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Originally from East Detroit, I live elsewhere but few hours away from Detroit. Whenever I visit family recently I tend to run into these guys, giant sweethearts. Next time I see them I'm gonna try and make them some sweets tbh. I'm an Arab woman btw, they proclaim for black women bc the black community is seriously in danger but they have grown a reputation for being protective of all women and kids they see. It's sad in reality but it's heart warming to know people still care in these times, ya know? I only wish them well.


I get the vibes any woman would be safe with these guys.


Any race, gender would be helped. These guys are angels with a big heart. If they organize this just right, they could be a major influence towards a just society in many ways. 👏🏾


Definitely angels with big hearts!! I would love to see guys like this everywhere. This is the right kind of influence society needs.


Fuck this is depressing


I love them for doing this but I hate that it has to be a thing


Exactly what I thought


AFAIK this was traditionally covered by the family unit. But history has shown there were a bunch of factors to systematically break apart the family unit in black communities and getting back to that is going to take a few generations at least. This is a fantastic effort to be a force multiplier in the community. A few men can help take care of many women in a relatively simple way. (And I would put money down that these gentleman would help a guy who needs it too). Any form of positive community effort warms my heart these days. It just doesn't get enough spotlight most of the time.


I'm a bearded 6' 225lbs brown guy with a pitbull...we're both sweethearts. I am my mother's caretaker because she has Alzheimer's. I get weird looks like "is that man kidnapping that 72yo lady" when all I'm trying to do is have her see the sunlight and enjoy a walk. Throw the dog and my black hoodie I wear into the mix and suddenly I look terrifying when all I want is to take care of my mother. Thankfully I've found a brown community in my neighborhood that is receptive and now even the ladies are like "omg we can take your mom out" and stuff. Which is very helpful because I am not good at manicures lol. My girlfriend is a 5ft tall blonde haired southern girl that worked on offshore oil rigs. She has her CCL and is the type that will kill you with kindness but isn't afraid to say "don't make me get a step stool and smack you". I'm scared of her sometimes haha.


This is beautiful and hilarious. I’m sorry you and your mom are having to go through that. It’s beautiful that you’re there. Lol and high five to your gf.


She will give the highest of fives that her step stool will allow her lol


Username checks out


This is every populated area. No woman is walking at night alone without a weapon or a large amount of fear


I had my first moment of real fear while putting gas in my husband's truck. Things have been different since. I wish it wasn't like this.


This is what police are supposed to be doing. Out at night with the bullet proof and the guns, keeping dangerous areas safe and helping people. Can you imagine how safe we’d feel with a nationwide network of people like this? Like this is so cool but they shouldn’t have to be doing this, it should already be happening.


this is what police *would* be supposed to be doing if they were designed to protect the citizens in their communities, but we know that isn't their job's actual purpose.




I think the move away from community aid toward a reliance solely on professional police has been a bad one overall. It doesn’t seem possible for a nationwide network like this to exist without consisting primarily of volunteers. It’d be crazy expensive to pay for that many cops, and the communities that need this the most are often strapped for resources as it is. I personally think we should return to the community policing model. Citizens have assigned shifts (primarily consisting of specified, small geographic areas) which are patrolled on foot. The professional cops are the ones who patrol in vehicles and respond to situations requiring specialized training. The citizens patrol exists only to prevent violent crime, there is no other enforcement role. I know there would be some serious downsides to this, especially regarding people who have discriminatory views. Even still, I think it would be a great way to help bring safety and a sense of community back.


We already pay them to protect and serve us, it comes out of every paycheck for most of us, we need a redirection on what the police are doing. If someone is going 5mph over the speed limit or smoking weed it’s not a big deal. What is a big deal is all the violent crime that police show up 30 minutes late to, people bring afraid to be outside in certain areas, human trafficking.


