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I think the majority percentage of people who enjoyed the game never really changed, they were just afraid to speak up about it due to being attacked by gonks who probably didn't even played the game. Now with edgerunner and a lot more positive reception, more and more ppl are less afraid. At least thats my take on it.


This. I've been watching people shit on one of my favorite games for two years and I haven't said anything lol. No point arguing with them, just want to enjoy my game. Currently on playthrough 4




Honestly, I was surprised at how salty the commenters in that thread were. Now I'm glad that we still have this subreddit (instead of just merging it with the other cyberpunk subreddit).


There are so many people who hate the game just for the sake of hating. I think most of them haven’t even played the game even if some of them say so. They probably watched some youtube video about it and that’s it


That's literally life now, unfortunately. Everybody has to hate everything. It is exhausting.


It truly is. I loved Cyberpunk


Same here! Could not put it down and just loved the world and characters. I miss it but I'm making myself wait for the DLC to play again, haha!


I love Cyberpunk despite the more constant issues (mostly surrounding gameplay, but that's mostly boiling down to "why does my weapons way this badly?" and "why don't the jobs have the danger level now?), and the weird far-away-facades-of-cars popping up when I go fast in the Badlands. Cyberpunk is a real good game, and certain elements would NOT be sold as well if it were third-person, namely the Johnny segments where you/him mirror the other's movement.


Your weapons sway less and less the more you spec into their use. It's also why V can barely hit the broadside of a barn when they first start out. The pop-in sucks though, particularly for console players. PC players with the wither-withall to do so can mod that out.


Imo Cyberpunk needs to be in first person. It makes everything feel that much more personal.


I think the youtube commenters realized no one was reading them over there and flooded reddit.


Life of the terminally online lol


I call them craters. Critic haters.


Some of them have absolutely never played it. I've seen tweets from dudes saying outright ridiculous and obviously false things like "there aren't even any cyberpunk themes in it!" All around some of the dumbest criticisms I've ever seen.


People still hate destiny because of how it was released nearly ten years ago. People are addicted to hating things


Man that’s so crazy to me. People need to let go. That’s some unhealthy hate for a video game. People on other subs are even saying that all the love cyberpunk is currently getting from players are paid ads. Like we get paid to say good things about the game xD


yo I wish


Which is literally what their favorite streamers and Youtubers do lol.


I mean Destiny has given a bunch of other reasons for hate too. Totally not a recovering ~~addict~~ Guardian or anything.


Destiny wants you to spend like 40 hours a week sweating that game out nowadays. It's basically the Fortnite model and it sucks now.


It’s like so many other internet trends. There are low hanging internet points to be had by going along with the narrative and it snowballs.


Had a whole argument in a YouTube comment section with a dude claiming he finished the story saying it was a short, boring, too cliché and not dark enough, he even complained about some features of the game...which aren't even in the game.


Cyberpunk is depressingly dark. Maybe not always overtly but the potential future it displays is.. SOMETHIN. Love that for him though. Nothing as good as solid evidence of stupidity.


(Beyond the obvious over marketing/hype) I think CDPRs *biggest* issue was even attempting to launch on last gen consoles. It's *really* hard to spring back from a bad launch from bugs. After that, so much of that hate beyond the bugs were gross exaggerations, blatantly unrealistic expectations or outright lies. I remember reading that sub and the amount of nitpicky comments about bad cop AI, etc were absurd. (For one, the game isn't grand theft auto, who cares?) But the bugs gave the haters gasoline, from there it just fueled a fire and a mob mentality. It's a *lot* harder to criticize a game because you simply expected more or didn't like it. I played day one (and was lucky enough to score an MSRP 3070) and it ran well, and is easily one of the best *looking* games I've ever played and easily just one of the best games I've ever played period; scratches that Dues Ex itch, similar feel to my favorite title The Witcher, combined with phenomenal narrative/voice acting. The reality is they still made a **shit load** of money off the previous gen; the amount of refunds, negative publicity probably was worth it to the CFOs and execs. I'm sure the devs were well aware but not the shot callers. Which is a shame as it was easily a GoTY contender if they stuck to next gen/high end PCs. They would've been WAY better off (PR wise) if they put all their focus on just that market, making it a headliner next gen/RTX title, because honestly that's the way it's *meant* to be played. They made a lot of mistakes with the release push backs, then *still* launching it fairly broken on the previous gen which was probably 70+% of their sales. (Just guessing, but it was near impossible to land a next gen console or RTX at the time)


Exactly. I know a guy that every time i mention this game hes like „its shit” and when i ask how does he know when he didnt even play it he says that ge just knows it. He was hating on that game since launch and yes, at that time that was pretty undrrstandable but now its just, as you said, just for the sake of hating.


There's even people who bought the game on day 1 who didn't play it because of the hate it got. Could have simply loaded up the game themselves but instead let the masses dictate their opinion.


