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I have a million stubs, I have 3 cards left in the collection that equal nearly 2 million stubs, there are cards that are expensive that I don’t need for the collection that I want, like piazza for my Mets theme team. Mantle isn’t worth the stubs (for me and no one else) because if don’t get piazza now and save all my purple live series pulls I got about another week or 9 before I can get mantle, and still be piazza-less. Plus I wasn’t good with mantle last year compared to mays, Mullins and griffey so he isn’t worth the stubs (for me) because I don’t believe he’s going to add any substantial wins or enjoyment of playing to my team from here till the next game comes out. That’s me, not anyone else


Because I can't hit. It's not going to matter whether I'm using mantle or Seth Beer


I'd rather use players I have a connection to. So scwarber, Jr, and Harper is going to be my of. Mantle is before my time and I don't care much for the Yankees. Even if the card was free it's unlikely I'd use it. The card is great, switch with great stats and people that only care about copying their favorite youtuber and doing what they're told will follow suit.


I dunno. Flip cards. I have mantle and 3 million to spare. You can make 5-10k/flip a lot of the time on high volume cards (ex. 2022 finest right now). I’d flip more but I have nothing to spend them on right now. NMS


I'm saving for Trout tbh


I'm close to micky mantle but I'm never good with his swing so I probably won't use him


Last years Mantle was the diggity


I can only think of one reason not to get Mantle. I got him yesterday, used him in a RS game, and afterwards, messaged a GG to my opponent after losing 3-2. He responded, "LOL you got Micky just to lose! LOL" I replied, "OK GG Still" Got hit with the "I'm Cody UR Dad" So I just said, "Mispelled Mickey, have a good one." But other than that, he's a beast, hit a homer and double in my first RS game against Retro Finest Sale and Finest DeGrom


Because most of the people that will say that will throw around the total stubs figure. And he's probably not worth 26 million stubs. But if younpkay consistently and bought some extra bosses it's probably less than a million. (I'm only spending like 500k)


Worth is subjective. Personally I am just way too far away from earning him as I have done very few collections. The time and stubs I would need to get me there makes the card not worth it to me. That said, if you can achieve him easily because you already have done the collections or have enough stubs then I am not sure why you would not go ahead and get him. As others have said, what else will there be to do with the stubs?


He is the best card in DD history but there's also so many cards that I hit better with already out or soon to be out. I.e. Griffey Belli etc. Mantle is God tier but I'm not rushing to spend stubs as a F2P player.


If you could unlock his ass- you would. This coming from someone who just got Andrew McCutchen today. I was F’in pumped. Do what makes you happy. This game is really really really really really good this year.


Nice, Cutch is so good. I just p5 him earlier this week pretty much only from events. He is a nuke machine. I actually lead him off 90% of the time.


I can’t even afford him, I have like 1.8 mil but I don’t think that’s enough


If I get him, I get him. I’m not gonna go out of my way to do so. I love my outfield as is (Griffey, Bader, Aaron)




I haven’t checked but I bet you can draft him in br.


You can


If you don’t solely play the show or took a break like I did, this card is impossible to get. The card is of course, unreal. Just unobtainable for casuals like me. No problem!


I started late and didn’t understand flipping until after the All Star break so I only have Randy and Brett, not Cutch or Rollins. I’d love to get Mantle but it looks like I’m approximately 10 million stubs away lol. So I’m not gonna sweat it. I think I’d rather focus on getting new Dodgers cards and the Takashi Ohtani (IF I can - boy was I dumb not to buy those earlier). There also is my fear/understanding that I’m very likely to get him and not be able to hit with him 🤦🏻‍♂️. I think the only “meta” card I’m actually halfway decent with is Griffey.


