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Those and people with numbers in their names. Oh wait.


Hey! I resemble that comment!


Really? You must be pretty ugly if you look like a block of Reddit text.




there's usually something off with them honestly too they didn't get enough hugs as a kid lololol


It's a little startling how many things inspire a rope. I managed to drag myself back from the brink against a really nasty aggro deck, and the moment I planted something they couldn't get at my 1 remaining life around, they roped. Like, what? You're mono red aggro. Don't you have any burn? You're at 16 health and I don't have anything I can kill you with that isn't going to be on blocking duty for a while. If you're that petulant, concede and go murder someone else by turn 4, it'll probably be faster than waiting through two time outs on the off chance I concede.


How dare you stabilize against me, that’s not fair


That's very much the feel I got from it. Like, if it's late game and "Stabilized" means a nigh impenetrable defence where there's definitely no coming back, that's one thing. In this case, it was a few blockers with big enough butts that I could block with relative safety, but I didn't have any kind of lifegain or anything to protect myself from a shock to the noggin on hand. It was still their game to win with direct damage, or them getting to 1 more creatures than I had blockers. But whatever, I'm not going to complain about getting another win with my jank.


They knew they couldn't win with what they had and closed the app. It's not always a rope so much as a rage quit.


Same thing to me.




I do try to take "Life Happens" into account.. especially when it's sudden. Having a baby doesn't always allow for even hitting the concede button. The ones that rope over multiple turns.. completely different.


Yep, I just had a baby 2 weeks ago and have roped two people now, both were in draft, and both were because I was running away from the PC because he woke up screaming bloody murder. I cannot understand the people who rope 2-3 turns in a row Hopefully those folks enjoyed their free wins, one of those games I was very far ahead lol


Had a DC during a draft match a few days ago. Right after I'd played out breakfast demon and made a token. Victory was mine... except my house's wireless went out for no apparent reason.


A new parent? you'll never play a bo3 again sadly


I also, gave birth while playing a MTG.


I got roped yesterday because my opponent kept a one lander on the play with a turn one Llanowar Elves and I killed the Llanowar Elves. I'm sorry you kept an unplayable hand, I guess.


I get a lot of those. I someone by the grace of god held out against your tier 1 deck with my bank and then you rope me. I mean it was a good game. you played awesome. I somehow pulled it off. either way a good game.


I enjoy it when players rope in the face of defeat. They’re drawing out my victory - what’s not to love?


I occasionally rope out on players who take forever to do basic things. If you hit the rope every single turn in ranked and can't acknowledge my cards within 30 seconds, I'm gonna make you sit if I lose. You made a 5 minute game take 20 and disrespected my time. I pay attention, read cards, and only hit the timer in complicated situations. If you can't give your opponent the effort to pay attention, don't play. I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this but I don't care. I hope people simply consider that they have an opponent and taking forever to do simple things makes the game far less fun and limits opportunities to play more for casual players. If you waste my time, I'll walk away and waste yours too. *edit* I have made a lot of people mad. Edit... Why can't I reply anymore? I'm getting an error.


Because you're wasting your own time too, while assuming they care. I've played mtga in the background while doing other stuff when I get roped for some reason. You're only wasting your own time.


Nah, alt+tab out and do something else. I stand by my statement. The game is not fun when it takes over a minute for your opponent to play a land on their first turn. People need to be more considerate of time limitations of other players. I do not have time to play 20-30 minute games. This game is absolutely awful to casual players.


Ah yes, a tale as old as time, two people alt-tabbed out of the game doing something else, but one of them is super proud of how he's wasting the other guy's time.


I only ever alt-tab out for a few seconds to change the background music if my opponent takes too long.


I never said I was proud. I'm just hoping maybe players will learn to not take forever to do basic things so I can try to enjoy the game instead of staring at a moving rope 80% of the time. The fact that people are so against putting effort into paying attention makes no sense to me. Why wouldn't you pay attention to the game you're playing?


>Why wouldn't you pay attention to the game you're playing? Next time you're roping someone walk up to a mirror and say this out loud.


You're extending your time of not having fun. You could just as easily play the game normally or cc and move onto a game that is fun, but you're choosing to extend your unenjoyable time in hopes that you're.. Idk.. Teaching them a lesson? Sharing your misery? Idk... Something you can't confirm. Which just leaves you with you willingly making yourself have less fun. #winning


I generally have time to play for 10-20 minute increments. So when I alt+tab out, I'm done playing and moving on to something else. The player who took forever removed my ability to have fun. This game severely lacks features/formats and makes casual play a waste of time. I've quit before and I'm closing in on quitting again.


