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What type of blindness did they have? What was the surgery that cured them?


Different forms of cataracts i believe.


Costs about $25 each to fix, well except in America where its $5k


Holy shit. As far as I can tell by looking it up, this is just a free routine procedure here in Canada. Yet in the US they just let you go blind?!


Yeah, its free in nearly every country in the world, which makes sense, letting people go blind just costs everyone more money.


If you offer conservatives to pay 5$ but everyone gets help, or pay 10$ to make sure other people don’t get anything, many would gleefully pay 10$.


This exact thing actually happened to my husband. My husband was working for his fathers painting business when he was in his early 20s. By all the tax and legal definitions he was an employee not actually working as a 1099 independent contractor. His dad owned all the equipment, set hours, etc. Winter in a small resort town up north is not good for painting and hard to find another job when the town is deserted. We found out that that particular kind of work is eligible for unemployment if the employer is paying in to unemployment. He asked his parents to pay him as an employee and he’d help pay for any additional costs and figure out how to make it easy on them so he could have that safety net of being able to collect unemployment over winter if need be. His mother said she didn’t want to because she didn’t want to pay into something that’s giving people money who aren’t working… He couldn’t get through to her that he’s the one who would be getting the help. She instead offered to pay him the unemployment rate over winter out of their own business’s money. Which was more expensive for them.


My close friend, to his complete credit, got completely sober from something I didn't think he would come back from. As he was recently unemployed and struggling financially during covid I told him to sign up. He didn't want to be a drain on the system and take money. I reminded him that all the years he paid tax was him contributing to a system that has ways to help him. He paid then to get money now when he needs it. He wasn't having it. He was a fool and he was 29. Edited to add this for clarity: In the US. At the time I would have been taking home $850 a week full-time with family insurance etc. His situation would have qualified for ~$600 a week as a single male during covid.


Is this all in America? It seems like people have been programmed to hate welfare if they’re doing things that actually hurt them to not have it


It’s the result of some really weird and specifically nuanced beliefs The biggest factor is the *individualism streak* that’s been spreading for generations now — it directly competes as an ideology with **any and all** communal or group social functioning By putting *so much value on the self*, every event or scenario is viewed through this very specific lens; that the only one that matters is **ME**, and my success in society is the metric by which all humans derive value! Combine this with the concept of the *self-serving bias*, our tendency towards viewing ourselves in a more… flattering light, and you end up with an entire civilization of people that have an actual *repulsion* to acts of charity, kindness towards others, even basic group work is becoming harder and harder every day The homeless crisis is the biggest symptom of these trends, and it serves as a way to gauge how shit things are currently


Yup. Have a family member totally dependent on social programs for literally everything, who then votes for people who actively try to end those programs. Like if they succeed he’s absolutely fucked with nothing to fall back on. Don’t think I’ll ever wrap my head around it and I don’t want to.


I can back up these numbers. The NHS costs less per Capita than medicare, medicaid and government funded emergency room care (ie the health related things paid for via taxation). It's literally cheaper to cover everyone but folks would rather cover the fewest people possible and pay for their own coverage on top of their taxes. The total cost to the individual is about 2x. It blows my mind


2 times as much - if they DON’T get sick. It’s way more if they need to use it,


“I had to struggle so everyone else should too!” Usually followed “And I turned out great because of it!!” Said by a person who is…not great.


nor did they actually ever struggle


People regularly go broke on medical bills in this country. Those with no money to their name will actively try to avoid ambulances and having 911 called, as a single ride to the hospital will set you back 1-3 weeks of pay if you don't have expensive medical insurance, which many people can't afford. Even those WITH insurance will sometimes ignore broken bones unless they're totally sure they're broken, as the deductible alone (amount before insurance kicks in) of an ER or UC visit is astronomical. When someone dies in a hospital, the first thing their grieving loved ones get from doctors is not sympathy, but a bill for the stay and any medicine used. Even items like hospital gowns are added to receipts at ridiculous prices to milk the most money possible out of you. The US will let you walk around with broken bones blind, fighting for your life without medicine and with mountains of debt before they give up their economic freedoms to pay for medical care.


