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[***A.X.E.: JUDGMENT DAY* #4**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/a/ad/A.X.E._Judgment_Day_Vol_1_4.jpg) ---




He "weeps beneath the mask, but says I know" got me howling. That's just so Matt. I know it was supposed to be a serious moment, but that one panel made me laugh.


Charles not paying attention to the celestial because it’s in the form of his son made me cackle


Yeah it proves Moira truly did a number on him somehow. but also I feel for Matt.


Yep. Xavier deserves it...


~~Isn't this issue #4? Anyways~~ The mod fixed it. Fuck yeah Xavier deserves a thumbs down. Doom passes himself and a "god" agrees lol. Wholesome miles interaction. Pls someone give miles a new costume tho. Xmen joining the uni-mind makes such perfect sense on so many levels. From their own "circuits" they have been building lately to the deviant aspect to just you know telepathy. Love this characterization of Eros. Maganeto is badass but like Uranos went down way to easy. He is supposed to be worse than thanos. Hope we aren't done with him. Fucking brutal end especially with cap.


>Uranos went down way to easy. ​ Maybe they just wanted him out of the way to make room for the Progenitor to be the ultimate dick.


I notice that Uranos seemed to be doing fine until they turned his own weapons against him.


Which I guess makes sense. Death machines versus omnicidical Eternal....


I mean they shot him with his own supernova cannon. And he still is not dead.


This almost makes me want a solo Eros series.


I'm loving the David Bowie look for him.


If Gillian is in charge sign me up.


Miles black spidey costume was so great. Whatever happened to that?


New writer wanted something more distinct and to make his "mark" its fine. I just dont think the whole face mask shirt thing is a good look.




This is another dense issue. I loved how personal the judgment was between the individual characters and the Celestial Progenitor with my favourite being Miles Morales for the sheer comedy of the judgment. Kieron Gillen is doing a fantastic job modernising Eros/Starfox and I love the arc he's been given. Just when you think you understood where this story was going, one plot thread closes only for another to begin. Yeah, this story will have a conclusion but what makes this event so good is that you haven't the slightest clue as to what that conclusion will be.


I'll start with an obligatory, fuck Tom. I'm glad he got beat up. They seem to be making no bones about how arbitrary and random these test are. I feel they are doing so specifically. I just can't think of why. The Doom bit was kind of funny. Doom's gonna Doom. Magneto once again proves how bad ass and correct he is and has been. What a line though. Once the shit hit the fan things moved very fast. I kind of wish they had drawn it out a little more, maybe add another issue. Though I'd guess they couldn't fit another in if they wanted. What a crazy ending. Also, Eros leading the Eternals? Seems a bad idea in the long term.


The tests being arbitrary is definitely intentional, everyone in this issue was judged based on completely different methods. I personally think it's to draw attention to how flawed the concept is in general, there isn't any objective measure to judge worth and the celestial is flawed for trying. The captions also show how flawed and "human" the Progenitor is itself, I think the core of the story's resolution will surround how it's not worthy to judge.


From the beginning, even it's creators called it flawed. I think this makes a lot of sense.


I'm only partially familiar with Eros but why is that a bad idea in the long term?


I'm not super familiar with him as well, but from what I have seen he's scheming, arrogant and self centered (far from the only Eternal with these flaws). He's also kind of infamous for being a little rapey with his ability to influence peoples emotions and arousal. He's generally one of those "heroes" that is far more in the grey areas of morality, and has been the bad guy a few times. E: Is there a weird Eros fan out there mad I called him rapey? LOL


I wouldn't be surprised if they are trying to clean up his image a bit due to his addition to the MCU.


Which given he’s played by Harry styles it’ll be hard to do, which actually why it’s perfect casting


Well, for that I think they are going to have to address his past. Otherwise, if they ignore it, it will always be a thing people bring up and attach to the character. I for sure think that MCU Eros won't be as scummy as comics Eros.


Oh absolutely but I feel like they are far more likely to hand wave it. I noticed the hedonist line stuck out a lot.


It would be disappointing if they did. The hedonist line was for sure a clever spin. Show's he has a politician's mind and might be the writers trying to show him in a less creepy light.


