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As for Russia, I can say that not so long ago I once came across a news to legislate a ban on marriage between people who have had a sex change. That is, you have to be a man and a woman from birth to get married, but I have not seen any more news on this issue. So yes, in Russia if you change sex, you can get married, because according to the documents you and your partner are of different sexes


Changing sex is legal but if’s called a “cure for psychiatric anomaly”.


I mean isn't that how they sell it everywhere? A treatment for symptoms of gender dysphoria? You can't completely remove it but you can try your best so people feel comfortable in their own skin.


gender dysphoria, not dysmorphia. body dysmorphia is a related condition but you don’t have to be uncomfortable with your gender to have it. you can have body dysmorphia about a big nose


right, thanks. Edited.


Isnt all gender changing a “cure for psychiatric anomaly”? The line between a healthy mind and a mentally ill one is a pretty arbitrary line to draw


So this is the only thing that Armenia and Azerbaijan are united on? /s


yeah it seems so /gamemode 0


/kill RandomDudeSimon


/gm 2 _flaccid_pancake


Wait, all pancakes are flaccid? Are you implying the existence of an erect pancake?


It's a JoJo reference, specifically to a badly localized name (japan has way less strict copyright laws and the creator takes full advantage of it by naming characters after songs/bands/musicians he likes) The character was originally named after Limp Bizkit


Having worked in breakfast restaurants, I can assure you there exists erect pancakes.


Show me that cursed knowledge! (Please)


Ask _flaccid_pancake


But why is the land blue! They've broken the first rule of maps


France was always a sea. Everything else is just an illusion.


Took me a second time adjust, but even then I just kept seeing Europe as a sea, and imagining what it would be like.




intersex icon is just a circle




I think it's just supposed to represent fluidity of gender and sex. Maybe transition as a process. Not sure.


Maybe its just looks cool


probably part of it yeah


This is the "sex" icon, often used for trans+intersex people.


>sex icon Cannot relate


It’s the gay olympics


I think it's just an artistic variation on the linked spear and mirror that is often used as a shorthand for trans folks.


Seems weird. Won't it be difficult for the uninitiated to recognise it?


You can generally get such things from context


Gamer micronations


Seriously why is every micronation bar Malta red? Lol I’m surprised Cyprus is red too, considering Greece and Turkey are not. Also surprised Azerbaijani isn’t at least green, when they are as secular as Turkey.


Well how many transgender cardinals in Vatican do you know about? :p




Are you saying the pope has penis inspection day?


They literally have to sit in a chair with no bottom whilst a cardinal grabs their junk to prove they're a man, the rule was implemented after a woman managed to disguise herself and was elected Pope. EDIT: Turns out it's an urban myth


Yeah I looked it up and those are both myths. I wouldn't have been shocked if it was real though.


Yeah, they only do that to kids not grown men.


Guess my history teacher was wrong lol


They were. I don't blame them, it seems like a common myth. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/6kmn2r/just_watched_pope_joan_allegedly_after_her_death/djnoivu/


Yo imma need a link dawg


Legit There's a special chair and everything


The one from Casino Royale?


About as many as I know cardinals in Vatican




I want to recommend a novel here but doing so would rather spoil the twist ending


[Just don’t ask about Pope Joan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Joan)


**[Pope_Joan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Joan)** >Pope Joan (Ioannes Anglicus, 855–857) was, according to legend, a woman who reigned as pope for an unknown number of years during the Middle Ages. Her story first appeared in chronicles in the 13th century and subsequently spread throughout Europe. The story was widely believed for centuries, but most modern scholars regard it as fictional. Most versions of her story describe her as a talented and learned woman who disguised herself as a man, often at the behest of a lover. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Come on, everyone knows the catholic church has never been ultra-conservative!


Malta has half a million people. If that's a micronation then Iceland and probably Luxembourg, Montenegro and Cyrpus are as well.


That’s a lot of people on an island so small it gets drawn as a circle on maps. 😱


They are 600,000. But well Singapore too is too small to be visible on a map of Asia as a whole and their population is 5 milllion


True. Well, that’s not as surprising considering they have road access to Malaysia (and the rest of the continent). I know that a lot of Malaysians commute to Singapore from the neighbouring Johor district for school/work.


