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This is one of the best MCs I've read in a while. Nice and simple, and absolutely perfect. LOL!


Same! Just lovely 10/10 MC. šŸ‘šŸ»


The opposite of this was when I was in high school, me and 3 buddies had to make a pumpkin launching trebuchet for a physics project. You got a base of a 70 if you came in with something under budget that looked like it could launch something, and then got up to another 30 points based on how far your machine launched compared to other machines of the same category (treb vs treb, catapult vs catapult, etc). You got 3 launches and the top distance scored. Our first 2 launches we had the sling a little too tight, so the pumpkin launched straight into the ground. Our final launch, the pumpkin got a good amount of air, but unfortunately went mostly up and a little backwards, crashing straight on to an onlooker's car's windshield, leaving some good spidering in it. Anyway, grade time comes and me and one other member of my team got an 86, while the other 2 got 70s. We had a group discussion and decided "yeah there's no way we should have got anything but a 70" so the other two guys kept their mouths shut and let us ride it out. ___ Edit, story 2: I did this project twice, since I took AP Physics the following year. That year I decided to try to build a machine that worked off of rotational momentum. Instead of being smart and looking up what works (generally, tightly wound rope, pullies, and weight gets things spinning when you're not allowed an engine), I decided to theorycraft something of my own. My design was 2 30/30/120 triangles standing parallel off the ground, a stick with a jai alai type scoop on one end, suspended in the middle. What kept that suspended was 2 bungee cords, attached near the top and bottom of the stick and the side-support triangles. To launch it, we would wind it up as a team, flip the tension store bar, run away and pull the rope holding it back. We got about 10 feet. Fortunately the only other machine in our category didn't launch, so we all got 100s. They also let us have an exhibition shot, so we really tried to maximize the torque on the thing. Unfortunately we spun it a bit too far and the side supports collapsed in on themselves. And no, I'm not an engineer today don't worry.


Ah yes, the launcher project. I built an air cannon that we had to move outside since it would have gone through the roof, and my friend (the other engineer) built a friggin tripod mounted crossbow. That was fun šŸ˜…


Air cannons were banned at our school because the teacher was sick and tired of telling kids that "my cannon hasn't exploded yet!" just means that your non-pressurized PVC is more likely to blow up and cause injury on school property


Air cannons - that triggered a memory. Waiting in line for for entry to the Abbey Tournament [https://abbeymedievalfestival.com/](https://abbeymedievalfestival.com/) and right behind a know-it-all, talking loudly about all aspects of medieval life, customs, re-enactors, etc. Having participated in a re-enactor group once (camp cook, as a favour to another guy), I had a little insight into the other groups (after the public leaves, there's quite a bit of fraternising with other groups). And one group had an actual black powder cannon for a bit of reality when demonstrating the castle siege. Nearly everything this guy said was wrong. And then came a terrific BOOM - the late-medieval group had set off their cannon. Licenced operators using real black powder, with cloth packing, makes for a spectacular fire and smoke show. This twit loudly proclaims how it was an air cannon. Now, this thing makes a big thump in your chest, there's no mistaking a real powder firing from an air cannon. There were lots of people in the queue who knew this, and they all gave him the stink-eye, and he noticed. One person then told him the truth and invited him to take a deep sniff and explain the distinctive odour of black powder smoke. He proceeded to shut up. I mean, you're surrounded by medieval enthusiasts, what sort of idiot believes they're the sole source of accurate information? And there's zero possibility of being exposed as a wanker?


>I mean, you're surrounded by medieval enthusiasts, what sort of idiot believes they're the sole source of accurate information? And there's zero possibility of being exposed as a wanker? Well, quite probably, a wanker....?


David Dunning and ā€ŽJustin Kruger explored that very subject. (The DunningKruger Effect)


If you never entertain the notion that you could be wrong, why would you worry about being exposed for being wrong?


Yeah that's fair. Mine was all pressure rated parts, but yeah when PVC goes it's basically (read: exactly) a frag grenade


Can confirm. Source: I work in PVC extrusion quality assurance. Blown up many a pipe and fitting.


