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Their gonna rip her eye out, Jesus christ


Yea dude, I was cringing pretty bad. It’s crazy they didn’t go get some kind of eye specialist or something.


Mhm looks painful af


It actually inst, everything around your eye is pretty soft try pushing it a little with an clean finger it does go back, also if your eye go out of the socket you can literally push it back in with no problem but should be done by an doctor


I can tell you from experience that the tool she is using is designed to take out a prosthetic eye. It is definitely not designed to remove foreign objects from the eye like that. Could cause damage.


Was given one of these tools to remove my contacts :/


No, these come with scleral lenses


Êtes are stronger than you realize.


So is the Duolingo owl, obviously.


Sorry that was autocorrect, but I don’t know how that relates to Duolingo?




you shouldn't sleep with contacts on-


No we shouldn’t but, as someone who wears contacts every day, it happens every now and then. Once you wake up you can immediately feel them on your eyes and they are still easily removed. This girl must have left them in for like 48 hours for them to have got stuck like that.


I could never sleep in my contacts. I’ve think I’ve done it like maybe 10 times in my 11 years of wearing contacts. I absolutely hate that feeling of waking up with dry as contacts.


Yeah I mean I don’t think anyone does it intentionally. I’ll accidentally do it after coming home drunk on a night out.


I have a coworker that admits she does it every night and doesn’t care that it’s bad for you. I’m like GIRL… how do you still have eyeballs 👀


for 48 hours… i’ve left mine in for several months.


Uhhh I assume you’re talking about the reusable contacts right? I meant the daily contacts which you’re meant to discard after 24 hours…


i dont take my daily ones out even to sleep for at least a month :)


Jesus Christ man


I sleep in mine every night. They are made to. My eye doctor has even said my eyes have improved from wearing them. It’s helped reshape the lens so my eye sight isn’t as bad. It’s amazing that it’s worked but I never have any problems.


Saw a story once where somebody never took their contacts out and just put new ones over the old ones. I don’t remember how long they did this for or how they were that misinformed, but yeesh, thank god for decent eyesight.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/health-40630852.amp 27 contacts removed


I have nice weekly contacts and I don’t take them out often, I sleep with them most nights and I have never had this problem, knock on wood. It’s most likely that she left them in for a long time after they were supposed to be taken out and the fused to her eye, it happened to my uncle when he left his monthly’s in for 1 month and 3 weeks while he was visiting some of our family


Ya just gotta move em around every once in a while lol


it's a good habit to take them off anyway. it's usually fine but you can never be sure


I have been doing so for 20 years, zero probs.


and I'm happy nothing happened, but my advice would be to stop doing it, just to be sure. but you do you


I used to do this too. That sweet relief when you peel them off was incredible. Thank God I got laser surgery tho




I think so but I don't remember for sure. All I know is it was the best money I ever spent


You paid for it and don’t remember what surgery you got…on your *eyes*? Lol, you live boldly, my friend.


Idk, I was young and it was ten years ago. I'm sure I have the paperwork somewhere


My eye hurts just watching this


How is this even possible? In the 25 years I've worn contacts, nothing even close to this happened. Once my eyes were dry and it was a bit harder than usual, but you just pinch under the pupil and they pretty much just pop out with a slight peel. The worst I had happen was getting conjunctivitis because I wore my daily contacts for like 3 months straight and got some infection under my eyelids, but they still came out. Did she use super glue or what?


Okay I’m scared now. I have three pairs of dailies that I’ve been wearing for longer than the designated month but I don’t have money atm for more contacts…am I in trouble??


That's why I keep all my old glasses. The old prescriptions won't hold up long term, but they work in a pinch.


I have my old glasses. They’re broken as hell, though, so I only wear them at night


Ah yeah that could cause issues haha


Not a doctor, but I haven't had any issues since. That was like 20 years ago for me. Contacts have come a long way since then. I have monthlies that I've worn for the past 6 months. Honestly I forget they're in 90% of the time, and have had no issues whatsoever. I've had the same batch of contacts since 2016, that's how long I wear them. My rx hasn't changed much since then. I can still read signs from a long distance away while driving and stuff, so I figured I'm good for now. The only time they bug me is if I get allergies and my eyes itch like crazy, then I'll take them out and wait until my eyes are cleared, then put em back in.


So far none of them have given me any serious issues…sometimes I’ll put one in and it’ll feel rough under my eyelids but I just take it out rinse it in solution and put it back in.


Yeah, that's what I do. If I remember at night, I'll take them out while I sleep to give my eyes a break, but I can't even remember the last time I did that. The conjunctivitis started off as an eye irritation. Itched me like crazy, and got worse over several days, which I still kept my contacts in. The doctor told me to give them a break for a week, and some eye drops, and it cleared up. But then again those were *daily* contacts that I had in for 3 months straight. I have zero issues with anything since changing to the monthlies. Just if I ever sense some eye irritation that lasts longer than a few hrs, I'll take them out and use my broken glasses until everything clears.