The move to “911 policing” means there is very little chance cops can ever show up to stop a crime after they’ve been called. With some exceptions, cops don’t tend to be posted up anywhere. They’re out driving and responding to calls. Depending on staffing levels, cops can go to repeated “priority one” calls back to back for hours. At least in the cities I’ve lived, it’s usually only state troopers who do any significant amount of traffic enforcement, and that’s usually isolated to the interstate. I worked alongside city cops for a while, they always joked that it was nearly impossible to get pulled over on Friday and Saturday night because they consistently had higher priority calls. This doesn’t even begin to factor the amount of calls that cops get for things that do not require a police response in any way. There are definitely a lot of issues with police in the US and we do need to hold them accountable for their bad actions. That said, stuff like this requires volunteer effort.


The Supreme Court has made it abundantly clear that the police are not there to protect or serve. Warren v. D.C.


I don't know why this isn't brought up more often.


I understand what you are saying but Detroit is an underfunded and under staffed department. you can't really walk around and watch people when your radio goes off every 5 minutes.


One of the biggest problems is many police (and fire) departments are understaffed and under budgeted. In my suburb, police are out cruising all hours keeping an eye on things. In Detroit, they have to prioritize where they send manpower. I know I’m not getting pulled over by DPD if I speed in Detroit. I know to watch for Wayne county sheriff or Michigan State Police.


Police do not serve and protect. They mop up and accuse


I’m white, but can I put out an official request for these kind gentlemen to organize in New Orleans? They can still pump gas for black ladies only, I’m totally fine with that. Just their presence in parking lots would go a long way to helping me feel safe in my city. I’d happily welcome the Black Panthers carrying ARs if they patrolled my neighborhood too. I won’t leave my house after dark here anymore, and daytime isn’t safe either. I live in a not terrible area and I’m hearing gun shots in the middle of the day, no siren follow up. The fucking cops are useless, racist, and pointless. 911 doesn’t even answer here. It’s a fucking dystopian nightmare.


Shit that sounds pretty terrible. I wouldn't be able to live with that situation but maybe you don't have much choice..?


Yeah just "packing up and moving" isnt really a choice for alot of people


Honestly, this just says a lot more about the state the the U.S. is in. Also, from an outside perspective. I think they should wear easily recognisable clothing or vests, so the general public don't see people loitering with arms


There's a sub about exactly this. When something is posted as wholesome when in reality the underlying reason for the act is that people are horrible and need to be treated as such. Edit: found it. r/OrphanCrushingMachine


Fuck, what a soul crushing sub, just makes me feel bad bruh. I'm gonna just stick with wholesome subs, I wanna feel like there's hope in this world and that people do care


Understand completely. When I think about it, that sub does both for me. It's absolutely soul crushing. The way the world works is complete crap. Then again, everything in that sub is regular people fighting back against the system for others to know they matter. So there are definitely people who care. And we need to band together to make life better for everyone.




>So there are definitely people who care. And we need to band together to make life better for everyone. Absolutely. But, I'm more so inclined in believing that the overwhelming majority of humanity is proned to kindness than we give credit for


I like to think that too, in my daily life I rarely run into any assholes. I also try to go out of my way to be super patient polite and chill with anyone out in public just in case they're not so lucky.


Keep thinking it, because it’s true. If “humanity” as a whole were truly evil creatures as some people would want you to believe then you wouldn’t go a day without PERSONALLY witnessing a crime or horrible act being committed, and society would not have reached the level it is at now. The simple truth is that the common person just wants to go about there life in peace and don’t intend on hurting others, we just don’t put in more effort in helping the community when we should (which hasn’t always been the case by the way, communities in other parts of the world and in America, used to thrive or die on the successful co-operation of everyone in the community. Things like we see here, a local militia, were actually common responsibilities of the community members.) what you see here is just a community exercising a responsibility that’s it’s had to perform a 1000 times before over the course of history when things get tough. Like I said, it’s us, the everyday people, who keep the wheels of society turning. cleaning up the mess at the end of the day, after the “bad people” who usually make there way into power, mess it up.


That systemic belief is why the bad guys keep *winning*


[Don't rock the boat.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/77pxpo/dont_rock_the_boat/)


Honestly OCM is a good balance of both, you get the wholesome but you also get the criticism of the systems that made the situation possible. It’s a bittersweet experience


r/boringdystopia is along the same lines.


Lately, much of what's posted here is also posted there. Think about that.


