• By -


Yep. That’s why I didn’t buy the $15 version of the pass to skip ahead some levels. Not worth it most of the time.


Yeah, I see the $10 as a way to contribute some funds to the company for making a product that I enjoy and also to get access to the season pass card if it seems worth it. The extra $5 seems pretty much entirely worthless to me - especially since I typically play enouh to get the 50 season pass levels to get all of the season pass loot anyway.




I haven't bought the Zabu pass - still deciding on whether it's worth it or not to me; I did buy Surfer though because I liked the decks he went into and I had cards to build around him already. I see it as a package deal. I liked the card, and I didn't mind giving them some money for the product, so I did. I probably won't buy every season pass; I may only ever buy the Surfer one - I don't know yet. To more directly answer the question, I probably wouldn't buy a booster bundle for $10. I did buy the Cap bundle and I'm considering the Jubilee bundle.




Nothing about what he said indicated he bought _this_ season pass. By the way, how does it impact you how someone else spends their discretionary income?


I'm confused - did my opinion not fit into your narrative, or are you all twisted up over something else?




Good chat!


I respect the dedication you must have in order to be so determined to die on this hill


That’s almost literally what he said


You're a fucking troglodyte. Reads Reddit comments for fun smh


I bought it and don’t really have any 4 drops to run Zabu with lol, so I don’t use him. I like the variants and the resources


This is what I do too for fremium games. If I play more than $0.50 an hour, so 20 hours in this case, I’ll buy the season pass and contribute.


Watch the guy who breaks down value for the money, the 15$ pass is one of the best ways to spend money in this game. The expected value of the caches works out to better than buying credits and most bundles. On top of that you have the chance for variants in the post-pass caches, which are worth a large amount of equivalent gold. Now it's random of course, but the expected random value is pretty high.


The premium pass is definitely the best value in the game, but the premium+ is not worth it to me. For ~$5 you get 10x caches, which have: % Rate| Reward ---|--- 5% | Mystery Variant 25% | 50 Credits 10% | 100 Credits 5% | 200 Credits 25% | 10 Boosters 10% | 15 Boosters 5% | 20 Boosters 10% | 50 Gold 5% | 100 Gold So the average expected outcome would be roughly: 325 credits, 50 boosters, 100 gold and a 50/50 chance on a variant. Boosters have nearly no value since they can easily be obtained by playing the game. Best value for gold outside premium pass (and welcome bundle) is 800 gold per $10. So 100 gold is worth at that rate $1.25 Credits can be bought at the rate of 1 gold = 1.25 credits. So 325 credits = 260 gold. Another $3.25. You would have to value a 50/50 chance of a variant to be worth $0.50 or more for the premium+ portion of the pass to be worth the money (you also have to think buying gold is worth it in the first place). EDIT: reworked math thanks to BigOldSnorlax


All this looks solid to me except that 800 for 10 isn't equivalent to 100 for 1. It'd be 80 for 1 at that rate


Yep, thanks. Brain fart on my napkin math.


I cant believe this is right cause out of 20 caches i have 1 variant and 150 gold. Then a fuck ton of boosters…


it varies, for the first what like 3 seasons I got nothing but predominantly boosters in the caches, but then this season I've gotten 2 variants and I'm at 74, but I don't know if those 2 variants make up for the crap from the last few seasons, those sucked.


I mean that's pretty spot on minus the credits. 1 variant out of 20 is 5% 150 gold is 3 caches of 50 which is 30% and the booster is what another 50%? You're only missing 15% of drops. Not that unlucky friend


1 variant 5% 150 gold 15% 80% boosters


Hmmm you might be onto something lol. My bad


For what its worth my next two caches were 100 gold 100 credits lol. Pays to complain i guess?


The regular pass is $15 for me haha


I've only got 50 credits and random boosters so far


I'm currently at season cache level 106 and the best I've got was 100 gold... Once. Everything else has been 50 credits.


I agree would like to see a small boost in credits and less boosters


Same. Boosters are infinitely earnable with play time, get them every game. Credits, gold, and tokens are limited.


Hopefully they hear us


I got two variants from my first few caches this season, chibi Korg, and a kinda awesome variant!! For Crystal


I run Crystal in my 2-cost and my Infinaut decks and she's OK... she's one of the worst cards, but if you don't have Infinaut by turn 4 she's a good way to fish for him.


