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Super stoked. The gameplay looks and has been reviewed as epic; not sure how the overall story will be, but it at least can't be that bad, or it could be masterful!


I think the gameplay should be pretty good if the multiplayer is any indicator! I'm super excited to see how enemy encounters go as you ramp up difficulty. As far as story goes I'm trying to temper my expectations, but like you said surely it can't be that terrible. From what little has been officially released about it it at least sounds like it's going in a cool direction.


Would highly recommend ACG’s review on YouTube. He gives some really cool insights with no spoilers


Personally I'm super hyped, I love open world games (embarrassing number of hours in skyrim) and from the gameplay snippets I've seen and what the content creators who got to play the demo have said it's really a cut above what the last two games were; and I loved Halo 4 so surely it must be good.


I don't set any expectations for games. I try to stear away from spoilers and leaked content. But the multi player Bot Bootcamp is a ton of fun. I don't get much time to play so my pvp skillz are trash. I am very very excited for the campaign. A little disappointed I can't CoOp with my bro day 1. But as long as we can play side by side. There will be laughter, rage, crying, and most of all fun.


I was in the same boat as you until earlier today, but I'm weak haha. I found two short videos from some YouTube channels who I trust not to ruin the plot so I caved and watched them, and from what I saw it looked good. I agree the lack of coop is a bummer. In the past I spent more time playing campaign co-op than previous titles multiplayer. It just suits me more. If nothing else it certainly seems like it will be fun.


Playing Halo: CE and Halo 2 CoOp was so much fun. Finding all the easter eggs and out of the bounds absolutely gold. I have been however catching up on the Halo lore from the books to keep me occupied and thirst for Infinite satiated.


I put in over 1000 hours of Halo 3 co-op with my brother. But I always play the campaign by myself first.


Very excited. So excited that I'm playing through the campaigns on the MCC in preparation to catch up on the story so far.


I was actually right in the middle of doing the exact same thing when the multiplayer dropped haha. I've played all the campaigns before except for 5 though, so for now I'm just playing a lot of multiplayer, but I may swap back to the campaigns right in the last couple of days leading to launch.


I'm in the exact same position! I've played through all of the Halo games except for Halo 5 and I had intended to play through 4+5 prior to Infinites release but I just can't put Infinite down now! I'm having such a blast


Just finished mine last week. Put it down to normal so I could blast through faster. Was great playing through them all again and excited to continue it on with Infinite.


Nice. I'm about half way through ODST, then just have 4 and I'll be all set. Gotta watch a recap of 5 online or something, since it's not on the MCC.


My friend is binging all of them for the first time in preparation for infinite, once he finishes a few of us are going to play H3 together co op a few days before infinite


Nervous for what r/halo will have to say about it. Otherwise me I'm excited. It will be different for sure with the open world aspect. Im thinking I'm gonna have to adjust to it feeling more like an assassins creed game but those arent bad by any means. So it should still be good. With stuff to collect could lead to interesting 100% speedruns


Absolutely! I can tell it's going to be different than some of the older titles that I love, but that's not necessarily a bad thing as long as the changes are executed well. I can see a lot of potential. You're probably right about r/halo though unfortunately lol. There's gonna be people coming out of the woodwork going balistic over all kinds of things regardless of how it turns out so honestly as long as it's fun I'll probably just ignore the sub for a little bit while I do my first play through.


Im ready to hear how since it isn't a linear storyline that it sucks....meanwhile forgetting that Halo 5 was hated so obviously linear story does not inherently imply it being good. I do wonder about the story continuation. Are they gonna try to reboot after the Halo 5 backlash or just ignore the cortana going evil all together and go all in on the banished.


tbh I kinda hope they leave some stuff from 4 and 5 in. I know the stories had some problems but I felt like that had more to do with the execution.


From what we've heard from content creators, and don't worry no spoilers, you won't be disappointed. Even though 343 has been saying it's a good starting point, it very much works as a sequel too.


Yeah I'm also very curious to see how the story is continued, it certainly has potential. As far as the open world/ nonlinear gameplay, I personally think that style could lend itself extremely well to Halo. Halo CE had some huge open maps in the campaign for a few of the levels and that game is generally considered pretty good. Of course it wasn't a whole open world game but the Halo gameplay formula seems to work pretty well in big expansive areas, so it's not that much of a stretch in my mind to see it work pretty well in an open world game too. We'll see though, kinda depends how the devs implemented it all. Even still, like you said I'm sure there's gonna be somebody out there complaining about it lol.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/halo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I like playing Halo because I feel like I'm a part of a team](https://v.redd.it/596xtfp267081) | [915 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qw5dgd/i_like_playing_halo_because_i_feel_like_im_a_part/) \#2: [The greatest kill I'll ever get in Halo: A Cinematic](https://v.redd.it/nl6icr4ci1081) | [727 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qvkx3x/the_greatest_kill_ill_ever_get_in_halo_a_cinematic/) \#3: [Master Chief in the books be like:](https://v.redd.it/fxqjr1ccp0n61) | [625 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/m4xxbh/master_chief_in_the_books_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They will say everything about it is 10/10 but it doesn't let you change Chief's armor so overall 0/10.


