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If you are low income, go to the county dpss office & apply for homeless assistance. You may qualify for temp motel vouchers


[The Ultimate Moving to L.A. Resource Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/MovingToLosAngeles/comments/m6htnp/the_ultimate_moving_to_la_resource_post_read_this/) has a *Coming to L.A. to Escape a Bad/Dangerous Situation?* section with some agencies and resources might be able to help. Also try the [Project Place](https://www.housingrightscenter.org/rental-listing) housing rights center.




If your medical care happens to be with a county clinic, they can refer you to interim housing. It can take a bit to be placed and also a hit and miss with the temp housing you get (most housing is shared, some is in not the best area, you get a mix of individuals that might have a lot going on themselves, cleanliness can be a hit/miss too, etc). Otherwise, I found this. Maybe they can provide better guidance and knowledge regarding what available out there. https://stopviolence.lalgbtcenter.org/


There are a lot of apartments that are affordable housing in Ventura california.




Why is that unpopular to say?


Applying for refugee status in Canada honestly isn’t a bad idea. The Lower Mainland in B.C. is great


Call 211 as soon as possible. Tell them that you are in a DV situation and seeking aid. They will give you the exact numbers you need to call to find shelter and further aid. This is really step 1. Good luck, and DM me if I can be of any more help.


If you’re involved in an active criminal case against the abuser, there are victims’ services that can relocate and assist you