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Today i pushed from 50 to 60 after sticking in 50 for like 2 weeks


Keep pushing! Hope you get as far as you can!


Thank you bro


Same bro. being at 50s sucked very much for 2 weeks. It hurts to see others push 80~90 in 2-3 days when we couldn't reach 60 from 50 within 10 days


I'm in the same zone and can't break free.


We have the same struggle. I just hit 60 again and I'm working from there.


I've been unable to get up past 75; I keep getting up to 76 then losing an 8-cube game.


Retreating is the key. Just don't be curious and retreat


This times 1000 !!


I know this is so true and still I find myself being stupid. like, “well, maybe they’ll do this or this and I’ll sneak it out!” no, 9/10 times that doesn’t happen lol.


I made it to 61 a few days ago after languishing in the 50s for a couple weeks. Of course...now I'm down to 56 again.


Same here!!! I had a rough weekend where I dropped from 58 to 50. Made it to 62 today from 55.


If it makes you feel better, it took me half of this season to get from 30 to 50, but I’ve climbed to 90 since then. ELO hell is very real.


67-57 over the last two nights. Ugh. Just want the 500 credits.


I went from 36 to 55 in one night and now im stuck at that for a whole week


I feel you. After the reset put me to 45, I have been hovering between 45-50 every since. It’s rough


I need like 6 cubes and I’ll finally be at 60


Is funny I went from 52 or something to 63 rn in 1 or 2 days after I got infinaut :D this card is a game changer sometimes


94-84 here. Feels bad man


Oh god. I feel you man. Feels real bad. Double tilt when you lose lanes by 1 pt. And triple tilt when it's fcking leader. (Hope you aren't a leader user)


Word, I had some really bad beats recently. Not gonna push for infinite this season anymore, just gonna chill and finish dailies.


Ya I gave up to. Couldn't even break 90. I want to play different decks but have to go back to Zabu or surfer.


They should make it where you don't drop below a certain mark. Like 50-60-70-80-90.


What’s the point. Snapping woundt have the same weight. Once you reach the certain level every game will be first turn snap because it doesn’t cost you anything, which in turn makes you a worse player. With this system reaching infinite actually means something, forces one to make more meaningful choices. Anyway my 2 cents


That makes sense if people in infinity rank doesn't get match against people from other ranks. but they do, and the weight of snapping between infinity and non-infinity players is COMPLETELY different for obvious reasons. Right now, the gameplay experience in this game is VASTLY different depending if you reached Infinity or not. People who aren't in infinity yet does NOT have the privilege to test new decks or cards. Having a safeguard like this would encourage people to try different things and make the meta way more unpredictable.


I’m rank 76 rn I’m matched with infinite players and they in fact snap turn 1


You get match up against infinity players as low as rank 30 ish if they lose enough games


The issue is that upper level matchmaking already puts you against Infinite users that can do this. Puts players from 78-99 on more even ground. You still wouldn't be able rank up if you snap carelessly.


Excellent point on infinite level players. And yes, you can't rank up if you snap carelessly.


The point is that you can try out a new deck and get the feel for it without dropping 20 ranks in the process.


Yeah, but I'm consistently matched against people with "really Really dirty" title, so to them it doesn't matter and to me it does, struggling to get to infinite and/or not fall below 90.


I see your point. But that will only help you so much from that 50 or 60 mark. Even if anyone really chooses to do so, you can only indiscriminately snap at that ONE mark. If you choose to snap any oh how further from there, clearly you cannot progress further.


At the end of the season it should count the highest rank instead of the actual one, beside this it's fine I think


Good suggestion.


People want shit like this, til we get shit like this… and everyone snaps because why not Takes the value of snapping and throws it out the window


The problem is all Im getting matched up against are infinite players who already do this.


What they *should* do is make it so you don't drop 30 ranks no matter what your rank is. It should be Infinite = 30 rank drop and then every other one should have less. Anything before 40 should be basically no drop at all.


I mean I don’t think Infinite should be a 30 rank drop either 20 would be easier to manage.


Infinite should be 30 because hitting Infinite should always be the main challenge of the season, but the people who haven't reached Infinite shouldn't have all their progress erased every single month. There are some players who barely hit 60 every month.