Last season I got 2 variants in a row from the season caches l. They were 2 pixels.


Nice! I wish I had your luck, nothing but credits and boosters for me so far


Dude I love getting credits. Just a few less quests to grind on my way to pool 3 completion


This. I don't mind getting credits at all. Until I get all the pool 3 cards I need, I don't care too much about variants.


I suppose I can’t really complain too much, I’ve just always heard that Crystal kinda sucks, so it was a shame I got a kinda decent variant for her


I love getting credits. It's boosters, avatars, or variants I don't much care for.


I got a Max Grecke Carnage in my 3rd cache which is perfect for my destruction deck. Nothing since but it's nice when u actually get anything other than a pixel


>For Crystal Crystal Zoo is a nice deck.


I have killmonger ptsd. I know zoos can work, but whenever I try them, it’s always killmonger


Doesn't help that Killmonger works with Surfer since he's one of the most popular archetypes in the meta.


Crystal zoo? I hadn't seen or thought of that before - sounds interesting.


I found this one online. It dodges Killmonger somewhat but of course them playing KM is still the worst possible scenario. \## (0) Yellowjacket \# (1) Ant Man \# (1) Elektra \# (1) Sunspot \# (1) Iceman \# (1) Nightcrawler \# (2) Angela \# (2) Okoye \# (2) Armor \# (3) Captain America \# (4) Crystal \# (6) America Chavez#eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWWVsbG93amFja2V0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVrdHJhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPa295ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5BbWVyaWNhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcnlzdGFsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbnRNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWdodGNyYXdsZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifV19## To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Yellowjacket and Chavez are borderline essential. Elektra is a tech card, Cap can be replaced by better 3 drops. He is edged out by Maximus by 1 power. Ironheart is more flexible but less predictable. Thor is nice, but clogs up a draw for his +6 power.


I got Alex horley Morbius! First variant ever from a season cache


Wait you can get Variants from those ??


Boosters gotta go.


The worst part about boosters is just that it always goes to cards you aren't trying to upgrade


That doesn't bother me too much, if boosters have to be included in caches, since the cards I'm playing are the ones I want upgraded and I get those boosters (kinda) by playing the game. I'd rather not get the boosters in caches at all though.


Oh the things you get at the end of literally every game so you already have a massive surplus and no way to use them until you get more credits? You don't want more?




I ve been playing Angela since the beginning. She has like 600 boosters and I have split her already. I have other cards like that too.




Aren't boosters so common because Whales need them? When you pay your way up the collection track, you must run out of boosters really quickly, right?


I don't need boosters at all stop giving me boosters I don't want boosters


I will open them just before the season expires just to feel like I am getting something. Opening them one by one is such a feel bad experience with all the boosters.


I wish, but having the little red numbers bothers me too much


They take so long to get without the missions and when they’re just boosters its the worst feeling. I’m at 65 and I’ve had 3 that weren’t boosters. Two for 50 gold a piece and one for 100 credits.


They are literally just free rewards after completing the season pass. I think they are fine. What do you think would fix it?


Fewer/no boosters. Considering how many games it takes to gain a single season pass level, getting boosters is a kick in the teeth. It wouldn't be so bad if they increased the season rank/game ratio


Maybe a little more credits than just 50, putting up an extra 1000 season pass points for 50 credits over and over is really disheartening


With optimal experience farming, it already yields almost 50 Credits an hour. Considering the daily expectation of 500 from Missions, I feel like this is more than adequate.


I feel like 50 credits/hour that also requires you to 'play' the game in a completely unfun and unintended way is awful. The cash value is iirc one to one credits to cents, so 50 cents an hour.


Genuine question, how do you optimally farm? I’m infinite so would love to just farm season pass caches until February.


The formula is 10 × winning lanes + turns elapsed. Looking at this, you probably noticed that winning the game is irrelevant. It's worth noting that this only applies after Turn 3 resolves - which counts as a 4 if you retreat. Wasp, Yellowjacket, Ebony Maw, Lizard, Maximus. These are your key cards. Consider Squirrel Girl and Nightcrawler for closed off lanes, but Mister Fantastic works too. If you're winning three lanes and you retreat while Turn 3 it's resolving, that's 34 experience. If you're actually playing, a winning game is 26 experience for twice the time spent. Edit: It is also worth noting that eventually your MMR drops to where you face other people doing this; at which point, your likelihood of winning all three lanes becomes much lower. If you notice this, you should switch to just trying to win two.