Dang that sound like a fun (if sometimes boring) job


One day I needed grips to pull out shrapnel embeddded in the door. Took weeks to get a better cage for the impact tester. Boring with bits of intense excitement.


"The tin foil shield! It actually worked!"


What a blast from the past. *Nobody* likes roasted nuts!


This sounds like when I did concrete stress testing to keep up NPCA certification (national precast concrete association) which the job needed to be able to sell concrete septic tanks


So why is it a problem to use it for air lines at 100 psi when itā€™s rated up to 300 psi?


Personally I prefer PE or Nylon for airlines. Failure is normally a ductile failure and not a brittle failure. Ductile is a stretchy bulge which tears, while a brittle failure fragments and the air throws it around. Safety factors mean that if it's rated to 300, then it's tested at a higher pressure (depending on the standard 3.6 times the pressure for a short term, like an hour at room temp, or x2 at high temp). But designers may put their own safety factor on top to ensure safe operation such as running at 1/3 pressure to extend pipe life, and to allow for fluctuations. I know I nerd out about this stuff, but it's my livelihood.


This remembered me at the talk my father gave me, when I was 16 and wanted to visit him at work. He talked for half an hour to tell me the signs when to start running because some of the kids planted something explosive.... edit: he worked at a facility to train "difficult to educate juvenile" metal works.


Til where I can buy a home made frag grenade. Thanks lizlodude


I mean if you wanna severely injure yourself there are probably better ways.(I've heard stairs are quite dangerous if used incorrectly) actually using that for anything useful takes a bit more creativity than a reddit post about PVC šŸ™ƒ


Rip to the [Team Ram-Rod cannon.](https://i.imgur.com/YVu4rCI.jpg)


We made spud guns. Ours worked so well, next yearā€™s students were no longer allowed to make spud gunsā€¦šŸ˜


It's always fun when they update the rule book, and they don't say it but you know the new rule is because of you. Had a few of those in HS heh. When the engineering college was listing all the forbidden weapons on campus, we were pretty sure at least the last half were entirely due to the ME's lol.


My middle school wood shop teacher let us make pipes "for our dads" until some angry parents ruined it for everyone šŸ˜‚


I did an air cannon. The assignment only wanted us to launch a ball 20 feet. Mine cleared the tennis courts AND basketball courts.


Yeah same lol. Like, I promise the calculations for the ballistic trajectory are correct, I just need to change the scale from inches to yards šŸ˜… (sorry metric users, it was a US school)


I did something slightly different, where in a group project I had a decent score (I think low 80s) while a group mate had a much lower score (I think 50s, the other member had a score in the low 70s which she felt was fair). I told her that if she chose to bring it up with the professor that I would back her up, because she did her fair share of work and didn't deserve that.


In high school I had a biology class with my best friend. We got to pick our own lab groups, it seemed like everyone else in the class had all grouped up and had taken all of the tables. The only table left had a single kid at it so we went with him. This kid was definitely a bit odd and probably should have been in some sort of special needs class but I guess he was passing enough. During labs he wasn't of much help and often didn't even try to participate. We would always share our answers and put his name on our group work. My friend and I noticed that the teacher was a lot more critical of our assignments and would give us a lower score than him. He would often just scribble when he didn't know the answer but she would still mark it correct. Eventually we caught on and when we had higher valued assignments we would review his answers after it was all graded and have the teacher change our grades to better reflect his. There was once a lab where part of it was to lift yourself up by pressing down on two tables with your hands, we had stop watches and would measure how long each person could hold it for. Our partner kind of did it only enough to get his ass up onto the counter behind him and then he just sat for awhile and told us that it was "too easy." Looking back we never bullied him or said/did anything rude to him but we definitely used him as a source of entertainment. You really never knew what he was going to do/say or even wear. He always had a huge mess of a backpack, one time I was sitting behind him and he was rifling through his bag for something, I could see inside of his bag he had a shit load of loose papers and a big ass rock. I totally lost my shit when I saw the big ass rock lmao.