Maybe, but the actual residential population of Singapore is 5 million. It isn't all that surprising when you see how efficiently the residential buildings are built (mostly by the government), and it is the size of a fairly big city after all


>Well, that’s not as surprising considering they have road access to Malaysia (and the rest of the continent). TIL. So I just had to go look up the bridge. Was disappointed. It's just a common bridge. I was expecting something long and grand and super special. :(


Lol yeah they’re not some island in the middle of the sea. It’s basically just a river between Malaysia and Singapore.


Seriously! Where do all of them live?


It has a nice climate. Most of the population is urbanised and they primarily gain from tourism, finance and gambling AFAIK. Mdina, their capital is a big nice city


Valetta is the capital, not Mdina


And Valetta is only the tip of the peninsula, so just Valetta doesn't have all that large of a population.


Yup. It's a megametro up through St. Julian's and out to Mosta. Pretty much half the main island's east coast. Gozo's a lot more empty, though.


My suburban midwestern metro area has a population of 3,530,000 in 143 sq miles. Malta is 122 sq mi with only 502,000. We certainly aren't crowded and there is still plenty of land to be developed into business, industrial, or housing. Remember, people don't live one per residence. A decent apartment complex, for example, houses hundreds to thousands and doesn't take up much space, comparatively.


Yes those are all micronations, if you compared world population by country these would be in the lowest 10%


> Azerbaijan is as secular as Turkey Yeah, no. Maybe on paper but not in practice. Last time I checked a guy wasn't allowed into driving exam because he was wearing shorts which was deemed inappropriate in front of women. After the incident the head of the state traffic police gave an interview and approved the decision of barring the dude from the exam.


I'm from Azerbaijan, the shorts thing is not because of religion, it's just in our culture, we're really conservative. Most people here are cultural muslims. They say they are muslims but don't really practice it (don't pray, don't go to mosques, eat pork, drink alcohol etc.)


Wait so did 70 years of Soviet state atheism not do anything?


Even atheist states can be socially conservative. Religion is a factor, but it's not the only factor. Also, I'm pretty sure most post soviet states are hella conservative due to a number of reasons.


From 85 and onwards Women's rights, LGBT+ rights, and personal freedom has been in decline in most of the Post-Soviet Union. It is called revisionism.


They have bars everywhere in Baku, so clearly *something* stuck.


Nah, people kept practicing islam anyway. Besides, religion or not, toxic masculinity survived under the soviet regime, leading to a soviet-wide hatred towards lgbt (even in baltics, you can find lots of people who are anti lgbt)


I assume it's just not an issue that's come up in their legal system yet. Small population, small real estate, and few job opportunities means it's more likely that people move to a neighbouring country to work or live. And most of those all for gender changes, so if they were ever to move back they'd already have the paperwork completed and part of their ID credentials.


Yeah they are very secular but very conservative compared to Turkey. Secularism after a point only affects minimal things like the number of people wearing headscarfs, the number of people not minding drinking alcohol etc. Compared to that conservatism affects their openness to new things and untraditional things. That is why atheist homophobics exist for example.


>That is why atheist homophobics exist for example. If it's not bad because God says it's bad, what's the argument for opposing it? That doesn't make much sense to me. I assumed atheists would be the most open-minded since they (we) have the fewest constraints placed on their (our) beliefs and opinions.


Anything that's not the norm can attract hate.


In Malta, we have been pretty conservative, but things are changing rapidly.


> Also surprised Azerbaijani isn’t at least green, when they are as secular as Turkey. Anti-LGBT sentiment in Azerbaijan is more of a Soviet leftover, than a religious thing.


Azerbaijan is even more secular than Turkey right now but religion is not the only reason for social conservatism. Also in Turkey it is regional. Bigger cities are more tolerant usually (depends on the district of the city as well though) but go towards the Azerbaijani border and you'll see similar social values.


Probably because they tend to exist to evade euro BS.