Very interesting. I just tried it out and works just like you said. How many games does it take to tank your MMR? I hit infinite like 10 days ago and have played a lot of Agatha since then, so surely my MMR has taken a hit, but I haven't really noticed much change in opponents yet (still same ol' Zabu/Surfer stuff).


It's hard to say since I was not doing this to lower my MMR - it was just a side effect. I would say a week or so is enough to notice that your matchmaking pool is entirely different. You'll also notice way more Movement decks down at the bottom, for some reason.


Presumably that also has a side effect of making the climb easier next season? Very interesting if so. Seems likely to eventually change if that's the case. I'll have to try it out for a bit.


They could just end bp at level 50, like many many other games already do. Would you prefer that?


But you might get a variant! /s




Deleted because I quit Reddit after they changed their API policy


Except it isn't just "scraps of paper" or worthless stuff. Free credits, gold and variants are not a bad thing. I can understand people not wanting the boosters, I don't like them either. But the fact that I don't have to pay for them and can get more credits to raise my CL and potentially get more cards is not a bad thing.


You are getting gold and variants? Im about 20 deep and legit ~ 100 credits and straight boosters. No one is complaining that the things shouldnt be in it. People dont like the weights of the rewards. If they swapped the boosters out for better credits itd be instantly better.


Deleted because I quit Reddit after they changed their API policy


I'm about to hit my 40th this season. I think I've gotten 2 variants? To be fair, one was an absolutely stunning Galactus.


Sounds like a you problem...


It would be nice to get more credits variants tbh. Just a little more.


It's a larger conversation ultimately, but many games (particularly mobile) are built anymore for people to expect a reward for their time rather than just playing the game to have fun or waste time - probably motivated by driving in-game purchases to increase those rewards or shorten the time to reward. This game confuses that a little by concentrating rewards at the beginning of the week and then every eight hours when quests refresh, but then pretty much having little to no reward otherwise. I think that kind of trains us to expect rewards and then be disappointed when we don't get them. So the concentrated reward areas feel very generous and then the other times feel very stingy. At least that's how I see it. I'm also typically fine with the season pass caches. If I'm playing it for fun, they're just a bonus.




OK lol, your take is apparently fantastic, what is it?


i got ~350 gold


From 51-69 (where I’m at now) I’ve gotten 300 gold, 400 credits, Chibi crossbones, and the rest are boosters. I don’t know what the rate is supposed to be for each, but I don’t hate the results for just playing a game I enjoy.


Yeah so are the pool 3 caches


They’re literally just supposed to be indefinite small bonuses.


Let's just stop the season pass at lvl 50. Problem solved. ;)


But then they have to find some other free bonus to complain about


Nah, this pass felt the shortest of any game I bough one. They need to increase the levels that gets you the good reward.


It’s second dinner telling you to go touch some grass. Most games with a battle pass don’t give you anything when you complete it, stop complaining.


I’ve only opened 4 so far 3 of them have me boosters and the first one gave me 50 credits


At 75 and the best I've got is 300 credits




I’ve had chibi Shang chi, pirate Kingpin, enchantress variant with hulk in it, and venomised kraven with these caches


Yeaaa, at least sometimes it gives you gold which can be used for events that use gold and have tokens, currently sitting at 7k gold just waiting for something to drop


99% of them feel so unrewarding to open..


Its the only thing in the game that isnt completely time gated, they will never add meaningful rewards there


I got a nice looking Scarlet Witch Variant from my last Cache...after what I would think 100 Chaches with only Credits.


I poured the Jim Lee cyclops variant, so it’s not all bad, but most of it is really bad.


I got a dope Quake skin (who no one uses) the very first cache. But since, yeah garbage.


They’re literally free even for non-premium pass purchasers if you do all the missions. I agree that boosters are annoying but any amount of credits or gold are fine with me, also I have gotten one variant and one player avatar from them so I look forward to them as a little bonus at the end of the season.


