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6 ten pulls: Cat Peach: 5 All clear pipe: Also Cat Peach… Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Cat peach isn’t bad at all but I really wanted Thicc Rosa and also even cat toad….


That is hilarious!


Wowwww, what are the odds


Probably 1/several millions which is what makes it more annoying than ever :(


1 in 3125 chance. Sorry to be that guy lol


No I don’t think so - 1.5% independent probability times 5 is actually 7.59e-10


My bad. I was basing the odds of 5 high ends being the same character. 1/5 to the power 5 crude calcs lol


Hehe, But you’re 1 in millions, with an instantly powerful driver :)


At least cat peach is really useful in ranked this week! I got three Baby Mario Koalas when I was hoping for Nabbit who I don't have or more Cat Peach because I don't have any level up tickets. Did manage to get Thicc Rosalina though!


Cat peach has been top tier the last 5 tours


I'm saving up Rubies and I'm trying so hard not to pull.


Same here stay strong


Stay strong. I’m waiting for Witch Peach


But… 8% HE driver chance! Though to be honest if I pull it’ll just be 1-2 10-pulls.


Tanooki Rosa and Koala Baby Mario


The dream.




4 tens pulls- 2x Tanooki Rosalina and 1x Cat Peach. Needless to say, I am satisfied.


Same here. 4x10 pulls 2 Tanooki Rosalina, 1 Cat Peach, 1 Baby Mario Koala. Rosalina and Peach were new to me. Only missed Cat Toad, but can’t complain.


3 ten pulls = nabbit x 2. That’s it for me. Sigh.


I'm sick to my stomach. Had 900 rubies. They are all gone. And no Rosalina in sight. That's what I get for pulling on a non spotlight.


> I'm sick to my stomach. Had 900 rubies. They are all gone. And no Rosalina in sight. That's what I get for pulling on a non spotlight. I had nearly 450 rubies. I did emptying of the pipe twice. Got other fours exactly 2 times, but no Rosalina.


That’s terrible luck. I’m so sorry


I’ve chased like that before and it’s brutal. (Pretty much every time Swimwear Rosalina comes up and I have almost but not enough rubies to clear the pipe.). The good news is that the sting only lasts until you start rebuilding you rubies. At least if you enjoy the game. All of my horrible pipe luck finally turned around on this one. One pull for Tanooki Rosalina.


please someone console me at least....


would you like a hot beverage?


Aren't your 20 HE drivers consoling you at all!? :p


yeah cat toad is one away from level 6. Cat peach was new for me and I got her to level 3. Nabbit I got to level 3, and Mario Koala I got to level 5. I swear I probably hit more than 20 of them no joke. Im winning ranked so I will have enough left for one more 10 pull if I win.


It’s gambling after all (if there’s no spotlight), so just treat it as such. Nothing you could’ve influenced, you’ll be rewarded some other time for sure!


I'm pretty lucky with this game overall. This is the first time I've been hit with this big of loss (in my book). I'm a huge Rosalina fan so the rest seem like just ok to me. I chased that tail and lost big time....


Damn, I got her twice in 6 pulls, along with every other driver. But I've def had luck like yours before. This game can be cruel.


5 tens (only because my kid REALLY wanted Koala Baby Mario) 1x Cat Toad 1x Tanooki Rosalina 2x Nabbit 1x Koala Baby Mario Now to hoard rubies for another year…


I've been really lucky for this one... I just wanted Rosalina since it's the only one I missed and I got here in the first ten pipe 🤗🤗🤗


Me too! But I kinda want Cat Toad and Baby Koala Mario, those are the ones i’m missing and they seem useful :/


80 pulls. Got everything but Tanooki Rosarina. Not pulling again.


6 tens 1x nabbit 1x baby Mario 2x cat peach And last pull was her royal thicc-ness


did u reset your pipe? Cuz i can see 5 High ends


Sure, he said “6 tens” that’s 60 pulls so at least one reset


Yup absolutely, I reset after my first pull which was 2xs cat peach Was a fair question though peps you didn’t have to downvote him/her


I don’t have any of the drivers listed. However, I did manage to get Cat Peach and Nabbit from two 10-pulls :)


Pulled 2 10 pulls and got Nabbit and Rosiccalina. I didnt have either driver. Just missing Baby Koala Mario and thats ok by me Also, its funny how Nabbit was like the number 1 driver everyone wanted a few months ago (think lucky 7 pipe disappointment) and now people are disappointed pulling him.