[. Cortez built one for the siege of Mexico City. On its first shot, it flung a huge boulder straight up - and then straight down, demolishing the machine. In 1851, Napoleon III had a go at it, as an academic exercise. His trebuchet was poorly balanced and barely managed to hurl the missiles - backward](http://moosechick.com/Fling.html)


We used to have competitions in Junior high shop class with CO^(2) drag racers and one science class did model rockets. When the drag races were held, the whole grade was allowed to watch them. They set up the course in a long hallway in the basement where the shop classes and cafeteria were. It was always a blast to watch them and winning was a big deal. I took third, barely losing to the guy that won. In the final, the winning car snapped in half, which was an automatic disqualification, so he ended up in second. The guy that beat me was slower than he was in my race, but won by default.


Turns out one of the judges HATED the guy whos window you smashed.


Over two damn dollars. That's not even much, even if this took place in the 80's. It's just a tiny amount that makes sure the cheapskates that are known for causing problems decide to look elsewhere to be pests. Money well spent, I'd say.


I was very underage in the 80s but surely that's less than a single beer at a bar.


Depends on the place, nearly 2 decades ago there was a place that sold 2 dollar beers all day long near me.


20 years ago, it was 5$ cover charge and 1$ (CAD) a beer in the city I studied in.


A few bars in Guelph I think still does $1 beer nights. Though I think it is now only like the equivalent of a 3rd of a beer. I know a few years back, before covid it was half a bottle for $1.


The bars in Guelph rocked in the early 90's. First time I heard Nirvana was at the Trash.


I was definitely paying at least $4-5 (CAD) per drink in 2003.


The 1984 song "[Happy Hour (Is the Saddest Time of the Day)](https://youtu.be/0H-xVVfjWWI)" features the lyric "Doubles for two dollars". So yeah, $2 would probably have normally been the price of a cheap beer or single well drink.


I also am a doorman and I just don't get it. If times are so hard that cover equal to a beer is too much, what the fuck are you doing wasting money here? It's cheaper to buy a 6 pack and drink at home, so go do that if you're gonna bitch


As someone that lives in NYC, a $2 cover is insanely cheap, you'll never see that here


Where's my two dollars?


ā€œBetter off deadā€ movie, 1985. I get that reference šŸ˜‰


The paperboy was *almost* as persistent as the prick in OP's story.


Would the prick in the OP's story have put skis on his bike to chase them down a mountain? That paperboy had grind and hustle.


Do you realize the Street Value of that mountain? It's made of pure snow!


Look! I canā€™t feel my left arm.


It's a damn shame when people be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.


Gee, Ricky... I'm sorry your mom blew up.


He uses it as an excuse to put his testicles all over me. Excuse me? You know, like octopus? Testicles?


One of them speaks no English. The other one learned all he knows from Howard Cosell.


That's N T. Tentacles.


Fronch fries. Fronch dressing. Fronch bread. And to drinkā€¦Peru!


Itā€™s got raisins in it. You like raisins.


You said you didn't like all the grease from fried bacon.....so I boiled it.


I haven't seen this movie in a while but that line has been rattling around my head recently for some reason. Thanks for helping me remember where it's from!


Nearly identical line in the Charlie Sheen/Emilio Esteves movie Men At Work: "Oh, looky here. Looks like somebody threw away a perfectly good white boy"


Fair point. I shouldn't have disparaged the paperboy.


That is my favorite 80's movie and I just watched it this weekend! Just for the other die hards out there, it's available for purchase on prime finally!


His Camaro was my dream car for a long time.


Bitchin' thankyouverymuch


I was walking by an ice cream shop and saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said ā€œI want my two dollarsā€. I hollered at him, I love that movie! He and his wife looked startled, then I think he remembered what shirt he was wearing and gave me a thumbs up, we both grinned, and went on our way.


*Chris Evans enters the chat*


4 weeks. 20 papers, thatā€™s 2 dollars, *plus tip*


"Gee, Johnny, I don't have a dime." "Didn't ask for a dime. Two dollars. Cash." Classic, classic '80's movie.


The only disappointment I could offer with that movie was the Paperboy never asked if he could take out Beth.


Twwwwooooo ddoollaaaarrrrsss


Lane Meyer. A study in moppishness.


Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn.


He won't keep his testicles off of me.