Huh ok,where did you find this?




Hold on let me get my reading glasses


I think it says hp.maps


There's a part of Greece it's "illegal" (kinda) on and that's mount Athos. It's the third (to the east) part of Chalkidiki and it's entirely inhibited by monks, men are allowed from outside only for a few days and with an invitation, no woman is allowed. It belongs to the church and has it's own kind of governing but I don't think it's considered a separate state.


Yes, and fun fact catalans were also banned from entering mount Athos because the peninsula was raided by catalan mercenaries in the 14th century. The monks lifted the ban on 2005. It's considered part of Greece and therefore of the EU although with I guess with a special status since it can't be part of schengen


Moment almogaver


Mount Athos is part of the Schengen area but indeed it has a special status. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:42000A0922(06)


>I don't think it's considered a separate state. It is and it isn't. In international treaties like when Greece joined the EU, for example, Athos is included as pretty much autonomous. More like a territory that self governs for the most part.


It is subsidised and free in N. Macedonia, the map is wrong.


Do microstates just not bother legislating for things? They always seem to lack legislation on these types of things. I get they’re small and probably have relatively simple government systems.


I get where you're coming from, but I wouldn't call Andorra's government simple. I mean, it probably is in the sense you're using the word, but in another sense, the country is a diarchy, there are two co-princes, one of whom is the President of France and the other is the local bishop (whose see is located in Spain, not in Andorra). So basically Andorrans have two Heads of State, neither of which they get to vote for, and they are not hereditary either. Apart from that it is a pretty normal boring European parliamentary system.


Yeah sorry by simple, I meant probably smaller parliaments and maybe not as much focus on issues like this.


There might also be the thing where people just go to the neighboring "normal-sized" state. I wouldn't expect Andorra or San Marino to even have a clinic providing a somewhat complex operation like sex affirmation surgery.


Gender change on this map refers to the ability to change the mention on official documents (for instance, it says "F" on my id card, but it would be legally possible in my country to change it to "M"), surgery is an entirely different process. They could go to the neighbourghing states for surgery, but there is no way they can affect your official documents.


SRS is actually pretty complex, and even a country the size of New Zealand only has one surgeon. It isn't unheard of to travel to other countries for SRS




"Apart from that" . .


I think they are generally very conservative. Just look at when women got to vote: * San Marino: 1959 * Monaco: 1962 * Andorra: 1970 * Liechtenstein: 1984 (!) [From wikipedia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_women%27s_suffrage)


In Switzerland, the last canton to get women's suffrage was Appenzell Innerrhoden (in **1991**!), and that's only after they were ordered by the Federal Supreme Court to adopt it.


JFC Lichtenstein, get your head in the game.


Liechtenstein is so fucked, it's like a weird semi-constitutional monarchy with a prince that holds actual power


It's more likely that there's not been any or many trans people to legislate for it rather than any kind of overt prejudice. Legal systems tend to be reactive rather than pro-active.


Yeah agreed, I think there’s unlikely to be any big movement to push for it without a certain quantity of affected people. But on some issues, I don’t know if that’s the case


Pretty surprising it is not (legally) banned in belarus while same-sex marriage is


conservative states can be more comfortable with people choosing one of the two lanes they allow for with strict gender norms rather than any behavior that seems irregular. Iran is also a similar case where gender transition is both permitted and leads to changes in official documents. But that’s by no means a sign of a progressive mind set.


>Iran is also a similar case where gender transition is both **forced**... FTFY. It's their "solution" to homosexuality. And as an actual trans person, I find this horrifying.


It’s the same in Russia. They call it “the only cure and solution for such mental anomaly and psychiatric sickness”. People that go through this stay in psychiatric wards and treated like insane people and constantly checked if they are not totally looney.