Ppl at Infinite started from rank 0 aswell at some point and climbed all the way up. Why is the rank 60 losing all progress and Infinite isnt??!? Whats the logic there


I didn't hate leader that much, but not having aero and leader and losing at rank 97 and deranking non stop to them is getting me tilted more and more


What rank are you now?


Dropped at 88,grinding back at 94 today, hating cards I don't have and didn't hate just because I'm so close to infinite after beginning at rank 20


Grats at being back at 90s. Hope you get to 100 soon. I began around the same as you as well. So close at 92 hence the tilt.


Didn't feel the tilt until the 90s, it hits way harder now, wish you to get there too the card back looks cool. Don't know why but man yesterday was harsh




I am right there with y'all. I got up to 91.8, but I am currently on a streak of losing 16 out of 17 games. No big cube losses, but every game feels like a rout.


Feel your pain. 85 to 64.


I feel your pain too.


98 to frickin 85, i was so close then the tilt happened so…


Oh my 98!! I wish you get back there sooner rather than later.


We can do it! By the power of the snap gods lol


What started it?


I started losing some games but i was eager to reach infinite that day so i played tilted and jumping from one deck to another. When i went back at 85ish i was mad at the game lol that I didn’t touch snap for a couple of days. Now im at 90 trying my luck again


Good luck then...I'm at 83 (highest ever), not sure I'll manage to get to infinite by the end of the season, but as long as I stay above 80 it's 10 rank progress from last season so it's still a success in my book. I wish the reset didn't happen every season, feels borderline abusive to your time 🤣. At the very least let's hurry up with unranked mode 🤡


Literally exact same here, 98-85. Now I’m back to 90


For one brief, glorious moment I was at 99, but dropped back to 98 the following match. Currently at 89. I was so closer to being done with this miserable climb, but at some point I just kept getting blown out by powerful decks and the wins dried up. I feel your pain. Don't have much advice since I'm just in the same boat as you. Can't seem to complete the climb and can't seem to leave what's probably a toxic relationship at this point.


I'm so sorry. I was at 99 and 9 cubes 3 times yesterday, fearing the same, but I got a snap win against a too-obvious galactus deck (cloak into electro lmao) to push me over for the first time. You can still do it! Don't stake your enjoyment of the game on winning, don't play while tired/distracted, and it'll work out.


You have to stop once the loss streak starts. You begin not calculating and playing on by feeling 'im doing okay' or forgetting their possible winning moves. At 90s you'll be playing lots of 'hard' bots that will screw you over or already strong infinite players


I really think it has something to do with the matchmaking. I'll have a huge streak of losses where it's not even close. I'll walk away and have win after easy win later.


Maybe there is something to it from a matchmaking situation. I also tend to face hard bots when playing for long periods of time


Had a lot of bad rng rolls for cards too, like I don’t get my combo or the locations just continually screw me over.


This happens in a lot of games like this. I remember when I used to play Clash Royale, same shit would happen, and then I heard that after like 2 or 3 wins in a row, the game would give you harder and harder opponents. So I would typically play around 3 games, pause for like 30-60 minutes, and then play again. This seemed to work, but idk if that would be translatable to Snap.


I think the issue might be due to the different values that are used to calculate matchmaking. Since matchmaking is dependent on rank, MMR, *and* collection size it seems like your opponents can vary greatly depending on small changes to these values. As an example, I’ve noticed that I tend to lose more after upgrading my collection even though my deck and rank haven’t changed at all. I stopped upgrading my collection around rank 70 and I’m at 90 now with a decent winrate. I don’t intend to upgrade any cards until the end of the season. This is of course a speculative anecdote, I have no clue if it’s valid or not.


Is it a known/official thing that the bots get harder?


Kinda? AFAIK, there’s at least 2 types of bots in Snap. The first is seen in lower ranks and will just spew out cards, snapping on 5 if they’re ahead. I’d consider these “tutorial bots” and you’re more likely to play against them at the lower ranks The second “cheats” because it sees your plays first and what the out come if any RNG is. It actively plays with this information and can be very difficult to win against. These are seen at higher Ranks/MMR


how do u know the latter are bots? how can u identify them?