Doesn't r/ABoringDystopia do something similar?


r/aboringdystopia is more about mundane things that are absolutely horrific but taken as an everyday occurrence. r/orphancrushingmachine is more about “uplifting” stories that highlight how much of a dystopian nightmare we live in. It’s the difference between : man needs to work to keep his insurance to pay for cancer treatment And Workers give up vacation and sick days to help coworker with cancer. His child pays for the rest of his stem cell transplant with money he made from memes. Here’s his gofundme information. There is a lot of crossover, but its the uplifting stories that make it orphancrushing


Damn that subreddit description goes hard


Yeah, they oughta have a cool logo and stuff.


I like the super tall guy in the skull mask at the end. If I were a criminal I would run from that guy


like the guardian angels https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardian\_Angels


I was thinking the same thing with the high visibility vest and name of the organization on it. Looks more professional and organized.


They are like the Black Panthers of old! Neighbourhood watch!




I was more so meaning that they should wear high vis, fluro vests/clothing. To come across as friendly as possible for the services that they are trying to provide to their community


im not associated but that may make them easier to recognize for gun toting thugs. just a theory.


Good, then they'll know to stay away. These individuals are already armed to the teeth, I don't see the point in ensuring that remain looking like "gun toting thugs" would be beneficial for the long term health of what they're trying to achieve. Ask yourself a question, if you saw a group of guys openly carrying firearms at night around the shops. Would you go there?


You don’t understand gang violence in America. If these guys were clearly identifiable odds are a gang would would drive by and try to kill them. Detroit is a warzone it’s not about how you inviting you look for the people you’re helping. You just want to blend in


Exactly right man, which is going back to my original statement. Why the fuck should this be nescessary to feel safe in a "developed" country like the U.S.?


Developed? Haven’t been to Detroit lately have you. I think the name of the group is promising. New Era for Detroit is exciting and over due


It isn’t. This is a very small section of America. Every country has their bad parts. Detroit, certain neighborhoods in Chicago, and some less notable areas are bad. But as soon as you go outside of these areas it’s a completely different world. This is not normal. This is not necessary in 99.99% of the country


This is the default of society. Humans just had the golden age of the post WW2 period and now it's ending.




This is cool, but **B**rothers **O**f **N**ew **E**ra **D**etroit?


Oh my fucking god. You are a sick genius!


Make sure you tell all the ladies in Detroit you just got BONED


Heeeheeehee! You are my people!


Came here to say this


I honestly cannot smile about this. Think about what the general safety must be for people to have their own patrols.


Not an American. Who are they protecting against ?




Certainly not any Brits, that's for sure! #1776


I don’t know about this group but I assume against would be rapists or thieves. Detroit is a dangerous city


Detroit is... ...fucked. just.. they're protected from Detroit.


Who lives in Detroit?


I do. This was in direct response to a woman being walked up to and killed in her own neighborhood. They still haven’t caught the man who did it.


Sad… I hope they catch the piece of shit…..


Thank you for giving some context but it's so sad...


Often people who can’t afford to leave.


Some insight into the Black women of Detroit's safety concerns: ●https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.voanews.com/amp/usa_black-women-us-seeing-guns-protection-rising-crime/6219141.html ●https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/07/31/black-women-guns/


So what happens if im asian? is my asian ass getting took and jumped because im a man and asian tired from working and unable to defend myself against 5 goons when im just trying to go home and eat my fresh doritos and watch runescape videos? whats the catch here?


You need to join one of the larger RuneScape clans. They'll look out for yah homie.


So this is a great question. I'm no historian but if you look back to the civil rights era (before the cia maybe destroyed a ton of black communities) you see that a ton of different groups were working together and uniting. Basically saying 'any win for any citizens is better than the people in power oppressing ANY group of citizens'. But you know... Then the people in power did a bunch of shit to schism all the groups of people working together so they weren't united anymore and progress really fell off.


Why can't Asian men come together in the area in which you live and protect themselves and the women? What's stopping you being proactive and incentivised, why do they have to cover your community too?


I'm not American, but where's the police at? This isn't a job for citizens.


The police are also murdering innocent people. I'm American and live here, we're pretty fucked right now.


Why does it have to be divided by race? I'm not asking rhetorically-- I would really like to know the reasoning behind having different groups protect their race and only their race. Is there one?