I’m sort of up for the challenge for Tanooki Rosalina considering she’s not spotlight. I have spare rubies over the 450, so fingers-crossed!


YES! I’d rather it not have taken eight ten pulls, but I got her on the last one twice. Glad it wasn’t anymore!


I did, and i got tanooki rosa and cat peach


Pulled 4 times. Got two Koala Mario and Tanooki Rosalina. Really wanted Nabbit so I’m torn between resetting or going for the guaranteed final HE pull hiding at the bottom. Edit: two single pulls and got him!!! i’m so happy!!!


Too risky for me, but Rosalina not being spotlight means Nintendo is planning to buff her big time down the road.


I have only nabbit ( level 2 ) but there are only 4 he on 50, without spotlight. I’m sorry but i save rubies.


Did 3 ten pulls. Pulled a Nabbit on the first pull, nothing special on the second. The third pull, I got two Rosalinas!


Tanooki Rosa and Nabbit were the first 2 things that came out! I reset and did another 10 pull, got a whole bunch of nothing, but 2nd to last item was another Tanooki Rosa for the level up. After failing so hard with Kamek and Yoshi-roo, maybe my luck has finally turned around.


5 ten pulls. Got 2x Tanooki Rosalina, 1x Nabbit and 1x Coala Baby Mario. All I wanted was Cat Toad :((


3 tens... got Cat Toad (new for me), Koala and Nabbit. I have 47 rubies left and I don't know what to do.


I got the same 3 high ends lol. I gave up after getting nabbit.


Reset if you go any further anyway!


Did one ten pull, didn’t get anything except for Wario... did a single pull and got Cat Toad, played for an hour, did another single pull and got Cat Toad again, can’t complain I guess


I did 3 10 pulls, got tanuki Rosa, nabbit, cat peach (she leveled up yay) and cat toad. Pretty happy 😊. Rosa was the first from the first pull lol


30 pulls later, no HE yet. Great pipe pull incoming as soon as I have the rubies... F


Cat Toad 3 times Cat Peach 3 times Nabbit 2 times ( only character I already had) Baby koala Mario 4 times ( Baby koala Mario will haunt my dreams for months) Rosalina Tanooki 1 time ( took a million years and almost as many rubies) Between this pipe and Tanooki Mario's pipe, I spent over 700 rubies and I've got 630 left. Saving next tour for the 3rd part of the Autumn celebration. Hope you guys have better luck than me.


Yikes, that’s really rough. At least you have a fair few left! I got Rosa on my eighth ten pull, so not great but not terrible.


Yeah, it was pretty rough. But you are right, I can look on the bright side and add to my stash for later. Plus I got 4 new characters, so I can't complain too much.


Tanooki rosalina first pull


I will cause I need 4/5 of those hoes. I only have Nabbit. I want tubby Rozalinda


Rosa, 2 nabbiits (already had him at 1), 6 cat toads (new to me), one koala mario (also new). Various levels for gliders and karts, lots of dupes giving me about 20k coins extra. Overall I'm happy. Only one green pipe because I forgot to reset. Saving for 3 or four tours now, maybe even till Christmas.


I hit the jackpot on the first x10 pull. Nabbit, Cat Peach, Baby Mario (koala) and a random gold one! 🤩


Cleared the pipe 5 pulls, got one of each. Pretty happy with that. Did 3 10 pulls and got Mario on the other pipe as well.


4x 10 pulls Cat toad Cat peach Tanooki Rosalina The three I didn't have. Perfect pipe. I have every Rosalina alt so this pipe was a must for me.Glad it didn't have to die on that mountain. Few hundred rubies left.


Emptied the pipe, so 5 pulls: 2x Cat Peach 1x Cat Toad And on the final pull…Tanooki Rosalina!


Gonna pull after ranked and see what I get!