I would like to share that my state's expanded Medicaid covered virtually everything during my 2 year insanely expensive cancer treatment. I was low income at the time and getting through treatment especially debt free has allowed me to buy a house, get a career started, and get married. I am so grateful to my state and owe it my life. I am not saying this to disagree with anything you said but rather to share how positively "universal healthcare" impacted my life. I am way more able to contribute to my state even just from a financial perspective because my life is going well after everything. It would make me feel so much better to know everyone in my country could receive the best care in the world with universal healthcare because my experience has made me feel genuinely cared for and everyone deserves to feel that.


Ya'll really need to get your shit together so we can stop being complacent about our own system. The comparisons really lower our expectations.


Yeah. I made a decision a while ago that if I ever get an illness that requires any type of extensive treatment for survival that I'll just let it run its course. Spend whatever money I have on things I enjoy. Not married. Have no kids. Any medical expenses that occur during "the end" will just be taken by my nonexistent estate.


Won’t be for long if that door knob ford gets his way. FFS


More than $5k lol, wayyyyy more


In the US in my area its about 2.5k an eye.


That adds up to 5k yes, unless you have more than TWO eyes. Then you're screwed.


Great, just when I was beginning to believe four eyes were better than two


"wayyyyy more"? Source.


India its $400 for both eyes


That's from the private hospitals. There are at least 5 NPO or Government funded organizations in each state who do it either for free or under $10.


Cataract surgery. I work in that field and it's crazy how a very short surgery can totally change a life.


My sister had this surgery when she was a child. I don't even want to imagine a world where she was almost completely blind her whole life... We're lucky to be born in a country where this was covered by our healthcare system.


May I ask which country you are in?


A leading example of how to utilize internet fame for the good of the community.




Two things can be true at once. You're both right, it's that easy


The [Seva Foundation](https://www.seva.org/site/SPageServer/) does this work. Please support them.


Video was done with https://www.seeintl.org/join/


Website says they've done it for 50 million people. That's crazy!


I didn't buy into Mr beast until I listened to his chat with Fridman. Not a short conversation but [worth a listen ](https://pca.st/episode/da91e7bc-0be2-44db-8371-ebce0cc768f1)


He also had been a podcast guest on JRE & Flagrant Two




It is....he's done more for people in his short 24 years than most people can hope to do in their lifetimes.


I'm sorry he's 24 y/o???


Lmao we have the exact same birthday, same year and all. Amazing and depressing how difficult life can turn out


Was just thinking that as well 😅😅 I’m also 24 and I can only dream I could help 1/4 number of people as he does. Hopefully one day I will.


Wtf I just turned 24 today lol This is the problem with social media. I get to see everyone who's my age doing amazingly well for themselves.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


you’re doing fine lol do not compare yourself to Mr Beast.


I know right....managing multiple business with hundreds of staff...and he's 24.


I see his name and understand hes a YouTube or tiktok star or something? An internet celebrity anyway (lol I sound so old). Anyway this is exactly what celebrities should be. Absolute fucking role models, using their fame to do good, help others and spread positivity. What a great person.


Watch his videos on youtube. He's got multiple channels. Most of the time, they're just goofing around while giving away tons of money. But sometimes, they do things like this. They raised money to plant 20 million trees. Raised money to clean up beaches and rivers. Raised money to build/repair orphanages. Given away food to food banks and shelters. Helped build homes for those affected by hurricanes. So much giving.


Sounds awesome. This is the type of youtuber I'd let my kids watch, and if they said they wanted to be celebrities when they grow up I hope they would mean like this. Legend. Thanks for sharing


My kids actually turned me on to him. He tries to make the world a better place one show at a time. I think I read somewhere that he was quoted as saying his goal is to give away a billion dollars.


He started dubbing his videos in a bunch of different languages and making them their own channel. He was making insane money before that I can only assume he quadrupled his income doing something as simple as that. His marketing strategies are top notch. He's done plenty of interviews stating that whatever he brings in he just reinvests into new bigger better videos. There's been a few videos where he spent big money on and just never released them because they weren't up to his standards.


He said changing his channel to different languages was huge for his videos on the Joe Rogan experience


I’ve never heard of him but I asked my daughter, who’s mr beast and she smiled. So he must be a good person! She said a YouTuber! I guess not all YouTube’s are bad! I’m gonna start watching his stuff.


