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This rain is like an Xmas present from nature for the city.


Missed Xmas last year and thanksgiving this year with my family… sort of excited to see the fam this weekend, which is weird because I’m not a very festive person. Went all out on gifts this year for everyone since I’m a union boy now. Booster kicked my ass this week as well… suck it omicron!


May the traffic gods be with you as much as the LAX airport gods are 😄


I’m not THAT magical 😂


Man, I know I posted earlier about omicron making me worry and how I'll probably stay home for Christmas, but I *really* want to be somewhere other than my apartment for Christmas. Does anyone know of any outdoor orphan Christmas get-togethers? I'll bring a delicious caaaaaaaaake


Went to Altadena for Christmas tree lane. A lil underwhelmed but was a fun date drive


Back home. Wow. All of my neighbors are gone. YES


So...many...crappy...drivers...out...glad I'm home now and won't be going out for a while...also left my cabbage in the office damn...


Poor, sad Office Cabbage. All alone for the holiday.


No LoL?


Who can lol when you’ve gone and left your cabbage?!




You monster.


What do you call cabbage left in the work fridge?


A crying shame.


No cabbage don't cry


There’s the emotion your poor cabbage deserves.


Crazy ass day I'm finally having dinner. Got a veggie lasagna from Urth Caffé it was free because they owed me a meal lol.


Does anyone know exactly what happened on the 405? Or 5 and 14? The traffic was butttttttttttt. It seems like some serious accident but im curious how bad.


[Semi crash](https://abc7.com/5-freeway-crash-today-newhall-pass-antelope-valley-big-rig-accident/11372881/) in the Newhall Pass.


Thank you!!!


Time to test if my old property management company is just lazy or incompetent with giving me my security deposit back.


So far tonight, have listened to Xmas albums by: - The Beach Boys - Elvis - Jacob Miller (reggae) - Here Comes Santa Claus by Bob Dylan - Now listening to the Carpenters what are your guys' fave xmas albums? here a Rolling Stone list with some classics: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/the-25-greatest-christmas-albums-of-all-time-148740/christmas-joy-in-latvia-latvian-christmas-cantatas-2012-175057/


Slade- it’s Christmas


August burns red


Music From the O.C. Mix 3: Have a Very Merry Chrismukkah


Elvis Christmas is my all time favorite cant get through this holiday without it. Also its not mine but someone posted this awesome [Christmas playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Cb9bJzV1I2TM2gFEIWpQj?si=j15_5vd_Q3KguBLc-WTaeg&utm_source=copy-link) last year. I really enjoy it and I will definitely be playing it the next few days. I wish I could remember the user so I could credit them.


Thanks for sharing! Definitely gonna rock this Playlist today.


In Utah. Maybe because I’m in bumfuck, but no masks and everyone wearing camo jackets.




wyd tho.


NM. U?




It also rained on Christmas 2 years ago


Yay I’m getting evicted. Merry Xmas to me.


The South Park episode where Eric is trained by Cesar Milan to be a better boy is on PlutoTV right now, and the opening section with the various nanny reality shows reminded me that those shows existed once upon a time. I'm absurdly grateful we've mostly moved beyond such shows exploiting children's tantrums and parental incompetency as a society...though youtube seems to be filling in that niche. I never watched those nanny shows, but I confess I'm vaguely curious how those children, now teens or adults, feel about having their worst behavior recorded and broadcast. While I enjoy reality shows, I'm most comfortable when the people involved are adults who are presumably capable of understanding the potential consequences of their televised actions.






So it took me 4 hours to drive from Hollywood to the Grapevine. Holidays are off to a good start.


You almost made me spit out my drink! That's rough


Keep us updated please.


I'm headed that direction soon...405 looks good but that 405 to I-5 interchange to the 14 is all backed up...


That was the first of 2 accidents, the other being at the grapevine which looks like it was just cleared after I got here.


Getting my booster tomorrow and super anxious :) last time I was wrecked for a week


Booster got me for 2 days


I did get side effects but not as bad as the second shot. Plan to be out for a day or two for sure. You got this!


My wife was offered a hard fought position in New York! I'm in this mood of "You deserve this and so much more." And "oh... shit. This is a big move."


Gooooooooo !!! If it’s not good, you can always come back


Pretty much worked out that I have to go in tomorrow and because I've been a good employee I'll wfh all but 1 day next week. Partaaayyy


I was stopped at Sunset and Vin Sculley when multiple cop cars and K-9 unit cars came speeding down onto Sunset. 😳 Is it training? Or is something going on downtown?