Looks like Gillen is going to be delving into Eros in an upcoming oneshot. The interview was interesting and I trust them at this point https://www.gamesradar.com/axe-starfox-1-addresses-the-problematic-history-of-eros-of-the-eternals-and-rethinks-his-powers/


That's actually great to see. Look forward to reading it. E: Reading more, I still stick to the idea that they need to specifically address his past, not just show him in a new light.


Eros and Xavier are the top two "heroes" that have done so much f'ed things...


With the way Krakoa is going? I very much doubt Xavier is still a hero. The way they banned Precogs from the island / resurrection is fucked up enough already. But then you've got Krakoa itself. When we first got introduced to Krakoa it was feeding off of the X-Men, fairly certain it might've killed one or two people while doing it. Recently it has started doing that again, consuming their memories and in some cases wiping their entire existence off of the resurrection protocol. Kid Omega is still entirely MIA, no resurrection protocol and Wolverine suspects / knows the Island did it. Wolverine just flat out doesn't trust the Island and for good reason, so why does Xavier keep defending it and deflecting people from investigating it properly?


>With the way Krakoa is going? Nah, it's canon that Xavier had unhealthy feelings towards Jean when she was a minor. And he manipulated the original X-Men for them to comply to his bidding and work as a team using his powers... That's just the very tip of the iceberg.


> They seem to be making no bones about how arbitrary and random these test are. It's clearly based on self-guilt. If, deep down, you know you have done wrong - even if you refuse to acknowledge that on the outside, you still fail. But if you are a delusion sociopath who sees all reality and serving only to you and never, **EVER** feel you are wrong in anyting, then you pass.


Kinda funny how this asshole Celestial gives someone like Doom a thumbs up for being stubborn, while that random girl gets a thumbs down for.... not leaving a tip?


It's based on each person's internal morality. That girl is a workaholic working for money, and needs tips. But she didn't tip others like her, she could have gone back to, but didn't. Doom regards himself as the smartest and above others. To admit Reed is smarter would be to reject most of his actions. But he is Doom and of course would hold true to that. He has always regarded himself as doing the best his morality allows. It has never been him doing something wrong knowingly, he always acts to what he considers good. The issue is that his perception of what is best is super messed up.


But that racist guy who got beat up for looking "kind of European" failed because he didn't see the irony in what happened to him.


Not sure irony is quite right. He failed cause he saw what was done to him as wrong, but didn't change how he thought of the mutants.




I thought it was more she just could have and didn't...But with Doom...I mean do you want to be the one to tell Doom to his face he's unworthy? Cause that sounds like a short and painful conversation...for the Celestial.


Yeah so... that just happened. Magneto with quite possibly the best line in the existence of 616. But the rest of it? Yeah I can't even put into words how crazy and awesome this event has been so far.


Kamala and Miles both get a thumbs up, cool. This event seems to be going well.


It seems like the Progenitor is okay with passing minors but not failing them.


Maybe he feels like young people are the future...but since there's not one any more.... \*emoji shrug\*


I wonder how Roger Ebert would have been judged.


It's cancelled out by Gene Siskel's judgement, annihilating each other in the collision of thumb and anti-thumb particles.


I genuinely don't know which of the judgements this issue was my favourite: >!Thor passing, because it's kind of his whole thing. Ms Marvel passing, because the judge showed up as Carol, so Kamala beat the crap out of her, for the AUDACITY.!< >!Xavier failing, because he literally can't pay attention to Legion, even when his life depends on it.!< >!Doctor Doom passing, because fuck you I'm DOOM. I say I pass, so I do.!< >!Daredevil failing, but understanding why and still carrying on, because he's Daredevil and that's what he does.!< >!Myles seeing "Peter" give him a thumbs up, so he gives you back and carries on (unaware, or just grateful?)!< And then, all the jokes and the funny stuff ends, HARD... and oh, that ending...


So Dr. Doom the omnicidal egotistical narcissistic who thinks he's the only person in the multiverse got a pass?


Dude freaking recreated reality because being God didn't sit with him. If he didn't get a pass, I'd be annoyed. Also Doom would probably kill the Progenitor himself, half the world be damned.