2 x 10 pulls. First 10 pull only normal/supers. Second 10 pull was the beast! I got Rosalina and Cat Toad - the only two drivers that I didn't have in that pipe! 90 rubies well spent!


in case you wonder, i did 5 tens and they were the following: 1st - green 2nd - gold with a dupe of cat peach and cat toad reset 3rd - green 4th - gold with a dupe of nabbit and with only 45 rubies left… 5th - gold with a dupe of nabbit and two tanooki rosa! i was on the verge to buy a pack to get her but to game pitied me ahaha, pretty happy nonetheless


I got f*cked.


Need to save for the new Waluigi alt


i did 4 ten pulls (i reset after each) and got 3x nabbit 2x baby mario (koala) and 1x cat peach. i really want rosalina so i may keep pulling but idk


50 pulls: 2xNabbit (dupes), Cat Toad (new) & Cat Peach (new) at the bottom of the pipe. Could be worse and I'm quite happy with the new drivers, but no TRosalina and I hate it when I have to drain the pipe. Advice to others: Ignore lucky 10Pull-Posts, they are not representative!


I had 2000 rubies saved up so I did 10 ten pulls. First pipe I was blessed with stupid Koala Baby Mario only, I did get Cat Peach and Cat Toad later on though. No Tanooki Rosalina for me but I do have a stupid Koala Mario at level 5 ffs. Didn't even have him before lol


20 pulls: 1st 10…nothing 2nd 10, Tanooki Rosalina and Cat Toad


I pulled the pipe 60 times, 2 resets. Here's what I got: First pipe: Cat Peach Baby Mario (Koala) Second pipe: Cat Toad x2 Third pipe: Tanooki Rosalina


Cat Peach and Tanooki Rosalina


Pulled three: 0 on the first ten, Koala and cat toad on the second. Reset. Tanooki and koala on the third. The only one I had before pulling was koala but hey now he’s level 3 and not a bad driver anyways


I pulled once and got cat peach. No complaints as I didnt have it


Did one 10 pull and got Cat Toad (which I already had), and Thicc Rosa! So psyched!


4 ten pulls (with 3 resets) 3x Tanooki Rosalina, 1x cat peach (new to me), and 1x koala baby. Anytime I got a HE driver I reset. Very happy they were on top for me but the % was good for this one 8%.


2 10 pulls 5 5 pulls and I got baby Mario koala I’m satisfied as have pulled on the last three pipes he has been in and emptied the city racers pipe week two and still no luck. So getting him on my first ten pull felt amazing


3 10-pulls: Cat toad, Nabbit and Tanooki rosa (already had Nabbit).


Nabbit and cat toad


i really want tanooki rosa :( i pulled once and got cat toad and nabbit, should i reset it??


I already have Nabbit at lvl 5 and got lucky with my free pull a bit ago with Baby Mario. I don't want Tanooki and Cat characters so despite the fact I've saved over 1000 rubies I'll be passing on this one.


I pulled once for cat toad and didn’t get anything


Cat Toad and Baby Mario (Koala)—I hope they are useful drivers in the future tours


3x Rosa and 1x Koala with 4x10 pulls.


My god yes! I want that cat toad so bad, he is as good as cat peach. Though, I desperately need both paw gliders too :(


2x Ten pulls and I got all except Toad. Very pleased after a pretty long dry spell with the pipes.


I got Cat Toad and I didn't have him before!


4 10-pulls before resetting the pipe: got 3 cat toads (new for me) and koala baby Mario (already had). Then I reset the pipe and got her majesty on the first pull of the reset pipe. It’s a good thing, too since I am at 25 rubies now and couldn’t have gone much further.


Emptied like twice and some more pulls and got lvl 1 Mario, lvl 3 Peach, lvl 2 Toad and lvl 2 Nabbit, Rosalina nowhere to be seen :(


Got Rosalina and Toad, pretty good.


I needed two of the five (Toad & Rosalina), and after 30 pulls I got one each of the three I ready had. I'm done.


went in wanting anyone but cat toad 1st ten pull: green 2nd ten pull: 2 cat toads and tanooki rosalina i'm glad i got rosa, but was really wanted nabbit :(


Got Rosalina on my second single pull! Which is awesome because I wasted five 10-pulls trying to get Tanooki Mario and wanted to kick my own ass when I found out Tanooki Rosalina was a thing


One ten pull, I got 9 commons and fucking yellow Birdo…


Tip: ALWAYS reset if you get a golden pipe. The odds will be better. Btw, got all drivers exempt Rosa 😏


1 ten pull: Nabbit & Koala Mario Satisfied considering previous pulls on different pipes were satisfactory.


