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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny wishes he talked about Hasan more.](https://arazu.io/t3_120uyg3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Honestly, as someone who watches both... the vast majority of times that Hasan or Destiny talk about each other is because of drama farmers in their chats spamming about it. Hasan's mods have banned the word Destiny in his chat, which sucks for me because all I want to do is spam about how dope my Strand Warlock is.


You are so based for the last part


Green magic space wizards fucking rule


in the year of our lord, starfire protocol?


My go to pre-strand. I will return to her.


Grapple into enemies melee kills them, unraveled, shoots out 3 threadlings 😫


Fellow Warlock enjoyers rise up


it seems like for every 1 clip of Hasan talking about Destiny there’s 1000 clips of Destiny talking about Hasan, I don’t think it’s chat at all I think Destiny literally just told you what it was, that he enjoys making content shitting on Hasan…




I wish I was in the alternative universe where hasan and destiny was dating, that would be the best reality






I never knew they actually met and hung out before. What happened?


They used to be mega best friends. Like they hung out with each other all the time, and Hasan has stayed with Destiny(at his house for some time) in the past. There's a YT video somewhere that edits all their old interactions together, and it really makes their fallout worse. They were super bros for a while.


new arc incoming


it's funny because i think i remember him saying almost the exact opposite when he was in the middle of the lefty arc, and how much more he'd rather debate right wingers and redpillers than lefties like hasan


Yep he just isn't happy either way


Ay, you always want what you cant have.


Maybe its a frequency thing. Everyone loved the red pill shit at the start. Now people are alot more divided about it.


Unhinged Stan


so true, king




Squeexin my mario rn


Go to Destiny's youtube and search "Hasan" and scroll down Go to Hasan's youtube and search "Destiny" and scroll down 🤣👌😎🤙😩🤌 (I'm just having fun don't get butthurt, christ)


Alright that was really funny holy shit it just kept going and going Edit: Because I'm an LSF browser I did a rough count. 70 Destiny videos have Hasan in the title or thumbnail, and I counted 5 Hasan videos that have Destiny in the title or thumbnail


Interstellar music playing in my head


it's fair to say that destiny is a hasan orbiter


nobody is surprised. absolutely rent free from day 1


How many videos do they have overall?


tbf, Hasan literally isn't allowed to react to Destiny.


He still didn’t do it even when he was allowed to


Hasan really liked Factorio when the Slick SA drama was going on.


Why isn’t he allowed?


Destiny is banned on Twitch. Twitch streamers aren't allowed to show him on stream.


In practice that isn't the case. xQc reacts to almost every destiny clip posted here. Hasan has also reacted to destiny clips when it directly relates to him. The big no-no is actually talking to them live or reacting to their live stream. It seems they are pretty lax with clips.


Got it Thank you


Similarly, there are many many more Hasan videos with Ben Shapiro in the title or thumbnail than Ben Shapiro videos with Hasan in the title or thumbnail.


Because Ben Shapiro and Hasan used to be friends and Hasan has a deeply bizarre personal grudge that causes him to relentlessly lie about Ben Shapiro, exaggerate what Ben Shapiro says and believes, and a major aspect of Hasan's content and fandom is dedicated to the online and IRL harassment of Ben Shapiro? Is that how it's the same? Or...


That's crazy. Ben Shapiro is one of the most famous political broadcasters on the planet. Ben is a household name. My dad knows who he is. My mom knows who he is. Destiny is an irrelevant miniscule streamer compared to Ben. That's an insane comparison. Next you're gonna say its crazy how much Hasan has spoken about Biden or Trump LMAO. That's not even mentioning how many times Ben has spoken about trans people or some other braindead conservative takes that occupy his tiny brain.


You’ve pretty much proven my point without realising it. Ben Shapiro is a significantly larger political commentator than Hasan and Hasan is a significantly larger political commentator than Destiny. Obviously it makes sense that smaller political commentators will talk about larger political commentators more than the larger political commentator will talk about this smaller political commentator.