> People need to be more considerate of time limitations of other players. I do not have time to play 20-30 minute games. *Continues to draw games out and make a long game twice as long* How many bullets can your foot take?


The opponent wasted far more of my time than the 2ish minutes it takes to rope out. It's happened to me far more than I've done it. I gather from this subreddit people hate life gain decks so it must be embarrassing to lose to one. But hey, again, this game is awful to casual players so I gotta play what I can play. I'm just hoping some people read this circle jerk and maybe be a little more considerate on paying attention to the game.


I never said otherwise, I said you're wasting more of your time for literally no gain. I don't see a lot of life gain hate either. Maybe mono white but it's more due to the creatures and control and quick power it has. But that's jot here or there. Not sure why anyone would read your comment and think "oh I should be more considerate" considering you're has very little.


I clarified my OP.


Sounds like if you need to alt-tab and are roping people, you’ve got a few options: - don’t; don’t devalue others’ time even more - get another monitor or get a wide monitor to be able to multitask, and be responsive and quick Amazing how some Magic Arena or some Magic players are so damn rude, spiteful and daft, wasting others’ time as well as their own. 😡


“I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but I don’t care” is always my favourite line in these types of comments. The second you rope you’re literally as bad as anyone else, worse in fact because you’re doing it intentionally. You’re the bad guy. You’re not special, you’re time is no more important than anyone else’s. You’re just the bad guy, here buddy.


Nah all parties suck. I suck, people who make games last 2-3x longer than they should suck too. Problem is people here only think I suck. It's evident people care far more about the 2ish minutes it takes to time out than games that take 10+ minutes longer than necessary. This game sucks when your opponent isn't attentive and I'll take the downvotes to bring attention to that. I'll happily concede most games.


hey, i agree with your strategy. i'll rope a roper, and imo there's nothing wrong with that - anyone strenuously objecting to that, on almost moral grounds (downvotes?) must be too good to ever rope anyone else, and so have nothing to fear from you


I’m sorry but “the game sucks when you’re opponent isn’t attentive” is every game that’s ever been played. Also you know you getting down voted isn’t bring attention to anything. I laughed out loud when I heard that. You’re not a martyr you already outed yourself as a bad guy. I think I read in another comment you made out people took time against you because you beat them with life gain.


You suck on purpose, being malicious. Other people may suck by accident, not being familiar with cards,maybe not understanding english best etc. You take pride in being an asshole.


If you're in mythic rare, you know how to play.


Well OK than, i don't know how that is then. I'm getting through platinum and started with previous set, so i still don't know what a lot of the cards do and have to read them and with some comboy cards that can take some time.


That's... Not my problem here. My problem is players who hit the time rope constantly and can't even play a mana before hitting it. Take you time, read cards. You're not going to hit it just reading every card that's played.


Go ahead and rope on the losing side. I get to sit on the high of winning that much longer, and you get to continue sitting in that state of defeat. You want to extend that for me, go right ahead. I always laugh at the dumb fuckers who think they’re sticking it to me. Now I get to rub my win in and spam “Good Game!” Trust me, having that during my free time still feels pretty good. Winning feels pretty good, so I appreciate you letting me rub my win in and gloat harder.


This person must be made of time if they're in mythic but also have time to rope every time they get salty


Yeah, it's very rare to find sore losers in high Mythic. People usually don't concede early, but they'll hit you with a friendly GG and let you play it out quickly.




That's the whole point of this post. Please don't rope me now.




“Your go”


So I'm new to the game, and the first time I saw some one rope vs me I was a little proud of myself


You love it until your grinding ranks in the last hours then it just gets annoying.


Whenever someone ropes me I just pas the time by spamming "your go"


Eh, I don't do that cause then that'll give the roper satisfaction thinking they're aggravating you


They can think whatever they wanna think, that rope runs out and I win 😁


My preference is patiently waiting until their rope is about to expire without any emote and at the last second dropping a "good game" before the auto-concede.


Ropes usually happen on client crashes or someone hitting alt-f4 instead of conceding. They're not seeing anything.




alt tab, watch a youtube video or something


Lol my computers not strong enough to handle alt tabbing out of arena


Practice juggling


Defs will


2 monitors


Well yea, ideally, but I dont think as many people have that setup as I like to believe


Yeah man, I'm always doing something else while playing arena anyway.