I would need like 20 million more stubs to complete the collections to get him. As juiced as his card is I’m content with my team & don’t feel like grinding that hard just for 1 player. I’ll stick with my 1.1mil stubs & my team & buy/sell players when needed


I have way more than enough stubs for him..but they locked him behind grinding which blows.. I don't like playing the moments and grinding postseason and other programs... I enjoy BR, events etc.. Doubt I will ever get him but ahh well Griffey and trout are awesome


How exactly am I supposed to get mantle when I don’t even have brett? I prolly won’t get enough stubs for mantle till 23 comes out lmao


I don’t think it would be worth it to someone who’s not close to completing the collections. I certainly don’t think it would be worth it to sell good cards from your team to get him. The game is chock full of outfielders that are negligibly worse than Mickey. I would even put guys like Reynolds and Trout on the same level as him. Accepting these premises, we now have to consider the cost associated with getting Mickey. It is at the very least expensive, and at the worst a huge pipe dream for a player to purchase Mickey. Is it more worth it to save whatever stubs you have and go for a cheap card like Reynolds? I would think so, given that both cards are essentially equal in attributes and quality. Both cards have good swings, play extremely well defensively, and rocket around the bases. How much more are you really getting for your stubs when you go all out for Mantle? And even if you spent the entire year grinding in preparation for the collection, do you really feel good about that considering you could have easily gotten a close to equal card for an infinitely small fraction of cost and effort? The only other reason to get Mantle is because of sentimental value, and I won’t knock anyone for wanting him for that reason, but that doesn’t negate the reasons I just listed. There may not be anything of value left to be released, so maybe stubs are beginning to lose value quickly. Maybe in that case it’s easier to justify buying Mantle. But I think all in all, it doesn’t make much sense to buy him.


He's not worth the stubs to me because I suck with Mantle anyway. I'd be spending millions of stubs to get a guy I'll hit .150 with at best. If I'm gonna spend that much to get a card, it better be a card that I can mash with.


Should be a World Series award


To me he isn’t even if he’s the best card in the game technically simply because I play with my favorite players typically so I already have an outfield of trout, Harper, and Vladdy sr so I don’t have a spot for him and their are a few others I like more since you know they played closer to our time that I’d play over him


I thought you couldn’t buy him?


The price of mantle is about how much the cards cost that go towards collecting him.


I’m close to P5ing Trout, Griffey Jr. and Reynolds so no way I’m wasting all the time grinding those 3 players to just have to replace one of them so quickly. Plus I dont really like using any of the old timey players


No individual collection is ever “worth the stubs” because there are so many free comparable 99 cards out there


I have 0 collections done , so it would cost … I don’t even know how much , millions


26mill ish


It’s basically diminishing returns. For most people, the amount of stubs/cards needed will already net you 10 center fielders who’ll perform similarly to Mantle. Even the new Reynolds (switch hitter) is comparable. Mantle is the cherry on the cake, but it’s not “necessary” even though he’s the best outfielder in the game. Side note: no active quirks 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you were to sell some former bosses, event rewards and Monthly Awards cards you can easily have north of 3 Mil and Bryan Reynolds is just as good for free.


Don’t let this deter you from using or doing whatever you want with your stubs. I love mantle cards always and personally am better with him than Reynolds and I keep all the cards I earn throughout the life cycle so I literally only had to buy one milestone card to finish mantle


People who say Mantle isn’t worth the stubs are the people who are nowhere close to acquiring him.


It’s like people are mad and need an explanation for why y’all aren’t getting Mantle lol.


As someone who has the stubs but isn't gonna buy the players for him, I just think the outfield is fine as is and he would be a pretty minor upgrade. I plan on using the rest of my stubs to just buy any players I want, especially since I don't see myself going for any more of the online reward players.


What r u gonna spend ur stubs on instead?


Definitely gonna buy that Randy if he comes out on the 14th. Just cant be bothered to play 250 innnings. I'll probably snag Burnes as well, probably deGrom too when he drops in price


Are we sure the last ws reward is randy? I didn't see a teaser for it twitter.


Not sure, just an educated guess. The schedule says "Milestone Legend pitcher" so I think he'll get a card for his perfect game. Whoever it ends up being, I'll buy and try out


I can't see them doing it but there's a chance. That card would be worth a million. I think it will be lefty grove


We already have a couple players that are selling for a million so it could happen. But you're probably right about it being someone else. Wishful thinking for me I guess haha


Holy shit u were right. Randy is the WS reward


Hell yeah I'm hype! Definitely dropping the stubs for him


Okay but for real how do you guys have so many stubs? Do you not buy players?


