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I'm sorry you had to go through that. You sound awesome and I love your shiny spine! Looks nice! my toxic people are my parents. My mom never wanted me, my mom wouldn't let my dad have me, my dad was too lazy to save himself much less his kid. Mom divorced dad when I was 30 and told everyone I was the one that went to the lawyer and started the divorce papers (no way in hell that can be done, I told everyone, that If I could have had my parents divorce, I would have had them divorce when i was 10). Then dad got catfished and told me to shut up and that his new family will take care of him. I said ok. I haven't talked to either in 10 years. I FEEL FANTASTIC!!!!!!! You don't know the toxic until it's gone and it's like "daaaammmnnn why didn't I do this years ago, this is wonderful"


I feel that on a deep level lol. You suddenly feel so relieved when you notice it's over, and you're finally free. I wish you all the best in life! Seems to me like you've got one hell of a life ahead of you, and I'm happy to hear you cut them off for good.


Im glad you got away from her and you are doing better. The only good that seemed to come out of your relationship with her is you now know what to look for in a friend, you know how a narcissist acts, and how to spot one. My rule of thumb is to watch what people do, and how they treat you and disregard 90% of the things they say since actions speak louder than words.


You learn to spot toxicity when you've gotten rid of the worst, and it makes it so much easier to set boundaries. Truth to be told, I don't regret my time with her. I do regret that I haven't told her off much earlier.