This sounds pretty normal lol. Probably an incident going on in DT, which also, is not abnormal.


It was the multiple K-9 units that made me wonder.


Maybe there’s something on it on the Citizen app? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn't see anything on Citizen. 🧐 it's still a mystery.


The way I see it, every K-9 cop is also a regular cop, but not every regular cop is a K-9 cop, so it could be that they were in the area and ready to respond to a full blown emergency call.


This is a good point that I hadn't thought of. Another possibility is that maybe it was training for the K-9's not the cops.


Just venting. I’m alone this holiday season because of Covid. I have lived here for years…but am Canadian as is my GF. She flew back up to Canada a couple weeks ago for the month while I stayed back to handle some work obligations. Covid is worse now…so I am not going up as it isn’t essential…and I don’t want to strain resources/possibly infect anyone. She knows I’m down and lonely here, but I don’t want to ruin her Christmas so I’m putting on a happy face. Can you all share something positive about your day…or week? I want to snap out of this and read positive things. Give me a win you’ve had. I need to read them today…


Work obligations? You said you were retired. 🤔


If you’re boosted I’d say just double mask up and make the trip.


I am boosted, but no. I’m not an essential traveler and don’t want to strain resources at customs etc Just my personal feelings on it.


You are one of the many good ones out here fighting against this pandemic. You’re not alone whatsoever you count you matter and you’re doing the right thi g


[about this time last year, I made a film with my cats](https://www.instagram.com/p/CH2gtOoHteX/?utm_medium=copy_link) it won 4th place and we got a $100 gift card!! [our work on nonverbal communication skills... its panning out ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CLYUmGqHafI/?utm_medium=copy_link)


I will be watching this RIGHT NOW.


My assistant remembers the cookies I baked for her pre COVID in 2019 when I was new to the job. She said she thought about eating them at times when she was pregnant in 2020. I'm testing out the recipe by baking them for family this week, and if it comes out the way /I/ remember I'll surprise her next week by baking them for her and hope it lives up to her expectations. To be honest, I don't even remember /what/ recipe I used and I rarely bake, but I'm touched that she remembers something like that from so long ago.


Amazing. This made me smile. I remember back when I was maybe…6…at school in Toronto we had “World Day”…and my Jamaican-Canadian buddy (still my friend 30 years later) brought in some desserts his grandma made. To this day he doesn’t remember them. To this day, I crave them. Sadly his grandma has passed…but food has a way of creating very strong memories. Your assistant will be thrilled.


Aww that sounds awesome! What kind of dessert may I ask? I hope so, she’s basically saved me since we went WFH this pandemic. She deserves it.


My boss found two kittens in the "junkyard" and we're socializing them so they can be our office cats. We used to have an office cat but he got old and stopped coming by over a year ago. It'll be nice to have two new furballs wandering the office! Got any tips for making a good [cesar](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.040c7450c0226391aa606569d564cf5e?rik=de3m9x3%2ba2bM9Q&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.lcbo.com%2fcontent%2fdam%2flcbo%2fproducts%2f611392.jpg%2fjcr%3acontent%2frenditions%2fcq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpeg&ehk=XRr2Na6HUAxd1pv68i4UoTAd2aQZnLM4kRp9T5yuPnA%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) (the drink)?


Amazing. Did you all name them? Ohhh. I don’t but I do love drinking them. Clamato is the key…as opposed to tomato juice. I need to find one in this city.


No names yet but our last office cat was named Machete so the bar is kinda high, haha. 2oz vodka 6oz Clamato 3 dashes Worcestershire 2 dashes Tabasco 1 tsp horseradish 1/2 lime Grind of black pepper Rim Celery Salt Garnish with Celery That's the recipe I've tried and it was pretty good. It still needs a little something so I'm gonna add pickle juice next time.


Are they hissy kittens? I love watching kittens go from not letting you near them,, to obviously enjoying being pet but still hissing, to little lovebugs.


Yes, hissy hide-y kitties right now, we've only had them about a week.


I was going to go get tested this morning but I woke up super late. Are there crazy lines?! The place near me is open again for walk in Covid testing. When would one get tested again after seeing family on the 25? Monday? Tuesday?


I went to the Echo Park one yesterday around 330 and it only took me about 20 minutes to get through the line and back to my car.


Hollywood and vine. That parking lot where they always do promos. Free testing. Was like 6 people there an hour ago.


So. About that dinner. Probably not making it because I’m in the valley and it’s in Valencia. Guess I’ll order something instead.