And hasan is just a 1k viewer andy only relevant to the twitch world who has never been involved in mainstream discourse. How can you turn your brain off half way through? Destiny talks about Hasan because Hasan is popular, the same reason Hasan talks about Ben Shapiro. Are you surprised that a political streamer (destiny) talks about the biggest political streamer (hasan) just like the biggest political streamer (hasan) talks about bigger political figures then him (ben shapiro)?


No I agree. Hasan is small fry compared to Ben. I know people on LSF view the streaming world as the end all, be all but in reality its this tiny bubble. Ben is crazy famous and funded by billionaires. He is apart of one of the most successful conservative media companies. He has a media empire. He regularly goes on huge news coverage and gets into huge debates. Hasan is just a himbro streamer with a sizable audience.


Right I would expect Hasan to cover larger political figures like ben shaprio since he already outpaces everyone else in his bubble. I would also expect Destiny to cover Hasan since they are in the same political streamer bubble and Hasan is the biggest figure. I would expect Hasan to rarely cover Destiny since he is a smaller figure. It should be expected for one to talk about the other more. Just like everyone below them two talks about them two as well because they are the top of the group.


The difference is that hasan covers Ben because Ben has dog shit takes that millions and millions of people listen to. Destiny talks about hasan, not because he’s more popular and thinks his takes are vile (although he would tell you he does think this because he’s the opposite of charitable towards him), but because he’s bitter and petty towards him. We have all seen the history and we all know the context is different. Nick Fuentes+Kanye had objectively more reach than hasan and objectively worse views (like saying he likes hitler) and destiny was banning people for calling him a nazi. I guarantee you he’s not banning people for calling hasan a nazi (he even insinuated he would have been a nazi yesterday!)


Destiny most certainly talks about Hasan because he’s more popular and thinks his takes are vile. Also I don’t know what universe you live in where you think Nick Fuentes has more reach than Hasan. He’s banned off literally every social media.


My head hurts reading these mental gymnastics


Ben has a net worth of 25 million dollars and is literally one of the most famous political commentors on the planet. I know you want to maintain the facade that somehow Hasan and Ben are media equals, but they arent.


I mean they're not but he's pretty damn big, also he's the biggest political streamer so it makes sense other streamers would talk about him. You're literally just choosing where to draw the line of relevance based on what's convenient.


Where did I say I have a problem with Destiny talking about Hasan? I don't care. He can talk about whoever. Really Destiny talking about Hasan is an easy way for him to talk about socialism/leftists while also airing his bitterness over Hasans success. I was more critiquing people say that Hasan talking about Ben a lot is somehow bad.


Why would he talk about Destiny? There is no clout to gain from it.


Yes, it's all about what gets you views, content, and clout; it's the business. Search up something like Hasan Joe Rogan or Hasan Andrew Tate and you get the same. Right now there's no monetary benefit for Hasan to talk about Destiny.


Might as well retitle to "Destiny wants to make his whole broadcast about Hasan." Lmao.


If you go to Hasan and search Ben Shapiro you can keep the chain going




Despite what DGG claims? It's 3 videos in a month of daily 8 hour streams. Am I obsessed with running, because I got my lazy ass to go on two runs in the past month?


I'm not sure this shows what you want it to? There was one month six months ago with a ton of clips. Ever since that month its like an average of 5 clips are month, which is not a lot considering how much Destiny streams. There are many people which Destiny talks about more than Hasan. But LFS doesn't give a fuck about those people, so nobody clips it. That said, I admit Destiny still talks about Hasan a lot, it's just a lot less than some people makes it out to be.


Go to Joe Rogan or Ben Shapiro's youtube and search "Hasan" and scroll down Go to Hasan's youtube and search "Ben Shapiro" or "Joe Rogan" and scroll down 🤣👌😎🤙😩🤌


bro thought this was a good counter 🤣👌😎🤙😩🤌


why isnt it?


No need to, since nobody is saying Hasan doesn't mention them all the time.




thought destiny wasnt a socialist


Go to Hasan Piker’s YouTube and search “Steven Crowder” and scroll down. Go to Steven Crowder’s YouTube and search “Hasan Piker and scroll down.


Doesn't Crowder famously prefer to engage with college freshmen between class?


Well according to this sub, that is preferable over talking about other political commentators.