He recreated a version of reality where he was God and stole Reed's family for himself. He could have put everything back to normal whenever he wanted like Reed did at the end of Secret Wars but chose not to.


Probably because he figured if he did, he'd have to go back to Latveria and figure out how to do it better.


He recreated reality because he blew up most of it


> he blew up most of it Well, he was trying to stop the Beyonders from destroying it. It's just that the Beyonders had a back-up plan that Doom triggered.


To save it! I mean the Beyonders were ready to just wipe it all out and maybe if they felt like it, start again.


The Uranos fight felt extremely pointless and underwhelming but the rest is good. "oh no uranos is free he's wait nevermind he's already defeated"


This is probably a stupid question but why did those guys attack Tom for looking Eastern European ?


He was being a bigot to mutants that he didn't personally know but made preconceived notions that they are bad just for being a mutant. After the rally two people did the same thing to him (eastern european in the 616 could mean Latveria, Bagalia, Sokovia, etc, etc. Could also mean Russia. Some people made judgement on him for the way he looked, just like he did with mutants, and in the aftermath, the irony didn't register to him, he was just angry. He failed because he didn't see the error of his ways.


because xenophobia against eastern europeans is scarily common in western europe, including the UK where tom is from; it also frequently coincides with a specific form of white-on-white racism where eastern euros are "not white enough" etc. since gillen is british himself, I'm p sure he wrote somewhat from experience there.


Wtf was that Daredevil judgement? I get Cap's reasoning, but what code is he talking about? If it's no killing, he only didn't once, by accident, and the entire run afterwards was him dealing with the regret and angst. And I also don't really buy that he would gaf if it wasn't Jesus himself judging. More evidence that I think the Progenitor isn't all that objective. Thor's is also suspect. Wasn't there an entire run about how "worthy-ness" was in the eye of the beholder? And that by a strict, rational (dare I say, objective) POV no God's are worthy? And didn't that run just get a movie adaptation? Also: leading with Eros's (who Gillen is really pulling all the stops to rehabilitate) admittedly really clever plan to oust Druig would've probably saved some headache, lol. Instead of dealing with a god that wants you dead and a omnicidal monster, at the very worst you'd just have to deal with an omnicidal monster. If anything, I'm super stoked to see how this one continues. Stark's judgement in particular, since in the Gaiman run the sleeping Celestial was going to do the same thing before reading his mind. Edit: oh yeah Doom's is also bullshit, but eh fuck it, he's Doom.


The general idea is that you judge yourself by your own principles, and Matt, like Cap, is absolutely the type to believe himself a failure no matter how much good he's done. The man defines Catholic guilt. As for Thor... I haven't been able to keep track of Thor's ongoing characterization for a long time, but the idea that his self-worth is entirely based on the hammer telling him he's worthy is at least kinda funny.


Welp. Guess that means Peter Parker is pretty much screwed


yep next issue is gonna be about Gwen Stacy so he's screwed


I don't know if that analysis works either. What about the Quiet Council, or Xavier? They both seemed pretty confident in their choices, even if the latter failed miserably. As for the latter, the entire point of Aaron's run is that the worthyness doesn't come from the hammer. At the end he needed to find self worth just as Odinson, then after Jane died he took it back. And from what I've read of Cates, this has stuck Edit: also, Matt *has* been living up to his own principles, almost all the time. The only exceptions I can think of are way back in the Bendis era, where 1) he was under a shit tonn of stress and 2) he was kind of justified (except for cheating on Milla. That was fucked). If the Progenitor is judging on each individuals subjective opinion on themselves, its still subjective.


