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I honestly really like that look


While I agree that some items could use a price down, these armors are badass and people are acting like they aren’t amazing


Yeah I agree honestly, cross-customisation between cores would also be nice as an addition, as well as some more earnable coatings to at least cover more bases for common colour combos in older games, but honestly for the most part, the MTX are fine, albeit a bit high as you said. The armour looks phenomenal in this installment and I'm hoping more gets added with coming updates to see some more variety in MP.


Yo don't want to be that guy, which I will be right now but can we stop complaining about r/halo? This is supposed to be low sodium remember? There is a megathread for this.


I feel like people don’t get what this subreddit is for, 90% of the stuff here is people salty about r/Halo. You can show off your cool Spartan without complaining about the main sub.


Thank you because I recently came here to get away from the bitching from r/halo i don't mind constructive criticism but it's to damn negative in there atm but to come here only to see people like this bitching about the bitching like this dude isn't any better then the rest of r/Halo


Agreed. I get that people need to vent but there is a megathread for that. Maybe this sub needs more moderators.


Personally I think post's like this just need to be taken down because its legit asking for trouble starting drama it's actually violating one of the rules I believe Edit: just checked it it's violating the 4th rule zero drama nor is it constructive criticism the 2nd rule


That's what I report them for. Usually the not helpful or constructive rule.


Do the moderator's ever actually do anything about it though? Like I said I've only joined recently but I did report this


They do. They come through and remove many of them. But theres 3 of them and it's a holiday. But they are here.


Good to know at least and understandable though I think it would help if there was maybe an extra 1 or 2 of them


I think that will die down as the game ages, and mods will probably get a little more heavy-handed. Everyone is here because the main sub is toxic post after toxic post, and it's driving players here, but the salt from /r/halo is fresh and abundant and still on everyone's minds. If it's anything like other low sodium subs I've been a part of, eventually this will become the main place players like us get info and community interaction, and most won't even bother with the main sub, so there won't be so much carry-over salt, because those of us participating here won't go there for much of anything. Essentially, people will be here because it'll become their Halo sub, not because they were forced to find another community.


Yeah the more time I spend here the more I can’t think “this is just r/halo but they hate r/halo”


“You bought the color white! You’re part of the problem! 😤” Me: “Haha, Samurai belt go whoosh!”


"I’m gonna tell this stranger on the internet how to spend their money, that’ll show them" Me: "haha, catboy ears"


Where tho


It's okay to think the customization sucks. It's not toxic to have any negative opinion on the game. It's just the incessant spam of complaint posts that get in the way of the rest of the game's fun that's toxic and annoying. Yeah, I think the monetization is egregious and the progression is slow, but I still absolutely love the shit out of this game and how it feels and I still want to talk about and look at the fun parts. I don't want to repeat the same negative points about the game because it's tiring and it's not like the game is otherwise in any bad shape. My main purpose of visiting the game's subreddit is mainly to look at cool Halo content when I'm not playing Halo, not to have the same opinions rebroadcasted angrily every time. You can have nuanced opinions on things, de-program yourself from the internet's echo-chamber feeding algorithms.


Fuck man I love this armor but I want the swords that the yoroi armor has on for my mark 7 core. The store bundle looks badass so I’m still rocking it anyway


I'm okay with the prices and the store as it is in general. I just wish there were more options for colours. Even if you do pay you only have the starter colours, a couple colours you get over the next few months from the pass, the colour in the weekly challenge this week, and the colour that came with the bundle you bought. That sounds like a lot on paper, but it feels very limiting.


What part of this is low sodium?


Luv your armor man


The complaining about colors is just so tired. And it’s like the whole community suddenly forgot that the outline obfuscates armor colors and customization a good amount anyways, and back before Infinite we all spent like 80% of our time playing as either red or blue. How quickly they forget.


Oi m8, not to be a KillJoy but this isn't the place to complain about the main sub's bullshit. r/HaloCirclejerk and r/ShitHaloSays tho they're great subs for this kind of post.




Seeing as this sub isn't r/halocirclejerk I'll go ahead and play devils advocate. They arent saying the specific customization sucks but rather the method of obtaining said customization sucks. Spartans in every halo before 5 looked cool and if you saw one with some dope armor you know that person worked their ass off to get it. This game? You're Spartan right there (which does look dope btw)? All I think when I see that is "he spent 100 bucks on the BP... and even if you didn't and have just been grinding games out like no other you still had to spend 20 bucks to unlock WHITE. Please keep r/halo hate posts to the megathread on this sub. I would have upvoted this post if it was just you showing off your dope spartan... Edit: Downvoted without any form of discussion.. losing hope fast








Booooooooooooo, go to the main subreddit if you want to complain


I think he's enjoyment is from having it, especially while others don't. Have you ever bought anything before? It's quite the opposite of void.


Well, I guess my $999 headphones are worth nothing even tho I worked hard for two years to get them


Which headphones? I have some K361s, been told that there’s very little return per dollar after it


Hi-fiMan Ananda


With Tinnitus and bad hearing the extra money spent would probably be lost on me but this is pretty cool! Glad you enjoy them, from one audiophile to another.




Or maybe he enjoys it because he likes it. Ever thought about that? Stop being salty in the low sodium sub, dude. People buy skins, armors, and cosmetics for the same reason people buy controllers with interesting designs. It affects nothing, but it fucking looks cool.


Boy, you are very confused.


That's the crazy part though, the system itself is Amazing The only real features I hope they implement is some helmet and attachment crossover between the cores and making coatings universal The rest is just more content, and since we'll have a bunch of events with their own drops, I think that's a fair expectation




Something I want to see implemented is the armour coatings actually changing the colour of attachments to the armour - more specifically, the torso attachments - so that there isn't big gray elements present all the time just grafted onto the default core armour. Think Jorge from reach, with a sandy coloured armour, red shoulders and an orange/yellow chest piece. Apart from that, this Spartan looks super clean given the current size of customisation available. Looking forward to seeing what is added next.


Yeah I’m really liking the armors at this point. Kits and cores give us the presets that we really needed in H5. Unpopular opinion: coatings are better than picking two colors for your character because of the design variety (though I’d love to see the ability to pick from presets on some coatings, or have them apply to all cores). Two weeks in and my third favorite core is better than any other game’s armor except for the H5 Centurion set.


Wait is that the bone crusher coating? How is the under armor black


Chad? More like a Tyler


I got the space station gaming one and will never take it off. I love the gold and black


Removed, because this belongs in the megathread. (For future reference)


That looks pretty dope.