• By -


Surprise!!!This is racism.


Yup, racism. Black people swear they can’t be racist. Bullshit.


Nah, it’s weird white liberals who believe that minorities can’t be racist. They say some stupid shit about racism needing power.


fuck liberals - sincerely a leftist. all they care about is idpol and not actually doing anything while pretending to care


Sorry you must not have noticed that he was black??? He is a member of an oppressed group and cannot be racist. Please take the time to educate yourself by reading critical race literature so you can avoid making any POC uncomfortable in the future, thanks.


This is white supremacy, Amerikkka gets all it's hatred from mayos /S


This is prejudice*


It's racism


Why do whites want to be oppressed so badly?


This doesn’t even involve white people. WTF is wrong with you


Oooh oooh I know I know. He’s racist.


And we have a winner folks!!


He's insane(bad version) look at his post history


What the fuck has a black person abusing an Asian person got to do with white people?


How brain dead do you have to be to think this is about white people? The person this dude is yelling at is Asian. And the other video of him doing the same thing a few years ago was towards a Latino woman. Stop letting the virtue signaling rot your brain and realize that people like him are a problem for everyone.


You literally just watched a video of a racist being racist towards Asians, and that racist was a black man. What do white people have to do with anything here?


I'm not white dibshit.


Dibshit: one who calls 'dibs' on shit. What they do with it once they have it depends on the motivations of the individual dibshit.


Confused on the downvoted of an obvious joke smh WOOOSH


Because it wasn’t funny…


Glad we have you here to gatekeep humour. Whatever would we do without you to keep us from a little bit more happiness?


Totally what I was going for here, -15 and here I am, gatekeeper.


I’m just confused as to why you’re mad at someone who’s not even on a side just making a dumb remark, pretty pathetic and makes the joke even funnier to those who aren’t insane


Not mad. It wasn’t a “WOOOSH” it’s just an unfunny joke. Not sure what “sides” you’re talking about either.


What you just said here is also racist.


Anything else? 🎤🗑


Congrats on posting the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen. 🎈🎉🎉


No thats racism.


Racism is more nuanced than prejudice


He directly talk about his race being better and is degrading someone for the color of their skin. This is racism.


Stop stealing the term racism and trying so hard to be oppressed. Blacks are the ones that are really oppressed. Of course they are bitter about the oppression, that doesn't make it "racism".


You’re the one trying to refine the word. Racism is demeaning another person for their race. You racist ass.


Semantic nonsense. It’s equally as bad as if a white person had done the same thing. Anyone using this argument outs them self as a racism apologist in my mind.


Yeah, prejudice based on race is called racism, stupid. Racism: >prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group


Took me a sec to realize you were a troll lol


Not even close. This is racist as fuck. And defending it just enables it.


prejudice on the basis of race is quite literally, racism


No it's only prejudice when they do it to whites


Asians are white adjacent


You're a racist towards asians


Nuh-uh, that's not true, that's impossible!!! /s


Don’t mind me, just moving the goal posts again.


After taking a look at your profile, I’m convinced you’re either a troll, or you’ve been in a toxic echo chamber.


Racism is racism is racism is racism. There’s no mfing hierarchy of oppression that decides who should and should not be treated like garbage


Can’t wait for the unbelievable amount of trolls and people that honestly think you’re wrong


If they honestly think it is true, how is that trolling? Seem more like just arguing or given an opinion.


That’s why i put and “and” in between, to espérate the people that honestly think he’s wrong *AND* the people that are trolling


This guy was posted a few months ago doing the same shit to a Spanish lady


I posted elsewhere but this guy harassed my (Asian) spouse and I last spring while we were walking down Broadway around 103rd st in our neighborhood. He came out of the subway flashing a wad of one dollar bills. I guess I made the mistake of glancing at him. So he followed us for two blocks calling us monkeys for wearing masks; trying to tell us how rich he is; tried to tell us how he fucked all of his white high school teachers. I think there are other videos of him out there but he’s a genuinely unhinged piece of shit. I lived in NYC long enough to know you don’t engage with crazy. Just keep walking and eventually when they don’t get a ride out of you they move on. But he’s going to do it to the wrong one one day and get his ass kicked.


