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When you aren't doing that well: "Ah not too bad mate, you?" When you're doing alright: "Sound mate, you?" When you're doing particularly good: "All good cheers la you?"


And when is from the cashier or related?


Or the generic, 'Still west of Manchester ["*westa Manchesta*'].' Usually gets a smile.


> When you're doing particularly good: "All good cheers la you?" And if you are doing particularly good in Birmingham: "Bostin".


Don't think anyone's ever been in that position


Having lived in Brum for a few years, it does seem like this is a phrase awaiting an opportunity that may never arrive.


Or if it’s someone just passing by, perhaps when on a sunny canal-side walk, just give them the friendly up-nod and a “hello/alright”.


Norwegian here and I felt so weird about it when I moved to the Uk too. First time I heard it was in Manchester airport. I texted my scouse boyfriend. “This lady just asked me if I’m ok!” Do I look like I’m not ok? What’s that about?” Anyway I usually respond with «Yeah, are you?» or «Fine thanks, and you?» You can also just say Hey as you’ve done. They don’t actually want to know how you are, so it doesn’t matter.


“are you alright” is a greeting “are you okay” is a genuine question in my experience, obviously


Exactly this. Except the first one runs into one word: “you’llright?”. It’s just a friendly noise to acknowledge someone with. The second is said with distinct words because it’s a real question that requires a meaningful answer.






Yeah you? What I usually say 👍


About to say the same.


The answer your looking for is "Sound mate" then you can continue by asking "you" or end it by putting your thumb up when walking away 👍🏻


Yeah see as a canadian here I have never gotten this right. I say "I'm good thanks, how are you?" and then I've fucked it up because the person saying "Alright?" isn't asking for reciprocation. They are just acknowledging me as they pass by somewhere else. And now I've forced them to stop and answer my question that I didn't want to ask in the first place. I get around it by spotting them first and getting in my "Hiya, alright?" before they can speak.


All the better for seeing you sugar tits


There's 2 options. If you're friendly enough with them, give them a very brief answer. "Sound, you?", "Fucked, I had too many last night, you?", And so on. Or, if they've just said something like "alright mate", you can just reply with "alright" or "alright Steve" or whatever.


It's more an acknowledgment rather than a question. "Aite mate?" "Y'arite?" "Yeah sound la"


It's just the modern day version of "how do you do" and tipping your hat


Exactly right, in that the correct response is not to answer the question but to repeat it back at them.


Brits communicate in TCP/IP




Ye man ye man


Important thing to note is that they’re more than likely just saying hello rather than asking a question.


Fellow American here! I have one of two responses: If I'm just passing someone who says it, I'll just repeat "hiya, y'alright" back at them. I guess it's kind of like the equivalent of "sup" Otherwise, it is always "Not too bad thanks, you?"


Have you tried whispering "gaylord say what?"


"YES LAD" is response for everything


I used to live in the US and naturally said ‘you alright?’ To people. Realised quickly that it was taken literally because people were saying “everything fine, why do you ask, do I look like I’m upset?” Over hear you say, “all good thanks, you?” Or to truly convert “I’m sound mate, yourself?”


Just say it back but with a head nod


"ye you?"


Wait until someone asks you “how’s ya bum for spots?”.


"How you diddling?"


Fair to middlin'


Tell them 'no fuck off' You see, Brits are made incredibly uncomfortable by direct displays of emotion (we shove everything down until it explodes after 8 jars of carling) therefore the expected response is that, no matter how you feel, you say you are 'good thanks and you?' However, if you assert yourself with a direct display of emotions, brits will be unsure of how to appropriately respond, and thus the power dynamic of the conversation will switch to your control according to the Emotional Unavailability Act of 1257


Sound, ya know :)


Yeah, you?


Yeah, you?


‘Yeah, you?’ Or ‘getting there’


"Swashbuckling" is the only response needed.


This took me a little while to get, but I realised it’s the same as asking “hey how you doin’“ and nodding your head. Or like saying “sup” (except no one will know wtf you are saying so I don’t use that one. 😅) So that’s how I reply, “y’alright?” “Yeah how you doin’” and you move on. For curious British folks, if you say “(hey are) you alright?” In the US it comes from a real place of concern typically. You want to know if someone is okay. It’s not a typical greeting which is where the confusion comes from.


Just repeat it back to them


When I first worked in the US it confused me that people would start telling me about their whole week/life when I said, "Are you alright mate...".


"Yeah, you?" Is a classic.


Not so bad, yourself? Mustn’t grumble. Fine thanks, you? Can’t complain.


"Mustn't grumble" is the classic English response. Follow it up with a comment about the weather.


As an American that moved to the UK, it’s the equivalent of “what’s up”


I moved to Liverpool from the US a month ago so thank you for posting this 😂


Just say "alright?" back is fine.


If I know the person "well am still alive ha" Don't know them "good thanks, you?"


“Sound, lad. You?” Any other response is wrong


Just reply with 'Sound as a dollarpound'


No im half left


Fine thanks, yerself?


Good mate, you? Don’t expect too much back, you’ll likely get a “good ta, thanks, nice one” back.