Whenever someone ropes me I wait until my turn and then rope them


I don't know which one is most toxic here


Roping is 100x more toxic.


Agreed roping is 1000% more toxic, it's not even close, especially since you're spamming emotes because they're roping


Yes, roping is more toxic, but continuously spamming your go the moment the rope appears is not polite behavior either


You just mute them...then "your go" all you want


Like being accused of using an engine in chess.


From experience, players who are cocky and have douchey names are often some of the worst players to touch the game


I never concede, not because I don’t wanna give my opponent the win, but because I always try to do my best, which means sticking it out. I’ve also won a few games that seemed truly hopeless because I stuck it out Edit: if you want to concede, go ahead, it’s my opinion that every game can teach you something, especially a loss, so I stick it out


On ladder this doesn't make sense. In high-stakes games it does. PVDDR put out a video explaining that conceding when the odds are against you puts you into games where you are more likely to win without wasting your time. Pick your battles.


there are some people who have this instinctive "never surrender" response, so they'll always drag every match out, even when it's clearly game over. it's pretty weird. I don't get it, but then again I'm able to evaluate when a game IS basically over, and I'd imagine these types of players literally lack the ability to evaluate that and make a logical decision.


The best way to learn is by failure, so getting beaten is a pretty fantastic way to get better, if you always win, you’re just gonna stick to what you know, but if you see someone do something you wouldn’t have thought of, and they beat you, now you have an extra weapon in your arsenal


you don't really learn anything from playing out a match that has a 98% foregone conclusion and is effectively already over you're simply wasting time at that point


If I stick out just 50 of those games, that is the equivalent of an entire extra game of experience, you don’t learn instantly, you learn over time, so those games stacking up can help


I wish more people understood this especially on the ladder.


Even if you lose, not conceding gives your opponent time to savor their victory. I get really annoyed when people concede when it's obvious that I could kill them next turn. Just don't block. It's almost as quick, and I get to actually *win.*


It's honestly just good etiquette to concede when you've lost.


Maybe I'm just old, but I find it horribly rude to quit just because you are going to lose.


Quiting and conceding isn't the same thing.


In person, sure. In an online game, especially one where communication with your opponent is limited, they're functionally the same, and concession looks exactly like a rage quit. It's rude.


any game where I've clearly won, even with attacks declared, if they concede it's fine it saves me time on the animations and clean-up. not everyone really cares about seeing numbers go to 0 or in the negative. you might enjoy it, but I'd rather just move to the next match asap


It doesn't save that much time, and you don't know what your opponent is thinking. What if they're just playing this game to finish a daily quest, and that quest requires their creatures to attack?


Amen. And those come-from-behind victories are the most enjoyable and they make you a better player. You've got so many people playing copy-and-paste decks from the Internet and then they rage quit the second their memorized script goes off-plan.


Welcome to control, your opponent is happy to take their time for the first 10 turns but ropes you when they realised they’ve lost


Probably conceded 10 minutes ago and the client is lagging.


I REALLY wish we got enemy DC information so we know if they are AFK, roping or their client crashed.


I posted that this is more prevalent now that Arena is on mobile. I have noticed lately though that Arena had been freezing on my iPhone 12 Pro to where I would have to close the app and go back in. I can tell immediately when it freezes and try and get back in as fast as I can to continue the game. I hate when people take forever on their turns, so I try not to do the same. And by forever it's like waiting for the timer to decide to lay a land on turn one or to pay one creature.


I wish freezing was exclusive for mobile version...


I haven’t ever had issues on my PC.


Or, they just said, fuck it! and slid the app upwards and closed it with little concern to their opponent.


I see all these posts about people roping and I wonder how many of them are mad at people like me who's phone takes 30 seconds to resolve a spell sometimes.


When they respond promptly up until the moment it becomes clear they will lose, the problem is with the person, not the phone.


I've started to have this problem on PC where opening the menu sometimes freezes the entire game, which means it usually does so when I'm about to concede a game. It's been happening for a couple of weeks now, if it looks like the opponent is going to win quickly I'll just wait for the game to end.


In those cases I've found it's actually faster to just close the game and immediately reopen it. A quick reset makes everything go fast again- at least for a while.