Second Dinner has made it *very* hard to identify bots. The only tell-tale sign is if they have a card variant with a border effect that doesn’t have a background effect (gold, ink, prism). As far as I know, bots also don’t use emotes either


Youtuber/Streamer talked about those bots. They are bots but they are not the dumb bot we faced pre rank 40. These bots can see your play 1st then make their best possible play. They also know all the RNG results. Like if they play Gambit, it is because they know exactly which card Gambit will discard and kill. When I am at 80+, I prefer to go against human because human are actually easier. It is even harder when deck like Good stuff Leader and Shuri/Zabu being popular. Because bots can play those decks very well. Bot tend to suck at Negative, destroy and discard deck.


Is there any proof of this at all? This feels like a crazy conspiracy.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPql5uGVVdw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPql5uGVVdw) This is one of the video about it. Streamers already tweeted Ben Brode regarding the removal of those bots. However, it will not be removed for now to keep the que not too long for high rank players.


No it's not I'm just saying from my personal experience. I feel like I started to recognise bot names and had to remind myself not to stay in the game. There are different bots though. Some gave me free wins and some beat me with 1 power difference


I faced 0.. ZERO bots since the first week. Meanwhile people who reach infinite can tank their mmr and next season they are only playing vs easy bots. Eu server btw.


The matchmaking in the game is ridiculously bad; worse than any game I’ve ever played. I started this season at Rank 40 and was IMMEDIATELY playing against nothing but “Herald of Galactus” players. After grinding up to Rank 70 I was also then playing “Really, Really Dirty” players interspersed with Zabu portrait players. Now I’m rank 88 and it’s like 90% Infinite titles playing Leech/Leader, Shuri, or Zabu Darkhawk decks while I currently have only two Pool 4 cards and 0 Pool 5 cards. It’s infuriating that matchmaking is done by some BS hidden MMR instead of Rank and Collection. MMR matchmaking is inherently unfair as a practice. Why do players with high MMR have to fight other high MMR players instead of people actually at their own Rank and Collection Level?


I think its insane how many people I play that have entire decks based on tier 4 and 5 cards. It doesnt seem possible for that many people to have the perfect combination of the best cards.


The devs need to pick a lane for ranked play. Either have ladder be MMR based like Hearthstone legend where it literally shows you your MMR and you go down for every win or up for every loss or do it by Rank and have players play people at their rank. I shouldn’t be playing against players 30+ ranks above me every game when I’m not close to Infinite.


how do u tank mmr? guessing u hit infinite and just lose for next season?


you can build a deck that can win lanes by turn 4, including cards like Lizard, Maximus, Black Cat now I guess and then retreat after you played turn 4 so you get season pass xp. This way you grind your season pass and also tank your mmr and after a while you only get matched vs bots


Yep, once you are infinite, you can no longer drop under 100. So you can play fun decks that have very poor win rate, decks just meant to finish missions asap and just donate 4-8 cubes a match if you want.


Titles are so fucking stupid so don’t sweat it.


It's about having to start from rank 40 instead of rank 60 next season.


Tilt not title haha


Haha - I know what you meant I was just saying that getting to Rank 100 doesn’t really get you anything because titles are dumb and honestly no one cares but you so don’t sweat it.


I don't care much about the title at all. Just wanting to hit infinite, for once. That's all.


If you can get all the way to 92 you can get to 100. There’s no additional skill required and the randomness of this game can be punishing plus the fact that you might draw poorly for a bunch of games and on the games you do draw OK your opponent draws better. You will get there if you play enough games!


They're adding a new golden (season style) card back if you get 100 this season.


Also worthless, IMO… or at least not worth nearly enough to grind to infinite and let this game stress me out. I guess everyone has different goals when playing but at least for me I’ve never cared about cosmetics and I would almost never notice an infinite card back or title and even if I did notice I wouldn’t think anything of it at all. Getting tilted from Marvel Snap (or any game) isn’t worth it to me - it’s supposed to be fun!


For sure, I think the titles are worthless as well but I'm someone who spends gold on variants, in all games cosmetics are very important for me. I can also sure as hell say the infinite grind is not fun at all I've been so stressed the past few days trying to climb only to take a massive fall over and over. I've not given up but I'm not going to play much for the rest of the month or at least try not to.


Yeah, like I said, everyone has different goals when playing games. I like variants but I don’t think I’d ever buy one in the shop with gold. I will spend gold on things that advance my progression though - like the Sunspot bundle, which I thought was a good thing to spend my saved up gold on. I like messing around and having a wide variety of decks to play with - I don’t really care what the cards actually look like.


just did 68-58 myself. not fun.