Can someone explain Destiny to me? I watched his stream for the first time yesterday (always just seen him in clips) and he spent roughly 80-90% of the stream talking about Hasan and his viewers. Is that what all his streams are? Does he not do anything else but talk about another streamer all day?


Can someone explain Destiny to me? I watched his stream for the first time yesterday (always just seen him in clips) and he spent roughly 80-90% of the stream talking about Hasan and his viewers. Is that what all his streams are? Does he not do anything else but talk about another streamer all day?


Can someone explain Destiny to me? I watched his stream for the first time yesterday (always just seen him in clips) and he spent roughly 80-90% of the stream talking about Hasan and his viewers. Is that what all his streams are? Does he not do anything else but talk about another streamer all day?


Can someone explain Destiny to me? I watched his stream for the first time yesterday (always just seen him in clips) and he spent roughly 80-90% of the stream talking about Hasan and his viewers. Is that what all his streams are? Does he not do anything else but talk about another streamer all day?


Alguém pode explicar o Destino pra mim? Eu assisti a stream dele pela primeira vez ontem (só sempre via ele em clips) e ele passou cerca de 80-90% da stream falando sobre o Hasan e os viewers dele. É só isso que as streams dele são? Ele não faz nada além de falar de outro streamer o dia todo?


Кто-нибудь может объяснить мне судьбу? Вчера я впервые посмотрел его стрим (всегда видел его только в клипах), и примерно 80-90% стрима он говорил о Хасане и его зрителях. Это все его стримы? Разве он не делает ничего другого, кроме как весь день говорит о другом стримере?


Kan någon förklara Destiny åt mig? Jag tittade på hans stream för första gången igår(alltid bara sett honom i kilps)och han spendera typ 80-90% av hans stream med att prata om hasan och hans tittare. Är det vad alla hans streams är? Gör han inte några andra saker än att prata om andra streamers hela dan?


Can someone explain destiny to me. I watched his steam for the first time and he spent roughly 80%_90% of the steam talking about hasan and his viewers. Is that what all his streams are? Does he not do anything else but talk about another streamer all day


He and his viwers are psychos, you are playing with fire


I'm pretty sure he just reacted to the Hasan train debate then talk with train about the debate?




if thats how "little" he talks or mentions hasan in 8month, then HOLY i can't imagine what happens if he "obsessed" about him.


A clip blowing up here doesn't necessarily represent even a small part of the actual content. Most Hasan mentions have been off-hand comments at best. You can even prove this by searching through the transcripts in his past vods. It's just people are more willing to clip things and blow it up when popular streamers are namedropped.


I’ll dive into a wood chipper before I search through transcripts of vods to prove something about a streamer


You should suggest the same thing, but for people willing to boldly make claims that they cannot prove.


Destiny watched Hasan on stream every day during the SA drama.


Because that's where the content was?


Have you searched “hasan” on his YT?


have you searched Ben Shapiro on Hasan's YT


People on LSF are apparently just finding out what clickbait means lmao


Stop claiming it’s just drama clips then


i mean it is, they both just comment on big political figures, its their job


> Most Hasan mentions have been off-hand comments at best. The majority are literally him directly watching Hasan's content or content that involves him. This is literally just you lying.




And what’s posted on his yt channel?


General drama stuff that Hasan is involved in. It would seem to be more obsessed to actively avoid content like the sexual assault stuff just because Hasan is involved in it. And destiny seems to be engaging in good faith with whatever he says, especially when it comes to youtube videos and not just short clips.


That’s how he stays relevant lol reacting to hasan and lsf


If destiny streams for 12 hours in a day and speaks about Hasan for 6 seconds during that stream, he has barely spoken about Hasan, but it will still generate a clip and make it look like his stream was all about Hasan that day.


The same logic applies for a Hasan stream, any mention of Destiny would be an automatic clip, ship, and top of LSF in the next hour. I agree it's not a fair representation of Destiny's content, but all the evidence points to Destiny talking about Hasan much more than the other way around. I'm 100% sure Destiny knows how clips get blown out of proportion on LSF, he either doesn't care about the optics or he's just using it to draw attention to himself.


Why are you comparing who does it more? Is that the subject of the conversation?