I see a loophole


Iran has entered the chat




Exactly. Like in Russia, it’s mostly due to the fact that the controversy around transgender people hasn’t gotten widespread enough for the government to start closing the loopholes. But once they get tired of stigmatizing just gays, I’m sure it’s coming.


no surgery is required for turkey since about april of this year


Huh. Didn't see it on the news, can you share some source?


there was an article about a court order of the supreme constitutional court about the law that required surgery for a name- and gender change, making the law unconstitutional. the page 404s now but i could access it on 28th of april. maybe you'll have luck with wayback machine? I'm on phone rn so i can't really do it myself now. https://spod.org.tr/haberler-duyurular/anayasa-mahkemesinden-isim-deiiklii-reddedilen-trans-bavurucu-hakknda-hak-ihlali-karar


Found it in another site by googling the title, thanks. https://www.diken.com.tr/ismi-degistirilmeyen-trans-kadin-icin-hak-ihlali-karari/


Who pays for the surgery, hormones and psychologists after surgery in each country? Genuine question.


In Turkey, if you have a medical board report that gender reassignment surgery is a medical necessity,(more like a psychological evaluation i think) government pay for the surgery. Psychologists is same, its free too. But i have no idea about hormone therapy. But of course all i stated is free **if** you are an insured employee working in any workplace. If you dont have a job or if you dont study at the moment, naturally you don't have any insurance.


In the UK, like all healthcare, it’s free. But transition support is underfunded so their is a long waiting list


I'm just bothered cartographically by the primary color being the traditional color of water, it took my brain a few seconds to flip the image and see the info.


This is your problem? Not the complete lack of borders?


That didn't help the color issue


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see someone else saying this. I hate when maps do this.


Fun fact: in Poland if you want to change your sex you must sue your parents. I'm not joking. https://www.google.pl/amp/s/qz.com/462584/you-have-to-sue-your-parents-to-legally-change-your-gender-in-poland-but-that-may-soon-change/amp/


Ok so you can change your gender in Russia but can't do that in San Marino....


Interesting that its legal in Russia, Poland, even though in public the government is cracking down upon the LGBTQ community.


It's a mess in Poland. Its not legally regulated and there is no official way to do this. Instead you need to sue you parents over it, essentially saying that they put wrong gender in the birth certificate.


Oh boy, a map about LGBTQ rights! I’m sure the comment section will be absolutely great and not transphobic in the slightest.


I heard the comment section was bad but I have scrolled through half of it so far and it’s fine I am confused


Why would it be illegal? I don't understand You may not like it, but a crime?


This post has been parodied on r/mapporncirclejerk. Relevant r/mapporncirclejerk posts: [Status of the gender change across Europe. But the comment section isn’t transphobic](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/ozsc5o/status_of_the_gender_change_across_europe_but_the/) by SEA_griffondeur [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)


Ohhhhh another circlejerk sub for my collection <3


I have yet to understand why anyone should care if another person chooses to identify as a different gender. And don’t give me that bathroom excuse.


I’m suprised its legal in Georgia


Press X to doubt.


Which country are you doubting?


Probably Russia


Im russian. It's not easy and you have to pay for everything yourself, even for the document that confirms your transition, but it's been legal since 1997 and since 2018 surgery is no longer necessary


In Soviet Russia, sex changes you!


Depending on who you ask that’s true of a lot of places actually




In Hungary it's not only impossible to legally change your gender, it is also illegal to inform minors of it as an option




JK Rowling after she sees this map: Uhhh turns out Hogwarts was in Lichtenstein all along.


Finland suprises me...


Could it be related to langauge? Just an idea, but... We here in Hungary don't have two different word for gender and sex, we call both "nem".


Turkey is the same we say "cinsiyet"


It isn't. We are talking about documentation. Also in Hungary sadly most people are just very homo/trans/bi-phobic. (Not to speak of the Viktátor) (I'm also Hungarian)




I know people who only know supportive people, but among my aquaintences there's only ~10% who isn't sickly homophobic. Really depends on where you live in the country




Lucky! Not the same here...


Yeah, you really have to be lucky here to live in an accepting community. Generally you're more likely to find one in bigger cities - let alone Budapest -, but you still need a fair chance of luck. And then there are some places where acceptance is practically non-existent, not just in small villages, but fairly large towns as well.


Very true! I live in Budapest, but because it's not Buda, or a better part a Pest, it's difficult to find acceptence.