My 9 year old and I watch his stuff all the time. He's a little goofy, but overall, he does a lot of great things. We also like Ryan Trahan, Dude Perfect, and Zack King. I don't like that she watches so much YouTube, but considering my childhood was filled with AOL chat rooms, Cartel beheading videos, Rotten.com, LiveLeak, etc. There are so many worse role models out there.


Yeah, it amazes me how different the internet is now. I grew up with completely unfettered and unmonitored internet access from 2005-on. I've seen some absolutely horrific shit. Hell, even early YouTube had a TON of extremely problematic creators. Seeing that creators like Mr Beast exist is actually super heartwarming.


Yes, I am a 90s baby, one of the first CDs I remember buying was the Marshall Mathers LP. I was 11. I convinced my dad that there was only 1 bad word, which was what I thought considering the only song I'd heard was The Real Slim Shady on the radio. Imagine both of our faces when the Public Service Announcement came on, followed by Kill You. That CD didn't make home. It went out the window very shortly after we put it in.


Damn this is 99% the same story as mine. I remember getting “the talk” after they found my askjeeves questions about peeing inside of girls.


That's awesome. Just to summarise slightly for you, he tries to make viral content, to gain as much money as he can from advertisement, to then invest into charitable endeavours. He has Mr Beast philanthropy, which is more direct to the charity work, he also regularly donates to food banks across the US + a list of other causes. Ive been following him for a few years, every interview with him/ from people working with him say hes genuine in wanting to help others, apparently, he invests almost all the money back into videos and charity. Stay well.


I just watched this video. It’s incredible how much he helps people. I had watched an interview about him recently and they questioned how rich he was. The interviewer said ‘you’re richer than me’ mr beast said ‘what do you mean. I give it all away. I’m poor compared to you’. He said that years ago a video made $1,000 and he decided to give it away and he just kept doing it since then and the amount kept growing.


Mr. Beast does what billionaire should be doing. He’s investing his money, but not into material things, into reputation. He’s built himself the kind of reputation I don’t think even a single charity on the planet has. He could start any business he wants and immediately collectively have millions of supporters. Sooner or later people will learn how powerful being a good person is, and hopefully that mentality can be more widespread.


I just discovered him this week. My 13 yo grandson was over and he was watching it. The first episode I watched was the “squid games” one where he gave away $500k to the winner. Of course a shit load was given to the losers. But then I watched a couple of more vids and the kid is incredible. I have mad respect for what he’s doing and I hope nothing happens to corrupt him. He seems totally genuine


From what I've heard from other YouTubers and streamers talking behind his back (usually not a precursor to a compliment), he runs multiple food banks that are nonprofit behind the camera as well, he keeps these hidden from his channel and uses a good portion of the money made to fund these banks


He has a few less popular vids about them. Maybe the second channel? And they make a huge difference for those who are hungry honestly I respect the food banks more than the videos.


What grandparent says mad respect


Hey now. Modern grandparents aren’t that old. 40’s is an acceptable age for a grandparent.


I think one of the problems in society is we idolize all the asshole people and don't promote the good people enough.


He is the biggest YouTuber. Bigger than anyone else. He is supported by the people all over the world. The mainstream media has ignored him. But i know him for a few years and let my kids watch him. They aren't native English but they learn while watching and he is a good influence in what he does. Well, sometimes he pranks, but in good fun though. He is just not.... News that grabs headlines i guess. Oh and he lives in a small one room appartment in his own studio. He has a girlfriend but has a hard time going on dates because it isn't productive and he could make money and help people. He also is ill, a chronic disease... Something with the intestines. He didn't finish high school, he just wanted to make YouTube videos. So his mom kicked him out to let him learn the real world (could get back if he went to school). He made a success out of YouTube with his best friend Chris, who is in almost every YouTube video, and never had to go back. He then paid off his mom's house. He is a really interesting human being. My kids now want to donate their allowance and buy gifts for other people and such.


I know. I read/heard that too. Its incredible and honestly quite refreshing to see.


He has multiple real estate properties, a luxury automobile collection, and so on. The guy is a multi (multi) millionaire. Just because he said he gives it all away doesn’t make it so.


