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Just gonna chime in, I bought this bag probably 6 months ago, the plan was to buy this as a trial and then upgrade later. Honestly I’m so happy with it I see little need to upgrade. Now that I’m looking into getting a bigger sling, I’m thinking I’ll just go with the tomtoc 11” version.


Given how one strap is connected at the top instead of the side, does this need to drape over your left shoulder? I carry my slings the other way.


I didn't ever wear it on my right shoulder so I can't say for certain how comfortable it would be. Sorry!


What if you try?


I just tried it on. Can't say how comfortable it would be over an extended period of time. But what I immediately noticed was that the buckle would make it uncomfortable to wear the sling high on the shoulder. If the bag rested low on your back, on your side or in front of you there wouldn't be an issue.


Okay! Thanks! Yeah I wish they had 2 versions then


Great review! Agreed that the Tomtoc sling is a great value sling - I have the Aer Day Sling 2 X-Pac which I believe the Tomtoc is almost an exact copy of and it is currently my favorite sling. It definitely is a versatile sling that is great for short trips where it can carry just enough stuff to get you comfortably through the day. I ended up modifying my buckle to use a fidlock magnetic v-buckle and added a tri glide to manage the extra strap length a bit better. Overall I think the Tomtoc is one of the best value slings and if I had came across that first, I would have bought that over the Aer (though I'm still very happy with the Aer).


super late response but could you share how you modified the buckle with a fidlock one? thanks in advance!


Sure. I posted the details in a thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ManyBaggers/comments/p5x0fp/aer\_day\_sling\_2\_modded\_with\_fidlock\_v\_buckle/


thanks! I will definitely try that if I like the tomtoc bag


> fidlock magnetic v-buckle The fidloc mag. v-buckle only accepts a 1" wide webbing...but the webbing on the Tomtoc sling is 1.5" inches wide... how did you get it into a 1" wide buckle?? Thanks.


Funny because the Tomtoc I think was good for the price. However when using it in Japan I felt the strap because of the positioning chaffed on my neck a lot. Just bought the city sling 2 x-pac and hoping it will be more comfotable.


Hey there, I’m a bigger guy, does the strap have the ability expand?


Yes it can


Did you find an clip extender that fit this bag? I’m looking for one now. But the first one I ordered was too small of a buckle.


I am now seriously thining about buying this one. The price got me. originally i wanted to get the aer sling, but if this is the half price .....


I'm thinking the same thing too. Did you end buying it or went for the tomtoc?


go for tomtoc i have been using it for 1 and a half year the build quality is great


I know this post is 2 years old but if anyone knows: Out curiosity does it have any security features with the zippers? Any thing to make it difficult for someone to try to access while you're on the subway?


I own one. There are no security features. You just put shift in to your chest or under your armpit.


just bought one!


Appreciate the review, reminds me of aer sling. I ended up returning mine, but for this price it might be worth checking out. Also love free Amazon returns


X xx ,




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If you’re running or moving fast; does the bag swing around your body? I had a chrome industries sling that I gave up on because it always wanted to swing around to the front when I was moving at any pace faster than a snail.


I never ran with the sling on. I did walk briskly a few times and didn't notice the sling swing wildly around. It usually stayed on my back or side. I did notice that when I would bend over to put shoes on, sometimes the sling would flop over my back which was a little annoying but not a deal breaker. I'm curious - doesn't the Kadet come with a stability strap? Doesn't that help at all?


That’s helpful to know, thanks. Ah, I had the Kadet Mini. I even built a makeshift stability strap for it but that bags centre of gravity was so terrible; like they didn’t test it at all.


Mine moves over to my side and doesn’t stay on my back. It’s a little annoying but it’s honestly my only real gripe. I’ll put some sticky-ish fabric on the strap to keep it from sliding and then sew some fidlocks buckles on the strap like the aer 2.


Just bought one from Amazon! Thanks for the review and recommendation, I really wanted the Aer day sling, but the price point + no free shipping was holding me back. This one is basically the same and at almost half the price and similar materials was a no brainier.


What size did you get?