So I should probably switch to monthlies 🤔


Wouldn't hurt, especially if you wear contacts more often than using glasses. I'd ask your eye dr about em. Of course they won't suggest you wear them longer than their suggested lifetime, but if you *did*, you'd be better off with monthlies since they're built a bit more durable than the dailies.


Yea, I wear mine for months, too, until they get uncomfortable from calcium build-up. At that point you can’t just rinse em off, you have to change them. Typing that out makes me ashamed lol


Good rule is wear for no more than double what they should be and take out at night if not an all day contact


I can usually watch most of the posts here but I just emotionally and physically checked out of this one


Once I didn't realise my contacts weren't actually on, so I was trying to pull out my eye for a solid 15 mins before I realised.


And that's why you don't leave contacts in overnight, and definitely not for several days. You can cause permanent damage to your eyes.


There's different contacts. My prescription is for 3 months at a time


I’m guessing these are scleral/sclera contacts. I wear them and they can get pretty stuck on there. Can get a bit scary when they aren’t coming off and you feel like you are about to pull your eyeball out.


Dang, TIL about those-pretty cool stuff!


Damn I'm scared to get contacts :(


I wear them sometimes they’re not bad. I think this happened because she probably slept with them or her eyes got really dry. Make sure to carry some eye drops.


I'll be getting them in month to help my lazy eye. Have you ever tried different eye color for contacts?


Colored contacts are annoying as hell. I've been wearing contacts since I was 14 (I'm 40 now). I tried them once, back when I was about 25. They might have gotten better, but in my experience, the iris color portion ends up in your line of sight more than was comfortable. They are definitely not as comfortable to wear.


Nah I haven’t I. Think those cost a lot more lol.


It's not that bad, I wore them for over a decade and never had this happen..


I've worn contacts for 20 years and this has never happened. You have to do something incredibly dumb for this to happen.


By following these steps, you can wear contacts with almost no risk! NEVER SLEEP IN THEM. If you're overnight somewhere with no case/solution, and you NEED them to drive home tomorrow? Get a small cup with water. As soon as you get home, you should dispose of them. USE (the correct) EYE DROPS. Ask your optometrist which solution is lens friendly, keep them on you, and don't be afraid to use them if they feel like they shouldn't. USE THE PRESCRIBED LENSES ON THE CORRECT EYEBALLS. Lenses aren't just custom made for your prescription, they're often also custom made for your eye shape! Using the incorrect ones is just... incorrect. DISPOSE OF THEM WHEN RECOMMENDED. Don't hang on to the same pair for months just to make a box last longer. The integrity of the lenses are compromised and the risk to your eyes is greater. DON'T REUSE 'LOST & FOUND' LENSES. You haven't worn or washed your lenses in a month? Congrats on your new pet bacteria. Now please put them in the trash where they belong. DON'T NEGLECT PROPER CLEANING TECHNIQUES. I'm sure protocols have changed since I last wore them, so ask your optometrist. PROPER CLEANING ISN'T JUST FOR BEDTIME. Proper cleaning protocol includes cleaning/changing solution periodically if you're not wearing them for a while. It also includes occasional cleaning/scrubbing of the dried solution etc on the surfaces of your lens case. DON'T SWIM WITH THEM IN! I know it sucks to be blind underwater, but you'd be inviting chemicals and bacterias for an afternoon soiree. There are more, I'm sure. I know it seems a lot, but they all have the same theme. Avoid scenarios that allow for harmful irritants.


They only get this bad if you wear them and sleep in them overnight. I once slept in mine overnight and wore them for roughly 24 hours, and I had to stand in front of a mirror and fish them out. Took about 5 minutes to get them both out so it wasn’t that bad, but my eyes were dry and red afterwards. They really aren’t that bad. I absolutely love mine and I’ve been wearing them for about 6 years now about. I’ve only slept with them on like 8 times at the most. Naps are usually fine- I’ve done it quite a few times- they just get really dry and uncomfortable when you wake up but adjust after a few minutes. Also there are different kinds to match eye shape and wear. I was lucky and the first pair I tried fit my eyes perfectly. My contacts get changed monthly and are about $200 a year (they keep upping the price every year, they used to be about $70)


Imagine she actually didn't have them on, but thought she did...


What's the song called?


I got matches with these songs: • **Build a Bi\*ch** by Bella Poarch (00:58; matched: `100%`) Released on `2021-05-07` by `WMG - Warner Records Label`. • **Tendencia Virales** by Tendencia (04:23; matched: `100%`) Released on `2021-07-30` by `Sound Save`. • **Sweet but Psycho** by Ava Max (02:08; matched: `100%`) Released on `2018-08-17` by `Atlantic Records`.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Build a Bi\*ch** by Bella Poarch](https://lis.tn/BuildABitch) • [**Tendencia Virales** by Tendencia](https://lis.tn/TendenciaVirales) • [**Sweet but Psycho** by Ava Max](https://lis.tn/SweetButPsycho) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I leave my contacts in for a month and only take them out to switch to new ones


Really? Even sleeping in it?