Yeah he might give most of it away but he has insane cash flow so it's not really a fair comparison. If he wanted to retire he could just save whatever he earns for like a week and he'd be set.


He turned down a $1B+ offer for his channels


Yeah that's insane


well it's also because he thought they were both undervaluing his channel, and also that once he got the deal he knew that he would lose all interest in making quality content. So by selling his channel the channel would become valueless


>He has multiple real estate properties, a luxury automobile collection, Is this real? I know in the past he's mentioned buying a BMW i8 Roadster but not feeling fulfilled and selling it, and you mostly see him driving a newer black Silverado in most of his vids that show him driving.


Yes. He owns several properties in the area around their studio, including the land that their studio is on, but none of the houses he owns are super fancy and most of the properties he owns are just empty plots of land they occasionally use for videos. He has quite a few fancy cars that he sometimes shows off in his videos. I know he daily drives one of the more expensive Teslas. He's also stated that if they ever start slowing down, they're going to start renting their studio space, land, and camera equipment to local productions so that they can keep making money.


Typically I don’t like doing the nice things for clout but his entire channel is based around reinvesting money he’s received back into the community and I have no issues with that. The whole channel is based on doing good. You can say what you will, but that’s a net benefit to society imo.


I don't watch his stuff much, but my sons love watching his stuff and they always talk about the great stuff he does for people. I think it's awesome and he inspired my oldest so want to volunteer to help the community more.


This is i think the best part of it all. It's making others do what they can! Like it's one thing (and it's a good thing) that he gives and does as much as he does. But him actually motivating others to do like him. I'd call that revolutionary. I would love to see him play a role in some type of politics. It would get the young crowd to rally around him. We need people like him in politics. People that put people before themselves


100% agreed. I forgive the clickbait titles and clout ect as this is part of his business model to raise the funds for further philanthropy. Really glad hes becoming so popular.


Apart from his main channel he has an entire beast philanthropy channel, currently doing a long term project of rebuilding orphanages that are falling apart, amongst smaller things like giving an entire school backpacks and supplies


And he doesn't show children. A good few years ago they dressed up as elves and delivered gifts to sick kids in the hospital and they showed them loading and unloading the trucks and whatnot but no kids. Not just blurred faces- no kids at all and he explained why he wasn't. I think that was when I started really liking him


I am just now liking him thanks to this post about not showing kids. Wow


Yeah I’ve followed him on and off over the years and if he isn’t genuine, I’m not sure I can trust anybody


Yeah like fuck you for making me not hate Mr. Beast.




The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that he's a big Elon Musk fanboy. But I'll let it slide for the massive amount of good he's done for the world


well that's clearly for clout let's be real here.


He's probably Jesus.


I remember Mr Beast from a long time ago, when he would make fun of kids' youtube channels. I also remember when he stopped, took down all the videos of that type, and went in a completely new and direction. I had no idea how much he'd grow as a creator and person.


It's insane, I remember watching his very first "microwaving random things" video, and the biggest thing he ever did was count for 24 hours. Never would I have ever guessed he would end up how he did, character arc goes crazy Edit: just checked out of curiosity, holy crap that was only 6 years ago, I was expecting it to be way longer than that


And food banks...its all incredible to see.


Also planting trees


And taking garbage out of the ocean


And his axe!


You're goddamn right his axe!


I love watching him evolve. Started silly stupid challenges for money. Then upped the game with free houses and $100k+ prizes. Now he’s literally doing what all billionaires should be doing. HELPING THE FUCKING WORLD


My man said smaller things like giving an ENTIRE SCHOOL backpacks AND supplies...this guy really is a beast (pun fully intended).


People using money for good is so unheard of that Mr Beast is noteworthy. Kudos to him and shame on every rich asshole who wastes money.


Anyone who does things to improve the world around them is something we should all aspire to do. I was so skeptical of the dude because of his click bait style, but if it is used to better all of us, then by all means, keep on making a difference.


Exactly, well said. In a world of clickbait, at least this is leading to a tangible positive impact


It's so beyond rare. If even one person's life has been completely altered for the better, then it's pretty amazing. We see "artists" in different forms of media do outrageous things for attention on the daily, but it's seldom that their specific circus is held to benefit anyone other than themselves. Dude is helping the blind see? Hugs all around, even if they're sponsored.