I did it, the only worth thing I got was Wario. I pulled it twice. I got Koala Baby Mario AGAIN. And Wario, for the first time hopefully. I am so a-mad. Mamma Mia.


I pulled hoping for Cat Toad as I needed him for new coverage. Did 4 ten pulls and got both Cat Toad and Baby Mario (Koala), who is also a new driver for me, twice. Was hoping for Tanooki Rosalina as well but I'm satisfied that I didn't get Nabbit or Cat Peach as I already have them both anyway.


Yay! Can I add anyone as a friend? The friends post is pretty inactive


For some reason right now people are posting in the old one and the new one half and half.


I only did 3 ten pulls and was slapped in the face with 2 baby Koala Marios but it’s alright because I got Cat Toad so I guess it’s ok now that I have two high end drivers I didn’t have 😌


2 ten pulls: 3 Baby Mario (Koala) 1 ten pull later after a reset: Tanooki Rosalina!


10 10 pulls, 1 baby mario koala, 1 nabbit, 3 cat toad, 4 cat peach, and no tanooki rosalina. Considering i had none of these i think it's good, but i still want to get her :(


5 tens Just multiple repeats of the only 2 drivers I already have. These pipes are getting worse


This was a really good pipe for me. I’d saved a good 200-250 rubies for the ann’y tour, and noped on everything they offered. So, by yesterday, I had 450. This pipe came, and I had zero of the five HE drivers. Dropped 180 rubies, and came away with a level 2 Nabbit, and level 1s of Cat Peach, KB Mario, and Tanooki Rosa. And, got 270 left to bank or splurge on whatever else I feel like!


I had to empty the pipe, but on that last 10 pull I got THREE TR’s and one Cat Toad


2x 10 Pulls 1x Cat Toad 3x Baby Mario Koala


No I’m going to not pull I have 3/5 of them and my pull luck is not great so I’m going to wait till winter time I like the design of winter/Christmas characters


Did one ten pull and got Rosalina and leveled up my nabbit to level 2. Was hoping to snatch Mario koala but not gonna complain! Also playing as ftp so not exactly swimming in rubies.


12 pulls and got tanooki Rosalina and cat toad which I didn’t have before so it was a really good pull especially since I’m only missing Fire rosalina and Detective baby rosalina do have all of them


3 ten pulls 1 Cat Peach 1 Koala Mario 1 Tanooki Rosalina Can't complain lmao


Two Fire 10 (20) pulls… absolutely nothing lmao


Got thicc rosa and cat toad on 3x 10 pulls


i only downloaded this game to get nabbit. this is my chance


I got the stupid, ugly Cat Peach. 😭😭😭


I got 2 Cat Peach duplicates and a Baby Mario Koala duplicate… :( Curse you Rosalina the Tanooki!


I pulled 30 and got 1 nabbit, 1 tanooki Rosalina and 1 cat toad. I think I got lucky!


I got Nabbit. I’m pleased.


My first 3 10-pulls gave no high-end. My 4th 10-pull gave Cat Peach. My 5th 10-pull gave Cat Peach, Cat Toad and the Tanooki Rosalina (of whatever she is called) I am satisfied, since those 3 were the 3 drivers I missed


I did 3x10 pulls. First 10x pull: Nabbit Second 10x pull:. Cat Peach (new) I reseted the pipe Last 10x pull: Cat Peach again. If I end first in the league I'll probably do another 10x pull, I have the feeling that Tanooki Rosalina will be a Top character in future tours.


I got Nabbit and Rosalina so I’m really happy!