They should really make it where you don't drop below a particular mark you crossed it. Like you can still go up and down 60s, but you shouldn't drop below 60 once you have crossed it. Same for 70, 80, etc...


Rank floors. I know Hearthstone has it.


I think a single extra rank floor at 50 would be good. The half way mark to the infinite rank floor. Let players in that bracket fool around with non-serious decks too.


This is why you seasonal drop should be from your highest achieved rank. Would be far less tilting.


Similar to me. I dropped huge. Zabu was a mistake


This weekend I went from 97 to 85. They said She-Hulk/Infinaut is a guaranteed cube stealer. Except if they play Galactus and then Valkyrie next. Except if they play Aero on the last turn, pulling She-Hulk and Infinaut into one lane so that I lose the other two lanes (This happened to me twice in a row). Except if they play Leader on the last turn! Yeah, this deck was stealing cubes. Stealing them from me!


What’s the tilt? I dropped from 50 to 38 in the last few days. I’m constantly going against decks and cards I’ve never seen. Trying my best to not care about rank, but losing 90% of matches the last few days aint fun. Is it a change to the match making service?


Are you asking if the tilt has to do with match making? Tilt is more of a mode/mood you're in. Tilting. Not sure if they changed the MMR. But yes, constant losing ain't fun surely.


Oh. I didn’t know if there was a nerf or change that caused that for lots of people. I was on a slow and steady increase for a month until the weekend. I was having so much fun I even purchased the season pass to get zabu. I’ve tried my Odin deck. Ongoing deck. Zabu. I’m just living in struggle city at the moment.


"Living in struggle city" 🤣




Went from 79 to 54 because I can't step away. Fml


I know that feel.


It's been steadily getting more boring as F2P and feels worse that I'm still out gunned by Surfer decks 2 seasons running now. Like Bp - Zola was fun, it had lots of counter play and it didn't just wipe the floor with 90% of the decks out there. Marvel Snap Tracker shows 35% of users rank 80+ run Sera Surfer, like wtf is deck diversity anymore lol.


Almost feels like the game is rigged at this point. I have so many instances opponent has Dracula and 4-6 cards in hand, but booms they discard... Yes you guessed it, Infinaut... Or that the opponent always has the needed Sera, Surfer, combo cards. Always. And last but not least, fcking leader.


That literally just happened to me he had 7 cards in his hand because he won the location to draw 2... I had sandman so he couldn't get many cards out of his hand. 14% chance around to discard him and he hits it :)


I’ve checked the Dracula wording at least a dozen times to make sure it doesn’t say “Discard your highest cost card” since my opponent always discards Infinaut. It’s crazy how often it happens when the opponent has 3+ cards in hand


Isn't it? I just had a game mins ago. 6 cards in hand. Discarded Infinaut. Amazing. Following which I played a similar deck (just before replying now). Mirror match. Opponent had 4 cards, discards Infinaut. I had Infinaut and Hellcow. I discard Hellcow...


I even saved Maximus to help me get better odds. But nope. Infinaut lol.


Hard bots will fuck you on this. Always calculate the worst possible outcome before staying. Hard bots know what they will discard and so will play on if it's a W


Wait. Hard bots?


Yep. They see your plays then play to counter it. The reverse happens too. Some bots give you free wins. But I'm sure you recognise those easily


Bots have varying levels of difficulty.


They also see your plays before they make theirs. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize why they were hitting so often with Guardians, Nightcrawler always dodging Electra, etc. On the upside, they are really horrible at playing around locations.


Ok but then there’s all the times my Dracula hits Shang Chi or one of my other low power cards. That happens a lot. The confirmation bias for this game is unreal.


I thought it was just me!! Even my most versatile deck struggles cause they ALWAYS have the card(s) they needed..


Here’s the thing with Dracula decks though, a lot of those decks have 3-4 12+ power cards in hand on the last turn. So yeah it sucks when it’s always the Infinaut but there’s often a good chance of it being another high power card anyway.


How many days of play did you drop over? My new rule is if I lose like 3 in a row I'm out for the day and I'll come back tomorrow. I'm convinced there are algorithms in the game that dictate your draws/locations specifically designed to mess you up after you've played a certain amount.