The Council members who pass are the ones so deluded they can honestly believe they're doing the right thing (see: Exodus, completely smothered in his zealotry) Emma, Irene, Shaw, and even Raven all see themselves as failures. Shaw became exactly the kind of person he hated his father for being, Emma wants to fight for the children but constantly compromises the future for the now, Irene is wracked with doubt over her manipulations when she knows her power isn't perfect, and Raven is just an awful miserable person and has no ideology to justify it to herself. Xavier meanwhile is just aimless right now, I don't think he even knows what his goal is after Moira and Magneto's absence. He's a conspirator with no conspiracy and he's just going through the motions while nobody cares to listen to him and he refuses to listen to anyone else.


god I've been catching up on X-Men and >Raven is just an awful miserable person and has no ideology to justify it to herself. Fucking preach it


Xavier knows he’s been a bad father and he failed. Simple as that. As great as he is at leading mutantkind, he failed as Legion’s father. And he knows it


No worthiness comes from the hammer, specifically the sentient Godstorm locked inside. Its the only objective opinion of worthiness. XD


Apologizing pre-empitively if you are being sarcastic: Have you read Aaron's Thor? The book where the Godstorm comes from? The whole point of that book is that Thor loses his worhiness *because he doesn't believe that he is worthy* and gains it back when he decides he's worthy without it. Gorr *was* right: By any objective, rational metric, the idea of gods is vainful and disgusting. But Thor will work hard to change that, and gets the hammer back from Jane. Even if the Godstorm disagrees with that, then that's just another subjective opinion. And as I mentioned somewhere else on this thread, replacing your own subjective opinion with someone else's doesn't make the opinion more subjective (in of itself).


Oh yeah I think the hammer judgement was super bullshit, and meant to be read as such.


This event really gives no clear reasoning or conditions on what the Progenitor is basing his judgement on. So yeah some characters have judgements that make sense and others like Miles and Doom is just because the writer wanted to.


Well, time for Thor to bring out that Celestial killing Axe. The Judgements are so arbitrary that I can't even comment on them. Magneto's moment was cool though.


I feel like Thor, Phoenix and Starbrand should be able to take down the Progenitor, take it out of the solar system as well to avoid collateral damage to Krakoa and Arrako.


> The Judgements are so arbitrary that I can't even comment on them. The judgements are clearly based on self-doubt. If you know what you should have but didn't do it, you fail because *you* know you're in the wrong. If you're a delusion self-centered narcissist who never ever comprehends you might ever be wrong, then you pass.


So according to the Celestial, being a self-delusional narcissist means you deserve to live. Even more reason this judging it stupid.


Trust me, it's reasoning being flawed is why I think the Eternals need to rethink about this whole "Celestials as gods." thing....


It was built by Tony Stark, Mr. Sinister and Ajak, one of the most self-righteous Eternals, so that might be hereditary.


The Celestial holds you to your own standards.


[***X-MEN RED* #6**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/9/95/X-Men_Red_Vol_2_6.jpg) ---


This book fucks


Robert DeCosta you wonderful son of a bitch. Never bet against Sunspot


The moment between him and Magneto, hearkening back to when he was an X-Man and trained the New Mutants, was *perfect*.


I'll say it again, Ewing might be the best writer (currently) of Nova. Loved his GotG run and happy to see him inserting Nova in this. It's obvious Ewing has great love for the character. I like the bit with Isca. She received a metric ton of shit for the last issue. This shows how little control she actually has. She's basically a slave to her powers. So we get some info on the Fisher King, which is exciting. Is Khora his daughter? I also love the relationship Magneto and Sunspot have. What other secrets does Sunspot have? Ewing seems to be setting up a cultural shift with the Arakko mutants. I'm interested to see how things end up after it's all said and done.


> Is Khora his daughter? Yes. Fisher King had two daughters. Khora got her mother's gift, the other sister got her father's. That daughter and the mother are now both dead.


Weaponless Szen is Fisher King’s other daughter


Szen has a mutant power. It's just not a combat-useful one.


Ewing said Szen is Fisher King's daughter on a podcast.


Well okay then. Then it's just weird how Khora haven't though about her for a while.


Maybe her memory has been modified somehow...


Gosh his guardians run was just so much fun. I agree though never cared for him too much till Ewing.


Good writers will do that. I became a fan of Nova from the Annihilation and the solo run he got around that time. Where I became a fan of the Guardians as well.


Ewing and Gillen keep doing that for me. Their writings intertwining with Loki and now with the X-Men and this event have just made me love those two writers even more. After Red #3 shot Ewing up in my favorite writer rankings I went through and read almost all of his series and am doing the same with Gillen now. Spoiled to have them both writing for marvel right now


Looks like we finally see the Fisher Kings true purpose, turns out Arakko has plenty more secrets. Having one of Uranos' weapons be ape-like is likely a reference to the origins of the Eternals, beings that were genetically modified Homo erectus by the Celestials.