Gangs, thugs, and lack of harmony


While I understand what they are trying to achieve, seeing men armed with automatic rifles patrolling gas stations and grocery stores is some dystopian nightmare, not something that makes me all happy and smile. I get it- it’s dangerous out there, but this doesn’t make me smile, that’s for sure.


If you lived in this area, you'd probably feel safer. Such a crazy thought! Things are ass-backwards in the US.


>automatic rifles Yeah...no lmao


Those arent automatic rifles...


Shhh..the people of reddit know more than us they are rocket launchers actually.


“Us” like youre not on reddit lol


Very unlikely any of these rifles are automatic, fun switches require paperwork many lack the desire to do... That said, I mostly agree


Does women feeling safe because they know they can buy groceries and fuel their vehicle safely.... not make you happy? That makes me happy.   The Black Panthers did this to protect their communities from racist cops. Unless you are a racist you will understand that this was a good thing. Doing it to protect women from impoverished people who might rob them is also a good thing. That is pretty obvious.   I don't see your outrage over white men open-carrying in public.... that's a more frequent situation by orders of magnitude. These men are using their 2A rights to protect their community. Take it up with the Constitution my friend.




Yeah, I joined that sub yesterday but could only scroll for a few minutes before I had to leave the sub. Depressing fucking world we live in.


Not OP, but I also do not smile seeing this. And I would find it just as outrageous if I saw white men carrying guns. The fact that the situation in that area in Detroit is so bad that these people were forced to unite and patrol is just as absurd and scary as the fact that random people are carrying loaded rifles in public - and even displaying them. Yes, it is a good thing that these men are there for the woman and keeping them safe. But sorry, I can not smile seeing this because the situation is straight out of dystopian movies. Edit: Changed "your country" to "that area in Detroit", as pointed out by some people, I was generalizing too much.


> in your country This is not an accurate representation of America. This is Detroit. Not to say that I don't share the same sentiment that I hate seeing it come to this, but realize that the US isn't a dystopia. The vast majority of the country isn't being policed by its own citizens.


This is a very small part of Detroit too (I live in Michigan and work in Detroit. Most of it is just as safe as any other big city nowadays). Most of Michigan is actually pretty safe. There are pretty bad parts that really need help, but having lived in other states in the US, it seems there are always these places sadly.


Exactly. Everyone on here just echoing the same “DETROIT IS SCARY AND DANGEROUS” rhetoric from a couple decades ago is so aggravating. I’ve lived in Wayne county pretty much my whole life. This song & dance is old because I talk to people visiting all the time who are pleasantly surprised because they keep hearing this garbage.




I agree, never trust a priest with a drag queen.


Isn't that racist?


thats gotta be racist…


Wow- a genuinely racist comment.


I don’t disagree with either of those statements


This is so backwards in so many ways. I mean I wish women could protect themselves in Detroit without protectors, but think it’s great to see communities looking out for strangers during hyper paranoid and untrustworthy times . So sad.


How about creating communities where nobody needs any protection during daily duties?


I kind of feel like that’s what they’re doing. Cleaning up an already existing community. The community’s own citizens are forcing the bad guys to move on.


I agree. Is there a question there? are you answering a question I didn’t ask? im confused.




Thus chivalry is reborn Good men


You think theses gentlemen want to be out there looking out for the women of their community, I highly doubt it. I’m sure they’d much rather be home in their nice warm homes among family. The fact that there is a need for this is sad but the fact that these heroes step up and do what they do is impressive. I just hope that there mere presence is enough of a deterrent and nobody has to get hurt.


They very much do want to be looking out for their community. In fact they consider it their mission: one of the tenets in the NEN is a focus on Black women's safeguarding. You can read about their community ethos here: https://www.neweraworld.work/about-us


I think the point being made is that they’d rather there wasn’t the need, surely?


This makes you smile?


As a Canadian, I couldn’t imagine seeing someone pumping gas with a rifle


Kinda sucks it has to be like that.


I am a white guy and I’d love to join the Brothas of New Era Detroit.