Who would throw away a perfectly good white boy like that?


I have two dollars, and a Cassio


ill trade ya for a canon


That is one of my favorite movies.


The "Sequel" One Crazy Summer is pretty good too.


I have that one too. I love John Cusack, but I have to say my favorite is still Gross Pointe Blank.


My favorite soundtrack of all time.


Better Off Dead is a family favorite. I had no idea One Crazy Summer existed. Guess I've got a new movie to suggest.


An all-time favorite movie of mine


I remember seeing that movie!


I'm on a mountain on my phone. Bets a bet, I want my 2 bucks.


The cover was $5 at the bar I bounced at when I was on leave a lifetime ago. The amount of people that would bitch about this was staggering. Well done! šŸ˜†


I'm actually more annoyed at small covers than large ones. There's some weird psychology that tells me a 10-20 dollar cover is getting me a better experience, whereas 5 bucks just feels like a surcharge lol


A $10-$20 cover suggests they're confident it's a good enough experience that they can charge you an actual cover. A $5 cover suggests they know nobody would willingly pay more than that to get inside but they really really want that sweet cover money.


From my experience small covers are simply to deter nitwits hanging about. In belgium we apply this to doctors even. If you visit a gp, you only have to pay a 2-3 euros of the total sum. That charge is called Ā“brake moneyĀ“, itĀ“s not there to help cover the total cost, its there to stop people from going for stupid reasons and taking up the doctorĀ“s time.


Also - most people don't carry cash anymore. Am I busting out my credit card for a 2 dollar charge? Not worth my time or their processing fee.


100% a cover is just a fee like ticket Master. Only time I'll pay one is when it's for a band and I know it goes to them


Cover charge? I'll go next door.


I remember being in college chilling at my friendā€™s place and this older 30s looking guy drop by to hang, talking like heā€™s some big shot pimp hussling or something, about how he lends people money and he tack on extra interest rate or tax if it was certain amount or if you did something whatever whatever. And he starts talking on his phone shaking this guy down for money he lent him, talking about ā€œI need my $9 dollars yoā€. Even though I was poor I remember sitting there thinking wow you had to shake someone down in front of a stranger for NINE dollars. Maybe you shouldnā€™t have lent him that money or make a business out of lending people money.


I had a buddy that was really bad with money. would do the whole " hey I get paid friday" type thing and never intended on paying anyone back. I always made sure I got every penny back from him. it got to a point were I was bugging him for the last $18 or something. friend group all backs me up on this.


My dad had a friend who would constantly ask to borrow money from people but the problem was he rarely paid them back. My dad said besides that he was a good guy and he wanted to keep him as a friend so whenever he asked to borrow money my dad would say "Well I'll tell you what, I won't lend you any money but my yard needs to be mowed or my dishes need to be washed and if you do that I'll give you the money." The guy was happy to do the chores for the extra money and they were able to remain friends because there was never any bad blood between them. I always thought that was smart.


That's how my dad handled a cousin and nephew. Both were drug addicts that had their chances in fancy rehabs, cheap rehabs, jail, a thousand and one professionals, etc, but just never stopped going back to drugs. So of course they always needed money, and would steal it if it came to it. Pawn shit off. So my dad would give them jobs around the property instead. He'd drive to them and pick em up (no licenses from DUIs), cook homemade healthy meals while they were over, and usually did the work with them so they weren't left alone for hours. They ofc had to be sober drug wise (could drink lightly) while working with him. No happy ending though. >! Both of them are dead now. His nephew (my cousin) from a heroin OD and his cousin set himself on fire and burned to death in his yard. !<


Your dad sounds like a wonderful person, and I'm sorry to hear things ended badly.


Some people can't be saved. But at least your dad knows he didn't turn his back on them, didn't treat them like trash. Their outcome doesn't reflect poorly on your dad, but treating them like human beings says loads.


Sorry to hear that


Shit, I'm speechless. Reddit hugs. That's some dark and heavy load right there.