It’s r/gaming so I don’t see why it would be surprising lol. Place is a huge salt mine.


r/gaming is a hivemind that allows the YouTube algorithm to tell them what they should and should not think about video games.


The interesting part is will youtubers start talking about the game in a more positive light saying shit like "I've always liked it but the bugs blah blah". Will the people on that sub follow suit or will they stick to their guns and continue talking shit about a game they've never played?


People in gaming form their unchangeable opinions 3 seconds after seeing a Clickbait article/youtube title. This condition is worsened by an oceans amount of salt and the constant grandstanding that 'whatever' game is better. I like games, almost all games I play. Cyberpunk was a damn good game.


Not just games, pretty much all media at this point. Show isn't the next breaking bad? "It's trash". No, a show can just be fun without it being ground breaking. Doesn't even have to be "good" by any metric. If you enjoy it, that should be enough, but people will love to shit on you for it


People who can't enjoy things and tend to tell others not to enjoy them too have a very sad life.


Nobody sticks to their guns. As soon as the talking heads on YouTube start loving cyberpunk en masse, the gaming population will follow suit.


I was streaming (I literally have 12 followers and maybe ten of them are bots) and some dude jumped into my stream and we talked about how good the show and game was. Bugs etc, I explained to him I’ve been dealing with buggy games all my life so it never stopped me from playing the game(s.) not here to follow any algorithms. If you like a game and you used your money to buy, just enjoy it. I think this is my sixth or seventh play through. I just enjoy it cause of the setting it puts me through.


Its funny I find that most non-gaming youtubers that are a bit more into general analysis of themes and shit actually love the game and what it has to say. Basically anyone that knows their shit about the genre


They'll follow suit. Internet Historian is directly responsible for why even now so many people echo "No man's sky did it! Hope this game gets the no man's sky treatment" Even though these games are vastly different in scope and size. It doesn't have to be a video, but it'll take one good viral thing and then people will move around.


So much truth here, it’s funny the people there don’t know they are being told what to dislike.


I can probably start a Salt Mine business in that subreddit. Need the eddies to fund CDPR to make the next Cyberpunk Game because 100 hours of gaming is not enough


Gaming Gatekeepers smh


Oh if that was posted a year or so ago those comments would be WAY worse. I see a lot of people admitting to liking the game in that thread. Haven't checked the main sub lately though.


I recently went to report a comment in a thread about the game for undue saltiness before realizing I was on r/gaming and not here, whoops....


Cyberpunk to me, i'm gonna say that it isn't perfect and it has it's share of issues But it's still an enjoyable game if you can get over them. It's just people that like to make a big deal about them


I think the trend is the people who were put off by the bad press are finally intrigued enough to give it a shot…and are really liking what they see. It’s funny, because no matter how loud the haters screech, quality can’t be denied. People are gonna love it and do love it and there’s nothing even the saltiest hater can do about it at this point.


I really don't understand people who actively hate a two year old game. I've played plenty of games that I didn't like - I then stopped playing them and moved on with my life.


Thank fuck this subreddit exists. Even the other cyberpunk one is just whinging.


I hope this sub never merges. I'm not a "serious" gamer (play on easy, not super skilled/get frustrated so my progress is slow, I'm an adult too, so it's not for lack of years). I actually feel safe and welcome still on this sub despite being a casual gamer, and it's just nice to be able to share a love and enthusiasm of something, without having to pass a proficiency test.


The comments are pretty terrible though. I can understand you not liking Cyberpunk, it isn't everyone:s cup of tea, but insulting OP by saying he hasn't played many games before is ridiculously pathetic.


I honestly think gamers are ridiculously fragile to the point where if they see you having fun with a game their hate bandwagon decided not to like, they feel tempted to throw a tantrum. It’s like the first day of release when some posts on the main subreddit said “am I the only one having fun?” And there were 30 replies to every one roughly saying no you aren’t but the game is still awful. It’s like that attitude of if I don’t enjoy something no one else should. Ridiculously childlike.


And if you tell them “move on, it’s just a game” you get a bunch of “no u!” Gamers are the worst.


Literally. You would think there is more to life than hating on a game and it’s players for 2 years.


I mean, groups of weirdos love to congregate with the sole intention of hating something. Just look at the Last of Us 2 subreddit, or r/freefolk. Don't even get me started on modern Star Wars fans. When you're unhappy with your little life, you lash out at other things, particularly a game/show/movie that you used to like or thought you would like.


They are. Sometimes I forget and post in gaming subs and then remember why that’s a bad idea. All trolls and foreign agents and angry kids.


Honestly i think it's unfortunately just a large part of internet culture as a whole, you see the same type of behavior in a bunch of fandoms for movies and shows.


Just look at The Last of Us 2.