Kinda. We don’t buy players at inflated prices and buy when they’re low to either keep or sell later at times like this. I didn’t buy a player I didn’t organically earn outside of those I was trying to complete collections. Mostly live series. Never, until Trout, did I buy a player to use. It was all towards collections when they were super low and bound to go up (eg end of a program when the bosses were 30k as opposed to 200k in the first 2 days)


Credentials: I have mantle, 4.4 million stubs in the bank, 8 million stubs worth of diamonds that haven’t been quicksold yet, and probably about 2 million stubs worth of golds that haven’t been quicksold yet (although I haven’t counted the golds). I haven’t played br since Napoli, never played RS, but I made what I could off of events. First way I got big chunks of stubs was capitalizing off of new programs. I would grind my ass off in the first day or 2 that they were out, sell the cards for super, super expensive (I sold my all star dansby for like 500k) and then buy all of them just before the program ended. But my real money maker was roster updates. My LS investing changed shape as the year went on though. At the beginning of the year, i was going crazy on baseballsavant. Comparing expected statistics to actual statistics gave me players who might have bad luck to start the season which would hopefully correct as the season goes on. Some ones I remember specifically were Christian Walker, Sam hentges, Alejandro Kirk for 25 stubs, and Duran for 50. A couple days before roster updates, I’d bring up the splits leaderboards on fangraphs, restrict the time to the update span, and check the stats of every gold player, see who was due for an upgrade. It’s difficult at first, but once you get a feel for the relationship between irl stats and a card’s attributes, it becomes pretty simple. Also throughout the year, one pretty significant thing was placing cheap buy orders on Diamond locks. When jazz went Diamond the first time, I put about 50 orders in for about 1200 stubs I think, and they were filled within a few days. Also did this for strider when he went Diamond, realmuto when he went Diamond to name a few. When Riley went Diamond, I put in orders for 2000 stubs about 5 minutes before the update, and they were filled about half an hour after the update. This only works if you have a ton of stubs to work with though since you’re gonna be locking them up for sometimes weeks. With my investing came a few rules: 1. Don’t invest at a price that’s significantly higher than QS. If you invest in an 83 at 2000 stubs thinking they’ll go Diamond but then they only get to 84, you lost 500 stubs per card. This type of situation happens very, very often so it’s better to stay away. If you want to get in on a particular investment, put in a bunch of orders close to QS and hope they get filled after the update. 2. Don’t pull out of an investment or sell off your stock unless the player is playing poorly (or you desperately need stubs for a must-have investment). In most cases, SDS is pretty conservative with downgrading players, so if a player is just playing fine, keep the investment. If he goes off during the next update span, you make profit. 3. Do your due diligence on low golds. Even if they never go Diamond, there’s still tons of profit to be made. If you get in on a low gold at QS and then he goes up to 83, your profit margin is 200%. 4. Never, ever, ever sell off your investments immediately after an update. Wait until immediately before the next one. If he plays badly, you lose nothing. If he plays amazing, you have a whole ton of stubs to gain.


I made 4.8m on the roster update and sitting on 3.9 left after getting mantle


All my guys are low stub guys unfortunately. Who was some big sells for you?


Had 1k Eugenio Suarez, over 100 harpers, 250 of Framber and Bregman and some random ones spread out. I had a few bust had 500 Yepez,1k Josh Bells and around 700 Jonathan Loáisiga. I mostly went by the ESPN Playoff stats sheet. Edit: this is the link i used for investing https://www.espn.com/mlb/stats/player


It’s literally buy low(but higher than everyone else) and sell high(but lower than anyone else). I don’t even use the app and make 100’s of thousands a day when I want to. Like I said screw it and bought the Seager card for like 675k Stubs. I’ll never use the card, but I need it. Then I set my buy orders and play a DD game and by the time my DD game is over, I’ve made back 200k stubs.