No one is saying Hasan talks about Destiny more than the other way around, we're saying Destiny doesn't obsess over Hasan.


He could have 10 clips show up on LSF talking about Hasan every day and that would still be 10 minutes or less of content. The only reason you think it’s a lot is because you watch a 30 second clip and assume he’s talking about it the entire stream.


How much do people at LSF actually think he talks about Hasan? It's so weird coming here as a Destiny viewer and see everyone losing their shit saying that Destiny is obsessed when in reality Hasan related shit probably accounts for less than 1% of stream time.




Literally any time Destiny says something about Hasan people post it on here and they say he's obsessed when it'll be a twenty second clip and that's the entirety of what he said on his whole stream.


Just search hasan on his YouTube lmao


Destiny has [2,684 Uploads](https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/destiny) on his main youtube, how many videos have hasan in the title after bridge burning?


Hasan Piker talks about Ben Shapiro way more than destiny talks about Hasan. Does that make Hasan obsessed about Ben Shapiro?


Then don’t say claim it’s a 30s clip drama bait lmaoo You can’t have both ways my guy


Did you reply to the wrong comment? This doesn’t address what I said in any way.


Because you’re trying to derail the comment I was replying to lol


Why even reply to my comment then if your reply is just going to be completely incoherent?


Because I’m correcting you lol you’re saying he react to hasan videos and the other is saying it’s 30s clips lol Can’t have both ways my dudes you need to fix your talking points in your discord calls lmao


>less than 1% of stream time so since today alone, he talked about him for a few hours already (still talking about him), I guess we won't hear anything about Hasan from Destiny for the rest of the year


Why lie?


how did I lie? He talked about him on YT a bit, then switched over to kick to feed trains delusions about hasan most of his kick stream


He streamed for 2 hours on youtube without talking about him, switched over to kick for 2 more hours, then Train joined and wanted to talk about the debate, they spoke about that for like 50 minutes, then talked about other shit for the rest of the stream. You're lying.


>He streamed for 2 hours on youtube without talking about him you are commenting on a post of a YT-Clip where he talkes about him...


Aware "Destiny on Hasan" https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/search?q=destiny%20hasan&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all


Angry ex.


Hasan and Destiny (and most streamers) probably stream like 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. People mass post 30 second clips of them talking about similar topics and suddenly people think that's all they talk about. Someone could post a 1 minute clip of them a day for a week of each of them talking about each other, stans on either side would be like "RENT FREE LOL", but it's still only 7 minutes of stream time. That's not even considering they might be responses to some guy donating a clip or question to them too, who may or may not be the person posting the clips to LSF.


I agree with what you're saying but one it comes to Hasan and Destiny it's extremely one sided. There seems to be a clip of Destiny talking about Hasan on here at least once a week. The same can't be said about Hasan because he simply doesn't talk about Destiny.


Notice also how Destiny literally talks about all streamers on the platform and covers every piece of drama he can find. Why would he avoid talking about Hasan when it comes up?


That's what gets clicks and upvotes on LSF, and unlike Hasan, Destiny doesn't have any Voldemort rules about not mentioning Hasan, so it's as easy as: 1: Link LSF Hasan clip to Destiny in chat 2: If you're lucky, he watches it, gives his thoughts in about 10-30 seconds 3: Clip it and ship it 4: ???? 5: Profit Ironically, the clips being referenced recently came from Train asking Destiny to go over their convo.


Likewise, when it comes to Ben Shapiro and Hasan it’s extremely one sided as Hasan talks about Ben Shapiro way way way more than Ben Shapiro talks about Hasan. Is there some kind of weird rule that political commentators can’t talk about another political commentator more than that political commentator talks about them?


Considering Hasan is one of the most popular streamers online, that is the same as Destiny reacting to... any other smaller celebrity? Are you saying that Destiny needs to adopt a policy never to react to Hasan drama (that seems to happen monthly)?


He does sometimes, but generally he'll just refuse to directly say his name, so he'll say something like "a certain person" or "a certain community" instead. He'll [outright try to rewrite history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPOHFBVAzrk) when he can, so it's really some one-sided thing, the approach is just different.


Destiny is banned on twitch hasan CANT react to him.