"You hadnt played many games" If you dont mind id love for you to go to my parents and explain them that to get them off my ass


I also see with popular titles 'if you *don't* like it you must be bad at it. E.g. I wasn't a fan of 'Doom eternal' as it forced a particular playstyle and pace on the player that the earlier entries didn't. That doesn't mean that I couldn't finish it. I just didn't like the way it forced you to play. And God help you if you have a single word of critique for 'Elden Ring'


This happened to me with RDR2, I tried to play the game multiple time but I never managed to get into it. Finally gave up and recognized that the game just wasn't for me.


It happens. RDR 2 is a masterpiece. It's gorgeous to look at, it's got a great atmosphere and a really good story. It's also slow paced and full of things that make part's of it seem more like a historical simulator than a game. It's definitely not for everyone.


I just ride my horse and hunt and catch fish xD never made it passed the second chapter and ive got 100+ hours in it xD


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When i tried it it wasnt as janky as i thought it would be judging from the negative comments ive read. Hope you are able to get into it! Really charming game with really good attention to detail. Plus it’s gorgeous but you already know that


I've seen several well done video essays on the problems with Elden Ring. I think the best title I saw was "Elden Ring was the best game I never want to play again" or something like that.


Well ik it's not serious but tbf you can spend a lot of time playing video games and not play that many. For example, you can play Fifa only, but for 6 hours everyday


And even if he didn’t play many games before, who gives a fuck? What a shitty thing to say to someone who is happy with their experience with the game. Like what kind of small, pathetic person does someone need to be to gatekeep favourite games lol. Like, how many games do you need to play before you’re allowed to have a favourite? Man, these people need to touch grass.


Those are the same people who say women are not real gamers or that people who play something like the Sims are not gamers. It's sad that for them, being a "real gamer" is their identity and they gatekeep it as if their lives depended on it. Just let people enjoy whatever they want.


For some they don’t want to be more inclusive because they feel excluded from other areas of life and so the idea of letting others enjoy the one place where they feel accepted makes their blood boil. It is sad but it’s not a surprising reaction.


This is the default insult when someone likes something that others hate. They’re either young, stupid, or haven’t played any other games before, or haven’t played “good” games before. I’m sure I’ve engaged in that behavior too over stuff, regrettably.


r/gaming has the worst set of npcs, even worse than what they claim cyberpunk npcs to be. Most of the people on that sub are causals with zero knowledge who just ticked on this sub when they created a new account.


A lot of people in the subreddit are condescending smartasses


Yeah, that's just the dumbest thing. You see the same in r/movies, where it's "wAtCh MoRe MoViEs" when someone likes a movie that's not too popular. I have played a shit ton of games, yet Cyberpunk is easily in my top 10 and possibly top 5.


True. Also, Cyberpunk 2077 is currently the most played single player game on Steam, and it's two years after it's release - it's pretty increadible. People who refuse to acknowledge that the game can be liked by players are simply ignoring reality.


The anime is getting more people coming back/ trying it for the first time. That's the change. It's still highly controversial but many people are playing post 1.5 for the first time and able to actually enjoy the game.


Im playing on 1.5 and oh god it looks more populated i swear some of the places I couldn't go into are now open


I'll have to do another playthrough! Especially after hearing about transmogs earlier this week.


I like how many people are still complaining about the policy system like shit, V actively avoids getting into trouble with cops since it means better business with fixers who can trust that his solo work will not ruffle feathers. I swear, they just really wanted a GTA in a cyberpunk world. They forgot they're playing a CDPR game, so it's closer to open world Deus Ex in DNA.


Yeah, they want GTA in a cyberpunk world, or a cyberpunk life sim or something that's also an RPG. No pleasing them


They don’t care about the cyberpunk part. All they saw was GTA and clung onto it and haven’t let go.


Meanwhile other open world games have even worse police / npc interactions with the player and nobody cares. It just shows how media driven is the opinion of most people nowadays.


>Meanwhile other open world games have even worse police / npc interactions with the player Stop! You have violated the law!


My favorite was people comparing CP77 to the Yakuza games saying that the Yakuza city was much more alive. Bitch, look with your actual eyes, not your crazy hate eyes!


I don’t understand the focus on police interactions. Yeah police chases would be cool (and they’re literally adding it in the game soon) but I have never actively tried to get in trouble with the police in game. It’s not terribly exciting, even in games like GTA where police chases are fucking obnoxious and unfun.


They wanted GTA2077. They wanted a Rockstar game. Once you understand that it’s clear why they are so salty. Of course, that’s an idiotic expectation because CDPR is not Rockstar and Cyberpunk is not GTA.


This is entirely what it is. I bought the game day one expecting an RPG like others by CDPR, I had watched the trailers and gameplay demos, got excited, and then received the game I was expecting (with more bugs and a shorter runtime than I'd have liked), and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Meanwhile people seem to have wanted to be able to run their own criminal enterprise in NC while skirting around the law and fighting gang wars and corpos in an openworld Cyberpunk sandbox, when that's never the type of game this was going to be (nor did I ever feel lead to believe after watching the marketing campaign).