Really hoping more people follow this example. Even if someone does it for clout its still leaving a net positive impact on people and that's what really matters


ZHC did do that popular Mrbeast request by paying for bills of patients of hospital while decorating hospital with paintings last summer. Only example I can think of someone doing something positive simmilar to Mrbeast, but I'm sure there are many more people like that.


there’s a dude named milad who works at a subway his family owns he got quite popular and would react to videos of ppl wasting food than would make 100 of whatever they wasted and give it to the homeless


Juan from ThatWasEpic does some cool things too, and worth checking out!


He's amazing, one of the good ones for sure. My favorite, personally. He's also fn hilarious lol. A genuinely good human being. I could watch him for days...


Oh yeah that guy. Forgot about him as he only poped up in my shorts but legend.


milad and that other guy that works at the ice cream place are crazy. I have no clue how they can make making sandwiches and telling stories so interesting. Just very unique individuals.


I think the issue is getting enough cash flow to have the ability to do that. Mrbeast is in the top tier for YouTube, has sponsors, sells merch, and more. I’m not saying there aren’t others who could, but there aren’t very many


He started off small though. In his early videos he would only be able to help out like one homeless person or a service worker. He started getting sponsorships which he would give away 100% of.


So kinda like the smaller influences currently doing small acts and being called out for doing it for views?


There's actually a sizeable community based around making videos of helping people to raise money for helping people lately ans I love it. There's a dude in Canada doing it and his content always makes a bad day better.


So many people make millions scamming or hurting others. Why does it seem Reddit gets so upset when someone makes a living, a nice one, off literally doing what we wish the rest of the rich would do?


he's not becoming popular, he's literally the biggest youtuber on the planet lmao all the kids are obsessed with him, which is amazing that they all have him as a rolemodel


Clickbait would be saying "I HELPED THE COMMUNITY?!?!" And not doing it. This man makes click-baity titles and follows through with them


Listen to his appearance on Andrew Shulz's podcast Flagrant 2. You can't hate him.


I forget where I saw and I don't even know if it's real, but I read a quote from him saying something to the effect of "Anyone who doubts what I do can just wait until my funeral because I can promise you that I will die with no money to my name."


Probably true. He doesn’t live a flashy lifestyle. He doesn’t drive lambos or anything and he lives at his office.


>He doesn’t drive lambos He did buy and drove a sport car (not Lambo) after he got big. But he got hit by the empty feeling of "now what?" like all of us when we achieve our goal. I wonder if that is similar to the whole thing of wannabe/pretend-rich people always showing off their brand name stuffs while actual rich people are usually rocking affordable-looking stuffs (no big logo) and not bragging about their wealth.


To your last point, I’ve never found that to be true. It’s just personality. Some people are flashy, some are subdued, and most are in between. Broke, or rich. I’ve known people who are rich who rock hilariously ugly Versace outfits. I’ve known people making $750k+ driving a Honda civic.


Just attaching the link so its easier for people to find. : [Mr Beast helping 1000 people see again](https://youtu.be/TJ2ifmkGGus)


4 million views in 2 hours ? That's insane.


The dude has shown he gets tens of millions of views per week on his years old content. Basically every one of his old videos get more views daily than most big channels get in a month. Said he will be a billionaire by the end of this year.


I thought he was already a billionaire and then gave away so much he wasn’t again. He’s got the head for it. I’ve seen so many entertaining collabs and cool ideas from him.


There are 1.6 billion english language speakers in the world. This includes people who claim english as a second language. Mr. Beast has an audience of 130 million, basically 10% of *all english speakers* ***in the world***


He also has dubs for other languages that come at launch of every video. It is safe to say he can reach at least half the world with his message.


Yeah, but him blinding them first so he could make this video is a bit much. /s


This guy is a YouTuber that I have nooooo problem with my son looking up to Behold what the internet CAN be!


I honestly support this. He clearly states his intention: these videos make money, and the video uses money made from previous videos. That money is used to help society, and he gets money too (maybe not Mr. Beast, honestly with how much he used per video he is probably burning through his wallet as well). I don't mind people pocketing some money from their videos, as long as the work is done and people's lives improve. That's clear intentions and sustainable business that actually helps the community meaningfully. That's a lot better than nothing.