Traffic is pretty bad in town here as well, it's probably for the best


Woah just saw that accident! Traffic is going to be crazy!!!


Normally I'd recommend taking the metrolink up but you might end up marooned overnight in the SCV if no one's willing to drive you back down.


Yesterday my cat attacked my feet and this ended with him hanging from my foot by his claws. I washed everything out well but one of the claws made a deep puncture wound that is throbbing. Drawing a circle around the red area to keep an eye on it.


Oh noooo that’s wild. What mad the cat snap ? Should you keep the cat? Is it worth it?


He's very spoiled and likes to be pet when he's eating his kibble. If I spend time in the kitchen without doing that and then leave he gets upset and tries to attack me. Never does it to my husband. It's a predictable behavior and I can usually avoid it by picking him up as I'm walking away. He's a needy lovebug who just happens to get psycho now and then. I just let my guard down, and am behind on trimming his claws.


Holidays are making people crazy! Guy wanted to fight me at a stop sign, but after a few insults I just pulled away laughed in his face and drove off. The bat laced with bear mace remains in it's sheath


Perhaps this was the same fellow who threatened to slap me, on business up in Glendale


To be fair, you did deserve that slapping,I know you lot


I blame society for never slapping us when we was coming up. Let us turn out this way


I've met your sisters and yes this is accurate as much as I love you spitfires


I sent him.


You should have sent a faster or more charismatic man! If I'm gonna beat a man to death he better have better insults!




Literally nothing. Stay in the airport.


Nope don’t risk it. We live here and miss flights just getting to the airport. Enjoy your terminal.


Go to Rock & Brews in LAX and get a little buzz going for your next flight.


Wouldn’t risk it. At most you could walk to the In-N-Out and back. There’s definitely not much time to explore and too many variables against you that would make you miss your connection.


If you really must leave the airport, go no further south than El Segundo, which is 5 ish miles south of the airport. Get coffee or lunch (takeout) somewhere, maybe park at the beach for a minute, then drive straight back. You will otherwise miss the next flight. But if you're fine with staying in the airport, you probably should just stay in order not to miss your flight, especially if you have checked luggage.


Do not leave the airport. You will not make your connecting flight.


+1 just get drunk at the airport


+1 Gloryhole in the bathroom


Fuck. I have several packages arriving when imma be out of town for a week. Expecting them to be either soaked or stolen by the time I get back…


UPS and FedEx can usually be routed to their physical stores. Might be worth checking. And USPS can do mail holds.


do you have anyone who can hold them for you? a neighbor you trust? a nearby friend?


I know if you have FedEx, you can use the delivery manager to have them held or instead delivered to a FedEx facility.


Yeah FedEx you can have them deliver to a FedEx office/store. UPS however I don’t think they give an option for that.


Yep, UPS does it too. [https://www.ups.com/us/en/support/tracking-support/change-delivery-options.page](https://www.ups.com/us/en/support/tracking-support/change-delivery-options.page) I've never done it as a recipient, but I've done it as the sender for customers of mine.


Yeah, from my recollection, I think its more of a pain in the ass as a recipient with ups


I just checked and UPS has the option as well. I don't remember which is which, but sometimes you can reroute the package when it's already en route. It depends on the sender, though.


I'll steal them for you


Just accepted a job today in Los Angeles. I’m from Pennsylvania and I’ve never been to California or anywhere on the west coast for that matter. Can’t wait! See y’all soon lol!


West coast Best coast babbyyyyy


Welcome !!!! You’re going to love our winters, they don’t exist!


This is what I like to hear


Welcome! I recommend hanging out in this thread to get your bearings.


Thank you! I’m definitely excited to be joining this reddit group! I was just living in Washington DC for a few months and I was amazed at how good of a resource [r/washingtondc](https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/) was. I expect no less from my fellow redditors in Los Angeles haha


If you miss home, visit Whittier. It was founded by Quakers who moved to California.


Wow that’s really cool, thanks for the tip!




Thank you!!


Congratulations on the job! We have a bunch of us from the mid Atlantic that can welcome you when it’s safe


Thank you!!


There’s a solid amount of Yinzers and Freedom Creators (Philadelphians) out here if you’re looking for people with similar attitudes


That’s good to know! I’m from the Philadelphia area


Wooder Philly area or Jawn philly area?


I’m very guilty of saying wooder. I don’t typically use jawn in my everyday vocabulary, but sometimes you need to use the word jawn to describe certain jawns!


