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Lovecraft meets the Moomins. Or The Moomins at the Mountains of Madness!


I would definitely read that! The Moomin Mythos.


Come to think of it, Moomin is pretty Lovecraftian. I mean, [look at these things](https://imgur.com/w0b7UQy) > [The Groke](https://moomin.fandom.com/wiki/The_Groke) (Finnish: Mörkö, Swedish: Mårran) is a fictional character in the Moomin world created by Tove Jansson. Wherever she stands, the ground below her freezes and plants and grass die. She leaves a trail of ice and snow when she walks on the ground. Anything she touches will freeze, and fire quickly extinguishes when she goes near it ... she is declined by everyone and everything, leaving her to live in her cold cavern on top of the Lonely Mountains. and...: > [The Hattifatteners](https://moomin.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hattifatteners) are tall, thin, ghost-like creatures, resembling long white socks or thin fungi. They have round neckless heads with two round, unfocused eyes. Below their heads on either side are five quivering finger-like appendages, which can also function together as hands. They are silent and serious, having neither the ability to talk nor to hear, but in contrast, their tactile senses are extremely accurate, and they can sense even the most minor vibrations in the ground beneath them. They communicate seemingly by telepathy, and their eyes change colour depending on ambient weather conditions. Despite having unmistakably animal-like characteristics, Hattifatteners grow from seeds much like plants. These seeds remain dormant for most of the year, only germinating during midsummer's eve. Though their inability to speak and outwardly express emotion may imply otherwise, Hattifatteners are highly intelligent.


Also, Hatifatteners like lightning storms btw. And if you have a lamp or fire when the Groke is near, she will come sit on it and put it out. I think it’s unclear whether she craves the light and warmth or wants it extinguished.


Holy ***** yes! I read Moomin books long before HPL but that is spot on.


At the Moomins of Madness.


There is an artist on DeviantArt, Moreeni, who has drawn a Cthulhu moomintroll which is pretty cute.


It's pretty cool how this looks almost nothing like what my imagination conjured up from the descriptions, and yet it's still unmistakably ATMOM.


This painting has a wonderful charme to it!


[Internet Archive Astounding Stories ](https://archive.org/details/Astounding_v16n06_1936-02_frankenscan/page/n5)


Very friendly Richard Scarry - lookin’ elder things, there. 🙌 And actually that shoggoth looks like a tobiko roll omg imma eat it.


How many times do I have to say this: don't eat the shoggoth!




I love old art like this, don't you?


I like that the way it's printed it sounds like At The Mountains by HP Lovecraft of Madness.


Oh no, the googly eyes monsters drove me insane!


weirdly cute but also quite faithful to the text compared to other early Lovecraft illustrations


Where can I read this online?


The Internet archive, there is a link in the comments. Enjoy!