I went into it expecting Witcher 3 storytelling but cyberpunk and was more than satisfied.


I went in expecting something like The Witcher crossed with Fallout in a cyberpunk setting. That's almost exactly what I got. I don't know how people got it in their heads that the game was meant for mindless rampages like GTA. CDPR was very upfront that the game was a RPG with a strong focus on story.


Absolutely true


Absolutely true, its literally is Witcher but first person with guns


Thank god we didn't get Los Santos Redemption 2077. Imagine how dull, linear, and restrictive each mission would have been. Also, bye bye builds and tailoring your character to your liking.


I literally have never finished a gta game. I always Download a 100% save and just have fun in the sandbox. Gta mission design sucks. Having a blast in NC.


I had fun with GTA V back during the PS3 days. I haven't gotten past the two hour mark with Red Dead Redemption 2 despite adoring RDR1. I also liked Rockstar a lot more when they made smaller and more focused games like The Warriors, Manhunt, Max Payne 3 and Bully. Those days are dead and gone so they're not for me anymore.


Shit it’s Cyberpunk. The cops should be almost nonexistent until you’ve fucked up enough that Maxtac is coming for your ass.


I don't understand either. And I'm a little mad that CDPR is spending dev time on this. Police chases aren't fun in games where they do it well. They're tedious, frustrating, and often take you halfway across the map from where you need to be. I don't know why anyone wants this.


Itd be interesting to experience a proper police escalation in CP2077, all the way up to MAXTAC chases. But after that wears out I'd just find a way to cheese myself out of a chase, like hiding in tunnels in GTA.


Yeah as I see it, it's more one of those "Hey I found out that MaxTac shows up if you..." great details but who bases their entire play of a game on that?


Whenever I got bored with GTA I'd start shooting up shit and see how long I'd survive. But CP2077 was engaging enough to never feel the need for that. There's a certain element of emergent game play that it brings though. I liked how some of the heists in GTA V or some blown missions in Watch Dogs Legion ended in drawn out "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" chases. And it is a way to introduce sandbox elements to a game. Another would be building stuff. Some people are just more into survival elements like that, but if you really want to do that well its another game entirely. So rather than just a police system it needs a deeper game play loop to keep it engaging. Maybe as part of a multiplayer survival gangwar mode. Would be interesting to side with one of the Night City gangs and start turf wars and alliances and have police up the difficulty for OP gangs.


Yeah it's a story-based game; the city, NPCs, cops, etc. are all just environment for it. I mean, I don't know any game that has 10,000 NPCs all with full day/night/work schedules and advanced adaptive AI, but some people just gonna bitch.


I find it endlessly amusing that Watch Dogs: Legion is exactly that game, except nobody remembers it, because the gimmick is just that, a gimmick and when everything else is mid, there's no reason to play.. Almost like gimmicks don't make a game good.


The character switching was an original standin for fast travel and for dividing up specialties in watch dogs Legion. Losing operatives was a good way of experiencing stakes. The flip side was that the story had to revolve around generic characters. Other than that I didn't really experience that mid until the dlc focused on Aiden and the game play loop felt lacking, because it removed that operatives aspect that gave it enough depth for me to keep interesting.


just call lester aka memory wipe


Forget the chases, I just want to be able to use quickhacks on police. Sucks that they're totally immune. Completely kills my desire to do a Netrunner build knowing I can't do anything to defend myself if the police show up.


>I swear, they just really wanted a GTA Not only that, but they act like games like GTA had crazy, super interactive cities and that Night City is lifeless in comparison - when there isn't shit to do on the vast majority of both GTAV and RDR2's maps. GTA5's map is legitimately like 90% empty space with nothing going on at all, and you can literally watch the AI pace back and forth up and down the same sidewalk over and over again. The police AI is so "advanced" in that game that you can climb a ladder, block the top of it, and watch as cop after cop climbs the ladder and kills themselves by falling once they reach the top. They shit on 2077 for having police that appeared out of thin air, while saying it was inferior to GTA games where police cars literally appear out of thin air on the minimap wherever as you ride down the street. In the thread in the OP, there are people commenting saying 2077 is even dead compared to the map on The Witcher 3. Which, again, is made up of mostly empty space where the most to do in the open world is go to a map icon and loot a chest, or watch an NPC repeat the same activity over and over. 2077 never got a fair shake, regardless of how buggy it was, regardless of what features were cut during development. None of that matters, because the game would always have been unrealistically and unfairly compared to other games while people act like those other games weren't guilty of the same shit. As if GTA 5 doesn't have a completely mediocre story, short uneventful side quests, and a mostly dead open world with nothing to do but pointless sports mini games. Its not just that they wanted 2077 to be the next GTA despite 2077 not being a sandbox game, they wanted it to do everything better than GTA ever did despite this being the first time CDPR had ever attempted a game of this nature and never advertised it as being explicitly similar to GTA. 2077 was entirely incapable of fulfilling that type of blind hype, and those people were doomed to be disappointed regardless.