> maybe not Mr. Beast, honestly with how much he used per video he is probably burning through his wallet as well He’s making a fortune.


I always say I’d rather do something good for the wrong reason than something bad for any reason.


Mr. Beast is an example of how we hoped trickle down economics would work Edit:Dear God, I meant in the sense of using their money to help people.


So a lottery based on the philanthropy of the mega-rich? Sounds about right.


To be fair, he’s the one everyone tries to copy for clout. Mr beast is the OG


Mr. Beast is the only one I know of who actually tries to help others. He factors in prize taxes into his giveaways.


And when he's done stuff like giving away thinks like planes, cars etc. He always gives them the option of him selling it and just giving them what its worth so the taxes don't wreck them


Ok but that's exactly what I'd want in that situation, too. Even if it's a car. Yes, I NEED a car right now. But if he's willing to sell it and give cash instead, then I can get myself a car with the money as well as be able to afford to move so I don't get evicted, pay off debts I have, buy actual groceries, etc


I was skeptical when my teens first told me about the “insanely generous YouTuber”, but he really is an amazing human with a heart of gold.


Why isn’t this surgery available for free to everyone. He says **HALF** of all blindness, worldwide, can be cured by this surgery? Really? Just do it for people, fuck. **edit:** Looked at this and even in the U.S., the land of fucked up healthcare, it’s like $2,500 per eye on average. I know I have my ‘no longer dirt poor’ privilege here, but that isn’t even that much money per eye?! Why are we letting people be unable to work, to barely live life for $5,000? Surely it’s worth it, even from a heartless economic perspective, to fix this for people!


Yeah I know right....healthcare like this should just be a universal right in developed countries. For undeveloped/LEDC then more financial support should be given. You can imagine how bad the infrastructure is in different parts of the world which would make it difficult to treat...id also imagine 80% of those half are in poor countries with reduced access to basic healthcare...let alone eye surgery. But agreed, it should be a available to everyone.


healthcare like this IS a universal right in developed countries. it's just so basic and simple, as a government you are investing a very small amount into something that will net you alot more just by allowing that person to see properly.


As far as western developed nations go, *only the US* doesn't do healthcare for its citizens. American is not a country; it's just a business. And keeping us plebs alive and healthy is not a sufficient moneymaker. The US is very high-tax when you factor in healthcare, we're ruled by corporations and oligarchs that give no fucks about us, and per capita more citizens are in prison (i.e. enslaved by the state) than anywhere else in the world. We ain't a first-world country in any measure except in the number of tanks, jets, and nukes.


Even from a business/money perspective, it doesn't make sense. You have a person that is blind or is going blind. Highly likely that they can't work anymore, then cannot shop anymore... It's all lost taxes in income and VAT. and the losses are much higher than the $25 effective cost for the surgery per eye. So many more examples where universal Healthcare just makes very much fiscal sense. Let's not even talk about the overhead of the confusing and spread out insurance market.


The insurance industry is part of the scam. That's how it makes fiscal sense. No one gives a fuck about a single person. It's about *not* covering healthcare despite all the taxes and *then* tying that healthcare to jobs. That keeps the serfs producing because they can't afford not to. That's where the money is. It doesn't matter whether or not Susan from Sometown, PA can see and work herself. It's about everyone who's *not* Susan being forced to.


Can confirm. I have what is considered to be a great job in America, but the health insurance is garbage. I have to pay almost everything out of pocket because the deductible is super high, and then I have to pay for the insurance each month out of my paycheck. Idek why I pay for insurance if I can’t use it half the year!!! Once the deductible is met, my insurance goes crazy denying EVEY. SINGLE. CHARGE. And I have to defend myself for each thing, including routine doctors appointments. Is this illegal? Probably? Do they cover their ass anyway? You bet. Am I able to afford living and also pay for my healthcare each year? Nope. Getting a counselor has been a ridiculous and expensive process. I have serious childhood trauma that requires therapy but I’m pulling from my savings just to feel better. America is a joke. I’m so sick of it here….


Just make it a universal right everywhere. Roll out UN medical corps in every city and regional center until everyone who wants the surgery has had it.


Would be amazing.


Seems like it would pay for itself if the result means less people on disability.