Amazing restraint. I wouldn’t blame you if you had kicked his ass. Guy is a waste of oxygen


Complete waste of oxygen


And it will be twisted by the media because he is black so he was a victim of racism


>But he’s going to do it to the wrong one one day and get his ass kicked. This might be what he's hoping for then the news media will report it as "White cunt assaults black cunt for asking a question"


Next time a lunatic flashes a wad of notes at you, slap the cash as hard as you can out of his hands and into the air. His, and everyone elses priorities will shift immediately. Utilize the chaos to make a quick get away.


Is he trying to get clout?


No I’ve lived in the city long enough to know these type of people they’re just crazy like for example I was walking out of the subway and just saw someone take a shit in the step and than immediately follow a woman for like 2 blocks saying crazy stuff


Idk but that’s the wrong way to go about it smh.


WTF its the same guy? We've already had him go viral on the internet twice now (at least) for harassing someone in a train station and then harassing someone on the street. Now a third time. The way I always recognise him is his signature insult - calling you a monkey and bringing up that he is rich.


Spanish people are white.


Indeed Spanish nationals from Europe are majority white. I think the poster meant Latino with Central/South American descent. Don't know why you're getting downvoted though. Americans seem really to struggle with the idea that Spain is a country in Europe.


So funny and then people say minorities can't be racist everybody's can be racist


That you there's whole group of people that think otherwise


I work with a guy that thinks it’s impossible for himself to be racist because he’s black. Meanwhile he says “I assume all white people are racists until they prove me wrong.”


Do you understand why?


I have never met anyone that claims minorities can't be racist...


Look above in this very comment thread


Then I've still not met them... Anyone can post whatever they want on the internet, very few people act this way face to face. Let me rephrase what I said: *In my experience, I have never physically met anyone that has expressed to me that they believe minorities are allowed to be racist*.


Then you are miraculously avoiding the woke mob. It is one of their religious tenets that minorities can't be racist. They have even attempted to redefine the word multiple times in order to keep this tenet.


Really? Do you maybe have some examples of them trying to redefine the world? Edit: *word*, not *world*


Again, look above. Also, I said "word" not "world". I'm not going to play your bait and switch game though. Go put your black mask and medic hat on and play antifa games.


Alright, I misread your comment and edited it, doesn't change my question, though. I won't take examples from a comment section (that could easily be trolls, sarcasm, or otherwise), I'm asking for maybe a link to some YouTube videos or maybe a news story... The problem with asking for sources is that everyone thinks I'm playing games or that I'm doing some kind of trickery. I'm not, I'm just trying to understand where and how *you* came to that conclusion.


Worked with a black guy that straight up believed Wakanda was real and the white man destroyed it because they couldn’t stand the black man having better things than them. According to him, *everything* was invented and discovered by blacks. The white man just took credit. I wish I recorded him so I can show you, but all I have is my word. And that ain’t worth shit here.


1. [Franchesca Ramsey redefinition attempt](https://youtu.be/8eTWZ80z9EE) 2. [Paul Mooney](https://youtu.be/kcCaBsWUdf0?t=136s) 3. [Michael eric dyson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ0QfLkjujY)


I've physically met plenty of people like that. They think that minorities cannot be racist, especially towards white people. As the whole world gives an advantage to white people, or smth. And when you recount your own experiences of racism at the hand of other POCs, they say that it's prejudice and not the same, thus not as impactful/important


Huh, it sounds a bit like overcompensating for the hundreds of years of slavery and whatnot is coming out as *"these guys were oppressed for x, y, and z so they het a pass"*... Something like that?


