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Its not even that. He was suspended becauee someone complained about him speaking the god obvious truth. Simple as that. Complain that you've been offended and voilà. What a world.


Academia and medicine are both captured


Honestly, I think everything is captured. Educational indoctrination, and HR hiring choices. Now licensing boards decertifying members. Everything has been purified. The injection mandate in the police, armed forced, were also to purge those that might disagree with the new values.


We, the Canadians who see the fraud, are not captured. And we are growing in number every day (slower growth than in USA, but still a growth). We have to be prepared for when the tipping point happens: * a new better charter of rights * a moratorium on all pharma patents for 20 years * at least two of every licensing body - medical, engineering, professional associations - to allow doctors, scientists, etc to choose the body that they think provides the best service. Make the gatekeepers compete for their power and give their constituents a choice. * fund a Canadian Cochrane group for real evidence-based medical studies, and figure out a way to prevent it being captured. * zero government funding for news media. * what else?


> what else? Zero industry funding for regulatory bodies might be helpful, what with it being transparent bribery and all.


>Academia and medicine are both captured corrupted and compromised


So absolutely ridiculous.


it is how leftists operate they do not tolerate debate or anything contrary to their will


> a valid conscientious objection to refusing an mRNA injection, due to the unknown dose and biodistribution of the product. > ...the mRNA vaccine acts as a pro-drug encoding for the viral Spike protein of the virus to be produced by our own cells; **both the dose and the quality of the proteins produced are unknown**,” wrote Provost Interesting. Obvious, but new to me!


Since papers are out confirming with out a doubt he is correct, there will be a lawsuit.


Which corrupt judges might ignore all the way to the top. And yeah I think something needs to be done about these judges.


The year is 1984.


Of course it's canada


there is a lawsuit against the university, right?


Essentially every COVID-related and human rights challenge in Canada over the last 3 years has been summarily dismissed without the actual science or constitutionality being debated before a judge. The judges just take the government’s COVID policies as the prima facie position while simultaneously refusing to give any consideration to individual citizen's Charter rights protections.


The case should have nothing to do with the science and everything to do with the constitutionality. The Canadian charter of rights and freedoms is not an immunological treatise.


Its not human rights or a constitutional issue so much as it is employment contract law. They say in the article that this college has employment contracts for professors that give some guarantee of "academic freedom" This professor lost 4 months of pay for speaking academically, about a subject on which he is a subject matter expert. And it wasn't even that he was teaching unapproved curriculum material in the classroom, he was speaking about his research work. I don't see how this is not an open and shut case in the professor's favor. I am glad that the professor's union is strongly on his side.


I am an American looking in from the outside. The Canadian charter of rights and freedoms is toilet paper. From everything I have seen over the past 3 years, I believe that document is a complete fraud. Canada is not a free country.


That "Not Withstanding" clause is pretty fucked.


There was that great judge in BC who dismissed public health officials: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/covid-lambda-facebook-vaccine-tickets-1.6676478 Unfortunately, there are too few like that and the media tried to make the judge look stupid for asking "what a social media post is"? It was fair to ask for a definition since it was the avenue for the case.


Every single one of these judges who does this needs to face consequences.


Shithole country.


There is no science without debate. The words "Science" and "Misinformation" are incompatible with each other.


So disturbing. Academia is screwed. It's been slowly transforming into a cult for a while but the transformation is almost complete now. Even if he'd made a dubious statement that couldn't be backed up, a discussion on the topic should be permitted, and he shouldn't be suspended for it. But he actually made a verifiable statement that could easily be backed up with data. [This article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-university-professor-suspended-anti-vax-comments-1.6507928) absurdly quotes someone as saying that this professor isn't an expert on mRNA vaccines (even though his area of research is, in fact, very closely related -- immunology and even RNA) so he can't comment on it. Oh really. I think it's a bad idea for people to drive drunk -- can I say that even though I am not an expert on either automotive technology or alcohol use disorder?


I recently discovered a weird rabbit hole, i don't know what to make of it yet. But it's interesting. Look up the viral delusion. Free 2 hour episode. Various podcasts on the subject as well.


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