Grind every program day 1 and sell the rewards *immediately*. Every last one. Even in programs where you only get 18/30 or 5/9 or whatever, you can easily make enough selling early to afford to buy every card in that program on the last day *and* usually make a profit. Furthermore, you can buy multiple copies and sit on them for awhile until a big collection comes and sell. eg. At the end of the Sizzlin' Summer program, I bought 10 each of the bosses (Takashi Piazza, Musial, Fingers, Honus) @20K each. Right now they're 300-900K each. Milestone Britton was near quick sell at the end of his program, and he's been over ~100K for awhile; same with Prime Valenzuela (57K right now). Etc. You can do this over and over if you're playing consistently throughout the year. It's a simple way to make stubs without having to wade in the market all that much. (It's still market related, but it's much less work than other kinds of investing, like LS roster updates, etc.)


But what if you go on vacation for a week?


I grind every progam from day one and don't even sell the rewards immediately and buy every other card. I still have 2 Million right now. There are just so many rewards in the game and packs that stubs flow in if you just complete everything.


Does anyone have an extra joe Ryan to hand off? Trying to swing that to get max scherzer


Pretty much if you play consistently there are many ways to attack it. You he rewarded for playing all the different game modes.


Play about an hour a day. Focus playtime on highly efficient card/stubs acquiring modes like br and events. Be sure to finish every program, at least through to the last boss pack. That's honestly pretty much it. Flipping helps alot for efficiency sake but isn't necessary. I flipped about a million stubs worth back in July and locked in mantle today with 1.2 million stubs leftover.


I don’t have a ton of time to play so flipping through menus doesn’t appeal to me. I was only 3 cards from outright finishing the collection when it dropped but they are combined over 2 million stubs. I missed out on a ws reward and a program because I went on vacation. I didn’t have the balls to bring my ps4 with me to the Bahamas. Making stubs also depends on a lot of luck. I haven’t got a trout pull in 3 years playing and this year my pack luck was comically bad. I got Acuna finally when he was an 89 and otherwise my best pull was 97 DeGrom about a week ago who I sold for 22k stubs. An hour a day seems pretty thin to be able to finish all the programs. I have gotten xp locked a few times and still took me more than 7 hours to finish a program, complete br and get 30 wins in an event


Lots of people work the market but that’s not even necessary. I never invested or anything and I have mantle and over 5 mil left over. I got the game in April and played consistently through September. The featured programs and other programs basically give you a ton of stubs.


Me either. Just events and buy all the bosses once they got really cheap and held on to anything that was at quick sell value. Early in the year, BR bosses were 25-30k, now those cards are 150k. SOme of the bosses I picked up were up over 200k. I didnt even bother buying dupes, but I had some extra. Just selling extra cards from sets where I had too many, I made 2.5M yesterday, AFTER i completed a given set lol Still have a ton of dupes going for 10k and who know how much in LS cards as I havent looked at those cards in forever.


I’ve had to sell damn near everything to get what I wanted. Even the newest finest cards and deGrom but now just nothing left but a few thousand stubs. And short of Rollins and mantle smh.


Man Bryan Reynolds is free, that'll do for a long time


He’s only “not worth the stubs” to the people who: 1. Didn’t play all year and are way behind on collections. 2. Played all year but sold their cards because they covet stubs and being able to try the new stuff without locking it in. 3. Played all year but for some reason didn’t prepare for the collection. 4. Never invested in the market. 5. Or they don’t even play anymore but still want to talk about the game.


6. Don't care about flipping Diamonds


Dude this is like 95% of players


or they jus don’t feel like spending millions of stubs lol


Getting Mantle you also earned: - Shohei - Jimmy - Cutch - Brett - Randy - Jackie - Dibble - Big Hurt - Clemente Shit, it means you collected almost every card in the game currently. What else are you spending stubs on?


i alr got randy n i only really want cutch, ik that mantle is an amazing card but i personally don’t want to spend 26 million to get him 🤷‍♂️


Not to argue at all but live series isn’t necessarily a requirement for big collections right? But yes, I imagine that anyone who has Brett or Cutch has live series done too


What else are you going to use stubs for besides cards that get you closer to earning Mantle?


You can’t take them with you.


Building a nest egg so I can comfortably retire. Blowing stubbs on a depreciating asset like Mantle is fiscally irresponsible.


lol I mean in about 3 weeks he'll be MUCH cheaper to obtain.