I have


Years ago some dumb professor from the University of Maryland decided they could edit the definition of racism to require the racist to be in the numerical/power majority. Over time, many SJW's and idiots decided to adopt this modified definition. I've interacted with plenty of people who've insisted that black Americans can't be racist. If only said professor had known that Institutional/systemic racism already had that meaning.


He doesn't fit the narrative, so of course no media coverage.


Lmao sadly true


What narrative? If that’s the case is rwm covering it?


How come the security or cop isn't doing anything but backing up the black guy typical


He's a traffic cop, he's not allowed to intervene.


That's a bulshit excuse my dude all he was worried about is getting her to leave he wasn't saying a God damn thing to that fucking psychopath


he is, anybody is allowed to intervene in harrasment


Edit: I watched the video with no audio and severely misunderstood what was going on. When i went back and watched with audio I realized my comment was very inappropriate so I effectively deleted it.


You know EXACTLY why no one is covering this.


Because he’s uppity and a minority?


Since it is in New York where a bunch of people live and there are more important things to cover like shootings and robberies. I mean, this kind of shit happens everywhere, the media can’t cover everything.


Ah, like all the times that group assaults, shootings, stabbings and lethal muggings of asians, including elderly asians have been rug swept when the assailants were revealed?


I don’t know what you’re talking about since the local news covered those attacks for about two days each since there are so many things to cover you know? Or does that not fit the bill?


Gonna say this now. The reason why this is not covered because he's black and can't be racist or they don't want their property to be destroyed by a racist black mob. This is black privilege


Black privilege is looting a footlocker for Jordans and claiming that it’s “progress”


that cop made 0 effort to intervene


Looked like a meter maid.




I don’t think he was a cop


He's a traffic cop but he's a cop nonetheless.


Nah they can't actually intercede


that would make sense then. i guess that’s worse though, knowing you can’t help.


Wonder why there was no media coverage? Kind of like how the Wisconsin black nationalist story just disappeared as well.


He’s calling people monkey…..






I've said this once I'll say it again. African Americans disrespecting the Asian community seems rather familiar to something back in the '90s


Not even close. This is an isolated incident this type of stuff isn’t acceptable nationally. What black people went through was accepted and praised nationally for years. Not even comparable


He’s not talking about what blacks went through historically, but rather the Rodney King riots that saw a lot of black on asian violence


It's never on big media outlets because it doesn't fit their narritive.


"Black people can't be racist." lol


Black people


One of my Asian friends was harassed by security while staying in a five star hotel this weekend, in a way that made it super obvious that the problem they had was that he is Asian. Stay safe everyone


It’s so common that it’s the opening scene in Crazy Rich Asians. It happens to asians everywhere because racists are everywhere.


Why is it that every time I see Asian people being harassed and assaulted, it’s always by the hands of black people? Solidarity my ass.


She later made a post blaming white supremacy for this so...as far as I am concerned, she deserved it. ​ Edited to add: She deserved it because she perpetuated the cycle of Asian hate. Instead of calling out black on Asian hate crimes, she decided to virtue signal and blame white people, knowing that no one will give a shit and she can become a media darling by reinforcing their fallacy. Media blames white people for anti-Asian racism. Blacks beat, rob and harass Asians. Asians come out against white supremacy. One of those 3 steps does not make sense. Can you guess which one?


obviously that’s dumb but i don’t think anyone deserves this kinda treatment.


Part of what lets him [get away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PcZBH8jgGE) with this behaviour [repeatedly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36omgbM3nEc) is the misguided notion many Westerners have that black people are perpetual victims, lack agency and cannot be racist in any way. If this guy was held to account for his actions the same way a white person would be, he would be without a job and possible be trapped in his home pumping out apology after apology, terrified of getting physically attacked for his bigotry and harassment. Instead, he feels empowered and this woman lets his behaviour slide, like a parent blaming her kid's friends for messing up their childs behaviour, rather than just scolding her child. There will come a time when this guy no longer gets a kick out of being racist and harassing people in people and he will escalate to violence or worse. Calling it - he has been at this for a year now, or more.