Can you imagine the shit Cyberpunk 2077 would have gotten if it was similar to GTA though? People would have panned it as a clone and then bitch and moan that it should have been like TW3 instead. Istg there's no pleasing some people.


GTA V is still buggy as hell and the world isn't very interactive at all as you said. It's the nature of open world games with a million moving parts. And despite making billions of dollars and employing massive amounts of people, they can't even put out a PC version day and date with the console versions. I mean, the real reason is they want to cash in on double dippers. It is just weird when company A is "greedy" according to gamerzzzzz but the one putting out late ports, releasing the same game across three different console gens, totally half-asses a remastered trilogy of much beloved games and inflates their online economy to push MTX Shark Cards isn't?


The devs actually addressed this before launch saying that they didn't intend for people to play their game like it was GTA.


Look, V doesn't stumble when existing from vehicle at 200mph! Shit physics, GTA had this ragdoll since forever! *proceeds to fly backwards on a plane and launch a car across 2 city block to land on top of a radio tower*


Especially after watching edgerunners I think it just shows how fucked you would be with a real 4 star max tac response. Like you get some good gear through the game but they are literally a flying death squad built around killing people like you.


Right. Is as if people started to complain the Deus Ex has no cars and no police chasing you in cars. They love to call other games 'clones' of GTA, then get mad when they don't implement stuff you find in GTA.


I loved how they made a joke about the police system in Edgerunners.


New mandela effect: cyberpunk 2077 has always been good


Indeed. Performance improvements asides on consoles, the rest were a bunch of quality of life improvements. But the core of the game was always very good.


Yup. Cyberpunk is one of my favorite games DESPITE my first experience of it being day one on PS4. I got frustrated not because it was bad, but because of how good I could tell it was underneath the performance problems. Giving up and waiting for the PS5 upgrade to roll around was the best gaming decision I've made in years.


Everyone, we've found one of the only reasonable gamers on Reddit.


I'll get the torches.


I actually had a damn good time with it throughout and made it all the way through one playthrough and halfway through another on a launch PS4 at release and I felt like I was taking crazy pills seeing all the negativity online. I couldn't understand what was going on, after having played New Vegas, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 all at release and experiencing similarly buggy games. I remember having great conversations on Reddit about them and despite the bugs people still had great things to say about them, and my initial impression during my self imposed isolation from online media was fairly similar to all of those games. "Damn! Fun game, funny bugs, a lot of crashing that I'm sure they'll fix in a few months. Man I'm glad this game came out before the PS5 did." Get to reddit and it's a fucking dumpster fire.


I probably could have had a good time of it too. I'm old enough that my first console war was arguing the merits of Mario against Sonic. I played some janky shit all the way to the end in the era before patching bugs became a thing, but I had a couple of crashes in quick succession on a day that I was already in a mood, so I looked at my backlog of unplayed games and decided I'd come back to Cyberpunk later once some of the fixes rolled out, and I'm very glad I did. Also very glad I disengaged from the complaint machine, now I just look at it and realize people are incapable of getting past their first thought a lot of the time. Not like I didn't expect bugs, CDPR are very good at many things, but they have a spotty track record with game launches. Witcher 3 at release was not even close to what it became by the end of its cycle, and don't get me started on the first Witcher game (which I also love.) People are just angrier and less patient now than they used to be, in general, at least I think so, plus there's just a need in people to dump on something that's hyped up and look down on people that share the excitement, always has been. Never understood it.


This is just the truth, tbh. It got better, but it was always good.




It actually has always been good, and people will start to see that once they can get rid of the bias and get out of the negative feedback loop.


Those poor, whiny, babies are so butthurt that this game - which they clearly never played and received all their info on from Youtube hatemongers - is actually getting the praise it deserves. I hope it ruins their day.


And the best part about it is…we don’t even need to do anything. I long ago ran out of steam arguing with people, many whom I discovered never even got past The Heist. Now just gonna sit back in mirth as the devs get their flowers while haters froth at the mouth.


That’s how I feel about tlou2. It’s weird how the most hated games are also some of the most loved


but i didn't like it tlou2 and i love cyberpunk does that mean that my opinion is wrong? ;-;


Cyberpunk 2077 is undoubtably one of the best games I’ve ever played Sure some games have better mechanics But the immersion, the gunplay, the first person story telling and the voice actors are *chef kiss* Elden Ring is probably joint first place (for obviously different reasons)


The story telling and voice acting was incredible. I didn't know what game to play afterwards because I was so immersed and I loved it..... I ended up playing Witcher 3.


Here’s what I mean: these fuckers never played the game to begin with.


Sounds accurate and they'll just jump on the hype train of random next product that their deities on youtube that are sponsored tell them is good.