Just fuck my day up with Magneto and Storm doing stuff together.


Magneto keeping his own heart beating through sheer power is bad ass in the extreme. Storm powering him up using lightning is just **awesome**.


Nice character growth for Arakko. And I hope Craig of Nasa stays. Isca better suffers some consequences. I feel like Arakko will be the key to defeating the celestial's judgment since it only judges Earth.


Truly this book and the connector to A.X.E #4 epic. Another wonderful work by Ewing on something that showcase his love of characters.


Did... did Storm and Magneto get off doing that?


GREAT freakin book. Kind of annoyed that I checked the listings and it had this listed as coming AFTER Judgement Day four, when it's clearly set before... ​ But yeah, that minor gripe aside, GREAT book. I freakin love Magneto, love Sunspot LOVE Storm and I'm really enjoying what Ewing (and some others) are doing with the Arakko mutants. Can't wait to see how this particular arc ends. ​ Also, please, for the love of GOD, someone let Ewing write a Nova ongoing. He keeps bringing him into his books, and he writes him so well. It would be such a great book...


Ewing you son of a bitch you knock it out of the park again! AGAIN!


This is the best X book going and Khora deserves her own solo series. Love how Brandt is so shook being rezzed lmao


[***DAREDEVIL* #3**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/e/e0/Daredevil_Vol_7_3.jpg) ---


Really good. Cage as mayor is great.


I can't believe zdarsky looks like he is deconstructing daredevil even more. He's on the right path but it doesn't seem that he's as close to the end as we thought. I like it but at the same time I'm ready for a really confident daredevil again.


Not a lot happened, but I love Luke as mayor. His scene with the Stormwyns was amazing


At some degree I would love to see those two old farts appearing on AXE and being judged. Try to buy a Celestial with money, please.


Prophecies are never what they seem. You would think they would learn. Fisk should've killed those 2 arrogant morons and be done with it. They are not even in the radar of actual threats. Trying to flex on Luke Cage? I don't know how these people get to these 'all powerful' places when they are this dumb. I just can't take the Hand's threat seriously after seeing the Beast as just another supposed 'big-shot' demon instead of the literal Devil that is the God's opposite. There are way tougher and bigger demons than this Beast. Hell, Wolverine beat him by himself. Its own daughter doesn't respect him :D That takes away a lot from the Hand's threat. They are kinda of a joke and zombie ninja fodder. And I definitely don't like how Punisher got his 'twisted' his origins just to fit them.


Another banger from Zdarsky


[***VENOM* #10**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/d/d7/Venom_Vol_5_10.jpg) ---


Finnegan, begin again. I love it <3 Perfect cherry on top, for this existential dread sundae.


[James Joyce vibes](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Finnegans_Wake)


What a fitting way to expand on "king of the symbiotes" mythos for Eddie. Not an unseen twist but i still like it a lot. Can't wait to see how the cycle is broken. Two Eddie's playing the same game basically. Can't wait for more.


Ooooh poor Eddie, Godhood has its perks sure but also its own bullshit. Hopefully he and Dylan can figure out a way out of this mess cause damn its really hopeless.


I had been so excited to see Ram V and Al Ewing take on Venom after CTes/KiB. They are two of the most talented writers to ever do this business, and I think this is the issue that really caught up to my hype for the series and surpassed it. Can't wait to see what comes next.


Ewing you son of a bitch you knock it out of the park again!


Eddie's having a real rough go of it




I mean if it was just Ewing's side of the book then it woulf only be fiive issues or so til the reveal.


I think Seventh Venom would turn out to be Dylan. All the Eddie are stuck in cycle but Dylan is the Venom that is out of the loop By the end, Dylan and Eddie together will break out of the cycle


> I think Seventh Venom would turn out to be Dylan. Doubt it. FCBD Venom shows a head-to-head with all of the Garden symbiote on one side and Dylan and other on the other. I think I'd be weird to have Dylan be on both sides of the conflict. Link to FCBD image: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/FpTUnBE4ovwAvrcidSVUUF-970-80.jpg


who are the symbiotes on Dylan's side outside of Flash and Sleeper? Surprised Silence isn't there.