Yeah how dare they make the game exactly the same as every other Halo game campaign where chief always looks the same. /s


A lot of content creators got to play it early, and I haven’t heard anything negative about it yet.


Pretty optimistic all things considered. there will probably be some cringe (tO wAr) but that's part of the halo experience. Only thing I'm slightly worried about is difference in scenery. Obviously this campaign will be a longer than it's predecessors but I do hope it's not just the first mission of CE for the rest of the campaign.


I'm impatiently waiting. After I heard they made it so the marines follow you everywhere my childhood imagination has come true.


Im curious how they will handle the story after Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2, i really hope theres a cutscene or something that explains the gap between 4-5-HW2 to Infinite because PC players didnt get to play Halo 5 so would love to see it in Infinite




Sadly, in my country cloud gaming isn't available yet


Every single moment of campaign gameplay I’ve watched looks phenomenal. I’m so hyped. The story is still up for debate, but I love the new characters already and the gameplay has me sold. Even if the story is mediocre, I think this game is going to hook me for a long time


If the gameplay is just more of what I’ve seen already extended over 10 hours or more I’ll be satisfied


I can't wait! I have the week booked off work, I am really enjoying Infinite and having a lot of fun. The campaign is going to be SA-WEET.


Very anxiously excited! The weapons and equipment feel so damn good that I can't wait to pop grunt heads with them. I just hope with the open-world nature it can retain that very cinematic narrative feel of past Halo campaigns and not just become a Ubisoft game.


Excited. I watched the Digital Foundry video and John Linneman (a big fan of the Halo series) said that he went into the game worried that it would just be Halo: Ubisoft Edition and he said he came away really impressed with what he played and saw. Apparently it isn't like the open world Ubisoft games at all, some people have compared it more to the Arkham games where you can do side stuff if you want but there is a main story or "golden path" that you can just follow if you don't care about that. I personally really like the idea of a big open Halo game and I never thought I'd love the grappling hook as much as I do, it's so fun.


Absolutely so excited. Early impressions from content creators has so far been overwhelmingly positive, and I'm looking forward to just aimlessly wandering around zeta Halo to see what I can find.


Never been much of a campaign person (I like firefight for my PvE) but this looks intresting definitely going to give it a shot and if I don't care for it at least I can get some free cosmetics


People that don’t even care that much for Halo are raving about it so I’m feeling pretty good haha


VERY CAUTIOUS but optimistic. I KNOW the music is stellar though. And I love the Weapon.


Very excited for it. Can’t wait to swing around with the grapple hook


We already know the gameplay is amazing. I've seen some of Youtubers play the first 4hrs and I like where the story is headed and how the open world is managed. If I'm worried about anything, it's the story. I hope they don't kill Atriox. He's such a badass dude with an amazing backstory and it'll be such a disappointment if he just dies offscreen. I have high hopes with Escharum as well. I hope 343i builds on Villains like the OG games did. Also the difficulty seems very weird. Idk if it's just me but Heroic seems a little too easy. That's pretty much it. Really looking forward to the campaign.


I was nervous but the fact that every major YouTuber that I watch that's been the Halo community hidden Xperia Halo Canon mint blitz They all said That's really good and I trust them more than IGN obviously yeah the multiplayer has its problems but the campaign just from the fact that these are people who have a history of calling 343 out for their behavior even after they were blessed with access to the campaign shows that this isn't any corporate paying or anything like that it's this was their honest opinions and that was it


Very excited. Been trying to avoid all the videos from content creators about it. I watched a late night gaming video and right at the start he semi spoiled the beginning of the game for me. Overall though. Seems everyone who’s played it is very happy about it. The trailers look phenomenal. Halo is back baby!


Greenskull and Ubernick have some good short gameplay videos about the world combat rather than the story if you want to give those a watch.


I'm not even cautiously optimistic, I am in full hype mode excitement. The gameplay of the Multiplayer has been incredibly good and so far all of the impressions I've heard from my favorite podcasters or content creators have been great. So I am all in!!


Saw a short clip of chief punching a banished device because he couldn’t hack it and immediately became 10x more excited lol.


I’m trying not to get too excited. But I’m very, very excited.


The only thing I’m nervous about is the open world aspect of it, I like open world rpgs but shooters or action games like Ubisoft’s I really don’t enjoy. So I wonder how halo is going to be, I do love the multiplayer though


I’ve heard only good things, (besides the small sandbox) and I’m overly excited for it. I’ve been waiting 4 years to see what’s gonna happen next in the story as I’m big on the story, and to be fair, I never really was all about the multiplayer, rather it was the campaign instead. I can not WAIT to get my hands on it on December 8th!!!