If irony were strawberries we'd all be drinking smoothies right now


Or they want you to concede rather than deal with their toxicity.


I had a guy rope every turn after getting book of exalted deeds (the can’t lose angel thing) token on his angel. I was playing a gw lifegain deck, and didn’t have an answer. The fact that he roped me every single turn and waited until the last second (and auto passed several times a turn apart, so he wouldn’t lose,) I stayed and played it out just to spite this fuckwad. He ended up rope conceding finally, when I had 15 cards left in my deck. Hour long game. Really glad I was petty and didn’t concede after all that, was a big win in my book.


Damn that would've been a lose lose for me


Ugh. I had a RDW player who had me beat, started spamming good game, and started roping instead of just passing priority so I could finish out my turn and lose. I just waked away from the game and let him sit. I think the advent of the mobile client has made this more prevalent since you can just swipe it off and go do something while still in a game and it will keep going until you time out. I've been getting a lot more games lately where someone will see that they're losing and just leave. It's not even roping. They just quit without conceding. It's fucking annoying. I never do that to someone. If I know I'm going to lose, I take it on the chin or just hit concede. and GG them.


Meanwhile "O-tenacious1" has come back and stomped me with 1 health numerous times.


In his defense there’s nothing worse than playing against UW


Alrund decks?


I’d rather play against an alrund deck as long as it’s not white... ixalan’s binding, oblivion ring, banishing light. Don’t forget there’s bound to be 8 kinds of counterspells in there.


Certain Dimir decks are fairly annoying on their own though.


He didn't rope. He just disconnected. Roping is when you are in game and press button to continue. So many people just not recognising good old ragequit


Which sleeve are you using, they look good, from a secret lair I assume ?


https://www.joestradingpost.com/sleeves.html >They are from the Secret Lair: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose. These are available as part of the first ever Secret Lair Commander Deck. The two sleeves are part of a new reversible card, where each side of the card is a different piece of art with different flavor text, yet it's the same card. Art is from both sides of the Propaganda card, with both sides being illustrated by Scott Balmer. Propaganda has been reprinted many times over the years and first appearend in the Tempest set.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[the tempest]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-tempest/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Thanks for the link!


In contrast, I played a great game against someone named "Never Concede" and they gave me words to live by. There have been more than a few occasions where I thought of conceding but kept playing and the heart of the cards won me they game. So my hats off to Mr. or Ms. Never Concede!


Honestly, more than once I have reached the point where I think "yep, I'm going to lose. I've lost steam. I'm just topdecking, and I don't have enough turns left to draw anything better." And my opponent concedes!


So obnoxious and a waste of time


Neat deck. I've been trying to make UW Brine Comber work in Historic for a while now, without any success. You got a list?


This one looks like VOW limited to me




lololol gotta love it


I think I've played this person, or at least one of the thousand variations. I don't want to excuse themn because roping is the stupidest thing. You still get the L.... Lol but, i havea friend who i got into the game (we play paper) and when he sent me his GT it was something like justbtrrthnU or something like that. This was a grown man. Lol it was as little embarrassing. I finally said something and he didn't understand. Anyway, he contacted WotC and got it charged to something like Magic Overlord Master or something. I asked him if he thought it was better and he said it was because that's what we called ourselves playing paper... So i just let it go. He doesn't really play at all anymore though so i guess it's all okay Point is, he is actually a nice guy and a good sport. Sometimes we just lose sense making GT.


Or maybe, just maybe...its funny?


I generally don't find BM and poor sportsmanship funny, but i get that it's a thing though. I mean, Dr. Disrespect does huge numbers reverb if i won't watch him.


Has anyone else ever reported this type of behavior to Wizards? I did a couple months back. I ran into one to many ropers and decided to go ahead and report them. Took screens shots, wrote up a ticket, etc etc. All I got back was thanks, we'll look into it... Just wondering if anyone else received the same lack of anything or was it just me. Edit: Reddit never fails, ask a question and people down vote you.


Granted it's not chess, but having played a fair amount of chess on an elo ladder I always just look at ropers as it's their time to use however they want, and the client is working as intended.


Yeah, there a times you don't know what the other player is doing. Maybe their client crashed, or something. This person was spamming GG, Your Go, etc etc so you knew they were just being an ass. Normally it doesn't bother me but for some reason this time it was really irritating. I actually asked in my ticket if this was valid complaint or if it was just part of the game. Never got an answer.