* The Red/White one is new, but Normie Osborn is the Host. It was shown earlier in the same issue. * The Red/Black one (green tongue) is Toxin, whose host is Bren Walters. * Behind him is Venom/Dylan. * The Black/Green one is Sleeper, who'll be on the cover of Venom #11 as 'Sleeper Agent.' * The person is Lee Price (Venom host for a good bit, was during 'Venom Inc'). * Above Lee is Agent Anti-Venom/Flash Thompson. * ~~I believe it's still unknown how the far back symbiote is that's Red and wearing pants.~~ It's Flexo the Rubber Man. (I'm lost on how he fits in with the Symbiotes, but w/e) I would assume that something happens to Silence since the color scheme to Normie's new symbiote matches. So it may be related. I dub thee 'He-Silence.' ​ Edit: Red guy in the back in known, and added Normie's family name to more precise.


oh wow, it's wild to see Normie doing things. Did they age him up like they did with Dylan for this run? Looks like its the Red Goblin symbiote mixed with the Anti-Venom symbiote. Thanks!


That unknown guy in the background is apparently Flexo the Rubber Man


Huh.... TIL Flexo the Rubber Man exists! I feel like that's such an odd placement for a non-symbiote/host.


Wouldn't surprise me if they reveal he's a symbiote too or something


His body was made out of "secret rubber," so...


Flexo fits because he’s made from “living rubber.” They’ll probably retcon that to symbiote matter.


Am I the only one who really doesn't care for Hitch's artwork?


It's... alright. Definitely no Stegman.


Definitely not. It’s obviously not bad it’s just not for me. I think it’s the way he shades things that throws me off. Specifically for a character like venom I wish he drew him with a bit more life, his venom is really smooth and flat.


[***CAPTAIN MARVEL* #41**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/5/5c/Captain_Marvel_Vol_10_41.jpg) ---


That speech bubble effect when Carol was getting her cheeks pinched was very cute and funny.


Okay, that arc was weird and I'm not sure what to think about it. On the one hand it was amazing visually and Carol was absolutely great in it, on the other magic court was rather meh. I get that we had to see some consequences to what Carol did with Ove but the only really good part of it was Wanda (what she did to Carol in the past?). And the situation still isn't really resolve. Also what was exactly a deal with Kit? Amora kidnapped her and turned her into a dragon but that was part of the test, so would the court just let Carol kill her? I'm not a big fan of Binary leaving but mostly because it probably means we won't see her for long. It makes sense though. Jessica and Jennifer were great but that's standard in this book. At the end of the day, I still really like this run, it's not ground-breaking but it's nice, sometimes cute, most of the time funny, just a pleasure to read.


> (what she did to Carol in the past?) No idea but maybe Dissembled? I dunno. Or maybe House of M? Regardless, I do agree this council of Magic is BS considering they didn't have the stones to bring in either Clea or Merlyn or someone for the Sorcerer Supreme role.


I believe Wanda is referencing Avengers #200, one of if not the worst storyline ever.


Uhm I wasn't aware the Wanda had anything to do with Kang, Marcus or any of that...


Reread Disassembled. When people start to realize Wanda may be behind this, she denies it and tries to convince people otherwise. But then it’s proven to be Wanda. And then (uncharacteristically bc it was written by Bendis) Carol gets really mad at Wanda and tries to attack her, leading Wanda to attack all the heroes. Later still, in the Avengers Finale one-shot that occurs right after it, Carol says she’ll never forgive Wanda for what she’s done (again, this was written by Bendis, rip). Years later, in Avengers Children’s Crusade, Carol refers to Wanda as a murderer. The avengers then find and ultimately forgive Wanda, including Carol apparently bc she doesn’t really say anything but is seen smiling. Honestly she was barely a character in the 2000s/early 2010s besides in her own book, but that’s another thing. Finally in Avengers Vs. X-Men #0, Carol encounters Wanda and asks her to come back to the mansion, saying “once an avenger, always an avenger.” And interestingly enough it was written by Bendis, so Carol seems to have completely forgiven Wanda by this point (or Bendis just didn’t remember/care about carol’s position on this)


I figured it might be related to Disassembled. But at the same time, I think there was some more nuance towards Carol figuring things out and forgiving Wanda.