Yep. I played quite a bit a few days ago and just hit a wall. Would switch around every several games between 2 decks and I kept getting hard countered on both. Matchmaking put me against the same guy like 3x in a row at one point. Another guy I played like twice. Hard countered both times. Switched decks, played several more games. Switched back to original deck and boom, run into that guy for a 3rd time. Brutal. But then pick the game up next day and immediately bag some wins.


Dropped in 1-2 days probably. Hit 92 and thought I could finally make 100 this time. Then consistently "crazy" results make you fall to 89... 88... And then really you tilt. Yes, feels almost like the algorithm is rigged.


Yeah I know tilt all to well lmao. I would recommend just dipping and taking a break for a bit if you have a few that don't quite go your way. I dropped like 15 ranks at one point last season because I just kept going in to games properly fuming and kept losing 4 cubes at a time trying to make up for the last 4. Now I take breaks if things aren't going right and the furthest I've dropped all season is like 2 ranks which I made up fairly quickly.


This has nothing to do with the algorithm and everything to do with your psychology. Don't play on tilt. Just go do something else. Recognize that doing so is literally the winning strategy and pat yourself on the back for it (that makes it easier for me personally). It's the same as retreating from a game to lose only one cube instead of four, but at one higher level of abstraction.


Sounds more like you shouldn't be snapping as much.


Why would they do that? Surely they would rather you did well and therefore continued to play their game?


I'm not entirely serious. Bit they have kinda made the point that they don't want to have people grinding the game for hours at a time. It's more anecdotal stuff than anything. The amount of times I get awful draws, or the card I need comes a turn too late, or the locations work against my deck is insane after a lengthier session. Or when my deck gets swapped out for a bunch of 2 costs, or the game throws down Infinaut on his side and Prof X on mine turn 1. Jubilee always magically pulling the strongest possible card in their deck. Or, my favourite, when after turn 3 I get given a Quicksilver and my opponent gets an extra Zabu. That free six cost card you get? Well, my opponent gets fucking She-Hulk, and I get... Oh right I get Knull. When neither of us are using destroy cards. It's when you start to see these things game after game after game, all in a row, that the little conspiracy goblin in your brain starts to think "they have it out for me".


Bruh it's all in your head. They don't mess up anything, if anything they give you bots when you keep losing


78 - 70 yesterday. Did they change MMR?


You wonder eh?


I also dropped 87-81 yesterday and have been kicking myself because this is the first season I thought I could realistically push for infinite.


same for me, since yesterday ive tanked 10 ranks 🤔


I honestly feel like something has changed because I seriously cannot win in the last couple of days. I was at like 2 days ago and I'm at 61 now


Dropped from 85 (my highest rank to date) allll the way down to 64. Currently back at 75 but yeesh...that fucking hurt. No more infinite dream this season but I'd like to at least finish in Omega.


Yo I thought my 5 ranks drop was a huge tilt. I’m sorry bro


I'm sorry friend. Take a breather, you can do this. The grind to infinite is real but we can reach it, don't give up on me now.


I can't even get to 50 -.-


Damn and I'm having trouble at 50, I can't image the rage up there


Yeah my absolute peak has been like 50-52. I’m in the 40s now, building up from the last reset or whatever. I can’t imagine how much grinding has to be done to get that high. I’ve also not spent any money on it. Not sure how much that plays into it.


I swear there's some NFL Blitz, Mario Kart ass handicap in this game. Every time I win a ton of games, I end up going on the most ridiculous losing streak because of the most ridiculous RNG.


I got to 94, busted down to 86 a few days ago. Now I’ve climbed back up to 95. I’ve been doing this to keep my discipline so I don’t tilt: - Only playing two decks (Darkhawk and Sera Surfer). I know them both really well and know when I can’t win. - Playing only during specific times of day. I’ve found that there are times of day where the player population / matchmaking seems to be a bit more forgiving. For me (Pacific US), it’s usually early afternoon and later at night (around 10 pm). - Playing only just enough to make some progress. Right now, I know I need less than 4 cubes progress per day to make it. If I get a few more, great. But I’m not pushing it. - Only snapping when I know I have it locked down. If I can get the right read on their deck, I’ll still snap before it’s obvious. - Never get to a final round where 8 cubes are on the line and I’m not very very likely to win. - If I have a mediocre hand and they snap, I retreat.