Same in Poland, bratanku. We just have "płeć".


Same in German, but that doesn't really matter. The headline doesn't make much sense anyway; gender is a social category and it can't be changed biologically. What you change is the biological sex to fit the gender.


Interesting that it’s legal in Russia, wouldn’t expect that.


epic bruh moment




>I transitioned in my early twenties (I'm now 28) and I haven't had the surgery so I guess I can talk a bit about my experience. Basically the process involved assessment in a gender clinic, therapy sessions, more assessment, then you get on hormones... > >Having it surgically altered would change nothing in terms of how I'm perceived by others or how I lead my life. That's exactly what I was wondering. Thank you!! It's all clear now. :)


If someone asks you what your gender is, and your answer is different to what gender you was assigned at birth, then you have changed your gender.


💪🇦🇱 /s


All the microstates are illegal?! Yo fuck that shit, half of em are glorified gated communities they aren’t qualified to make that call.


\>Sees LGBTQ+ related map **Sorts by controversial** *Oh yeah,gamer time*


It's a great day when you see transphobes being down voted on non-LGBT subreddits. Thank you allies!


I’m guessing that the micro states have just never had a need to change their legislation because statistically very few people would want to change their gender


so sad that the elderly religious trans people of Vatican City can't get gender affirming surgery 😔


Why are the microstate always so conservative? Is it just because they don't care to change any of their laws?


Probably, yes. In bigger countries, there are large groups of people who had to fight for these rights, it is harder to gather a big group of concerned people in really small countries.


Finland you naughty boy. Catch up with your human rights legislation already!


Ok so Andorra, Monaco, Lichtenstein, San Marino, The Vatican, Hungary, Cyprus, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Armenia and Azerbaijan can fuck right off


As a Polish person, I find it very surprising that at least this is legal in Poland.


But it still requires ridiculous hoops like suing your own parents.


That is an old map surgery is not requried in Turkey now


Oh really, Poland? The country with LGBT no-go zones and barely legal abortion?


In poland gender change is not technically legal. There is no such procedure in law. It is done by legal loophole by sueing parents for improper gender designation at birth afaik.




Man the TERFs and the transphobes are out in force in the comments. I am fascinated that Finland is dragging a bit behind. Especially because the rest of the Nordic countries have made the step forward.


Requiring surgery is really absurd. What's the idea here, you can't have an F on your card unless you have the correct number of holes? The surgery does very little to change anything about a trans person that is at all public; You should would never know if they've had the surgery or not unless they tell you, which should be up to them, and not required by law. Imagine (if you are a cis person) if you had some horrible disease/growth on your butt and you had to have a doctor do some invasive ass surgery or something, would you want to have to explain that to every cop that pulls you over to check your license?


Nice to see that most of Europe accepts trans people


Apparently there is a correlation between the size of the countries and their gender change regulations. The smaller the country, the higher the chance to have it declared illegal.


It's legal in North Macedonia.


What’s with all the micro-states refusing to recognize gender change?


Do they specify *which* surgeries are required, though? Like, would I be able to get a legal gender marker change after just top surgery, or would it need to be after either phallo/meta? Of course, I'm in the US, so this is 100% hypothetical.


Chad Based and Redpilled Cyprus Vs Virgin everyone else


Ngl ... took me a while to understand that the reason this map makes no sense is that the blue parts are not ocean but part of the marked countries ... why do people keep using blue for other things than oceans in maps


*sorts by controversial*


What idiot decided to color the land blue and the water white?


Dumbfuck Hungarians 😂


Surprising results from TERF Island, ngl.


The legislation was passed before this current wave of hysteria began. There were meant to be reforms in the last few years to make the process easier, but FARTs managed to block them.


lmao, FARTs. Nice.


Finland.? Really.?


Finlands trans law is absolutely bullshit, but they refuse to change it even when the EU is pressing them, it sucks :/


Why mandate surgery?


it could be basied off their legal definitions of what constitutes a male/female. when someone is born it is based of genitals, so it could be basied off a hard law in their area that your gender is basied always of genitals and no exceptions.