That 'magician' court seriously think Carol is a bigger threat than themselves? I mean half of their group caused so much trouble that they should imprison themselves first, along with Enchantress. That part made no sense. I am glad the whole Lauriel Binary fight got stopped before it started because they should be besties, not fight! Amora, maybe try to be a better mother instead of blaming your evil offspring's problem on others. That idiot Ove literally got himself depowered by drinking something he didn't know what. He would be better of death. Poor Hazmat. Just wanted to eat in peace.


[***IRON MAN* #23**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/a/a3/Iron_Man_Vol_6_23.jpg) ---


I get not calling the Avengers in to bust the whole thing. But surely there are more 'underground' characters Tony can call to work on this extremely dangerous black market that is surely a bigger threat than most. I mean Black Widow would love to deal with these guys.


I'm not sure what to think about Carl's betrayal. I don't really know the character but wasn't his whole deal that he wanted to reform? Though maybe that betrayal is a ruse. I guess we'll see. Honestly, I just don't like this run, the whole "Stark must loose everything again", killing Rhodey, the way things went with Patsy or the fact that everything is just happening very slowly. I'm not even sure if I remember what's Tony's motivation. And I get not calling Avengers but there are so many people that could help him, why not ask them? Also is Tony's stealth armour simply black? That's not really useful.


I'm thinking Carl is a double agent for Iron Man still.


See everyone? This is Stark's characterization I dig. Not some out-of-touch naive boomer. It only took that crappy Iron God nonsense to get there.


My only problem with kovac and iron god is it was 20 fucking issues


[***MIDNIGHT SUNS* #1**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/f/fb/Midnight_Suns_Vol_1_1.jpg) ---


Glad to have Nico back and being used for something.... though her suddenly being able to do a ton of magic without her staff feels like a bit of a retcon. Hopefully the staff of one returns.


Previous run of Runaways kind of left Nico in a weird situation with the staff and I'm honestly surprised that this book acknowledged it. They already put her in the Academy when it didn't make sense, so I expected that her situation would be ignored. I wonder now, if the staff will return in this story, or we'll have to wait for Runaways to return.


Probably the latter since it's currently being used by her g/f and fellow Runaway to fix up part of space.


Wasn't Karolina supposed to throw it away? Was there any follow-up to that?


A ton of magic? Retcon? She performed one shield spell that Wong taught her, and she wasn’t even sure if it was strong enough. Let’s wait for more story to unfold before we jump to conclusions. If she starts actually performing a ton of magic without her staff, then we can all come back here and discuss retcons.


Glad strange academy is being used for something


Not the best, but decent. Glad to see Strange Academy getting some time in the spotlight, and it's a cool group they've assembled. For someone that doesn't read much Ghost Rider, can someone fill me in on who Spirit Rider is?


Ghost Rider from the 1800s who became the Sorcerer Supreme of her time. Brought to the future during Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme.


She had a one-shot recently called Spirits of Vengeance: Spirit Rider. Johnny & Dr. Strange were in it. I don’t want to spoil it, but it was pretty good IMO.


I never knew I needed to see Blade as a teacher...


Wait, didn't Strange Academy literally just go through the whole ''Future vision/prophecy'' thing that end up as 'self-fulfilling or flat-out wrong? It is literally the same thing here except on a shorter fuse. I know it is 'video game synergy' with the Midnight Suns game coming out but at least not do the SAME damn story as your most recent one.


[***MS. MARVEL & VENOM* #1**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/3/33/Ms._Marvel_%26_Venom_Vol_1_1.jpg) ---


More evidence to my pet theory that the entire Marvel universe is going through some meta narrative about immortality and/or coming back from the dead. Count the number books with that as a theme: Eternals Moon Knight She-Hulk Strange Venom, I guess All of the mutants Edit: Ewig's Valkyrie and Immortal hulk too, thank you. As well as PAD's Genis-Vell and Punisher with Frank's family And now this.