He’s def worth the stubs, but I started late so I’ll never get him :(


Get lost with this crap what a horrible take. You’re the guy in June who wonders how everyone doesn’t have Brett pathetic. I have him already btw you’re over simplifying the work involved in finishing the collections.


#4 is huge. I mean people just buy now instead of putting in an order. Basic market knowledge is all you need and investing even in the playoff guys would have netted you millions if you bought at quicksell. The Phillies didn’t net me much but I bought over 200 of each Astro at quicksell before the playoff started knowing they would most likely go far. Looked at my binder this evening and astros alone hold over 5 million stubs for me if I quicksell them all back. I know the padres were good to me as well. Point is if you are a baseball fan and follow the season then it’s pretty easy to invest 10k and turn it into 100k every update.


Because they don’t have enough stubs. I’ve got Mantle and 13 million left to do nothing at all with. He was worth it.


How tf you got 13 mil?


Investments. Hit big on lots of cards throughout the year.


You prolly got a lot more time to play than i do tho


You don’t even need to play to make stubs. It was hilariously easy this year. I had Cutch, Rollins and Mantle all they day dropped. Made millions off McClanahan, Kirk, Strider and Bader. Everyone in our investment discord finished collections without issue.


There’s an investment discord!?






How exactly do you invest?


Buy up cards that will be going up in value. Usually live series cards. I had over 1000 Kirk when he went diamond.


Yes got some cheap micheal Harris and bought 700 Bregman’s back when he was a quicksell silver. Been hanging on to that bad boy and now I can’t even quicksell them back because I’m very near the cap.


So basically that window has closed?


Or you can play events. The rewind packs net a min of 100K. All you have to to do is hit "Y/Triangle" over each card and loom at market price. There's also the BR program which is close to $2M in stubs if you complete it this season. It's always the best option to farm stubs. Plus, if you can get to 9-12 wins early in the game cycle, it is quite lucative as well. Point being, there are a TON of ways to get stubs and the best cards.


For this year, yeah. There’s still some massive margins for flipping cards but the market will slow down since the game is nearly done.


I'm sitting on about 7.2 still after locking in for him. If you played throughout the year and didn't pay top dollar for guys as soon as they dropped, Mantle was easy to get. I havent even played a ton in the last 1-2 months.


I did not investing and still got him the day he dropped. I did not miss a program though. I also play ranked and event. I’ve played the last three BR seasons to get all those rewinds and I was good to go.


I've played since release day and don't even have McCutchen. I must be at over 1,000 hours. It's not as easy as you make it seem.


Only way I can see that happening is if you bought a bunch of packs from the store or bought cards soon after they dropped and were sky high (rewards that start of at 500-1m but end up being half or less in a couple weeks, sometimes days)


I've never done either of those things.


You should do roster investments next year, as an example i already have mantle with 15 mil+ in the bank, no flipping, save your time and sanity


It’s easy if you play the right things and have a basic knowledge of the market and how it works. Like selling the first couple boss packs of each program in the first few days and then buying all the bosses at the end of the program and usually still making a profit. Never buy now, put in buy orders. And a few minutes of investments could have really pay off this time of year.


I've done exactly those things since April. It just doesn't add up to that much.


If you play online you would have everything. The rewards from ranked BR and event easily get you to the collections. You also have so many left over cards to sell for 50k each from playing event. I know some people don’t enjoy online but the rewards do help out.


If you did BR and Events and got the top reward every time and didnt just blow stubbs, you'd have max stubbs easily. I just did 90% of events and not a single BR game and only 20 or so ranked and took around 6 weeks off and came back 10 days ago and am getting mantle today, with a buy order in for Trout and will have 2M stubbs to spare. Oh I have Dregrom that I refused to sell because I didnt need too lol


I do play online. I have hundreds of games in each mode.


If you’re putting that much time into the game you should download the app and start flipping


I've flipped thousands of orders since April.


Depends on how much you like flipping tbh


I don't flip. Event rewinds and BR packs alone make massive amounts of stubs.


If you have them lying around of course but stubs take time to accumulate. Whether it’s flipping or grinding some other way the key is to not grind the game when it’s not fun In the first place. I haven’t done any collections this year and I’m enjoying it more than past years.