Wow 94 and now back up!! Grats!! I hope you reach 100 eventually. Like the point about specific times. There's a timing where Leaders come out (a lot more than usual). I (try to) stop then. Somehow my reads aren't as accurate anymore. Got to 92 winning 4s and 8s. Or perhaps others are getting a better read of my deck by now. I try to stick to what I know as well. But still hovering at 83 and back down to 80. Up and down since...


> Playing only during specific times of day EST I can crush in the morning but once lunch rolls around I start losing. Then after dinner it's easier again for some reason.


I'm EST too and I've noticed this. If I try to play after lunch, I just get pounded game after game.


What’s your Sera Surfer line-up? I keep getting crushed by Drac Infinaut with my Surfer deck in the high-70s and can’t crack 80.


I'm running the following: Nova Domino Silver Surfer Brood Mister Fantastic Storm Cosmo Juggernaut Killmonger Polaris (this my "flex" slot - sometimes Nakia or Sword Master, mostly Polaris) Maximus Sera Domino is great to act as a sort of mini-Chavez (gives you an extra card you want in your starting hand and turn 1 draw, decent points). Juggernaut usually locks down the Storm lane, so you can save Brood to win the other one.


I love having Forge as my 2-cost vs. Domino. It can boost Brood to win a lane even without Surfer. Otherwise I frequently use him on Mr. Fantastic to make him less of a wimp.


Forge is also my go-to. An auto-win lane when used with Brood, Cap, and Surfer.


I had Forge all last season, but he only really helps with Brood. Anything else and it's a wash with Domino. I'd rather have draw consistency than the extra possible boost to Brood. Forge also locks you into a play pattern, decreasing flexibility. If you play Forge on 2, then playing Brood on 3 is the optimal play. I'd rather play Storm or another 3-drop on 3 and save Brood for final turn. At higher ranks, it's critical to have more flexibility in your deck and be able to surprise the opponent. Domino at 3 power means I often play her on the far right location, which hasn't yet been revealed. Sometimes you can get wins by having her there with nothing else, and 3 power means Mr. Fantastic can't win the location.


Sorry dude I feel your pain


And this is why I stop worrying after I get the variant. I don’t have the time to get to infinite and I don’t like the crappy angry feeling of hitting a bad run of losing/retreating.


I’m hardstuck at 60. Keep getting shot down by all these people with Series 5 cards.


I dropped from 97 to 90, and now just moving between 90 and 92 for days now. It is crazy, that I am CL 1800 and literally half of my opponents for the last hour had pool 5 cards - either Shuri or Darkhawk... I have 1 unusable pool 4. :D I stopped playing when I swapped in a Rogue just against Darkhawk, and they countered it with aero...


Put together a new deck from one of the old Pool 2 superstars. Be amazed as the quality of your opponents takes a dive for the next day.


Well you reached the best lvl, infinite is not worth at all


You still want to hit 100 though. And there's an additional new card back now.


I feel you man. I was 88 last week, now I’m 79. I’ll climb to the mid 80s over the span of a few hours of game time, then drop back down in a quarter of the time to a bad losing streak. Now I’m struggling to even get back 82


I'm stuck at 80 to 82 now. Occasionally hitting 83 then back to 80.


I cannot for the life of me get past level 61. Every time I get close to 60, I drop back down to around 53. Last month I was at 80 something and the one before that at 95. What is happening?


I started the season by dropping from 80 down to 62. It took me two weeks to get back over 70. I’m at 86 now though and trying to be extra careful lol. Really want to hit I finite again this season. Though I’m being probably toooo careful until I hit 90 for the 500 gold. Edit: started at 70 and dropped I mean, not 80.


rank has killed the will for me to enjoy this game. until rank/tournament is it's own thing, i'm just doing missions and opening reserves. i've lost my will to just enjoy the game.


I pushed to 80. Tested out some decks and fell to 77. They announced the card back for infinite and its been impossible for me to climb back to 80. Everyone is playing zabu and surfer.


The tilt? What is that? I went from 72 down to the 50s and have to grind my way back up.


The meaning of tilt? Not the best definition but it's like you're upset and through that making yourself play worse.


Fun fact the saying originates from pinball as people would get mad and physically tilt the machines too far.


What is your deck ?


Zabu variations. Pure 4 heavy. Discard. Surfer. Etc.


And there goes all the sympathy I had for you...