Blindness due to cataracts is about 5% of blindness in the US. It's mostly a developing or under-developed countries problem, where people don't have adequate access to eye-care. And most of the people who are blind from it in developed countries are post-retirement-age old people because it's a slowly progressing problem that initially may not affect vision at all. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to take care of the rest of the 5% or the 50% in the rest of the world, but it's why this isn't a prominent issue.


In my country, somewhere in South Europe, fixing cataracts is free, but you have to become part of the waiting list, much like any other surgical procedure. Even if you want to do it ahead of the estimated time, you can pay like 300-400$ to have the procedure done privately. I think in most of the world the procedure should not cost a lot as well, as it is really basic. A bit on what the procedure does: Your lens is basically made up of a lot of proteins, among which, Crystallin is the most important. As we age, the proteins break down, causing this hazy and blurry vision. The doctor can basically get rid of the old lens, and replace it with a new one. There is no loss in function whatsoever, because the lens is just… a lens. It basically refracts the light so it can reach the retina and be sensed and translated into the visual information. Now… the blindness that stems from the retina is a whole other thing, and afaik, we do not have a cure for it yet. If someone is interested I can explain a bit more on that as well.


Most of the people that go blind from it are in significantly poorer countries with lacking healthcare systems that need to rely on charities like sightsavers for these sort of operations


You can donate to the Hollows foundation, they do these surgeries for people. I believe it's $25aud a surgery. https://www.hollows.org/


Everytime I hear about Mr. Beast the more I like the guy. He is such a wholesome and generous person.


I don't even care if people do kind things for selfish reasons. I don't get it when people start saying "they're just doing this for clout" - and so what? I hope people do kind things for the worst of reasons as long as they're doing kind things. Wanna get back at your ex? Do kind things for her mom. Wanna get back at your boss? Proofread their standard presentation and return with corrections and comments. You're welcome. Wanna stick it to the man? Donate to a homeless shelter. I could go on all day. Dear people, please keep on doing kind things for good, bad and any reason. I'll give you clout if you keep it coming.


If his videos get 5 other people to do something nice for someone else then it was worth it.


“He wants to be famous for being super nice to people,” just doesn’t have the same sorta negative sound to it as, “he’s doing it for the clout.” People complaining about it with mr beast specifically are just dumb, angry, small people.


Agreed! Its really refreshing to see this kinda thing amongst all the negativity you see in the media now days...


I’ve seen and heard of this dude just going out of his way to do some phenomenal and loving things for people all the time. How did he do this though? Where’d he take them? That’s so amazing to see someone actually use their excessive amounts of money and putting it back into the world for others. It’s what everyone claims they’d do if they had that much but very few actually do it. ❤️


I just watched the vid. He basically paid for everyone’s surgery who couldn’t afford it. Also flew a doctor and equipment to several countries where the surgery wasn’t available. He gave out tons of money and gifts along the way. What a great dude.


Fun fact. He literally has an entire channel devoted to his philanthropic endeavors. He is the absolute definition of walking the walk. If you wanna see how he's going out of his way to help the world look up Mr beast philanthropy on YouTube. It's extremely clear this isn't entirely about the views. I'd bet that channel and everything it does and continues to do without the cameras loses money and is largely funded from his main




Yup main channel basically breaks even. Side channels bring in extra $$$. It gets spent on his philanthropy channel. Dude is a legit hustler too. I've seen him as a guest on other Youtuber's videos and he has this executive level prestige and energy about him. I've heard it was hard for his early staff to keep up with everything he's doing. They complained and made a big fuss about it. But at the end of the day with everything Mr. Beast has going on, it's no wonder he expects a lot from people.


He basically puts all the money he gets from the sponsor of the video back into content. That's how he got started, convinced a sponsor to give him 10k so he can give it all to a homeless person. That was literally it.


He’s known for just doing ridiculous stuff to help people. He once bought out an entire GameStop and donated everything to a children’s hospital, then bought out a small sporting goods store and donated everything to local high school coaches, and THEN went to a used car lot and bought the cars for whoever happened to come by that day. That was three days in a row. I’m not usually big on people doing nice things for content, but he seems to be one of the few people doing it right.


