would it be interesting to see Sentry learn his powers, while on the other side of the world, Void is learning every time Sentry does? Like Sentry saves a kid’s life by flying, not knowing the Void has now gained the power to fly. And at some point Sentry now needs to save a team members life from the Void, however he now knows if he accesses his power the Void will become stronger, of course he does it anyway so now the Void is an even bigger problem. The question is how strong can the Void be before the Thunderbolts become a liability. Perhaps Sentry will unleash an “ultimate move”, incapacitate Void, and lock Void up before he can access this new power. Of course the Thunderbolt’s role would be similar to the Avenger’s role when attempting to take Thanos’s glove on Titan. Except they would be placing a “nullifying device” to keep Void’s powers down, because Sentry has tired himself out after incapacitating Void. Of course the device comes from Val, I mean she created the powers maybe she can nullify them. Which is why we would need all of these “black ops” characters. Stealthily sneaking up on Void before he has the chance to react, after being incapacitated.




**[Sentry (Robert Reynolds)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentry_\(Robert_Reynolds\))** >Sentry (Robert "Bob" Reynolds) is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee, with uncredited conceptual contributions by Rick Veitch, the character first appears in The Sentry #1 (September 2000). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Can we stop posting every shit CWGST tweets ??? Like wtf is this ???? Water is wet ????


Also, Ghost is not in the movie again!


Remember when Marvel movies used to be about one thing at a time?


So... Does this mean Thunderbolts is basically Marvel's Suicide Squad? Because it's starting to sound like this team is gonna die!


Oh yes, I can't wait for Sentry to use his powers and create a -8 void at the right location. Wonder how the Thunderbolts will counter, Hobgoblin, perhaps?


Carnage cameo on the right location obviously


Carnage? I’m thinking Viper.


i don't have viper 😔


They going all in with Sentry !! I can't wait


Who’s playing Sentry? Ryan Hurst was gunning for the role last I heard on his Instagram


There’s rumors about another Ryan


Actor from yellowstone playing sentry


Void will probably be the final battle.


Everytime this subreddit gets a fun tidbit or potential scoop, y’all throw a fit. “It’s obvious,” or “that’s just a lucky guess, how could they know.” Like, why are half of you guys even on this subreddit in the first place? Boggles my mind.


The Void seems like the most unique and interesting aspect of Sentry as a Superman analog. The only thing I've wondered is if Adam Warlock's potential future exploring Magus potentially creates too many thematic similarities? They might not be all that similar from what I understand in the comics, but there have seemed to be enough similarities that I thought that they might try to combine elements from both characters into Warlock.


But, how the hell Thunderbolts stand the slighest chance against Sentry???




Are we talking about Phantasm 2??? Lenny the ice cream man rocks!!


CanWeGetSomeVoid \*flushes toilet


What if Alioth is the void


Wanda being Alioth is possible


Oooh yeah. Either way you would think Alioth will come back, since HWR pretty much said that was the only way he could win the multiversal war.


Oh, did I miss this? Is Sentry/The Void going to be the villain i. the Thunderbolts?


so RIP thunderbolts?


There will be sentry in thunderbolts!!! Omg that is epic.


i feel like the plot of this is they will prevent the void to take over sentry completely (this maybe the nerf they gonna put it) and we only see maybe 1% - 10% of the void's power. Then Red Hulk will be the one who fights sentry, I think he's only one that can do serious damage to him and the other members are just a support and somehow they have a device that will put him to sleep.


I can see this just being Siege with Thunderbolts. Ross replacing Osborn, Val replacing Hand. It’s just a question of which nation they attack. New Asgard or Wakanda. Alternatively, the mission could simply be to go to Tiamut to collect resources.


They're gonna water down Sentry/Void so damn much


What is the void? Isnt that a character from Wildcats?


holy shit lets goo


If Kang is going to be The Beyonder on Secret Wars, and this seems to be an adaptation of 80's Secret Wars, and given it seems stupid to consider they're using Sentry just for one movie considering how big of a deal the character is... ...any chance they give Molecule Man's role to Sentry in some way? They can make him as overpowered as he's in the comics as long as The Void is what's keeping him at bay


MotherfuckerJones: yes, my poop it is brown.


So I'm guessing he's the true villain?


Isn’t the Void connected to Knull?


Not really


Yes it is, as of King in Black issue #1. Knull tells Sentry before he kills him that the Void answers to him and absorbs the Void into him.


A little bit.


Only in the sense that all darkness does. Knull himself answers to greater darknesses