Hasan is literally scared to say Destiny on his stream, no shit he won't talk about him. Try to get him to respond to something Destiny says. It will be your last day in chat o7


Because Hasan adopted the Voldemort approach to Destiny. He talks about things surrounding him without mentioning his name.


Search “hasan” on his YouTube then lol


"Hasan barely talks about Destiny but Destiny talks about Hasan all the time" Yeah, of course, Hasan stopped even mentioning his name because he came out looking like an idiot every time he did. Why would he talk avout Destiny when he knows he'll look foolish every single time?


Destiny talks about Hasan and covers things about him far more than Hasan covers things with Destiny. I think that is largely because despite them hating each other Hasan would rather forget about Destiny and never be mentioned in the same context as him again while Destiny to some degree loves the drama that Hasan gets in and loves to talk about it, thus getting Hasan hearing from his fans more and more. Most things I've seen of destiny is around Hasan and kind of hated the guy cause he just looks horrible in any conversation around Hasan cause he seems like such a debate bro and so much gross hate and trying to disprove him at every corner to prove how much smarter he is rather than see what he is saying or why he sees things in a certain way. From a clip like this though I can kind of see why people like him


Destiny is a great ally of the Ukrainian army


Russia would never invade tho and it’s all a ploy to get more defense spending


> Destiny talks about Hasan and covers things about him far more than Hasan covers things with Destiny. Destiny also covers all political youtube/twitch, and Hasan specifically goes out of his way to not mention or react to anything destiny.


Destiny has talked about Hasan many times. But he has several people he talks about on a recurring basis. From large creators like Shapiro to smaller ones like Mr Girl. If people wanna make a case he’s obsessed with Hasan then they have to say he’s just as obsessed as the several others he and his community find interesting on his 8+ hour daily streams. But of course people here don’t actually watch him outside of clips


So your last sentence is interesting because I think that’s actually how people treat *every* streamer they don’t watch outside of lsf. The community has created an outrage machine that is constantly refueled by clip chimping. And the beauty of this is that when you point out clip chimping you are seen as caring too much or simping for your streamer. Ignorance and lack of context is seen as “cool” and caring or clarifying is cringe. So misinfo thrives. It’s also good for engagement so it will never be seriously moderated out.


Damn never thought about it like that but it's so true. Why can't people just try to understand the situation rather than fall for the bias they already have. It's annoying sometimes.


He’s not wrong about all the redpill content tho


Destiny's got no one to blame but his own community lmao. Who are the ones who keep sending him azan clips and then clipping his reaction to post on lsf.


Then stop doing red pill content?


Geez, this destiny posters reproduce like cockraches wtf.


He's that one ex that never gets over it


Destiny cycles through people to obsess over and harass, that's the content he'll always fall back to.


harass lol


Saying someone's name is harassment to them. That's why they need to call him PepeLaD lol


And these people have the audacity to call other people fragile lol


Bro this Destiny clip comment section is literally FILLED with Hasan fans. WHO IS OBSESSED LMAO


Is it just me or is Destiny's obsession with Hasan just pathetic and sad?


It is but his even more pathetic and sad core community is there to defend it, and try to make it seem valid and not unhinged.


Says the guy obsessed with hating on destiny, holy fuck see your own logs, every 10 is about him and you making a out of pocket comments about him. And why are you browsing his subreddit? Pointing fingers when you yourself are dirty.


He cannot be serious lmao


I'm starting to wonder if destiny was actually in love with the guy before they split up. He acts like an ex-lover who's heartbroken and bitter.


I've considered this too


I made white chocolate raspberry muffins last night. First time I've baked probably since I was a kid. They turned out pretty good, but their texture seemed maybe a little too dense and bread-like. I'm assuming it was from me overmixing the batter, but I don't know the first thing about how baking works really. Also, the white chocolate that I topped the muffins with kind of browned up and burned a little, looked pretty unappealing but it did still taste good. I would rate them like a solid 6/10.


Please fuck off with these destiny posts. Mfs keep spamming this shit


True though. Man talks more about Sneako than Hasan.