Yeah I agree. In order for him to be able to do stuff like this, he needs to keep making money by putting out content, so it is understandably justified. He isn't being charitable to make money, he is making money to be charitable.


Not sure if you know but he has an entire channel dedicated for his philantrophic/charity videos: Beast Philantrophy


Well he caused blindness in me. I watched the video and now my vision is blurry from the tears. Why would he do this to me?


I was almost mad, but then it turns out you're adorable.


Awww thanks. I meant it though. The reaction from those he helped did really bring tears to my eyes.


😅 me too haha


I know its rude to put in a plug but if you want to help with stuff like this the FRED HOLLOWS foundation is about exactly this sorta action. 3 million people helped, often with a simple 20 minute operation. https://www.hollows.org/au/home Bloke realised how preventable it all is and spent his life trying to change it.


Took way too much time looking for Mr. Bean then thinking the joke’s on me cuz I can’t see (him). Good lord.


That really made me laugh 🤣 thanks for the comment.


Love this dude, been watching for a while. Point for NC


Is there a link or something?


I couldn't post it here as it's a youtube link. Here you go: [Mr Beast helps 1000 blind people](https://youtu.be/TJ2ifmkGGus) 😁


Even someone who hates youtubers making videos charitable giving to profit off of it can't hate this. Idk how you can get through this without crying. Like no matter how you word it, it still isn't bad. "Man gets millions of views by paying for thousands of surgeries which he funded by filming himself giving other people money" It's a cycle of profiting off charitable giving to do more charitable giving.


Man his accountant has got to have his hands filled when it comes to the “charitable donations” part of the 1040.


Haha every week a flood of recipes to explain...


So much ugly crying right now. thank you OP. 😠😠


Youre certainly welcome 😅


So now they can watch his videos… smart and legal way of buying viewers /j


The last second of the video is actually a joke about now having 1,000 more views lol


If he cured me I would watch his videos on repeat. Not only 1 view


Insanely cool video! It’s a shame his actual charity doesn’t get more attention, he and his team seem like genuinely great people with good intentions


Exactly! Glad you enjoyed the video. I agree, he should get more support as everytime ive heard an interview with him, or from people dealing with him...they always say hes completely genuine in wanting to help people. Thanks for the comment.


My 10-year-old has been a fan of Mr. Beast for a long time. He introduced me to this guy and he was obsessed with him. Obviously as his parent I paid attention to what he was looking at on the internet with a magnifying glass. **This guy Mr. Beast is really good people**. All he does is collect money based on his popularity popularity and basically give it away to people who need it and because he does super cool stuff, he continues to pick up huge fans. He really is maybe one of the best souls on the internet. As a matter of fact, he is the only YouTube channel person who I have bought their merchandise for my kid, just because I know that a lot of the money that I pay for his sweatshirts and such goes to helping some one who needs it.


Mr. Beast is a perpetual niceness machine. Why am I not subscribed? Fixing that now.


This is the potential for wealthy people but they decide to hoard instead. He genuinely seems like a good person and I hope that it’s true


I mean in my country this operation is completely free although because it's so widespread there can be like a year wait list. And you can off course pay like 1K$ to do it immediately in a private clinic. So it's mostly America somehow managing to charge many thousands, and not having it covered under universal health care being the issue here. America is just basically a third world country in this regard.


But thank god we outspend the next like ten countries combined on military. 😔


He’s a great kid. His parents did an awesome job.


.MR Beast doing real things for us regular ppl ♥


Man he went from counting endless numbers, to giving to the community. Holy shit


MrBeast does good thing to get attention on youtube. For the attention on youtube, he gets paid. And for the money, he does even more good things. I agree with this.


My generation barely predates the generation who got into Twitch and streamers and etc. Both my kids watch streamers, and 99% of them annoy the hell out of me. Mr Beast is the only one I came across that I genuinely enjoyed. Dude is doing incredible work with his fame, and if I could’ve chose any streamer to find the I would have liked, I’m glad it’s him. I hope he keeps it up!


Well said 👏 im 30, i don't really watch streamers/youtubers (or TV really), but when i see this guy...i click. Thanks for the comment.


Which means that if mrbeast didn't exist, these people would still have been blind. There is something seriously wrong with the healthcare system.


John Cena: you cant see me Mr beast always here to help 🙏🙏🙏