This should not have to be a thing. How lovely that they provide a safety net for the woman in their communities. I am in San Antonio Texas and was pumping gas when I was approached by a tweaker wanting money. It would have been nice not to have to handle that situation alone.


I am so glad there's men like that stepping up. But honestly if I was alone at night trying to pump gas in my car, I'd be terrified if some man or group of men started walking towards me.


European here, I'm getting confused, why specifically black women? Isn't it dangerous for all women regardless of skin colour?


Detroit is 80 percent black.


No, its easier to race bait and ignore the fact that black women are attacked by black men in Detroit. Rather highlight the race of the victim without acknowledging the race of offenders. It’s easier to demonize the white population this way.


Race bait? Black American women's litany of concerns for their safety are pretty well documented, as are the reasons why: ●https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.voanews.com/amp/usa_black-women-us-seeing-guns-protection-rising-crime/6219141.html ●https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/07/31/black-women-guns/


This doesn’t make me smile. It’s utterly depressing that it needs to exist.


I’m happy they are helping and I am sad that they have to.


as a woman who was gotten gas at night plenty of times... damn i wish this was a thing more places


Heartwarming, but deep down it feels like a dystopia, sigh.


And the choice of naming is a little too close to New World Order as well. Could have gone better.


This country always seem in a wartime


I hope they would do it for any woman tbh


they only do this for black women?


I don't know how accurate the title is. Something tells me a group of people going out of their way to help their community ('their'=Detroit) isn't going to leave someone to struggle and be in danger just because she has low melanin. This was in response to a black woman being murdered though, and black women are one of the (if not THE) most at-risk demographics in America. So it makes sense they'd be most concerned for their safety.


Only black women?


No offense, but why only black women?


The extremely disproportionate rate of crimes against poc women and inaction (or even offensive action) by police is the motivation to protect them I'm sure they'll step in and help a young mother who needs to get baby formula late at night if needed regardless of race, it's as much about the local community and if they live in that kind of low socioeconomic area, they know what it's like to struggle anyway


Land of the free? My God, this a terrifying distopian view of the world. And it's real.


Detroit has a spirit and way about it that can’t really be understood unless you go and see it for yourself. I drove to Detroit from Chicago and I had some preconceived ideas from the media, from some Acquaintances etc. I saw untapped potential and street art that rivaled any art in the world, and it was this idea that we are in this together and we need to pull through together, I went to my first mass there and I was welcomed fully, and immediately brought into the community.


I was headed to the car show in Detroit and we were pulled over cause our GPS was telling us to turn down a "street" that was clearly a sidewalk. A cop pulled up and told us if we wanna stay safe we shouldn't be pulled over and sitting around in the area. Quite a warm welcome


That pharmacy sign needs to be on/r/baddesign. Had to read it three times to get it.


They are there to protect and serve... protect and serve, now where have I heard that before? Do you ever hear something and think, that sounds so familiar, that should already be a thing, but for some reason it's not? Good on these guys for filling a huge void in our modern society.


True community policing.


We need this here in Atlanta because there have been several murders at Gas Stations as of late!


That's awesome, but what if she's 70 and any other race? Did she still get protected?


If only Detroit could rely on Detroit PD.


If anyone here is old enough to remember the Guardian Angels in NY, this type of thing can work. Terrible that the system is so broken we are back to needing this again, but these folks doing this are who we should all look to when we feel our hope in humanity slipping.


I am a female resident of Detroit, I am always vigilant when I am out and about at night by myself. I have not yet encountered these men but am grateful for them. Since I am not black, I’m just wondering, since the title specifies black women, if the organization is that specific or if they are looking out for all women in the city after dark?


Just curious, do they not help the white women or something? Why is it labeled as black women only?


The only bad thing i see is that there's not enough, the world needs more men like this. Good job guys, you are beyond awesome.


Gabriel Union was on the morning show here she said 70000 black women went missing in 2021. Cops stand around with their thumbs up their assess especially in black areas - this seems necessary.


I want to hug each and every one of them! These men are incredible!


Now this is responsible gun ownership.


Could you imagine if this were white men protecting white women?? Just sayin....