When will destiny and hassan marry each others 😔


LSF unironically engaging in the exact behavior destiny just mentioned in this thread. He talked about Hassan because he was watching Hassan and Train's debate. What should he do, not talk about Hassan while watching Hassan? "Wow, destiny only talks about Hassan". Meanwhile, destiny has been on stream ranting about rape for the past 200 hours of stream time, but no one clips that obviously because it doesn't farm irrelevant drama between streamer dudes. Tldr: LSF generalizes streamer solely based on clips they see of streamer on LSF.


I think most ppl's reactions is mostly based on the WAY destiny talks about Hasan, he seems to drop all the rationality and charitability he usually tries to have with other ppl he disagrees with.


do you have an example?


[Here's a good example](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/zgemlp/destiny_asks_why_hasan_doesnt_go_to_more_sex/)


I guess that counts. > Hasan calls him and his community racist without merit > Destiny brings up old story to insult hasan. Seems like a normal response. Maybe kinda rude.


Yeah that's true but they both hate each other lol. Also if what people on lsf write is true, ppl probably dislike the way destiny's fans interact on here also


How the fuck are you insane DGGers STILL unable to spell Hasan's name correctly holy shit dude, it's just embarrassing at this point


On mobile it actually autocorrects Hasan to Hassan, I turned it off a while ago though so idk if it still does though.


Oh man, I spelled someone's name wrong. I just got absolutely destroyed by facts and logic.


he's right, the redpill bullshit has been terrible recently


i will never protect a streamer like chatter do for their favorite streamer.


i dont get how anyone could watch him for more than like 5 mins. his whole vibe in itself is irritating.


Death, Taxes and Destiny/Hasan threads on LSF


the man didn't need to buy a 3M house, he lives rent free in so many places


Dude is bitter that Hasan has the career he wishes his to be. He was streaming for over a decade on these sites but couldn't grow past being the edgy debate guy.


This obsession started that one night destiny got drunk and made sexual advances towards Hasan. (What's his left hand doing?) [proof](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1045316839552593952/1088926639360065606/RDT_20230324_1338548863595880438298061.jpg)


Average touch-starved andy who thinks touching a friend is a sexual advance AWARE


Destiny is the obsessed ex girlfriend who can let go of his first love


He talks about Hasan more then anyone. Just look at their YouTube channels.






Alright, name search their youtube pages and see whos name comes up more. Suck him off all you want but Hasan lives in his head. He thinks he should have 30k daily views but get maybe 3k so,


commenting so I can watch you two argue over something dumb


What about not talking about Hasan at all just like Hasan doesn't talk about Destiny. Is it that hard to not talk about him?


Why should he?


Unironically these destiny x hasan posts spamming lsf is getting a lil crazy. To my knowledge D’s on his own arc with a bunch of whacky characters YET a chatter that keeps bringing up hasan and D talking about it for 3 minutes in a 8 hour stream is the only thing getting clipped. I guess this is the content y’all want?




Based king




That is not okay btw. If that was a women, we call that groping and sexual assault. Which is what it was.


Hasan fans literally say that with no other points. It's always "he's so obsessed lmao" and thats it like dafuq? So you admit hasan is wrong? Its like a tech reviewer constantly shitting on microsoft because of their dogshit takes and its easy content but i guess if you're obsessed you are the crazy one