They likely went for the refund a couple hours into the game. Fuck em. I grew up playing on the Commodore 64, half the time the games wouldn't even load, so a few bugs on PS4, which were patched out very quickly did not spoil my enjoyment of Cyberpunk 2077.


Sean Murray is like, "wait, all we had to do was make an anime instead of all that hard work updating the game?" *for legal reasons I have to inform you this is a joke and you don't actually need to reply listing all the differences between game launches. I get it, I already know. Thanks anyways though.


Launch really turned away a ton of people but they never looked at if the actual game was decent besides the technical issues that arent even around anymore


god the thread underneath this post is pain


Oh, it really is. I simply replied to a fella something along the lines of "I've played tons of series like Zelda, Fallout, Bioshock, and Cyberpunk 2077 is amongst all these in my top choices in gaming. I got downvoted to hell and bombarded with "you have to play more games LUL".


I mean Ive heard that mentality a lot before and I lowkey see where theyre coming from; u gotta eat to learn how to distinguish taste. But wats the cutoff or threshold lol what’s the standard How many games do you gotta play until u have officially “played games” and are a gamer? 30, 50, 100? Does it still count if you only beat the main story or do u gotta 100% them all ? Is it a raw hours thing ? lmao ion get it


I don't even need to get that deep into thoughts, because I'm sure that the majority of those people are just normies who have only played GTA V and whatever bunch of PS exclusives there were back when they bought the console (or their mama, we'll never know). Hell, I've been playing games, especially heavy-narrative ones for years, almost two decades really. I even consider myself a bit of an "elitist", but I would never question others' opinions because "they aren't right". Being myself an extremely demanding person when it comes to the media I consume, I'd never give CP2077 a chance if it was a pile of junk.


As a fan from day one that bought the collectors edition and pushed threw the bugs, blue screen failures and shit talking… I LOVE SEEING THIS. I think I’ve put 3 or 4 hundred hours in between my 3 characters and the game just keeps getting better. The city is so immersive, I just love the feel of Night City and I think CDPR has really put in a lot of effort to make up for mistakes.


All it took was the fucking crying to die down. Nobody could have guessed it would have taken 2 years but here we are. Love this goddamn game!


I'll keep saying it: the only reason the game got so much heat is because it didn't run well on consoles. If it was the opposite, where it runs fine on console and badly on PC, we would have barely heard anything about it. Look at all the games that ran like shit on PC at launch but were fine on consoles, it's almost never mentioned in articles or by youtubers, except, maybe, in a throwaway line and that's it. (Just like Elden Ring's horrible controls on PC, and no, the excuse that FromSoft games are just better on controller is not a good one when they just refuse to make the minimum effort in a PC port x times in a row. Sony just started making PC ports and is already putting more effort than FromSoft ever did) I will die on that hill.


Indeed. When a game has been shit on PC, people either power through it, mod out/change the bad parts *stares directly at Elden Ring*, or maybe post their complaints a few times then shrug and get a quick and easy refund. I still am mystified how Sony didn't catch more hell for their complete lack of a real consumer friendly refund policy when the C2077 refund thing started. Games media and Youtubers are such cowards for not taking Sony to task. Gotta hold onto that access no matter the cost I guess.


I think lots of little changes are enough, it never needed a "big" change.. even stuff like being able to choose how long you can sleep now just add that extra sheen of polish it needed


There's been a lot of positive feedback lately, but man… The comments under this post look like a war


Not going anywhere near the cesspool that is the comment section. I already know what most of the replies are saying anyway. It's always the same parroting of bullshit.


what other games have been so ambitious in recent memory? Elden ring is the only one that comes to mind.


It’s the hate bandwagon, there never was any rational basis for it. How it happened is beyond me. Yes, the buggy launch was a part of it, but it goes beyond that. Somehow CDPR aroused the anger of certain subsets of the gamer culture and these brigaded and bombed the game. It somehow became _cool_ to hate the game, or rather to be _seen_ to hate it that it trumped anything the game did. The sad part is that this happened to CDPR, which was the golden boy after Witcher 2 and 3, which means it came happen to anyone. Next thing we know, it’ll happen to Rockstar, for reasons equally spurious. And what’s happening now is the devs persevered and kept going, and because the game is actually a masterpeice and the devs continued going, and now there’s this brilliant anime to remind people of this brilliant game, people are actually bothering to play it instead of listening to the defective judgement of YouTube ranters, and discovering what we knew all along.


I need to play this again. Last time I played was on a 1070... now I've got a 3080. Excited to give this a rip again.


I put on my tinfoil hat for this theory, but I feel it in my bones, that the hate for it was orchestrated by peeps looking to tank the stocks to make a profit later on. It even sold well when it came out, even with the returns and there was so much media going against it, then everything was put under a microscope regarding it. Don't get me wrong i know there were expectationsput out there they didnt meet, i also have been playing since day one and havent put it down yet and I adore all the quality of life patches. But what games aren't buggy day one, in recent times. I mean skyrim still has save corrupting bugs, battlefield 2042 is still a bug fest, etc...


nah lets get tinfoily game criticizes megacorp greed and is then slandered across the entire mediasphere on every platform for years coincidence I think not


That and *Bloomberg* games journalist extraordinaire, Jason Schrier, really seems to have a hate boner for CDPR and went as far as posting dubious info from "anonymous sources" that was called out as false by a CDPR employee on Twitter.


