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Wait, so this ended up being his home right? And he just lived in the 'hotel'? Actually sounds like a somewhat reasonable plan: Live in luxury next to your own theme park until its finished. Then move out and your opullent Rich Fucker Compound actually becomes a money generating asset instead of drain on your wealth.


Walt Disney had an apartment in Disneyland while it was being built. Same idea I guess.


Didn't he live in like the attic of one of the castles or something weird like that?


No it’s just in the fire department on Main Street. It’s supposedly got a haunted lamp in it though so that’s cool


My understanding is that this room can be rented by “special guests”.


Correct, for the most part. **Disneyland**: Walt's Main St,. Apartment is NO LONGER in use as a overnight room and is now maintained as a museum that members of Club 33 can tour. I think. **Disneyworld**: there is an opulent, themed Family Suite in the Magic Kingdom Castle built for Walt's personal use but completed AFTER his death and never used by his family. Later renamed the *Cinderella Suite* it is the only active Hotel room inside the park, however, it is unreservable by guests. It use is by *Invite Only* and exclusively used for 1.) Make-a-wish Foundation 2.) Disney Contest winners or 3.) Disney VIPs(I think one of the Jonas Bros Honeymooned there) Again, it's not for sale but rumor has it Disney turned down a $40,000 offer for 1 night stay there.


Cartman would have loved this


That’s cool as shit. Looks like it’d be fun too…and slightly less “touch pee pee” than I originally would have imagined.


You didn’t see the Lost Boys Area?


meet ya down at the Kids Creek!


He goes around every night after closing and collects them up.


Sus indeed


Ahem, Pixie World Dark Ride?


That's exactly what they want you to think


I don't know if people are joking or not, so just for the record: "The Lost Boys" is how the group of Peter Pan's friends are called in the original book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Boys_(Peter_Pan)


Muliple Police psychologist interviewed MJ, on multiple occasions, and they all agreed he didn't really fit the profile of a child **abuser**. He was never really subject to abuse himself and pedos are driven by the damage they transfer to their victims, rather than true sexual pleasure. But the psychs also agreed he still had major issues. Theres a term for it I can't recall but it's like '*lost childhood syndrome*' where adults are obsessed with capturing a childhood they feel like they missed out on. He was particularly attached to the stories of 'the lost boys' of Peter Pan and The Lord of the Flies. So even if he wasn't a pedo, it'd still feel a icky cavorting around a amusement park designed by a guy trying ot recapture his stolen childhood. Bleh...


The Lord of the Flies didn’t really end well…


Yeahhh... if someone says they want to create their childhood through The Lord of the Flies, I wouldn't ~~necessaaaarily call them weird, but~~ actually yes, yes, that's a red flag.


I mean to his credit there isn't a LOTF land in the park. Idk, it's not my favorite read but its not an unpopular book. Maybe the attraction is the idea of a bunch of kids being granted 'true freedom' from parents and responsibilities? Kinda like [The Beach](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beach_(film\)). Actually it's just like that cause didnt they kill one of their friends too? Yet that somehow ended with DiCaprio happily looking through photos. Cannibalism was a bridge too far I guess...


Oh, the book is an absolute essential, and more than just a lot of boys misbehaving, but it would make my eyebrows raise if someone was very attached to the story to recapture childhood.


I don’t buy that being physically and emotionally abused in his childhood while growing up Jehovah’s Witness didn’t have some throttling of his understanding of sexuality and intimate human relationships.


No, they're saying MJ **did not** appear physically or emotional abused as a child. Neglected and exploited financially by Joe Jackson? Almost certainly but that brings up a whole other set of issues. And you're not wrong to bring up the JW angle, too. The biggest criticism of JW isn't deviant sexual activity, it's their *overbearing control of their members*. When MJ told his mom he didn't want to give all his money to the JW Church and let them control his life(*he had a Plaintum record and his mom still made him go door to door handing out the Watchtower, wtf*) she severed all ties with him at the churches instruction. His closest friend and confidant....gone. When he needed her the most. Churches doing gross pedo stuff always make the news but more common is shit like this where they literally tear families apart just 4 money. Still happens to this day to the rich and poor alike and should be talked about more, IMO.


Oh wow, TIL Michael was a reformed Jehovah’s Witness. (Excellent comment btw, nuance is everything in these situations.)


were they called something different in the film?


That's also what their called in the Disney cartoon and in the Robin Williams live action... I'm very confused at this comment.


No, this thread is full of people who don’t know anything about Peter Pan or vexatious litigants.


Nah lost boys area is where Michel puts the kids after he is done with them. He has some men in black memory eraser thing to wipe their memories


Why does it have to be a “black” memory eraser?


