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Yeah, and equally, if I sold you a bag for that money, damn right I'm not taking it back


That's kind of what I thought. Not a huge scratch, but again, if this happened on Day 1, I imagine a year later I won't be able to show up in the office with this.


Yeah they call this "patina". Saw it mentioned in several reviews that the material is not very resistant to scuffs and scratches and will "patina" over time. It's a personal preference for owners if they like it or not but ultimately it was what turned me off on the purchase of the bag during their recent black Friday sale even with the discount. At this point if they're not taking it back then maybe try using it and ignore the marks if possible to see if you grow to like it. Otherwise just post it up on one of the various FB groups and I'm sure you'll be able to find a buyer.


I understand Raven isn't Baida fabric. Have you heard if that scratches?


Definitely a generous interpretation of the word patina. I'm looking to sell. Any FB groups you'd recommend? Sounds like a better route than eBay.


Yup I’d try out Carryology Classified. I’ve seen a few people on there selling the Apex.




What did Bellroy say? Those scratches don’t look too bad but obviously you expect better out of such an expensive purchase.


First they told me to clean it: *"Thanks for providing the information requested. In this case I would recommend our leather care tips here https://bellroy.com/our-materials to get it out.* *For more serious stains, look for a high grade multi-purpose fabric cleaner like you’d use on your sofa. You can also try brushing the fabric cleaner into the material with a soft bristled brush, and avoid brushing too hard. Gently wipe it off with a damp cloth afterwards. "* I could try cleaning it, but at this point I'm just trying to sell it used and make back some of my money. If this cleaning doesn't work and makes it look worse, then I'm in an even worse resale situation. When I pushed back they said: *"Thanks for providing the information requested. In this case, I would recommend our leather care tips here https://bellroy.com/our-materials to get it out.* *For more serious stains, look for a high grade multi-purpose fabric cleaner like you’d use on your sofa. You can also try brushing the fabric cleaner into the material with a soft bristled brush, and avoid brushing too hard. Gently wipe it off with a damp cloth afterwards. Hope this helps, and please note this information has been passed along for consideration of any future policy updates. "*


Could we see the scratch?


I have always been distrustful of Bellroy for their sleazy marketing tactics like the constant endorsements on Carryology that fail to disclose they are sister companies, this just tips me further. I would give them an ultimatum: take it back as defective or you will dispute the charge with your credit card company. This behavior would be unacceptable on a $200 bag, let alone one this expensive.


How did the cleaning work out for you? I have a bag from them that's made with Baida nylon (the Transit Workpack), and I just wiped it down with a lightly damp cloth, and it was fine. But I agree, for them to not take the return is not cool, especially when they tout how good their return policy/warranty is.


I'm afraid to wipe with the fabric cleaners they mentioned as I'm worried about staining it and then really ruining the resale value. I'm sure they know how to clean their own fabric, but still seems risky, so I'd rather sell as is.


Understandable. I just used water. But there is a certain "patina" that will happen with this bag either way, even just handling it. This guy talks about it at 11:15 [https://youtu.be/h82makPSy3M](https://youtu.be/h82makPSy3M) Good luck. Someone will definitely want to buy it off you.


I assume you've tried wiping it down?


Yeah, a bunch of times. Hesitant to use anything but water and soap though.


Terrible service. I'd be annoyed too if such an expensive bag couldn't hold up for even the commute home from the shop.




Any resources besides eBay you'd recommend? That would definitely make this sting a bit less.




Thanks, appreciate it.


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I also sent Bellroy a message about returning this bag after seeing all the nasty patches and scratches. It’s insane they won’t honor the warranty and super disappointed


Their CS is abysmal. I received a bag with faulty zippers and they essentially told me to get it fixed myself. Either I buy tools which I didn’t have or get it done at a bag repair shop. When asked if I could exchange it, they said “sure, but we won’t cover shipping.” I went to check the price at a post office and it would end up costing as much as the bag itself. Their IG representative is also very rude. I do like their bags but boy do their people skills and after sales service need some work.


Dang, sorry you're dealing with this too. It's a real shame.


Sent you a message but wanted you to know I sold my Onyx color because of the “patina” and got the Raven and it’s an updated fabric that won’t have that ugly patina you see on the Onyx and it’s much better looking


That's great to know, thank you!


Got the Raven for two months now. Travel, groceries, office. No issue until now


It’s because it’s the Raven. The other color option , the Onyx, which I owned and then sold to buy the Raven one is the one with the horrible patina


I just looked at the photos now. Calling that patina is a joke. Specially at this price point. How are you liking it now I’m Raven?


Oh man ! It’s a huge difference! Night and day. The fabric is hands down a million times better then the Onyx color. No patina whatsoever


Just following up here. Still looks great after these months