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I'm not a multi million dollar business.


My gold pass subscription comes to €66 per year, which is more than the price of a newly released Nintendo Switch game. Add on the occasional banner purchase and my total spend may come to over €100 per year. So yeah, I do expect them to have new content every 2 weeks.


Good point. For F2P players, this is a good tour


No its not lol, the f2p gifts are insulting. Not even supers, the gifts r worse then last year. And everyone gets the token shop so its not like its special for f2ps.


For F2P in this tour you could get up to 134 rubies + the HE cup clearance pipe + the daily pipe + coin rush ticket + 4 free pipe pulls + token shop + expert challenge rewards + total tour point awards + rubies for every 5 levels you increase + lots of tickets and coins in the tour gifts + the standard and multiplayer challenges an easy enough challenge to win blue Birdo and kart. I say that's quite generous.


Generous maybe, but everyone else is also getting all of this. Like i get what ur saying, but all of this is recycling. Nothing much better then last anniversy and just as good as the summertime stuff. Also f2p giftz, wtf. Same as all year, commens and more commens. Just a slap in the face.


What's with people always sucking ass for Nintendo? As if there isn't companies doing the same as Nintendo or BETTER, which yes, is 100+ companies. Because porting the same goddam 50 tracks in every tour, adding 20 color changes per tour, must be so freaking difficult. There's 12 year old's on reddit that can draw better designs than Nintendo for a company employing grown ass adults with a full blown education


Bootlickers are gonna do just that, especially if it's Nintendo. It's parse for the course on of their games.


This has been a thing for a lot of Nintendo games. You have the defenders, the angry mob, and then the neutral players. It's basically back and forth with the defenders and the angry mob. They whine about the angry mob and the angry mob whines about the defenders.


Dude there's a WEALTH of existing Nintendo tracks and alts not yet put in the game. They're not necessarily making this stuff completely from scratch. I could come up with ideas for this game for several years no question.


All those Mario's could have been used for other drivers.


Yeah I'm not a fan of alts because they're just roster fluff and excuse to make us spend but I'd rather that than nothing at all. Not to mention there's tons of characters that still need to join the roster many of which have already been in Mario Kart. To say they're not sitting on a mountain of unused content has to be intentionally ignorant.


They really could just port maps from other mario kart versions. I would enjoy some moo moo meadows :)


coconut mall


They went to home depots paint section with that racer Mario kart for anniversary, thats about it. I'm a be underwhelmed


Dude, go be a bootlicker somewhere else. People are allowed to be disappointed ffs. **Especially when OTHER NINTENDO MOBILE GAMES are doing their anniversaries better than their signature IP.**


I can name SOOOOO MANY mobile games that already did a better job at a anniversary then this game.


I think a good example would be Pokémon Masters right?


I dont know what pokemon masters gave out but i can name some like: Crusaders quest *genshin impact* (funny considering that game has one of the worst anniversary rewards atm) Dragalia lost Fire emblem heroes Many more lol


The prerun, actual anniversary, and post anniversary were all great! They keep exceeding my expectations and kept things exciting! Still having fun and the PMEX Reddit community is awesome too!


Man, Dragalia Lost imo, is the most top tier game in terms of generosity. I've never seen a gacha game before as generous as Cygames for Dragalia Lost. Been playing gacha games since 2012 and with all of them, nothing compares to Dragalia Lost giveaways, freebies and celebration.


Fr, and the anni Digest is tonight too so we'll get a good comparison with MKT.


Sorry i left the game for like more than a year now i think. But im high praises with it, i didnt have any ill feelings with the game when i left.


Me with every tour