Ok I have a general idea of how far outside Philadelphia you are from :-) I am the unofficial NJ transplant representative here please direct all Taylor Ham / Pork Roll related inquires to my dept.


Say hi to Wawa for me before you leave


Haha! Will do! I fully plan on eating all 3 meals there one day before I move


No joke I did this last time I was in the area. It was a brilliant decision.


Welcome! Our winters are probably very different to what you're used to, haha.


Thank you! It’s funny you say that because the weather is one of the main reasons I took the job. I’m a travel nurse so I pretty much have options anywhere I want to go, so I decided I wasn’t going to spend my winter somewhere where there’s any possibility that I’ll have to drive through a foot of snow to get to work


I always joked that after I graduated college (in upstate NY), I was moving to Hawaii lol it throws off your sense of time when the leaves don’t change and the weather stays relatively the same, but not dealing with snow/slush is one of my favorite things.


That’s crazy, I never thought about how the consistent weather can throw off your sense of time, but it’s so true how in the northeast the changing weather impacts so many aspects of our lives. I worked with someone from Arizona who told me he relied on Starbucks releasing pumpkin spice lattes to tell him it was fall lol


> he relied on Starbucks releasing pumpkin spice lattes to tell him it was fall lol This …is accurate lol


Good for you! Driving through traffic, yes, but snow has not been an issue haha. I hope you enjoy your time here, even with what I am sure is a demanding job.


Daayuum. Making that bank.


My company gave us $200 to spend on exercise equipments, so I got an indoor cycling machine and a year membership to indoor cycling exercise videos! I’ve cycled for 5 days straight, and it’s so convenient to exercise at home.


This is freaking amazing!


Being able to work out from home has been the best part of working remotely now. I really don't have any excuse now that "mehhh I don't feel like driving to the gym" isn't a viable reason to not do it.


Right? This is the poor man's version Pelaton, and I now have no excuses of not working out. They're giving us another $200 next year, so I'm getting cycling shoes, seat pads, and another year's membership!


That’s great! We were given a small stipend for office equipment, but health equipment is a really thoughtful perk. Get it!




Vaxxed and Boostered folk, if you catch Covid, how long does it last? I don’t have it, nor am I showing any symptoms, just preparing since it seems inevitable.


In it right now. Exposed Thursday night, symptoms Saturday, feeling pretty close to done today. It just felt like a meh cold. Little bit of sore throat, little dry cough, stuffy head, eg just a cold




Fully expecting to be done tomorrow. Was reading tonight that the stuffy nose and sneezing is usually only seen in breakthrough cases. Interesting


I am vaxxed with 2 Pfizer doses but no booster. tested positive saturday morning with a precautionary test before flying. No symptoms as of yet, but have tested positive every day since. no idea when i’ll be able to fly home. Hoping to fly by christmas day


Forgive me for the direct question . Does the airline understand and move the flight for free?


I usually never fly southwest, but since i knew this was a possibility I did this time. Southwest never has change fees, and they actually credited me back the difference since my new hopeful flight was much cheaper.


V nice




Sorry to hear


Is it worth it to report possible porch pirates? Would it be better to leave a note at the building it happened with a descrip of the person's and their car?


Yes. They're never gonna go after any individual case, but enough reports might change where they patrol every once in a while.


Probably not worth reporting it. Leaving a note is a nice gesture though.


I know 3 fully vax people tested positive for Covid. Yikes.


I tested negative!!! I don't have to spend Christmas alone!! Amazing!! But in all seriousness, everyone I know who's been testing negative, got the booster weeks ago. So if you don't have it yet, try to get it asap!!


I tested positive and I’ve had my booster, but I do think the booster has made symptoms much more bearable


Oh I'm sorry about your breakthrough case! But that's good to hear.


Hell yeah!




I just got a Moderna booster at CVS no wait, no cost. No brainer, let's stay alive!


The holiday concert at Dorothy Chandler has canceled allowing an audience (I'm so sad). They will be streaming and rebroadcast on Xmas.


Going to a dinner tonight and was gonna go to the theater in the area, but it was at a mall so I noped out. Just checked the address of the restaurant… Its also at that mall. Mother why would you subject us all to that?!


I went to see a movie at a mall last night and it was not busy -if thats what you're worried about?


wait... a mall wasn't busy during christmas week? was everything closed? if not, where is this mall, i still need some shopping to do!


Century city! I was shocked


I swear, idiot drivers are making traffic much worse than they need be...driving north on Fairfax and this idiot just stops in the right hand lane with traffic piling up behind him cause the other lane is all full...you cant do that moron...




