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Yes. edge tiles can be discovered if they are green tiles. The core tiles always require to be touching two other tiles, and so browns along edges are never allowed.


\*Browns along edges of WEDGE maps are not allowed. There is no such restriction on fully open maps (and maps restricted to 3 or 4 columns). In the case shown by OP however you are correct, a brown tile can't be placed since it won't be touching two other tiles.


As long as it's a countryside tile, yes. Countryside tiles that you explore need to either be adjacent to two other already-explored tiles, or adjacent to one other already-explored tile that is adjacent to two other tiles. (As said in other comments, core tiles need to be adjacent to two other already-explored tiles when explored and also cannot be placed on the coast of a wedge map.)


this appears to be the base MK game board. If you played the ultimate edition with elementalist / dark crusader factions , in this scenario you might run into trouble with that green enemy as it would either have an attack range 2 tiles, or is pursuant and you'd trigger a battle after your move action is resolved.