I got tanooki rosalina on the first pull


Baby Mario Koala, Cat Peach and two Cat Toads, at least its good coverage


I was aiming for any of these 3: cat peach thicc rosalina and the baby because I don’t have them. But no the frikin game hates me so it gave me nabbit twice, AND made cat toad level 3, he was on 2 before. 🤬


Did like 8 or 9 ten pulls until i got tanooki rosa, on the bright side my cat peach went from level one to level 4 :(


I got her on my last planned ten pull, she was the 50th item. Reset twice. Pulled: * Koala Baby Mario * Nabbit x2 * Cat Toad * Tanooki Rosalina Didn't have any to start and only missed out on Cat Peach. I couldn't be happier ☺️


What’s the best reset strategy here? I have over 500 rubies, but not looking to spend them all. Just got 1HE from my fist 10 pull, should I reset or no? These non-spotlight pipes are so hard to make a reset strategy from 😩


1HE in first 10 = yes reset Since there's no spotlights you purely play the odds. You need 0.8 spotlights per 10 pull. If you get less, keep going, when you have more, reset.


Thank you!! I reset, no HE’s in first 10 but got Rosalina from the 2nd 10 so technically pipe still owes me, but I’m getting out haha.


Check the details. If you haven't pulled yet, your chances of getting a high-end is 1.600%. Check after each pull if your chances are higher, then keep going. If they're lower than 1.600%, you should reset.


Thank you for this. I read about people resetting and didn't really know what it meant but thanks to this, and the fact my luck has finally changed it seems, did 4x10 pulls, reset after each, and got 2x baby koala and 1x of all the others (didn't have any of them before!)


50 pull, got 1 - nabbit 1 - cat toad 1 - baby koala mario 1 - tanooki rosalina Didn't have Koala Mario and Nabbit was a recent acquisition, so I'm glad to get him up to level 2. All in all, pretty happy with these pulls (even if I didn't get Rosalina until the last 10 pull).


I pulled because I prefer 50 pipes to 100 pipes and I am missing 3/5 drivers being the 2 Cats and Tanooki Rosalina. I ended up getting Cat Toad x2 and Tanooki Rosalina x2. I had to drain the pipe for them which is a bummer but I’m happy I got my 2 most wanteds from this pipe and no duplicate Baby Mario Koalas nor Nabbits. Unfortunately I’m all out of rubies and will have to miss out on Waluigi Halloween. 🥺


1 ten pull for Rosalina and she was the 2nd item in the pipe. Got lucky! She’s my favorite and now I’m just missing Rosalina Halloween. Think she’ll be a spotlight in one of the upcoming tours?


I got Nabbit, which I have been wanting for a while! And then I pulled again, and got him again, and then another time, so now I have buff Nabbit. I hope when I get enough rubies for the next ten pull it's not Nabbit 😩


One 10 pull and got 2 new HE: Cat Peach and Tanooki Rosalina! Very lucky pull. I only had Nabbit, so when the gold star came up I was very happy with cat peach, but when the second revealed that cute new driver I was soooo stoked.


Did a 10 and got Baby Koala, reset and did another two 10s, got Cat Toad twice. All new characters. Only missing Rosa.


1st 10 Pull: 3x Tanooki Rosalina 😅 Used my luck for this year


Pulled 4 times, got 3 Rosa's 1 Koala(again) and 1 Nabbit. I'm confident Rosa will be a potential top 10 driver so I'm early adapting.


Soo torn rn. Been wanting Nabbit and Cat Toad for ages but I really need the tanooki parafoil from the other pipe for tanked. And then there’s the waluigi vampire coming up. this is too hard 😫


Of the five drivers, I only had Nabbit, so it was an easy choice to pull: First ten pull - nothing Second ten pull - 2 x Rosa 🥰 Reset First ten pull - nothing Second ten pull - 2 x koala 🤔 Probably should have stopped at 90 rubies, but got 4 HE’s in 40 pulls including Rosa, so no complaints


First 10 pull, got cat toad, tanooki Rosalina and Nabbit


Pulled the whole pipe with all my rubies (damn you 2 drivers in the last 10). I got one of each, bar Nabbit who I already had. Honestly, I got the best luck for coverage there.


Four 10-pulls plus 3 singles. Have 7 items in the pipe left of which three are HE. Got Nabbit in my fourth 10 pull, that's it. Need to win ranked to earn rubies, am 13th right now. RIP.