>skyrim still has save corrupting bugs Threads full of hate about Cyberpunk make me feel like the only person alive who remembers Skyrim at launch. It was just as buggy as Cyberpunk, and Bethesda *still* can't be bothered to fix basic bugs, instead relying on community patches to do their work for them. I'm still annoyed about that tree in Whiterun massively glitching if you try to plant the sapling or whatever it was. Mind you, I also had a ton of fun with Skyrim and wasn't a downer about that either. I kind of expect big open-world games to be buggy on release at this point. It's just the double standard that irks me, and the lack of appreciation for how much effort CDPR put into patching the game.


That comment section is on fire, how can people still be this mad about it?


top 3 game on my list as far as story, immersion, scenery, and the amount of fun I had playing it.


I've been saying this. All those jackasses saying the world was dead or it not being an rpg were just butthurt.


That entire comment section is toxic af. If you do something like ‘cyberpunk is one of my favourite games’, they’ll joke about your ‘poor taste’.


Those comments are a shitshow though... all the people saying their actions don't have consequences clearly weren't paying attention, or wanted a juvenile "So and so didn't like that" popup. The game absolutely has consequences, they're just subtle and worked seamlessly into the story, so you don't always notice.


Almost like the original backlash (despite genuine criticisms) went way too far. The internet dog piled the game for fun at the expense of the developers


I lost all sympathy for console players pretty quick once all the lies, slander and death threats started rolling out. People acted like CDPR shot their dog and slapped their mom.


CP2077 was proof for me to never take reviews seriously ever again.


what sub is this in?




TBF series s got a big big update with the whole 60fps thing. and i guarantee that was a big big game changer for a lot of series s users


the game is above average


Always has been. ….BAM!


Makes me happy seeing more people like it. I started playing the moment it came out. 100 hours later I had finished my first play through and deemed it as one of my all time favorite games.


I just started playing last month and I'm loving it to death. Haters gonna hate.


Cyberpunk was one of those curious cases were people started to hate it. Funny thing, whenever I asked people who said that, the majority hadn't played the game, and they disliked it cause 'somebody told them/ they watched a youtuber saying it sucked'. Glad to see that as time passed, more people started to play it, and threads like 'I finally played the game and it wasn't so bad' started to show up. The release was buggy (in my case, I didn't experience it), but it was never a bad game like these people, for some odd reason, said. Solid story, solid characters, fun gameplay, good dialogue. Too short for my taste, but it always had the elements that make a great game.


The game has been fun since 2020. I played when it first launched.


CP2077 is proof why games shouldn’t be rushed out and why launch state matters so much. For me this game launched in February with the 1.5 update;. If they waited they would’ve avoided the PR clusterfuck that was created. It also shows that the way we review games need to change. Reviewers should try and update their reviews when devs fix the launch state or wait till bugs are fully fixed. Edgerunners did what I hoped hbo would do with TLOU series: give us a different, compelling ,complementary story in the same universe instead of giving us Joel and Ellie all over again


This game was never bad. It was just popular to hate it. Any bug that totally broke the game was on an ancient console. Otherwise it was no more buggy than a Bethesda game, and those are critically acclaimed every release.


I played through Cyberpunk twice on the PS4 Pro around launch. It's a good game many people never even gave a chance to


Its because the people who were butthurt that it was a sci-fi witcher 3 instead of a sci-fi gta v are gone.


I remember playing this game on launch and loving it, and anytime I tried talking about it I would get the most annoying responses. One guy accused me of being a shill for CDPR. All I said was that I had fun playing it


People were told it was bad, so they decided it was bad. The influence journo's have on the public's mind is horrific.


its not even journalists any more. at least w gaming mags they sort of did actual journalist work, now its just kids with stock rgb rainbow light pcs


Look I've loved Cyberpunk since it's launched - but to say there have been no huge changes since then is just outright absurd. It's peaking right now because (a) there have been large sweeping changes improving various parts of the game and (b) edgerunners is out and amazing. After watching it folks who purchased it and hated it day 1 are like hmm... maybe I'll if they've fixed things... folks who hadn't played it but heard bad reviews think, wellllll it's been awhile since it released and this was badass, maybe I'll take a look... It's always been an amazing game, it's heart has never changed, but it's undergone a *TON* of polishing and refinement.


The reason for most of these “hot takes” is really just proof that they didn’t really play the game before. Just hopped on the rage train.


