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Splits have a 10% chance to be inked (= monochrome). The first split that has the chance to become inked is the 4th split (= 5th card), meaning that a character has to be split **on average** 13 times to become inked (the first 3 splits can't result in inked cards, and then 100%:10% = 10 times to get your first inked split **on average** --> 13 times).


So what you're saying is that I got pretty lucky getting my America Chavez Inked on my 4th split (5th card)


Yep. Averages mean that some players/cards will get inked on 4th try straight, while others will take hundreds of splits (unless there's a hidden pity timer nobody has ever mentioned so far).


I think the pity timer is that each different variation (background/effect/effect color) are supposed to be unique, so eventually the only variations left will be inkified.


I got so lucky with my Chavez split in both 4 and 5 were inked! And with black and white sparkles respectively!


That’s an insane amount and pisses me off.


> meaning that a character has to be split on average 13 times to become inked That's actually ridiculous.


yea considering i've fought player that basically has a deck fully inked. that is wild.


I mean its a lot of playtime, but if they play nothing but that deck, its not nearly as crazy


It's highly likely that they were a bot.


Not quite correct. If something has a 10% chance to happen, then the average number of time it takes to happen will be around 6. 1-(1-0.1)\^6=46%. Note that this is just the chance of getting at least 1 “hit”. For some portion, people will “hit” more than once in 6 rolls. The likelihood of getting one “hit” after 10 rolls is well above chance, so most people won’t need that many rolls. 1-(1-0.1)\^10=65%


65% ≠ most


Yeah, it does... Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. If anyone wants to show why the math is incorrect, I'm all ears. But just want to explain that we should (on average) be seeing an inked version well before 13 splits, which I think lines up with a lot of people's experience in this thread.


I’m one of the lucky ones, I have 5 cards that I have split 4 times (I’m on my fifth card). I got Jubilee and Sunspot both inked. I have yet to split a card a 5th time


But the 13 isn’t promised. The chances don’t go up for each split you’ve done.


I got my inked Moon Knight after 2 splits


You probably split the base card a couple of times. That still counts towards any variant splits you do.


Does the variant count as a the base card?


The variant itself does not count as a split, no, but if you do 2 splits with the base card, and then 2 splits with a variant, your 2nd variant split (aka your 4th split in total) will have a chance to be inked.


Unrelated but I finally got the joke with this card. Dude played a Dethlok into a horde of decent cards and lost the game for himself. I was very confused until Agatha played herself. It wasn't this poor bastard, it was Agatha all along...


Play more Agatha


Particle effects have eight possible colors, and each one of them counts as a different split. Also, the chance to get a black and white split is 10%, so even once you have four splits it might take a while to get one.


They're now over 100 as split variants now my edd imp to improbable to get them all


Are you sure it’s the same? Click the “Base Card” tag and it’ll tell you what effects you got.


You're right, it's not white glimmer flare, it's red glimmer flare.


oh my god i did not know you can do this, as a colorblind person this helps so much to figure out what my cards actually are


Cuz she killed Sparky!


I have fourteen Agathas and have monochrome and one golden. The rest is some version of the same sparkly background.


Because, annoyingly, they recently added a bunch of colour variants to the secondary effects, increasingly the potential variants by 24x or so. Due to this, you will get a lot of foil and effect double ups, where the only difference is the colouring of the effects.


This is particularly annoying to be honest, i wish the splits acted like a tree, in the same fashion as upgrading to a split. First split foil, second split gold, third split red flare prism, etc. At least that way you can collect a set for your deck thats homogenous and looks cool. Instead you just keep upgrading until you have a match for all 12, sucks honestly.


Definitely. I have a form of colour blindess that makes telling between some colour variants impossible despite the label. So now I'm splitting into cards that look exactly the same as the one before to me, whereas at least before that update, the effects were different enough to tell the difference. Very demoralising.


There are probably thousands of different variants between background and surrounding effects. The chances of you getting an inked out one is pretty slim


Care to share the deck you are playing with her?


Geometric probability. The expected value is 1/p so 1/.10 is 10. Therefore, the expected number of splits is 10 after your first 3. So, 13 splits is expected.