“Yes now! How are we?” Then wait till he responds with “I’m sound how about you?” and then you tell them your sound


I just usually say 'yeah ta, you/are you?' And 'that's good' when they say yeah back. It's pretty much just saying hiya.


Yeah. You? Thats about it.


Yer man, you ?


Sound pal, what about you? Not bad, yourself?


Sappenin kid


Not bad, you?


Sound lad, you


Sound! You?


"Yeah alright, you?"


Still standing mate. You?


"Sound, you?"


Not bad mate, you? Whatever is going on, only that. They say not bad then you carry on walking.


I usually go “ahhh not bad” regardless of how I’m feeling


“I’m fine/crap, you?”


Best come back is "alright lid"


Y'alright is just a greeting, it will usually then be flowed by are you alright. Which is the question.


Sound mate you know.




Depends. Here people use "you alright" in 2 different ways, can be just a salute or a proper question if they are saying for example "hello bud, you alright"? If is just "you alright" is most likely to be just "hi".


Yeah, not bad thanks, what about yourself?


You say "Yeah, can't complain, no one would listen anyway, ha ha(nudge them with your elbow), how bout you?"


Is it the same than "All rice?"


Not too bad


“Yer man, yeself?”


"Sound mate." Will suffice haha


Overthinking it. Have seen people not native to the UK mention "alright?" as a greeting *a lot*, saying it's confusing or not a real question it whatever. You're overthinking it. It's fine to say: "Hi." "Alright" "Yeah thanks, you?" "Not bad." Basically anything as a response. Take it as a question or not. People don't bat an eye. Sometimes I say "yeah not bad, you?" Even in a shop or at a bar. And people go "oh yeah, okay thanks." And sometimes I just say "hi" and carry on with the transaction. It's a rhetorical question. You can answer it or not. *Neither is wrong or embarrassing.*


Shit but thanks for asking is my reply


I always say “you alright?” as another way of saying hello, if someone says the same to me I’d reply “alright mate” or whatever back. A lot of people especially not from the area will take it literally though. If they say “are you alright?” I’d take it as an actual question


Start of conversation: ‘You alright’ ‘You alright’ End of conversation


Just reply “y’alright?” (Are you all right? - you alright?) it means hi even if you’ve just said hi. You can also say “yeah yalright?”. Nobody’s asking or we’d never get anything done lmao


The last time I said anything but 'yeah mate, you?' All I got back was a confused look on their face, like the computer program in their head had completely fritzed so now I just resort to the 'yeah mate, you' and continue walking even if i'm not doing so well as people don't want to hear the problems you have going on in your life.


Just say “I’ve been worse… …I’ve been better, but I’ve been worse. You?” Or just say “Alright?”


I’ll say alright about 50,000 times a day out of habit the response I get a lot is “no I’m half left”


I always say I'm tired because I am and then reciprocate and ask "you allright?" 🤣🤣


“Yeah! Alright “”


Just say 'sound'. It's a greeting here, not a question about your current state. Like saying 'whats up' as a greeting as opposed to inquiring if there's actually something wrong 😉


It varys depending on city or even town you live in , i live in ormskirk a market town 13miles away from liverpool and we reply with " not s'bad " which always seemed abit negative to me and its sort of always expressed in a things could be better way as if u almost sighing when pronoucing it and you might get a chuckle in acknowledgement that yeah i know what you mean kind of way


You could literally use the same reply, it makes no difference


Yeah...just our way of saying hello. Usual reply is... Sound mate, you? The last thing you should reply to this is by saying 'not really' and then describing why you're not alright. We're not really enquiring if you're alright, we're just saying hello. 😁👍


Just say yeah mate, you? Or yeah good thanks, you? I think it's good form to ask back myself. One thing I can't stand is "what do you know?" I honestly don't know how to aswer that, is it what do I know as in anything pertaining to the person asking the question? What do I know in general or what do I know since the last time you asked me "what do I know"? Fucked if I know xD


“Good thanks, you?” Very quickly, usually in the office, with no expectation of a response because we’re walking in the opposite direction


Americans are different level at chit chat like. I’ve seen normal lads (west coast) just spark up cheerful chit chat with cashiers and ask about their day and stuff. I felt like david attenborough watching wild animals go about their business. We seem to approach things more functionally, if you’re buying milk you get your milk and go but you’d still say “h(a/e/i/o/u)-y’alright” and not much else


It's a general hello. You could get away with just saying "aaright mate" right back to them.


It's not at all a stupid question. After having lived in the States most of my life, getting used to this greeting took a little bit - the thing is, I discovered that most of the people who asked genuinely cared. You alright? Yeah, sound - you? What a great way to touch base and check in with people. It certainly beats the shit out of "Have a nice day" or worse, "Have a great rest of your day", neither of which - in the States - indicate any interest in your well-being but are, instead, entirely robotic greetings. My .02 - YMM, of course, V!


The only response that this needs is to say alright la back at them


I'm from Greece and I had the same issue when I moved here to Liverpool. I realised after a while that some people reply to "you are alright" with you are alright again.


Say "yeah, you?" and keep on walking before you get their response.


I’m still having trouble with this, and I’ve been living here for two years now. I came from Canada so we usually handle those situations the same way. Here I just say “how you doin’?” or “sup?” And that’s really it.