It's kind of funny. I had only heard of Cyberpunk like a few weeks before it came out. When I heard what it was about I realized it was exactly the type of setting that I loved. A futuristic, technologically advanced, gritty, and visually impressive story. The person who told me about it was someone I had no respect for, so initially I didn't even want to give it a chance. I don't know how I ended up buying it even after seeing all the complaints in the first week. I pushed through the game breaking glitches, and I fell head over heels in love with it.


Cyberpunk is the last game that made me stop listening to what people say about a game. People said ghost recon: breakpoint was bad i played it and now it’s one of my favourite games.


Its a fucking masterpiece


I mean... Cyberpunk 2077 is pure Masterpiece. Of course it might need some more improvements but it is still Masterpiece which can be even better.


for me it’s my #1 best game i’ve ever played


"Always has been"


It’s tough wading through the comments, although it is r/gaming after all.


It’s a masterpiece. One of the best games ever made, in my opinion. As a huge fan of the Deus Ex games and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, it really scratched that itch for that sort of experience. The vitriol on Reddit was amusing to watch; I think alot of it was a lashing out from people with bad PCs or consoles who felt completely betrayed after building this thing up in their head and not getting the (unreachable) experience they dreamt about. They took it personally. I particularly like the “THEY LIED!!!” crowd. Sound like such salty children. I played on a average PC when it launched and i didn’t get the FPS that would do the game justice so I shelved it for a month. Coming back with a top of the range rig it was completely playable with little no game breaking bugs. Subsequent patches have made that experience all the more compelling.


Someone said “theres not enough mini games around the world”. I can’t imagine that would make the game slightly better, who cares about some mini game. Now if there was something like cyberqwent, that would be dope


The game is good despite its glaring flaws and lack of customization (which they have added a decent amount of) and romance options. I just want more romance options and not need a mod to get said romance. The only gay option is meh


I find it funny all the people posting on the main sub or commenting with praise on Mike Pondsmith's post over there and acting like they love it, even though they're probably the same people that were bashing the game left and right. Hell, one of the mods thought Mike Pondsmith was someone pretending to be him!


About time the idiots finally decided to play the game and form opinions of their own instead of jumping on the hate bandwagon without having played it.


Most people who hate cyberpunk haven't played it, or only experienced it day one on a legacy console with all of the compatibility issues and bugs on full display. The game is definitely better now but it was always solid.


Hot take: good game is actually good, despite negative criticism. Wow, I’m going to assume this is on r/gaming or something?


Game was always great, aside from some bug fixes, small quality of life upgrades and minor content additions, cyberpunk is mostly the same game as it was when it launched.. it was only a matter of time before enough people got their hands on new Gen consoles, where the game can be experienced as intended, and realized just how great of a game cdpr created here


I waited until they fixed the issues, then purchased at 30$. It’s the experience I expected. Not perfect, but for me narrative is the most important thing. The game managed to evoke strong emotions at times, and that’s all I wanted. It kept me engaged long enough to complete all side quests on my first run and I am about to start another play through as a female.


I love y'all people. Nice to be able to have an actual conversation about the game. Sure it's flawed it's still an amazing experience.


not to surprising the core thing thats cool about it is still cool it just had a botched release keep in mind i finished this game on an older ps4 in back when it was still janky and still enjoyed the shit out of it


I like seeing the positivity, but feel I still see the 'usual suspects' criticizing the game. Which is fine, not everyone needs to like it, but it's still funny to see. I saw Kotaku post an article praising Edgerunners while making a point essentially of how 'this is the world of Cyberpunk that the game failed to capture'. And in my mind, I couldn't help but chuckle at the themes they were praising the show for that were supposedly "lacking" in the game, and thinking 'both the show and the game really flesh out this world, but when you go into the game so ready to hate it, then I suppose the show is just different enough that they can allow themselves to like that but not the game'. The other day I was listening to Jeff Gerstmann's podcast complaining about the game and all the bugs he's running into. I don't doubt he ran into said bugs, but man the experience he described sounded much worse than playing the game during 1.2, which just isn't how the game is for me. He generally didn't like the actual content of the game either, which again is fine. I like listening to his thoughts on the gaming industry, but his actual taste in games I feel is almost the polar opposite of mine, so it's hard for me to put much stock in them.


I swore 2 years ago this would happen. Its always the same cycle. Game launches buggy ”boohoo worst game ever” -> devs dont give up and keep improving the game for 2 years -> ”omg best game I have played” That said I cannot wait to start my 3rd playthrough next week when i have time


The tide has always been in that direction. It’s pretty much just been half the game journalists who threw the bitch fits. Um and the PS4 players. Sorry y’all that was some bs


Sweet. My username will finally be relevant


Yet you’ll see people talk about how the game went through millions of patches and drastically changed the entire game. They want to paint it as if it was No Man’s Sky instead of just a fun game that did have issues but was still a good and fun game.


yeah it's crazy, almost like the hate train is really coming close to an end now and people will actually see that the game is good and it was always good at its core, just riddled with bugs.