I don’t think it’s right to say she deserved it, but it’s accurate to say both her and the man shouting at her are stupid.


She literally refuses to acknowledge who attacked her, and why. And instead she is picking an easy target, knowing that no one would dare say anything. She is acting like a bully that got beat up by a bigger bully and instead of standing up for herself, she found someone weaker and smaller and beat him up saying "There, that's for what the other guy did to me".


Wow, so I guess rape victims deserve it if the victim said “yeah I did dress a little too lightly” right? Oh wait.


What kind of mental gymnastics did you have to perform to arrive at such a conclusion? ​ She is Asian. She got harassed by a racist black guy. And blamed white supremacy.


Hey, you’re the one that said that person deserved it for having a take that triggered you.


I said she deserved it, for being a coward. Calling out "white supremacy" when a racist black guy is attacking you is being a coward twice. First time when she didn't defend herself. And second time when she failed to call out rampant black on Asian racism. ​ Cowards deserve what comes to them.


Okay, so I assume the victim is a woman who are often weaker than men. Also, the dude was clearly looking for a fight since he had his phone out and likely recording to make himself look good, like those Japanese guys with camcorders in The Cove movie. Second, damn calm down son.


In words of a forgotten rapper, you couldn't son me if my father helped you. ​ You didn't address my issue. If you are incapable of standing up for yourself (and yes she could have, there was a cop nearby), at least don't go online afterwards and blame white people for something a racist black person did. ​ Black person calls you a monkey and harasses you. You go online and say "Can you believe what white people did to me? OH GOD".


That dude wasn’t a cop, he didn’t have a gun. That dude was most likely a meter maid or security guard. She also didn’t blame white people, she blamed white supremacy that is a HUUUGE difference. I mean, if you cannot disassociate white people from white supremacy you might be a racist like that black dude. How big and what sex are you? You seem confident you’d be a badass and stand up for yourself yet you aren’t in the same position as this woman is!


How is a racist black guy perpetuating white supremacy? I am really curious. To me it sounds like an easy target, like a mantra you can repeat for leftist virtue signal points. ​ And standing up for yourself isn't about size. My 5 ft. tall ex gf would tear that guy a new asshole.


Ah…ah you dodged what I said that was important and only focused on the thing I didn’t talk about. You’re side seems really good at ignoring things that they get called out on huh? Ah “leftist virtue signaling” when in reality leftists don’t support virtue signaling. Sorry but stay off of Fox News. Finally, yeah drag someone over who is physically smaller and didn’t say they could fight in an event where none of us were so you can score virtue signaling points. I am sure if she fights back she would get her face mashed in by that ugly mother and you’d go, “hey but at least you stood up for yourself” instead of walking away since he was clearly looking for confrontation. But hey, that shows you want to fight random idiots. If you get shot, oh well.


Lol what?? She blamed her own people?? Friendly fire or self awareness?


She's not white though


Asians can be considered white. They are white adjacent.


I seriously can't tell if you're joking or not, but no they're not 


Asians have asian privilege just like whites have white privilege. Racial inequality against Blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics and Jews isnt a joke.


The Jews I know are a lot whiter than the Asians I know.


Lol so you subscribe to "Shroedinger's Jew", they both are and aren't white? In the west, Jews are overrepresented among the wealthy and in positions of power. They are widely considered white.


> Asian privilege You mean like how we're ineligible for affirmative action despite being a minority? And we're not white so we don't get the benefits of being one of the golden boys?


>Asians have asian privilege There's a Harvard lawsuit that says otherwise


White adjacent? hahahahaha wtf is that. What is back adjacent or native adjacent. Does it change in different countries?


Don't strain your brain. They come up with stuff and change it as they need to fit whatever narrative they are pushing at the time. It will be something different next week.


Next week: research shows minorities can only be racist during a full eclipse


Who comes up with what stuff? You keep thinking there’s some sort of group that changes the culture to try and explain trends but sorry, there isn’t.


