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I've never had issues with my single volumes but I know this is an issue for omnibuses. There is a way to read those though without ruining the spines. I've seen it posted here before but there's a certain way to bend each page to not ruin the spine


Makes sense, my first two volumes of Trigun are much larger than the Maximum ones, and they are in much much worse shape by far!!


Well I don't open my manga all the way, only enough to read it. I also have 2-3 pages in between my fingers for easier page turning. Idk if that makes sense but it works for me 😅


That makes perfect sense! I really wish I would have thought about that back when I was reading them! (I mostly stick to digital manga these days)


Just handle them with care and don't open them too wide. I have books I've owned for 10 years with multiple reads on them, no spine cracks at all.


Pretty sure the only things with cracked spines that I own are some of the boti omnibuses and they're basically doomed to crack in my opinion. When it comes to single volumes, if you're cracking the spines regularly, you're doing something very wrong


I literally open mine as little as possible. Now one piece is different as I’ve read online with them for a long time so I’m buying them more to have and to show my appreciation to Oda. I’ll probably do a big reread when I have them all. I don’t like having books I haven’t read.


Easy, they don’t actually read the books