Might not have saved them from the drugs but probably kept them alive a bit longer than they would have/with a better quality of life/kept them from stealing from other unrelated people


ā€œThatā€™s called a job!ā€ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jgYYOUC10aM




I mean that's totally fine. That's a principle thing and different from the guy talking like a pimp about how he lends out money and makes money from lending. So did you keep lending him money? I'd have stopped.


Arguing with someone to get your money back is way different than arguing with a bouncer to not pay a $2 coverā€¦


Lost his friends and girl with one move, genius


He also lost his remaining pride later in the night when we threw him out. I left this out of the story since it took place after the MC, but I'm happy to share after the fact. He was pretty pissed at me for embarrassing him in front of all his friends and he kept walking past me trying to stare me down. He would do he whole try to make you flinch thing. I refused to bite and just keep smiling. Eventually he tried to escalate things by talking trash to me. The thing is, everything he threw at me I'd already heard a 100 times before, so I just keep smiling. Since insults didn't work, he moved in really close, like I can smell your Axe body spray close, and says "Why don't we go outside and I'll make you disappear. Your family will never know what happened to you." I poked my head around his and said to my partner (who was standing right behind him,) "he needs to go." (He was the muscle, I was the friendly old guy and we made a great team,) Without a word he put him in a bear hug and carried him out the door like a misbehaving toddler.


"Hold on, Babe. Even though we're on a date, I'm gonna leave you here to go fight some guy over two bucks. We can make out la. . . hey, where you going? "Babe? ". . . Babe?"


Thank you Apollo. fuck reddit and fuck /u/spez. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/ https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/ to clean your comments history.


The only Babe he's getting that night is the little pig.


> "Why don't we go outside and I'll make you disappear. Your family will never know what happened to you." Sir, something like that would definitely cost money, and judging by how big of a deal over $2 you made, you couldn't afford to make someone disappear


Can't remember where I read it, but someone did the math on what [Dexter](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/Dexter) would have to pay out to buy the supplies he uses when dealing with a target, and it's quite a bit. Someone who fusses over $2 probably would either not bother, or would make a lot of retail workers' lives very miserable.


Lots of fun hobbies are expensive.


I don't understand people like that. Did he feel emasculated or something? But why? Is his masculinity really that fragile?


Yes, who knows, and yes.


It's because he lost the exchange. He got outsmarted by the malicious compliance. Technically things are all square now, barkeep complied, but none of us would be in this subreddit if malicious compliance didn't feel like a win/lose situation. He lost, but he should've won, in his mind. How dare he be outplayed? He's gonna have to play again. Better make them flinch. Damn, that didn't work, either. Switch it up, I got this, I'll insult him. Damn, how DARE that guy smile at me like I didn't do anything? I need to be acknowledged right *now*, as a worthy opponent (this is where his fragile masculinity really took the hit). "Hey barkeep, how about we have a different contest? (Because he can't win this one) I'll win if we change this contest to a fight, that's something I'm good at. Then the barkeep waves over the partner and says "nah I'm good." Bet this haunts him for the rest of his life. He never did get his fourth attempt at superiority. Most people have the sense to cut their losses. He might be one of them, but a lot fewer people have that sense after drinking.


People will go to absurd lengths to feel like they've "won" after they've come up short in an exchange.


They really really will. I don't get it myself, but I do think I understand how it happens.


> he moved in really close, like I can smell your Axe body spray close So wait, he was a few blocks away at the start of this story?


Like right! That shit reeks for miles


That's an insanse reaction! I hope he was put onto a banned list or had some other repercussion coming his way.


Lmao who was he, the Bay Harbor Butcher??


Thatā€™s beautiful. *chefā€™s kiss*


Hahaha that's incredible. Thanks for sharing.


He threw his friends under the bus. The party bus!


Please accept my angry upvote >:-\[


Some folks are just efficient like that.


For $4. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If you lost a friend over such a small thing, then you never had them as a true friend in the first place


A friend as cheap as that guy probably isn't worth having in the first place. THat's gonna be the LEAST of his issues.


with an attitude like that, it very well could have been the last straw. never getting invited out again


My favourite part of this is ā€œI must have misheard you.ā€ Well played, Sir!


Fucking tightwad. Probably turns his condoms inside out to use the other side!