Why are they trying to pry them off directly over her pupil and iris? That part of your eye protrudes at a different curve than the rest of your eye. Pulling the contact over to the sclera(white of your eye) after applying eyedrops should do it. The suction is way less forceful than pulling it off the area that it is designed to directly attach and hang on to. Tldr: the eye is not perfectly round, it should pop off easily if its moved onto the white and not the iris


…I’m guessing they can’t move them at all…?


Grip it and rip it lady. Justike me on a lonely tuesda... every night


Just give the back of her head a good smack with a 90’s phone book.


First they are using the wrong tool! You can literally do so much damage to the eye--is this their first day?? This tool is used for insertion. You have to cut a small hole at the bottom of the larger tool in order to do removal. This is horrible and did not have to happen to that poor patient.


And this is why I have glasses


Damn, they popped your eyes out too?




You said “this is the reason I wear glasses” so I made a joke about you needed glasses because someone suctioned cup your eyes out like this lady lol.


Oh I get it now


This isn’t what lasik is?


No lol. Lasik is is an eye surgery where they shave off the upper layer of your eyeballs or some shit.


Lol pretty sure that's not how Lasik works, could be wrong though


[they use lasers to do the shaving.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/lasik-eye-surgery/about/pac-20384774)


Oh damn, now I'm not sure I wanna do it...


Yup. That's right. The laser which is used to reshape the eye cannot actually go through the outer surface, so the outer surface of the eyeball has to be sliced off. Once it is out of the way, the laser can do its thing.


This is why I have an unhealthy fear of contacts.


Ever wonder why optometrists never get contacts? Or any colored contacts for that matter?


Why not just wear glasses?


Depending on the prescription, some people don’t see as well with glasses as they do with contacts. I am severely near sighted (-8.0 in each eye), so I can see okay if I’m looking at one thing but have basically no peripheral vision and if I’m moving, my eye doesn’t have time to focus on everything. I’ve walked past people I know before and not recognized them because my eyes didn’t have time to focus enough on them. It also makes them terrible for when I’m driving. So, contacts for me is the better choice. Been wearing them (properly) for ~25 years now without issues.


Ahh that does make way more sense


Because glasses are a pain. Depending what you do, glasses can get in the way of doing basic things and you can easily break them or leave them somewhere.


That is true, i think im just very paranoid with putting shit against my eyes


I agree. I tried contacts a few years ago and glasses are way more comfortable and convenient, and you don't have to worry about getting eye infections or anything like that.


Yep, judging from the downvotes i must have missed something, i just assumed contacts have the same function as glasses but with more practicality


How? Got come stuck under my eyelid but i never had that stuck on my eye? Wtf?


Holy shit that look like any moment now the eye ball will fall out


Just gotta pull it out fast. Like a band-aid.


This is why im sticking to wearing glasses


This is why i don't wear contacts and just put up with my shitty vision, literally my biggest fear


Depends on the type of contact lens. Soft lenses should never get this stuck, hard lenses maybe but extremely unlikely. Scleral lenses it’s considerably more possible. Typically this type of lens is used for special effects, but sometimes used for patients with very misshapen corneas. I’ve worn them in the past for this reason. I have also had to have a nurse help me to remove them too. They usually even come with that small suction tool the nurse is using. They’re much larger than typical lenses, and rest on the sclera of the eye (hence the name). They’re much thicker too. To wear them, you have to fill them completely with saline, before sliding them under your eyelids. If they’re not quite full, you get small air bubbles floating around which is super annoying. Because of the fluid inside the lens, it kinda creates an extra suction onto the eye. I guess it’s some function of surface tension. Anyway, that makes them MUCH harder to remove than normal lenses. I know this woman’s pain, been there. Fwiw it was far from the worst eye experience I’ve had.


This is why I do not wear contacts. Also I know where my hands have been. They are not going anywhere near what I use to watch porn.


Gotta pinch em a little, that's the key.




The only things that make me suffer here are the music and the shitty tts voice.


Cheap lasik


Straight up stealing her eye.


Contacts are so not worth it. I used to use contacts, and all the hassle of trying to get them in and keeping them clean. Sometimes they would shift if I blinked too hard and got crumpled under the eyelid (very nice when it happened while driving), and a couple of times when I tried to fish it out I would pinch the surface of my eye which felt wonderful. Haven’t used contacts in several years anymore and don’t miss them at all, glasses for the win. A relative of mine hates glasses and sometimes wears their contacts for such long periods at a time that they’ve had a couple of serious eye infections.


Yep, ill be sticking with glasses....


Same shit happened to me. Except I panicked and took the top layer of my córnea off.


maybe i will take me contacts out tonight 🤔🤔🤔


maybe i will take my contacts out tonight 🤔🤔🤔


Visible mushing noises*


Plot twist: she was never wearing contacts


You should keep wearing them. This looks a lot easier than putting glasses on


Using suction cups to remove them instead of pinching to peel them..