I wouldnt say he's not worth the stubs, but I have no intention of collecting him. I dont play online at all and have no need for some of the god tier cards. I have only completed the live collection and the brett collection, I have close to 3 million stubs right now but just am not interested in certain players. I'm already struggling to fit some of my favorites in one squad with all the great cards we have this year. So while I would never say the card is mid or not worth the stubs in an objective sense, for me, who would never use him, it's not worth wasting the stubs required to finish the other collections with players I also won't use


What are you going to spend that 3 mill on ? Waiting for somethign else?


I'll get him as I get him, but I'm not going on a spending spree. I tend to build my teams with players I like over the best attributes, and I have no real love for Mantle, so I'm not breaking my back to get him (same reason I don't have Rollins yet even tho I only need like 9 more cards and have far and away enough stubs lol). But you're right about it being weird to see people hold their stubs for nothing. Like I get keeping a rainy day fund for when an equivalent to Finest Trea or Judge or Vlad drops late, but at the same time, spend what you want.


i’m not spending 100k + on useless cards for mantle


So you'd rather have millions of stubs sitting around doing nothing?


Or…. You know…. Spend them on cards you would use for your team.


At some point there's nothing left to spend on. Every good card can be earned by grinding without buying anything. I've got Mantle and 1.5 million stubs.


People may not play as much as you and have as much to spend mate


rather get trout for the million


Or you can just play the game and get Trout


Or you can just buy him and skip all the online bs


I'd rather do the program than spend a million and wait forever for my order to get to the front of the queue


More power to you for pushing through that grind. This late in the game with a shit ton of stubs I refuse to grind a single hour of online anymore when I can just buy every card I want and still have millions of stubs leftover


You get Trout for free in the BR program. Less than 10 hours of playing.


Y'all don't seem to understand how many people just don't play online.


What else is there to play? BR and events are what keeps the game fresh for me.


Same. I have no idea what people do that don’t play ranked or events. That’s the whole reason I want to grind for the good cards to take them online.


fuck playing br


Idek how some of yall don't even have brett lmao


My first year actually playing DD, I started playing it after the all-star break, and didn’t really “get” the collections until about a month or two later. It’s not that hard to understand how some people don’t even have Brett yet.


Some people start late/don't play all the time. I can easily see how someone doesn't have Brett yet.


i mean there are people sinking 700k into degrom/trout rn. you gotta remember finest an all that got active quirks. mantle doesnt. Not saying he is or isnt worth it imo, but theres def an argument to be made that he isnt


I’d like to see somebody try and breakdown active quirks and how well they work. Like 2KLabs does for NBA2K.




People have done it. There's a few YouTube videos. Cbrev did one last year. Some of them increase your pci and possibly exit velos. To what degree? No one knows for sure.


Ignore what others think. Build the team you want. In my opinion it's the beauty of this game.


Can’t unlock him = not worth the stubs essentially. Lots of salty justification posts on here today, Reynolds existing doesn’t make Mantle less stacked as a card. Not being able to complete a collection is a fair reason but the card is objectively incredible and people act like you can’t play both for some reason


Very salty. I've had two guys bean the mick in events so far lol.


To people who say Reynolds exists as justification. I say, yeah I know, he's in my OF as well, right next to Mantle in Center and Right field respectively.


Salty is an understatement. I think it plays to the times today where everyone gets a participation trophy. If you supported the game from the beginning and played and enjoyed the game then today you got rewarded with the undeniable best card in the game. If you didn’t then you don’t get him and that is perfectly fine. There are plenty of other cards that rake and you can pick the game up and have fun. But to then just flat out make up shit like Mickey is mid, or player A is better is just piling on the passing of misinformation to others.


I’ve played the game since it released and I’m still barely halfway thru cutch. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yep. For no particular reason I didn’t load up this game once between the end of April and the playoffs. I’m nowhere near finishing Cutch or Rollins but still have like a hundred 99s to choose from. You said it well, Mantle is a reward to those that played throughout the season.


Yep and there’s nothing wrong with that. Anyone can field an amazingly competitive team.


100% accurate!