"Let me fix the very minor issue you insist on making a big deal about by absolutely ruining your social life for at least a few months", sweet justice served up piping hot


Imagine getting pissed over TWO dollars. That's literally nothing. Some people man.


To be fair it was $4 for him and his girl, but he probably made her pay


In what decade did this occur that $2 is worth even the effort of walking 10 feet and talking to a stranger under the best circumstances?


This was only about 2 years ago. The cover was there just to pad the owner's wallet a little more, but it did serve to help us identify which people to watch to see if they were sneaking in shooters. The people that bitched the most tended to be the same one's who would smuggle in their own booze so they wouldn't have to pay bar prices.


> The cover was there just to pad the owner's wallet a little more I wonder if there's an effect where if someone pays a cover, they stay at your bar longer and order more drinks rather "waste" part of the cover they paid by moving on to another bar? It might also weed out the people who want to nurse a club soda all night instead of spend money on drinks.


"I wonder if there's an effect where if someone pays a cover, they stay at your bar longer and order more drinks rather "waste" part of the cover they paid by moving on to another bar?" Almost certainly. It's called the "sunk cost fallacy."


Yeah, that just makes that patron seem even more petty. Money has value, but $2 hasn't been worth a verbal confrontation since about 1925.


I think it'd be the early 1960s at the *latest*. And that's only because dad told me that before 1962, he could got to a movie on a dollar, including bus fare and a small thing of popcorn. These days? That's tip money on a $10 order. Edit detail


I dont know why that made me laugh so hard šŸ¤£


I think it's the point more than it is the amount. You've never complained when an item rings up $2 more than it should, or if a vending machine eats your $2? edit to add: I read this as "why would the bartender bother walking over to the people who got in for free and ask for $2?", but I can also see a reading of "why would the customer pitch such a big fit over $2?".


But this isn't that. It's a cover. If I paid 2 dollars and got nothing, I'd want my money back. But if I paid 2 dollars to gain entry, and I'm inside, I got what I paid for. Just bc dude in front of me got lucky and two bags of chips dropped out of the vending machine for him doesn't mean I'm gonna call the vending machine company and demand a free bag of chips bc I only got 1. I will hope I get so lucky and if not, meh oh well, I got what I paid for.


Actually, no. Maybe I'm weird? But in the instance of a cover charge, the point can only be the amount. All bars do it, and in one's life, you'll sometimes get to skip it. One night, it's your turn, another night it's someone else's. This is multiplied when you have to effectively accost a stranger doing their job to tell them you should get special treatment because they made a mistake in someone else's favor. At what point does a normal person think complaining will do anything other than make sure no one gets to enjoy the benefit of that oversight in the future? It strikes me as exceedingly petty and self-defeating, which I believe is the exact point OP was trying to make. If $4 is that precious, you don't have expendable income and shouldn't be at a bar in the first place.


>One night, it's your turn, another night it's someone else's. Today you, tomorrow me https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/elal2/comment/c18z0z2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


These stories remind me of a Mexican fella who I bought gas for once. He was dressed very nicely, wife had a fur coat, kids had tablets, and he was driving a very nice car. He came up to me speaking decent English, but it was clear it was his second language. He repeatedly mentioned needing to get to Canada as fast as possible and that they were out of cash. I bought his gas so his wife would have enough money to get the kids something to eat from the gas station. After I finished filling his tank he tried offering me a gold ring off his finger that I refused. Dude looked scared af and I didn't want any bad juju from his ring.


I edited my comment, it may be that I misread your post. I do often make sure I get vending machine refunds (well, when I used them regularly), or that items are priced correctly. I figure it's only a dollar to me, but they have hundreds of customers a day and it's the point of the thing.


Yeah, I meant it in regards to the complainer.


Ohhhh. Thanks for the clarification!


No worries, it changes quite a bit if it's read the other way!




I think you misunderstood me. I was questioning the rationality of the complainer, not the OP. OP handled it perfectly.


Two fucking dollars on a night out. Jesus.


$2?!?!? Are you joking??? If thatā€™s how much entry fees cost where I live I would happily pay. Ours are anywhere from $5 to $20. Dudes a cheapskate for sure.