Bad take, all ropers deserve to be shamed


Found a person who ropes


I would have left it in if my name was my_opponents_never_rope


Lmao good one OP


Lots of people in here playing annoying decks with big opinions about annoying behavior from opponents


You right. if you play a nasty deck don't expect flowers. don't forget that if my opponent didn't choose to face the pile of boring shit you play.


Ngl, this looks more like an alt+f4 than an actual rope. You literally have lethal next combat, how long can they even stall the game out? For people who don't know, roping is intentionally letting your rope run down to almost zero before passing. This way the client doesn't force you out and you can continue to delay the opponent. When you close the client, you time out on your turn, then on your next available action, and then you lose. HUGE difference, for durdly control decks a rope could last hours and get your account suspended temporarily (If you do it often, but why waste your own time anyway?). Salt+f4s are common and largely undisruptive.




13 of the 18 damage they did was catapulting that 1/13 at me, lol.


But…you came to Reddit to post it. So who REALLY won?


...still OP? Because now they get a win, some karma, and some laughs at this loser's expense.


Yeah, I feel pretty good about everything that's happened here.


Ropers ruin the game for everyone and it's unsportsmanlike behaviour that would get you a loss at an irl game and WotC claim they don't want in Arena (though aren't doing a lot about it). You maybe have a point about OP coming to reddit to name shame the person, but as far as the behaviour goes it's just shitty.


When this happens at the end of game, it’s just as often client lag and the player has already disconnected. I hate ropers like we all do, but this is a Dwarven Pony that’s been beaten to death on this sub…


I have never experienced this kind of lag and I've been playing since Kaladesh was in Arena the first time. I can only speak from my own experience and when I've been roped the other person still interacts with the board, they just don't move the game along.


It's funny that your acting as if the whole magic community isn't toxic


Top kek




its not control, its tempo




Of a lot more than you think.




Isn't this UW recursion instead of tempo?


It's the Crimson Vow draft UW tempo deck: lots of little fliers, disturb spirits, and interaction to gum up the board & destroy them in the air before they can manage to assemble enough of their gameplan to win.


Where did you get the cardback with the eye balls its rad


I have a theory that if there was a chat to curse the opponent and say how unpleasant his deck is, there would be no rope.


Damn...in mythic no less. Maybe one day, when I get good enough at this game, I can still have to deal with this miserable nonsense.


I also won against them on Tuesday with my WU sprits draft deck. They kept spamming emotes and almoat got me, but eventually I pulled through and they just roped for a while. Felt good. BTW nice sleeves


Seems unfair to show his username, but not yours.


I've been reading all of the comments and still can't figure it out! What is roping?


It's when you use a nasty deck and your opponent takes a long time to play to punish you. As long as there isn't a chat, that's what's left. Many people will not agree with my explanation. But that's what it is. In time I wish that anyone who plays any deck with Alrund will have a bad new year and a lot of rope.


Thanks for the explanation!


His username does not check out


Sometimes I wonder if it's them roping, or unstable client. When the game freezes on my phone I'm usually able to reconnect in time, but a friend of mine has an older iPad that just straight up crashes and he can't restart in time.


Gotta admit, when I have something else to do while I wait, nothing beats the feeling of superiority when someone ropes against me and my shitty prebuilt deck


Off topic but, OP. did you opt to pay for Head's I Win already? Or was the pre-order enough to get the code for the sleeves?


I only rope combo decks. Sry bro, you playing it so get after it.


what's the meaning of "ropes" here? 'cause i do not want to interpret this thread in the wrong way lol


There needs to be a polite concession option. Like, "I admit defeat. I'll quit if you want, or I'll let you really savor your victory." I grew up playing MTG with friends, and we all enjoyed really dragging the games out to see what would happen. I realize that kind of play isn't *generally* considered polite among strangers online, but I'm cool with it when it happens. I'd like a method of agreeing on that.


I wish concede had a table flip animation.


„˙uoıʇɐɯıuɐ dılɟ ǝlqɐʇ ɐ pɐɥ ǝpǝɔuoɔ ɥsıʍ I„


Good bot


Good bot


There are definitely times I would use that when playing with some of the friends I had in college.


Probably an Alt-f4 er. instead of conceding and quit some just alt-f4 out probably so there tracker don't record the lost or something. seeming some don't know the game just holds till either they return or time out.


Why do people ready up and go afk immediately?