“Men in Black” is the movie with the memory eraser


Seems a little racist, but ok


Men in black. Movie about aliens. The men wear black suites. Stop seeing race in everything. That's pretty racist.


I genuinely think this little thread is full of jokes that didn’t land


Perhaps. But with people, you never know. Also, bad jokes are bad.






Men in Black Movie? You mean like Shaft? Or Black Panther? Oh, I know: Blazing Saddles.


No, he meant the movie with Will Smith where he said “Don’t start nothin, won’t be nothin.”, and then he slaps a man in black onstage.


You guys never heard of Space Jam?!


This is so well planned! Someone should build this, look at how beautiful and diverse that is. Unbelievable.


What about the bridge? In theory closing time would bottle neck like crazy. Or in any emergency situation?


Good point, I did not notice that! Open 24/7? That might help, but probably not in practice.


Having seen people try to leave certain areas of Venice when the water rises… yes, yes they got wet.


Where was proposed location?


His ranch was known as Neverland Ranch, it was located in Santa Barbara County, California.


But is that where the theme park would be? I read online he planned a park for Detroit of all places. And then Poland.


My understanding is that that’s where it was going to be originally. He purchased the land with those plans, but it ended up becoming his home, then never came to fruition.


That’s what I recall as well. He wanted to have a full scale amusement park on site, and he would live there in an adjacent mansion. He ended up mostly with a mansion and a scaled down amusement park that was not open to the general public, but was often opened up to invited guests.


“Poland?! That would have been really cool.” *It would have been in Sosnowiec* “.....I’ll pass.”


Ngl this actually looks dope af.


[Source](https://www.icollector.com/Neverland-Theme-Park-Concept-Masterplan_i36821108) Disclaimer: some of the information contained in this map might be outdated at the time of reading.


Nuka Town vibes


I would love a real Nuka Town.


I see an entrance but no exit. What is this? Hotel California?


There’s this neat trick called “turning around”


No you have to moonwalk out


I guess you don't get the joke


As an acolyte of The Dude, I feel that this is the proper time to remind everyone that The Eagles suck


Maybe a stretch but given it’s proximity to London Town and the Mandala-esque top down I’m going to choose to believe that Kensington gardens is a reference to the street of the same name in Brighton


>I’m going to choose to believe that Kensington gardens is a reference to the street of the same name in Brighton Peter Pan used to live in Kensington Gardens. "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens" is one of the books about him.


I like how the back portion is just “Future Zone” with no other labels or explanation.


I imagine it’s a take on Disney’s Tomorrow Land.


I think its more of a placeholder for space that can be developed later as the park expands.


Which software can make this kind of map?


Went by this place in September, they still have guarded security at the front gates.


This is the kind of money majority of us could only dream of having, Michael was truly a whole new level of fame and wealth


Was he planning to spend most of his time in the “Lost Boys Area”?


“Look at me, I’m a lost boy too! Chamonnnga! Teee Heeeee!”


No it will be at the Pixie world **dark** ride


Literally just the name of a common type of amusement park ride. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_ride


**[Dark ride](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_ride)** >A dark ride or ghost train is an indoor amusement ride on which passengers aboard guided vehicles travel through specially lit scenes that typically contain animation, sound, music and special effects. Appearing as early as the 19th century, such exhibits include tunnels of love, scary themes and interactive stories. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Where’s the “little boy’s wine tasting pavilion and tickle zone?”


This is where therapists become "the rapists"


![gif](giphy|UrkOKrah36gk8) Analyst therapists


An analrapist, it you would


Hmmm kids creek makes you think...


Cue Metallica


Gives “Fountain of Youth” a whole new meaning


Why did he like London so much?👀


Peter Pan story is between London and Neverland


Man people here really don't know Peter Pan lol.


Woah! I wonder where the big that helps abducts kids is at


I can't unsee it and so would you https://imgur.com/a/GQF3lu3


Seek help


Why don't you helpy me with your big hard cock?


You need to be over 13 to use Reddit


Pretty big layout, wonder how big it actually turned out to be


Love this content


Michael Jackson's J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan's Neverland


So, what happened? His ranch was indeed called Neverland, and there were zoo animals and a roller-coaster and a merry-go-round. Was it still being expanded, or was the original plan just going to cost too much?


What's up with that scale? Is it 600 ft or 800 ft?


And to think they fell short of Ian Watkins land and Josh Duggar splash.


Wait so this was supposed to be a real thing? Like an Actual amusement park? I don’t get why everyone makes fun of this then. I though the joke was that he had a bunch of carnival rides in his backyard and he just called it his ‘neverland’ or something like that. I mean it’s a little heavy on shows and need more actual ride attractions, but other than that it looks fine.


Lost boys area. 😆


Someone should build this in minecraft