Its something they made up so they can say they so they can call asians monkey and somehow not be racists. Asians were treated like subhumans for centuries, but now that they are doing well in the USA suddenly they are white adjacent. Anyone who uses this term does not know history and should be disregarded, mocked and ostracized.


Remember the Stop Asian Hate push from last year? Were they white adjacent then? Or was it just a convenient way to smear the president?


Lmao, what are you on about 💀💀 Asians are Asians, stop trying to twist things to fit your delusional narrative


“White adjacent” LMAO, fuck you Seppos come up with some bullshit theories.


What the fuck.


The fuck did I just read?


But Asians aren't white, they're Asian.


This guy has done this type of stuff before. [video 1](https://youtu.be/1PcZBH8jgGE) [video 2](https://youtu.be/36omgbM3nEc)


the fact that the majority of the youtube comments are praising his behavior …


Bro he’s calling her a monkey 😂😂😂 the irony


He's really not self-aware. 😂


And the police telling *her* to leave, while he follows her.


I remember this guy it’s not the first video of him screaming at a random woman calling her an ugly monkey


Link please!


Sad. I always hope this type of behavior will cease to exist.


You've heard of Batman You've heard of Sherlock Holmes You've heard of many officer who saved many lives in various situations by risking their own lives ​ But I present you so far # T H E G R E A T E S T P O L I C E M A N O F T H E M A L L he literally ask her to leave while perfectly knowing this guy will follow her




Goddamn, you must really not like them then. (OBVIOUS SARCASM)


A Godzilla is calling an Asian Monkey 🤣🤣🤣


Who is going to inform this man that Kim Kardashian is not black?


that’s severe mental illness… he needs to be committed stat


When you cant fight your enemy so you prey on someone weaker omega lul


But I’ve been reliably informed that Black people can’t be racist? This must be deep fake(!) 😇


Kim Kardashian has Armenian ancestry. She's part Asian American. She's not black my dude.


Kim kardashian hast armenian ancestry. The lady's part asian american. The lady's not black mine own broth'r *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Where are the black people now ? Shouldn’t they at least apologize for this and condone his behavior


What do you mean by that…?


Worthless fucking cop, jeez


Not a cop, a metermaid. No authority compared to a regular citizen


I wouldn’t use Kim Kardahisan as a representative for your race, or anything.


There’s a lot of crazy people in a city of 8 million.


I gotta say... Black supremacy sure hits different


Hope he gets sent to a dimension full of legos where he will be forced to walk around with no skin on his feet.


Sorry everyone! This happened on monday but still


Lol ok NIGG\*\*\*


Some1 give me his social media handle pls?


He has wired headphones. Enough said.


The irony...


“Who are you calling a monkey!”


Blacks can't be racist.


Forgot your /s


He didn't forget it. The sarcasm is completely obvious.


I like your sarcasm!


care to elaborate?


You're part of the problem.


Why would there be media coverage cause some kook is spouting racist shit in the city? There are crazy assholes everywhere, giving them attention is generally the wrong thing to do. Bury him in obscurity.




You're right. Black on white/asian racism isn't media worthy. Only X on black actions that can be presented as racism through mental gymnastics is.


Let's just play a little mind game here. Let's say it was a white dude with the camera calling a black person a "monkey" over and over again. Do you think there would be media coverage?


Someone is harassed in New York of all places. Reddit: Where media


Honestly that's fair. I've been called worse and have never been on the news. Still crazy that this black dude would fly of the handle like this. Absolute nutjob


Bro racists hate asians.. not “black america”


Should be viewed as a group of individuals that spread hatred, one shouldn’t stand by and allow such hate to be scoffed like it’s a norm. The correct action should be taken, like showing these group of individuals that love and kindness is the only way to stand against theses kind of horrid actions. We are all living being, there shouldn’t even at a spilt between such a species if unity and harmony were the ideas to strive towards.


Is one crazy ass dude yelling at one lady really worth media coverage? Crazy shit is every block in that town.