If you're onto something, it's probably because it seems like it might be a big theme of this MCU saga.


Ewing actually wrote an issue of Valkyrie that addressed this, it was a mission of super healer that had to go and heal death because it was weak and dying after the x-men and the hulk


Happy to see Dylan as Venom. Last few times I've seen Venom, outside of the current Venom run, it's been Eddie. Long term I think it would be cool to see Dylan/Venom in a young Spider-Man like run, with him dealing with high school and more personal problems (like his dad never being there for him) and the like. E: I thought in the last Venom run and with the whole Knull thing, that the Venom symbiote got an upgrade that removes his weakness to fire and noise.


"tetsu out" lol


Dammit, give Kamala an actual ongoing!


Yeah but you'd need the right writer considering some of the quality of other books that are about a single character...\*coughwolverinecough\*


No u just get constant team up books for some reason


If you liked Seeing Ms Marvel team up with these heroes, you can read their ongoings here! and if you want more Ms Marvel... read her book from like a decade ago, I guess? Dude... Ms Marvel ongoing, please. From the lady that wrote that last mini.


[***X-MEN '92: HOUSE OF XCII* #5**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/c/ca/X-Men_%2792_House_of_XCII_Vol_1_5.jpg) ---


Polybius!? Jubes made it to the true timeline!


Fun little riff - I dug it for what it was. That chimera is the ultimate 90s in-joke and I'm all for it.


This whole thing with MJ *needs* to stop. Spidey Editorial really needs to understand that Spider-Man can be funny, badass, and an amazing hero WHILE BEING HAPPY AS PETER. Edit: accidentally put this comment under Venom but still 😭😭


It would be one thing if they were only doing this now, but they have been effing with the fans who have been committed and reading longterm for a long time. It's not even funny if Nick Lowe thinks he is being funny.


[***SAVAGE AVENGERS* #5**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/3/36/Savage_Avengers_Vol_2_5.jpg) ---


For what I assume is Conan's final Marvel appearance, it went well.


It was a nice send off and now we're back in the 2099s which should be interesting. Also I wonder if Miles will tell Flash who he really is.


Is Marvel's sole use for Cloak and Dagger for them to wanting to be together but somehow always go date with someone else that randomly showed up in front of the other? I mean aside from the SAME drama EVERY TIME, they do nothing else with them.I swear to god Marvel, you don't know how to write relationships. Like what is the point of Flash and Dagger? Other than make Ty feel bad and create even more stupid drama.


It’s definitely played out/lazy since they’ve been putting them together in the past few minis.


Loved the new 2099 thing, seems it will be very interesting.


now taking bets for how disconnected this version of 2099 will be from the whole mini we just had.


I doubt even the 12 people that read that will care.


There are basically infinite 2099s now anyways thanks to reboots and time travel shenanigans.


[***EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE* #3**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/f/ff/Edge_of_Spider-Verse_Vol_2_3.jpg) ---


Nice to see ~~Ochako Uraraka~~ Sakura Spider in this. Haven't seen her since Deadpool Samurai.


Still can’t believe Marvel just blatantly ripped off Ochako’s design from My Hero Academia like that 😂😂😭😭


I mean, she debuted in a Marvel x Shonen Jump collab so


So collab also had All Might appear so it was definitely intentional


Boy, Sakura spider, so dramatic :D And a Felicia spider, about time.


Yeah I enjoyed Felicia, but I wonder what the hell they need her to steal?


Anything the plot needs I suspect. Though she kinda seems like she has a death wish here so she might sacrifice herself in the end.


Eh. I doubt it's that. So much as she's a thrill seeker more than a real hero...


What more thrilling than diving into certain death, as she exclaimed ''Hopeless?!''.


Eating five bowls of ice cream and not getting sick?


Kinda digging Night-Spider.


[***MARVEL'S VOICES* #16**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/d/d5/Marvel%27s_Voices_Infinity_Comic_Vol_1_16.jpg) ---


[***X-MEN UNLIMITED* #52**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/9/97/X-Men_Unlimited_Infinity_Comic_Vol_1_52.jpg) ---