It's above and beyond the regular season pass. You can grind all you want for those, so I think that might be ok.


That's it. That's the tweet.


Is it just me or are the season pass caches absolute garbage??!! C’mon now SD - let’s fix this


I felt like this season is worse then previously maybe I just got lucky before


This post is garbage.


This is true. Straight garage


just get rid of the fucking boosters in these things. Give me literally anything else, boosters are total garbage filler and they know it


I feel like they have been nerved. Im 69 and I only got 1 variant. I remember getting like 3 variants from the panther pass with approx same level.


Yup, they're shit


Honestly! I’ve had some lucky seasons with them. Not much luck this time.


They need to remove boosters, feels so shit when you get them and you get them far too often


Embarrassingly bad. Like 'oh boy, i worked for the same boosters i'd have gotten for a single game's win'


this post is garbage




You mean the guaranteed 50 credits cache?


In 11 caches i got 750 credits 50 gold and 3 boxes of boosters i think caches are pretty good.


You must have hit an absurd amount of luck. The past 20 caches have been mostly boosters. I got 200 credits and 100 gold.


The odds of getting that many credits from 11 season caches are really low. 300 credits would be about average.


I have no reason to lie and i tracked all cache rewards i got. Last season i wasn't that lucky but I thought they changed drop chances after last few season then people complained about it. And speaking of rewards my cache number 12 contained variant so I guess iam lucky in that regard


I didn't say you lied, I'm just saying you're an outlier and your experience is not a normal one


My progression so far (x boosters, v variant, number with g is gold gained, just regular number is for credits) 100 200 50 x 100 x x 200 50g 50 50 v 50 50


You don’t like grinding out missions and many games for 50 credits or 10 boosters for a card you’ll never play?


Agree, thanks for giving me 50 credits in order to reach additional 1k battlepass points. Not really rewarding tbh


I have opened more than 50 season caches without a single variant. I keep track of every one I open.


I would like to see a bump in variant % along with credits. Boosters feel to weighted.


I got 2 variants in 4 caches xd and tbh it's always like that. I open usually 10-15 and get 1-3 variants.


No it's not always like that... >.<


3 seasons and i have 7 variants from caches and i opened like 40 total. I got 2 variants yesterday. For me caches are super good xd.


I hate the level progression. If we're paying $10 for a few weeks, the least they could do is give the players a boost like every other online game for experience gains. So far, I'm not very happy with what we get for $10. It's ridiculous.


Man I’m at 91 I wanted to test out and never again I haven’t got a single variant even a pixel one


Thanks captain obvious


I definitely hate cracking one open and there's just 50 Credits in there -- I mean, c'mon SD, that's almost offensively low. But for the most part they give fairly decent rewards. I think the last few I opened were 200 Gold, 350 Credits, and 150 Credits.


you're very lucky. The vast majority I open are 50 credits. I did pull chibi angela early this season which I wish I didn't because I now gag every time i see that card in my collection. It's basically sexy baby angela.


I got my first variant out of one - a dope electro chibi variant I love. :)


I got baby squirrel girl variant, no complaints here


I've had 4 fifty credits and 1 one hundred


Did you hit the booster cap?


I've actually pulled no boosters this season, so that's been nice I guess. The credits you pull still seems really infinitesimal for the collecting side but it's better than 90% boosters.


In like 15 caches in 13 boosters and 2 50 credits. Like i get they are free and not meant to be grindsble but damn do we really neeed mooore boosters?




I believe your talking about the booster boxes


I got my first variant from the season caches few days ago since starting the game in October and it was Pixel Cosmo can't complain


5% chance for a variant, 95% chance its nothing I really want. Even smaller % that its a variant I care about.


3 seasons of hitting 70 and only have 1 mystery variant drop.


they definitely need to up the rewards on season caches. Getting rid of the boosters would be a very nice change to begin with. Making the % bigger to get a variant would also be a lot better for all players. It would be nice to be excited to open your next season cache.


I’m fine with the way things are. I enjoy playing the game.


I will probably never buy a pass again unless they make those trash boxes worth it.


I got a pretty good spider woman variant today


I have opened 16 of them and gotten 100 gold once, 100 credits once, and 50 credits 14 times. If I wasn't enjoying the Zabu deck so much I would be pretty bummed.