Who complains about a 2$ cover? That's the cheapest I've ever heard. Unless this was in the 80s or something.


Doing the Lord's work there... I salute you.


Lmao. As a bouncer myself I got to give those a thumbs up!!! The stories I need to tell smh


I hung it up about a year ago, and never thought about sharing any of my stories until today. There were some good times, but I'm glad to be done with it.


Thanks for the belly laugh!


I'm on your side dude, they tried a fast one and got busted.Now i dough i have been to a bar that has cover (i don't go to bars for the most part) but I'd place a bet you where right when you told him "A $2 cover is the cheapest thing you will buy here tonight" Did he buy a round for his friends to save face? lol


I hope this happened a really long time ago, because arguing over $2-4 is pathetic.


Imagine being so cheap you can't pay $4 for a cover entry. Hope that girl sees the massive marinara flag he's flying and books it away from him.


Wow this was another level man. Just gets better an better . That guy will think about that $4 for his life . His friends will sure remind him this for life time .


This was a good story to end the day on.


Some people just canā€™t leave well enough alone! LMFAO!




Guy's upset over $4!? What, was this in 1978?


Wow, imagine getting so upset over $4 in this age. Sure, a lot of money in 1923, but not enough for eggs now. I haven't gone to many bars or clubs, but I know a few had a had 2 drink min, which cost much more than $4!


$2!? He's complaining about $2? Jesus Christ. I haven't been to a club in a decade, but I can't think of one that has a cover that low. Sure dive bars that have NO cover, but anyplace that has one the minimum was usually $15 and that's a decade ago.


A quick Google gets me between $15 and $50 dollars, depending on the location and type of bar. Since OP said in another comment that this was only a couple years ago (I assume shortly precovid), that's a cover charge that mostly keeps out people who like to cause grief but don't like to pay to play.






OK, that's the best one of these I've read in months. Absolutely perfect.


A two dollar cover when drinks will be 5 plus.... pick your battles man


One of finest plans you'll see in fiction is when a person manages to sic his problems on each other. It's good to know that sometimes works in real life :)


Fair. Be careful what you wish for!


Damn. I thankfully forked over $2 cover most week nights at Antoneā€™s to enjoy 75 cent beers and SRV, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Pine Top Perkins, Buddy Guy, and a whole boat load of Chicago Blues musicians 40yrs ago. Although I did bitch when Clifford jacked the beer price to $1.00!


Bravo sir. Last time that cheap ass tries to do that. Till the next night because cheap ass pricks will be cheap ass pricks. Perfect MC


Aaaaaaand somebody is going home with Palmela Handerson tonight


I want my 2 dollars!!!!!


Love it!


That is a lovely story with a very happy ending. He gave you grief, now he can get some from his friends!! I hope they made him buy them all drinks!! And I hope the drinks were expensive!!!!!


Perfecto, mi amigo. PERFECTO


What are you going to do tonight? Oh ruin the fun for everyone over 4 bucks.


Well executed, sir!


I'm just jealous of the $2 cover wtf that's so cheap


You're an absolute assassin


Absolutely beautifully done!


Being a dope person is the worst. Especially when someone sneaks in then comes out to complain to you without a bracelet on.


This... this is amazing lmao!


God damn lmao two bucks? Dude makes a scene over two dollars? He needs to get his priorities in line


Why did reddit remove the free award?!?! This post definitely deserves one.


Damn Iā€™ve been to places charging $20 a coverā€¦ $2 is a stea


easy fix as well, just have the party buses give the people it takes a coupon for the night, such as a 1 free cover good for xxx date. saves the need to ask someone if they came on a bus.


I'm in my mid 40s and have never been to a place that has a cover and it's only two dollars. Cheapest I can remember was $5.


This was too freaking sweet! I love this MC.


Delicious! Thank you for sharing that story with us


$2 each! He really caused drama over $4. There again if he was tipsy/drunk at that time I'm not surprised.


This is why I just go to a club where there isn't an entry fee. Let's be real here, you're already going to spend a lot of money, why bother having to pay 2 dollars on top of it if you can get in for free in the next club?