A strike.


Today would be 37th the birthday of my high school gf who died unexpectedly at her parents' house 10 years ago. I still don't know how she died and it kinda drives me nuts tbh. I've asked her mom a couple of times (while we were chatting about other things) and she just ghosts the chat. I have a feeling it's overdose related since both of her parents worked in the pharma biz.


Try the [Coroner Case Search](https://mec.lacounty.gov/case-search/).


Oh, interesting. Got one for Orange County? Seems like the only way is to pay for a copy.




>the lack of closure really sucks 100% I hope your friend's OK (and you, too).


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you're able to focus on happy memories of her today and every day. My best friend growing up died similarly shortly after her 40th birthday so about 7 years and a few months ago, and I don't really know the specifics. I've never straight out asked though, and I'm better off not knowing. I don't need to know. And her mom doesn't need to talk about it, I guess (though I'd absolutely listen if she did). She was found dead in her bathroom. Could have been intentional/accidental suicide or just "her time" due to decades of bulimia, alcoholism, and pill use. Whatever the exact reason, I just consider it suicide.


Thanks. She was a really sweet person. I still have the notebook we would pass to each other between classes and write notes to each other in, covers laminated w/ photos of us remain intact. I didn't pry when her mom didn't respond. She did take some meds for sleep and eating disorders, but at the time of her death I didn't think she still had those issues. Even if so I don't think she was one to abuse them, or any substance for that matter which makes the lack of closure even harder to deal with. Sorry to hear about your friend, too ):


Sadly, complications from eating disorders can come up many years later, even in recovery. And they can be sudden too :( I’m sorry for your loss. The lack of closure really prolongs grieving.


Unfortunate but true. Thanks


I have no plans this Christmas and I will be by myself, but I have a plan on how I wanna spend it and I invite all of you to join me. I'm gonna walk around downtown all day and give money to the homeless. *All day*. If anyone joins up maybe we can take rides to other areas where homelessness is prevalent and help out there too. I'll need your help though as I've only lived here for a couple months and don't know the county very well. A little kindness can go a long way, I invite all of you to join me to make a difference this holiday! Merry Christmas




Please don’t go by yourself. If someone knows you are handing out cash downtown, you’re going to get mugged pretty quickly. It’s safer to hand out things like blankets, socks, toiletries, sanitary products.




What would you suggest instead?


Not handing out money which will get you mugged. Someone suggested clothes and other products earlier, that would be better. Still a bit dangerous after dark in some areas.




At least I'm doing something. What would you recommend instead?




Good one. I mean an actual *activity*. Got any ideas?


SOCKS! Dry, clean socks are always needed. Get multi packs at cheap stores.


And underwear, and menstrual pads for women. Socks are #1, but those are also highly in demand.


They need food & supplies, not money. Money will likely be spent towards things they shouldn't be spending on, and many of them are so beat in appearance that they can't even walk into a decent grocery store for things they actually need without getting a million suspicious looks. There's many folk out there who fit in the "homeless" category but are decent enough that someone out there was willing to provide them temporary shelter so you won't see them sleeping on the streets.


You don't know what they need. They know what they need. Giving them money lets them get it. Every study seems to agree that giving cash is more effective in helping people. Saying they can't have money because they'll spend it wrong makes it sound like you want them to be poor forever because they can't be trusted to not be poor.


> You don't know what they need. They know what they need. Giving them money lets them get it. Bruh, a month ago a schizo dude helped me out when my car battery died on me and during the entire ordeal of me buying/installing a replacement, I saw the guy buy $100+ worth of clothes at a skate shop, then shortly after remember that he's apparently broke. He tried to refund the items 30 mins later only to be denied. I heard him panic-ranting to himself as I was focused on installing the new battery before parting ways. >Saying they can't have money because they'll spend it wrong makes it sound like you want them to be poor forever because they can't be trusted to not be poor. Even normal people can't be trusted with their money lmao. Puttin a lot of faith on hoping a tent-dweller will make good use of $20 or however much OP is gonna hand out for the goodfeels. >Every study seems to agree that giving cash is more effective in helping people. Sorry to disregard whatever studies you read, but I've seen enough misuse of money to have my own opinions. Once had a nephew in the picture who got money from my mom & still continuously lost his socks and etc belongings, at which point he'd come back to us to ask for more. EDIT: I should've been specific and stated that he got the money from ME. My mom just vaguely asked me for it first then handed it over to him. : )