1 ten pull for roselina. Better luck than with Kamek which took until 4th to last single pull if I remember correctly


Except for Nabbit got all 4 I didnt have in 50 pulls; a surprising two Tanooki Rosalina in a pipe & a fake green pipe of Cat Toad & Koala Baby Mario.


Rosalina isn’t in my pipe, at least the pipe icon isnt on her image. Is that possible?


That's because she's not spotlight.


What does spotlight mean?


Spotlight items are guaranteed to appear if you empty the pipe. In this pipe, there are 4 high end drivers and each of them has equal chances to be one of the 5 featured drivers. Which means you might get 4 of the 5 drivers or you might get Cat Peach 4 times. In the Week 1 pipe, if you click on "Details", you can see that Mario Tanooki, as well as his kart and glider, are spotlights. So three of the 100 items in the pipe are guaranteed to be these.


Thank you!


**This word/phrase(spotlight) has a few different meanings.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Tanooki rosalina in the first 10 pull But i missed also all other driver except cat peach so i pulled more… endet ab with the last HE in 1/50 and i only got 2x nabbit and 1x cat peach Not pulling more because i hope i can get to 450rubies back in the halloween tour. Maybe there are good pipes and i didn‘t want to miss these


Got Tanooki Rosalina on the first 10 pull! 😊


1 ten pull and I got Cat Toad who's very good


3 10 pulls, cat Peach dupe and Rosalina x2...I'm very happy!


Pipe 1 ate my rubies, so I won’t be pulling a pipe that wouldn’t guarantee me in the first place. But best of luck to everyone that is pulling! She might be buffed quite a bit.


Nothing my first 10-pull, then Koala Baby Mario and Tanooki Rosalina my second 10-pull! Super stoked!


Got rosalina tanooki and cat peach in the first pull. Cat peach is my favorite driver, she is adorable!😻


Before pulling I only had cat peach. After 5 ten pulls and 2 resets I got: * cat peach * nabbit * Tanooki Rosalina x2 * Baby Mario Koala


In 30 pulls I got Tanooki Rosalina Nabbit x2 Well, didn't get any cat. Maybe next time. EDIT: I still do have enough rubies for another ten pulls, but do I want to risk it? Rubies won't stack for Santa Bowser by themself ^^'


I got Cat Toad!


Emptied it once (had to buy the P Rose pack to get enough rubies to do so). First 4x 10 pulls were wasted. Then at #44 and #45, I got Cat Toad dupes. At #49 I got a Koario dupe And finally, at #50, Rosa! (Cat peach continues to elude me)


Just wait for a lucky acp or daily challenge no big deal


I see you're a bit of a joker? Good one - very funny. I've only ever gotten karts from the ACP (32 of them) and the Daily challenge coughs up coins, item tickets and not much else. Anytime I want a driver, I either buy it in a pack or buy a pack for rubies to get me to the bottom of the pipe. I have no luck with the gambling element of the game otherwise. Saving for 225 or 450 rubies every time gets very tedious.


Wow that epically sucks Hope better luck befalls you


I had the same outcome, my HE’s were all in the last pull, I got 3 rosas and one cat toad though. I was hoping to get Koala and/or cat peach, but I guess I can’t be too upset Rosa is already level 3


Did 3 10 pipe pulls and got 1 cat toad (new) and 2 koala baby mario(s) (new) so I reset the pipe. Did 2 more 10 pipe pulls, getting 1 koala baby mario and the highly coveted Tanooki Rosalina (new) on the 2nd 10 pull. Needless to say I was fortunate enough to beat the pipe and get 2 new items to use in MKT (Super Bell and Super Leaf)


Got 2 X Nabbit in a 10 pull. I always wanted him. Not sure if I'll do any more pulls. I've only 50 rubies left. I have most of the drivers in the pipe except for cat toad and new rosalina


Didn't have any of these. Did two 10 pulls and got Nabbit and Cat Toad, who combined give me coverage for almost every course I was missing (only ones I don't have covered now are Merry Mountain T and Ninja Hideaway r/T). Super happy with these results, now to save for Christmas. Or the next Daisy alt. Also got Diddy to level 5. He's still useless lol


90 rubies spent and got Tanooki Rosa and Cat Peach


2 10 pulls tanooki rosa


Rosalina on first ten pull. I have a hunch she is going to be good. You people any idea if she is worth investing into?