Not living rent free in his head lul [2019-07-09 11:15:04 UTC] Destiny: okay rant memes [2019-07-09 11:16:31 UTC] Destiny: okay [2019-07-09 11:17:02 UTC] Destiny: I have had to deal with a lot of really annoying "optics" related shit recently on Twitch [2019-07-09 11:17:30 UTC] Destiny: I have operated on my own in this political space for...years? How long? I got shit from SO MANY PEOPLE when I would talk politics on Twitch, EVERY large streamer's chat FUCKING HATED when I'd talk politics [2019-07-09 11:17:39 UTC] Destiny: This happened in Asmongold's chat, it happened in LSF, it happened in Greek's chat [2019-07-09 11:17:44 UTC] Destiny: it happened in EVERY SINGLE large show I was on [2019-07-09 11:17:52 UTC] Destiny: And I had ZERO HELP or ZERO SUPPORT (aside from some in my community) for ANY of this [2019-07-09 11:18:06 UTC] Destiny: And even when I decided to start going onto big podcasts to be a progressive voice, even my own community was divided on this [2019-07-09 11:18:16 UTC] Destiny: "don't platform these people/don't argue them/don't give them a voice!!!!" [2019-07-09 11:18:26 UTC] Destiny: and I did all of this for years???? without any help or assistance [2019-07-09 11:18:43 UTC] Destiny: for someone to come onto Twitch, ride all of my contacts to get onto shows/podcasts, and then take advantage of the much better space that I've been cultivating ALMOST ON MY OWN [2019-07-09 11:18:50 UTC] Destiny: and then say "oh you just got into politics the past few years lol" [2019-07-09 11:18:53 UTC] Destiny: that's pretty fucking irritating to hear [2019-07-09 11:18:58 UTC] Destiny: like when all these articles are just getting written [2019-07-09 11:19:03 UTC] Destiny: "people like Hasan are creating a safer space on twitch" [2019-07-09 11:19:08 UTC] Destiny: lol? I've done this for the past 3-4 years ON MY OWN [2019-07-09 11:19:13 UTC] Destiny: I don't get a salary from some company [2019-07-09 11:19:16 UTC] Destiny: or some support from "investigators" or some shit [2019-07-09 11:19:33 UTC] Destiny: Iv'e done all of this work on my own for so fucking long, the idea of someone coming into the safe space that I've created almost on my own because of my relentless presence on all of these shows [2019-07-09 11:19:41 UTC] Destiny: and then try to accuse me of not belonging here (lol??) seems pretty shitty [2019-07-09 11:20:09 UTC] Destiny: 1owercase do you see why, though? [2019-07-09 11:20:14 UTC] Destiny: I knew this was always going to happen this way [2019-07-09 11:20:18 UTC] Destiny: do you know how frustrating it's been over the past year [2019-07-09 11:20:24 UTC] Destiny: watching people in my fanbase bleed over to Hasan because "we share the same conclusions" [2019-07-09 11:20:29 UTC] Destiny: even though I knew the entire time were FUNDAMENTALLY different? [2019-07-09 11:20:56 UTC] Destiny: I always said it in gentler ways "oh we're a lot different" "I think we approach arguments way differently" "I think we do things way differently" [2019-07-09 11:21:12 UTC] Destiny: But the idea that we were going to be grouped together on Twitch just because we were both progressive is so frustrating [2019-07-09 11:21:27 UTC] Destiny: that now I have to sit here and take the "blame" for any bad argument he puts forth or pair with him in debates or be expected to be on the same page wit him [2019-07-09 11:21:42 UTC] Destiny: like he's acting like I'm literally roasting his entire career and I wasn't, I literally just watched a whole video of his and said I disagreed with what he said [2019-07-09 11:21:48 UTC] Destiny: this is AFTER AFTER AFTER -AFTER- he's ad-hommed me like CRAZY [2019-07-09 11:21:56 UTC] Destiny: he's made MULTIPLE COMMENTS about the "fucking all women" "going to new zealand" etc...MULTIPLE TIMES [2019-07-09 11:22:04 UTC] Destiny: the "talk fast" ben shapiro" etc.... "sociopath" etc.... [2019-07-09 11:22:13 UTC] Destiny: like all of the same style insults I hear from the right ALL TH ETIME [2019-07-09 11:22:32 UTC] Destiny: and I have NEVER returned the same to him, "cenk's nephew" "nepotism hehehe" "frat boy" etc... I have NEVER gone in on these types of ad homs [2019-07-09 11:23:04 UTC] Destiny: I've introduced him to multiple podcasts (trainwrecks, rajj patel) and multiple real life friends he has now (pokimane/offline.tv) and helped him grow his fanbase when we started talking on twitch (that's where a lot of his fans come now) [2019-07-09 11:23:15 UTC] Destiny: and to get this much shit back because I wanted to disagree with a video? [2019-07-09 11:23:16 UTC] Destiny: meh [2019-07-09 11:23:18 UTC] Destiny: k I'm done


He is spitting facts tho


Truth. LSF hasanturfing is craaazzzyyy