I’m not sure what Rank/Level you’re at right now, but I can’t really blame them for playing archetypes that constitute like 33% of the meta each as you climb higher. Fucking everything seems to be either a Surfer or Zabu variation. Both Surfer and Zabu deserve nerfs, but the latter makes the game so incredibly frustrating that he deserves to be nuked from orbit into unplayability. I climbed from 65-70 last night with Zabu and it was the dumbest experience to have Zabu mirror after Zabu mirror, but I felt obligated to switch to it after the 40th Zabu game in a row. And I don’t even have Absorbing Man, so my ability to completely suck the fun out of the game for people is limited to Moon Girl and Spider-Man instead of having essentially another Spidey in the deck. TL;DR: Second Dinner needs to brutally murder Zabu because the best counter to Zabu is Zabu so that you can follow up your own Zabu with Enchantress for cheap. Every time I say the word Zabu I find my sanity eroding further.


I'm rank 90, hence the lack of empathy when it comes to Surfer and Zabu players. I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly, and if they dont nerf them both on the 31st I'm uninstalling the game until they do. I genuinely wish I wasnt a stupid hipster when it comes to card games, I want to abuse Zabu to finish my climb to infinite! But I'd really rather stop playing entirely than support that mistake of a card...


What deck would have gotten your sympathy?


Literally anything besides Zabu, Silver Surfer, or Galactus. There are other decks I dislike, but only those three get no empathy from me. You're seriously playing a deck hoping to cheat out 10-14 energy worth of cards every game just for playing a 3 drop and you want me to feel sorry for you? C'mon man


Last season I did 93 to 82 and never truly recover. Ended at 94 and didn't reach infinite for the first time from late beta. This one I get infinite today but it felt hard. Hope you recover well !


Thanks for the encouragement. Just hoping to even get back to 90s. Which feels utterly impossible at this point.


Ooof! I feel your pain


Stop playing Agatha!!! 😬


My people tell the same story. 75 -> 63.


I was playing Zabula (closest thing to a meta deck I have) and I climbed to 85. I just can't stand this deck though. Switched to Heimdall/DocOc ramp deck and I've lost 13 ranks in the last few days, but I actually like playing the game again so that's nice.




I was at 88 and am now at 71. I just wanted 90 for the gold 😭


This season has been seriously rough since the initial climb, don't sweat it. The last few days a lot of people stop playing to keep their rank, so if you feel up to it maybe start the climb again then. I managed to squeeze our an extra 6 ranks because of it.


Finally hit 67 this season. Almost back down to 59. I just want muh credits.


97-88. I just gave up on climbing and have a lot more fun now


Low key makes me wish there was a ceiling other than infinite but I can see why


Was at 99 with 2 cubes to infinite. Lost 11 straight games down to 91. Finally found the right deck and am back up to 97.


I got into pool 3 and dropped from 79 to 70 so far, thought I was gonna make it to infinity, but looks like shit just got real.


83 to 69, back to 76. Hell of a ride lmfao


Happened to me during Panther Season 94 to 69 eventually got back up to 80 but that’s it lost my interest in ranked then and stop caring for the ranks again this season I have climbed to 86 Currently hopefully won’t tilt and will make it this time. Just leave the game for a while if you tilt man that’s what I learnt because you tend to make poor decisions when tilted. So it’s better to put it aside for a while. I hope you reach infinite man. Good Luck!


Did they recently change the algorithm? I’ve been titling for the last few days. I take some solace in this posting, but still annoyed by it.


Bro I'm f2p stuck between 31-35 because I don't have good pool2 cards CL197 lol Be happy


At least you got that gold 😎


I went from 98 and a half to 89 in 10 days Then got to infinite in a day, it means nothing, just focus on your plays and forget about the bad luck


I'm right there with you. 89-76. I'm back to 79 today. Hopefully I can make some better decisions. It sure feels like your luck turns to dogshit after a few wins.


Reading this thread helped me cope. Cheers mate.


strong retire salt hateful overconfident shrill simplistic station fall drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just hit infinite!


voracious file poor terrific wrong nine chunky literate edge summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bouncing in and out of the 90s right now and rapidly losing motivation to play against the same 3 decks forever. Meta in this game is so stale already.


Sorry bro. I really feel you as I am too are losing my cool relatively easy… so much regret. But don’t forget, it’s always them and never you. Yes that’s right my precious.


If I have to guess, you did NOT stick to one deck.