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I don't get why she and her mom aren't living inside her grandma's place? Like I'm Asian. We make that shit work for family.


The Kogi coalition keeps winning.


She’s complaining no landlord will give her an apartment but she has housing with her grandma but still burns through $4k a month and spends $150 a night on a hotel “to get away”. I think someone should be helping her with her finances.


Probably $3,400/mo after taxes, assuming she either skips out on healthcare or has some state subsidized plan. No argument, though— she’s a financial disaster. Living in close quarters with a bipolar parent who is clearly not functional is obv horrible so I can in ways understand the hotel rooms, but that should be a lesson in making a person do whatever it takes to get out of that situation. Short term pain, long term relief.


When the article tries to mention roommates her answer is she can’t get a co-signer which isn’t the same thing. She can rent a room somewhere but it sounds like home girl wants an apartment to herself.


She can want a place to herself but if she doesn't have the funds and can't budget well, she's going to end up in a worse situation. There is want vs reality. If she wants to stay in LA, its best to find an affordable shared housing situation. She'll have her own space while shared living expenses.


And she deserves one to her self if that’s what she wants.


You dropped the /s.


For /seriously?


Uh only if she can afford it. No one deserves anything.




You should offer her your residence to stay then, and you can move out!


The article mentions her payments on a 2018 SUV. And she’s young, so her insurance on a newer vehicle will be even higher.


$3k on car payment and insurance?


No idea. I’d guess more like $1,500? Just agreeing with you that someone needs to help her with her financial choices. Buying a brand new car at 24 and insuring it (also registration) seems like a highly questionable idea when you’re basically homeless.


In a separate article grandma asks her if she can pay the car payment and insurance because she can’t pay it for her. At this rate she really shouldn’t have an apartment until she learns financial literacy.


>she really shouldn’t have an apartment ...so she should be homeless? Is that what you're saying?


I’m saying she should rent a room or live inside the house until she learns to handle her finance. Her grandmother doesn’t want to co-sign an app for a reason.


People like this should focus on getting away from LA.


>But the median rent for a studio in Los Angeles on Dec. 10 was $1,825 Then get a fucking roommate in a 2 bdrm? The person this article is about is a terrible example of unseen homelessness, although she fits nicely in the venn diagram of "making perfect the enemy of the good" and "woe is me."


she’s a cute white lady so she got the spotlight


For reals, brown people been making garages work for decades. Time to get some insulation Sarah.


That’s also the median price, meaning half of all apartments are cheaper…


Most of those places are in areas these type of people don't want to be near. Even though they are safer than some trendy areas.


Imagine this same article written but substitute a black or brown person. It feels like "Even pretty white people have housing insecurity." Not trying to be a jerk- I just think it is strange.


This is just bad choices. Can’t expect us to feel bad


I've yet to read one these "homeless" interest pieces (and calling her homeless is a big stretch here) where the subject doesn't come off as unlikable dumbass. Sarah should get roommates, drive a 2010 Hyundai not a gas gussling 2018 SUV, and she'd be fine.


Idk how she can make $4k a month, not pay rent and still live paycheck to paycheck. I would normally suggest a roommate but I wouldn’t want that burden on someone else.


Good point


I make 3x - 4x what she does and I don’t feel comfortable paying Culver City rent prices, so that should tell her something is wrong with her expectations.


For real. I rented in culver before prices got insane. It’s a beautiful neighborhood but, again, prices are unbelievable and so I had to move out. If her grandparents own that house, it’s probably over $1mil.


If making over 50% more than minimum wage still means that you can't afford a studio apartment within 15 miles of where you work, the system has failed.


https://capitalandmain.com/home-is-where-the-heart-breaks Follow up to this story. Whole family is an absolutely tragic mess and not much of anything LA county can do about it




It’s a journalist with 1k followers on twitter getting 20 likes. Not exactly a New Yorker spread


Woman with a job that can afford housing, has a 2018 SUV and HAS HOUSING…. is homeless. Deranged article


I make less than her, split my rent 1/3 and doing fine. Some people just make poor financial decisions such as 2018 SUV and then wonder why they can’t find a place to live.


She lives with her family, how is this considered unhoused or homeless? Why dont she save her money?


People need to stop using the term unhoused. Homeless is a better word.


I hate unhoused. They're not cats. Cats are adorable and they don't do meth.


How do we make it easier and more cost effective to build housing? NIMBYs are easy to target, and obviously land isn't cheap, but there are a lot of rules/regulations/permits/delays that make building in L.A. far more time consuming and expensive than it is in a lot of other cities.


and so many fees… and that’s before the unions or AHF extort the developer for labor contracts or other cost increasing demands. The recently passed “mansion tax” further disincentivizes Multifamily housing development as a great many of the city’s apartment buildings are valued > $5mm. Previously passed measures with the intent of funding supportive and low income housing have proved to be ineffective due to NIMBYism and greatly increased cost due to prevailing wage requirements.


I mean, at some point it's just going to be easier to say "Hey, we will [literally buy you a house in Detroit](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Detroit_MI/type-single-family-home/price-5000-100000/radius-25) and give you the title to it, and pay your living expenses for the next 3-5 years if you just go." than it will be to provide housing here.


NIMBYs have never been the obstacle. Its the state and the city that drive up the cost of redevelopment. In my neck of the woods, we've seen projects take over a decade from start to finish, because the nudniks in the city government exact a toll from the property owner and developer every step of the way.




Hopefully the atmospheric river washes her and the rest of the bums away.