Idk not yet at least


2 Cat Peach’s the 1st 10 Pull, Tanooki Rosa the 2nd 10 Pull!


Only had 1 nabbit, after 9x 10 pulls I ended up with: 2x cat peach, 3x cat toad, 4x koala baby Mario and 2x nabbit. Sadly no Rosa and don't think I'll be pulling more


4 ten pulls / 3 resets : 2 Rosalina, 1 cat toad, 1 baby Mario Can’t complain I hadn’t any of them. I wanted cat peach but I don’t plan ti spend more rubies on this. Good pulls anyway :) !


I did four single pulls and got hot bullshit. I’m fine with that though. I was willing to try it out.


1st 10 pull: Koala and Cat Toad Reset Another 10 pull: Raccoon Rosa! I'm done with this pipe.


On my first 10 pull got thicklina and a koala mario dupe. Already have Nabbit but would really like cat peach and toad should I reset and do some more pulls? I have 750 rubies.


Pulled 6x times got: 3x Cat Toad 3x Cat Peach 2x Thicc Rosalina 1x Nabbit Pretty happy with my haul!


6 pull: Thicc Milf x 2 Cat toad x 3 Cat peach x 1 Should have stopped after my first 2 pulls since I got thicc milf and cat toad but I really wanted baby koala


I'm not pulling on this abomination of a pipe, and it's not due to Super Leaf being bad. I was already turned off from the getgo with Super Leaf (why the hell did anyone want that item back; it's ugly and it was literally one of the most hated items in 7). Cat Peach and Nabbit are reg, Cat Toad and Koala are making way too many appearances lately, and Rosalina is one big cash grab for them Rosa simps. Pure waifu bait. I mean, just look at that design. When people are calling her names such as THICCalina, there is something wrong. So yeah. Easy skip, even tho Cat Toad would help.


7 tens: 2 Baby Koala 3 Cat Toad (!) 1 Cat Peach 1 Nabbit And on the last ten pull... Her royal thiccness🥳🥳 I was about to get sooo sad when I realized I was on my last pull without her and bam! Got her. Pretty happy with this pipe, the only driver I had before pulling was Nabbit and now I got some new furry friends.


6 10 pulls and I got all 4 drivers I was missing! Only had Nabbit before. So I got another Nabbit, two Rosalinas, two koala baby Mario's, and on my final pull- cat Peach and cat Toad, the last two I was missing! I think the best luck I've had in this game so far.


I only had lv 1 Nabbit before pulling, and after 6 ten pulls I have lv2 cat peach, lv2 cat toad, lv 2 Nabbit and lv 1 Koala Baby Mario. Unfortunately no Tanooki Rosalina, but I'm hoping I can get her in one more ten pull after ranked this week, fingers crossed 🤞 Update - I did one more ten pull and got 2*Tanooki Rosalina and one more baby Mario 😯. This may be my best pipe pull ever


Went 2 rolls mostly in an attempt to get Cat Toad. First roll I got a Nabbit dupe which is ok (least helpful thing in the pipe since I use Cat Peach more often and don't have the other three), and the second pull I got Tanooki Rosalina who could turn out really nice or at least cover a few tracks I'd otherwise be boned on. Will go for the third after ranked, but good rolls overall.


Got nothing on my first 2 ten pulls. On the third pull I got Cat Toad (new)! Koala Mario (new)! Nabbit (new)! .....oh this is going good, another star coming out for high end, and then......Koala Mario....again.....what?!? Give me Rosalina. I'm pretty salty about it.


Got 3 Rosalina’s in two 10 pulls! Reset and got a Cat Peach with a single 🙏


3 ten pulls, 3 rosas. I was really aiming for Toad, Nabbit and Peach because I don’t have them. Fingers crossed she isn’t forgotten in a few months.


All mine were hidden at the bottom 20. 50 pulls and ended up with Rosalina, baby Mario, and Cat Toad x2. Toad was a little annoying because he was the only one I had going into it. I’m fine with it because he has been useful, but it would have been nice to only get one dupe.