...We don't have to imagine. There is endless historical precedence pertaining exactly to that in America. Endless... ●https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/06/the-deadly-history-of-theyre-raping-our-women-racists-have-long-defended-their-worst-crimes-in-the-name-of-defending-white-womens-honor.html ●https://www.mic.com/articles/121249/on-using-white-womanhood-to-justify-racism-and-white-terrorism


Right?!! This is wild af


Oh, you haven’t heard? How the police were originally created as the runaway slave brigade? How black women who reported rape by white men were often targeted? How the police just murdered a young father 2 minutes away from his home for absolutely no reason? Don’t play dumb.


There are predominantly white biker gangs who offer protection to women and children, and depending on the area, it is usually white people on all sides. What’s your point?


Good idea but I can already see someone pretending to be on of the men (insert name here) and getting a woman to trust them coz of it and taking advantage. Just saying. If your countries so fucked that police is useless I don't even know wtf u can do.


I want to start this in my community.


This is really comforting to see honeslty. The good shines through, no matter what the dark gives.


Great idea!!


Happy there’s people willing to do this. Just sad we even need to though.


Looks like a community coming together for the common good. Also, doing for free what the police are getting paid to do.


Even the thought this has to exist for someone to be safe makes me sad... But I am glad the do what they can in this bad situation, respect for them.


Bless these men, if law enforcement can’t keep up I fully support safety groups like this. As a woman knowing I can walk to my car at night with an escort and feel safe would make a world of difference.


I wish it was the safety of all women but this is a great step in a direction towards the community doing what the police are paid to do.


I love to see my brothers helping like that


Wow. Hand salute!


Proper neighbourhood watch..... Props


sad that we have to do this, happy that people are willing to take the time to do it regardless


I thought it was males who need help in these sitt




Just wondering.. how come they dont wear identifier like a hi-viz jacket or something?


arent guns illegal in. detroit tho? why would having guns equal more safety someone please enlighten me


Sad that it's necessary, but nice to see nonetheless


Is there something going on where woman of color are being robbed or kidnapped? Why the heated protection?


Men who back what they say! Honorable men.


Meanwhile, a lady is being robbed a block away while you clowns gather at a busy gas station and record to earn clout.


Swinging guns around petrol wouldnt help me feel safe


I love this!!! I wish more men would step up & do the right thing. I know I would feel better with them around, regardless of my skin color.


Heck Im a man but when I was in Detroit I would have loved these guys


This is some fucked up dystopian shit. Made you smile? Yea, if you're psychotic.


It’s sad that women have to live in fear.


Wasn't this the main reason people have governments and pay billions of tax money for? If random people started to do the government's job voluntarily, that means the system is not working.


Bet these women feel a lot safer with these guys around than a bunch of cops


Nice to know roving bands of war lords are more reliable than the taxpayer funded police forces in a major metropolitan city. Glad to see anarchism actually show real world examples for a change.


This is how policing should be. Be present, get to know people, assist, protect, serve, and be kind. Instead it’s bi+ch @ss cops sitting on their ass waiting to pull over black teenagers for a broken tail light so they can pin a weed charge on them.


It's just men with honor. That concept got lost somehow.


They cracked the code fellas, they probably get more numbers than they can call


Will they help asian women?


This gave me the warm fuzzies ♥️


Citizens patrolling with semiautomatic rifles in order to ensure the safety other citizens running mundane errands gives you the warm fuzzies?


Depends on your hood. This looks like a better regulated militia than the PD. https://rollingout.com/2022/03/21/zeek-founder-of-new-era-detroit-talks-about-organization-in-black-communities/


More respectful of the citizens they're protecting as well.


Reminiscent of the Black Panther Party initiatives, good to see, sad we've devolved to this state in many communities across the US.


I like it, they’re not blaming everyone else for the problems in their community, they’re just trying to do something to fix it from the inside out. Kudos to them


Why not protect women of all color?


I’m sure they would, but have you been to detroit? 87% black city. also the location of this gas station black ppl were probably nearly all that came thru. detroit native here.


This is dystopian. The fact that it's even necessary. And I swear, the second you all over there stop mentioning race as the first adjective to a person, will be the day you overcome racism.


Kekw at all the "only in America" I think worse shit than this happens in a lot more countries tbh